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Create directory inside symbolic link (window)

I want to create folder and read files inside the symbolic link directory in windows environment. Here is my code for create folder. I want to create folder "20210203" inside the documents ...
Nikunj K.'s user avatar
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Cordova build failed for Windows

I want to test my app on Windows / Windows Mobile. For this I first installed Visual Studio Community 2017 and then I downloaded Windows 10 SDK & Mobile Development with JavaScript. After that I ...
Azam Alvi's user avatar
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New UI of Dev Center, where find option "Authenticating your service"?

I'm looking for button "Authenticating your service" via this tutorial, and I can't find something similar on Microsoft Dev Center. I want to get a "client secret", where I can find it on Dev Center?
chebad's user avatar
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How to link RichTextBlockOverflow to RichTextBlock?

I have the following code in Xamarin C#, I wish to link the RichTextBlockOverflow in the following code to the RichTextBlock above it so that the overflowed content is displayed. I am trying to create ...
Singhal2's user avatar
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Page turn animation in windows phone 8.1 ebook reader

I'm trying to create an eBook reader for windows phone 8.1 in Xamarin Native C#. I have successfully read the eBook object and am now looking to render that data in multiple Web-views according to ...
Abhimanyu Singhal's user avatar
-1 votes
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Windows phone 7 live gps track

I'm looking for some help about gps in windows phone 7. Actually I want to create an application to send GPS coordinates to my server in background every x seconds, is that possible? Actually I read ...
Namya's user avatar
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Reading EPUB files from device in Windows Mobile in Xamarin C#

I am trying to locate EPUB files on a windows phone and after user selects one file, I have to display it in a WebView and provide features such as changing font size, color, searching etc. I have ...
Singhal2's user avatar
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How to show output logs of installed device apps in Visual Studio output?

Having a Windows Phone device, is it possible the see the output of a installed app into the output of Visual Studio? Like Android Studio does with logcat. I guess it's a way to do it with Visual ...
NullPointerException's user avatar
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Windows phone app - live tile https issue

Recently I updated the scheme from http to https in my window phone app. So far network request works fine. However, the live tile is not working anymore. Then I tried to debug and found that: ...
BabyShung's user avatar
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WebBrowser buttons from scratch

I am developing a Windows Phone 7.1 application in Visual Studio 2010 (I know it's old, but I don't have the resources to use a newer Visual Studio, just trying to develop something). I added a ...
PCSoftware3's user avatar
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Can an app (Android,iOS,Windows) ask the user for permission, before downloading, to read and store their browsing history?

Can an app (Android,iOS,Windows) ask the user for permission, before downloading, to read and store their browsing history in a server.(Ex in:Chrome, Safari,Firefox,Opera,Dolphin, Etc.)? If so, what ...
Raymond C. Alvarez-Velez's user avatar
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GART Augmented Reality - Altitude not taken into account

I am using the open source AR library GART for a small Augmented Reality app on Windows Phone. I've followed the documentation and a tutorial how to use it and it works very well overall, with only ...
casaout's user avatar
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Not show AdControl in windows silverlight 8.1

i work fine with keytest but my Ad unit ID not show ads. When create Ad units in my account, it generate Ad units Id include 6 characters. but Ad units Id of other account or keytest have 8 characters ...
Ankit's user avatar
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WP7 to WP8.1 app update. Will WP8.1 ApplicationData access same data that was stored using WP7 IsolatedStorageFile?

I have a Windows Phone 7 app that has been in the store for many years now. It is installed on WP 7.x, 8.0, and 8.1 devices. I am converting the app to target WP8.1, so I can use the newer Microsoft ...
Jared's user avatar
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ListPicker Mutiple SelectionMode SelectionChanged not firing

I am using ListPicker with Multiple SelectionMode WP7.1. In the list of items displayed,I have 3 items like A,B and None.If the user select A and B,then if he select None then selected items A and B ...
KKR's user avatar
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Unable to focus ListView

Situation: In MVVM pattern, I have some inputbindings on a listview which work only when the listview is focused. However, whenever user clicks, the listview goes out of focus and user is unable to ...
10101010's user avatar
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How to make screen scroll when keyboard comes up?

