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Reading EPUB files from device in Windows Mobile in Xamarin C#

I am trying to locate EPUB files on a windows phone and after user selects one file, I have to display it in a WebView and provide features such as changing font size, color, searching etc. I have ...
Singhal2's user avatar
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Unable to focus ListView

Situation: In MVVM pattern, I have some inputbindings on a listview which work only when the listview is focused. However, whenever user clicks, the listview goes out of focus and user is unable to ...
10101010's user avatar
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Bind Bool to Visibility of TextBlock within a ListBox

I want to bind visibility of a textblock, within a listbox, to a bool value in my ViewModel. Binding works well to a textblock outside the listbox, but it isn't working to the textblock within the ...
user3959996's user avatar
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Align control to right - xaml

I have Grid with 3 columns. <Grid.ColumnDefinitions> <ColumnDefinition Width="Auto" /> <ColumnDefinition Width="*" MinWidth="215"/> <ColumnDefinition Width="*" /> </Grid....
mskuratowski's user avatar
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How to bind the ViewModel for a windows phone 8 messaging app

My model: public class MyMessageModel { public string DisplaySender { get; set; } //how does the below observable collection needs to be changed , //if I want to add another field to ...
krrishna's user avatar
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How to create bottom to top slide menu like app bar in Windows Phone

Hi I need to