I want to make my screen scroll when virtual keyboard comes so that i can enter text in text boxes hidden behind the keyboard. In windows phone 8 there is no way of knowing keyboards height. when i ...
megamind11's user avatar
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Developing Windows Phone 7.5 apps in Windows 10

Is it possible to develop WP 7.5 apps (in Visual Studio 2012 + Windows Phone 8 SDK) after upgrading pc from Windows 8.1 Pro to Windows 10 Pro?
Yuri's user avatar
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How To find Child control Inside Page Resource?

We have a Windows phone application, where we have DataTemplate inside Page.Resource. Below is the xaml : <PhoneApplicationPage <PhoneApplicationPage.Resources> <DataTemplate> <...
Pardeep Sharma's user avatar
-1 votes
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Motorola MC55A0 upgrade device window phone 6.5 to 7.5 [closed]

I have a Motorola MC55A0 Mobile device. It's running Windows mobile 6.5 and I'm trying to find a way to update it to Windows Phone 7.5. I've look around and the usual answer is that upgrades come ...
Arsalan Munir's user avatar
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Windows Phone - Consume Java Web Service

I'm a beginner in C#, my Visual Studio is the 2010, my version of Windows Phone 7 is researched on the internet and in this version of the command "async" only works Visual Studio 12 up. You have any ...
Evaldo Junior's user avatar
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Display smiley symbol in WindowsPhone 8.0 TextBlock control

I am trying to implement chat functionality in WP8.0. Whenever I receive a smiley from the server. It does not display correctly in the UI. This is the code ` public string Comment { get { ...
Rosita Clerissa Serrao's user avatar
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Windows Phone Device Unique Id

I have a windows phone 7 app which is live in store which is using DeviceExtendedProperties.GetValue("DeviceUniqueId") to fetch id and I am updating it in store with new windows phone 8 app and using ...
suyashyadav's user avatar
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(C#) Popup of grid appear on buttons tap

I have this xaml code on one of the windows in my app: <phone:PanoramaItem x:Name="panoramaItemSend" Header="{Binding LocalizedResources.send, Source={StaticResource LocalizedStrings}}" > ...
Mindaugas Nakrošis's user avatar
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In XAML two stackpanels overlay in a grid

I have this XAML on my windows phone: <phone:PanoramaItem Header="{Binding LocalizedResources.balance, Source={StaticResource LocalizedStrings}}"> <StackPanel Margin="15,0,0,0" &...
Mindaugas Nakrošis's user avatar
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(C#) DataBinding layout programmatically

I have this xaml with grid of accounts: <UserControl x:Class="SpectroCoin.Controls.AccountInfo" xmlns="" xmlns:x="http://schemas....
Mindaugas Nakrošis's user avatar
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(C#) Need to add some xaml programatically

I have this xaml file: <UserControl x:Class="SpectroCoin.Controls.AccountInfo" xmlns="" xmlns:x="
Mindaugas Nakrošis's user avatar
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Force keyboard to english language on windows phone 7.5

I am trying to force the keyboard language to be English only irrespective of the culture of the app running on windows phone 7.5. I tried to hide that language button of the keyboard with various ...
S upadhyay's user avatar
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Textboxes don't work Windows Phone 8.1 App

I am not able to have a user input in a textbox when click it both in the Emulator and in windows phone device. I have deleted all the textboxes and replace them with new ones without any special ...
Theojim's user avatar
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Unsubscribe handler on Webclient event on C#?

I wanted to implement a method in charge to subscribe my Webclient to handlers and when I want to unsubscribe it seems it is not done correctly. I have an example : my function used to subscribe ...
Xavier's user avatar
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How to get the ip address of a windows 7/8/8.1/10 phone programmatically [duplicate]

i am new to this community & windows phone app development. I need to get the ip address of the network (wifi and mobile) to which the device is connected pro-grammatically on a windows phone app (...
Mohit Thomas's user avatar
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I am developing windows phone 8.1 application and using Dispatcher.RunAsync method but its not executing second time

I am developing windows phone 8.1 application and using Dispatcher.RunAsync method but its executed only once , when control again comes to same Dispatcher, Code inside Dispatcher not executing.
Vinay Mahajan's user avatar
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Visual Studio 2015 with Windows Phone 7

I cannot find 100% answer if there is an option to develop Windws Phone 7 app using Visual Studio 2015. I am almost sure it is immposible but still not 100%. There is nothing about Windows Phone 7 in ...
miechooy's user avatar
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Auto-Complete list for contact for wp8

I don't know how to get the auto complete list of contacts when the user types anything in the textbox. I am not getting any idea for this. I have researched a lot of places but could not achieve ...
megamind's user avatar
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Windows Phone : Long List Multi Selector - Adding items in SelectedItems List manually from code. Checkbox not checked

I am having a Long List Multi Selector with Grouping enabled to have jump list feeling for Windows Phone 8 app. We can select maximum of 8 items in long list multi selector. After selecting the items ...
user3025964's user avatar
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How do I change the .net version in a Windows Phone project?

In a WPF project I go to the properties of the project and am able to change the .Net version used via the dropdown. This dropdown is missing in the properties of a Windows Phone 7+8 project. Edit: I ...
David's user avatar
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How to download string from HTTPS website in windows phone 8

I am windows phone developer, I want to download string from HTTPS web site and I use WebClient most_down_download = new WebClient(); most_down_download.DownloadStringCompleted += ...
Nguyen Dang The's user avatar
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JavaScript Engine in Universal Windows App (C#,XAML)

I am developing an Universal Windows App using c# and XAML. And the requirement is in the App I need to pass a value to a Javascript code to get a result. Is there any JavaScript engine for ...
Mini-Con's user avatar
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Windows Phone 7 project not updating properly

Using VS2015 I upgraded a WP 7.1/7.7 project. I was developing and testing fine using the 8.1 emulator for a couple of months until I realized that I was missing then newer 8.1 controls in the toolbox....
Ray's user avatar
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How to connect to windows phone 7 from a 64-bit application

I have a 32-bit program (written in C++) that can connect to some different devices and as long as it is 32-bit everything works fine. However, now I need to build it as a 64-bit program but then I ...
Olppah's user avatar
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Cannot add Visual C++ Runtime Package reference to Windows Phone project in Visual Studio

After exporting a Unity project to Windows Phone, I am missing a reference in Visual Studio. The reference is Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 Runtime Package for Windows. The files and dlls exist where ...
AliAkbo's user avatar
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Developing Windows Phone App on Windows 7 OS

I'm developing a windows phone app. I'm using Windows 7 OS. Which Visual Studio version should I use and also which Windows App version should I target? Can it be WP7.1? And also, I would need to use ...
Anirban's user avatar
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'System.NullReferenceException' occurs when generate Chanal Uri In Windows Phone 8.1

Whenever I am trying to create push notification in windows phone 7 and windows phone 8, my code is working fine but whenever I tried to build same code on windows phone 8.1, it's showing 'System....
Ashish Gupta's user avatar
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54 views div scrollbar missing on Windows Phone emulator only

I am trying to learn so please forgive me if this is a simple mistake I'm making. I'm creating web pages that will run on a desktop and mobile device. I'm using WebMatrix to test the pages for ...
gcresse's user avatar
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Windows Phone SDK & Visual Studio Setup

I am using Visual Studio 2012 and Want to do Windows Phone Development on This Visual Studio so can anyone Suggest me Which WPF SDK Should I download , I download Windows Phone SDK 7.1 , but it is ...
Sandeep Londhe's user avatar
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How to get Image Uri

I captured an image in my Windows Phone app and copied it to an image from canvas by making stream. Now i want to get its Uri to merge it with another image. This is what i have done so far XAML: &...
waqas ali's user avatar
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How to save rotated image WritebaleBitmap in Windows Phone 8.1?

I tried following code to rotate image on button click event, if (btn.Text.Equals("Rotate")) { if (angle >= 360) angle = 0; angle += 90; RotateTransform rt = new ...
Chetan Mahajan's user avatar
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Windows phone 8 color animation

I want to change the background color of screen form red to green but i also want the color to change with an outward effect. The code that i am using changes the color of whole screen but how to show ...
megamind's user avatar
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How to use ListView in Universal Windows Platform (Windows 10 app)

Can anyone please explain ItemTemplate.DataTemplate and ListView. In this code snippet. I really don't understand the concept of Templates, it will be help full if someone might put some light on that ...
Hemant-Webo's user avatar
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Simulate hardwarwe buttons WP7

i try to Simulate the hardware buttons of the Windows phone. For example, i want to simulate the case when i tap on the screen the phone should react like i tapped on the power button. so my expection ...
Jhonny Jhonson's user avatar

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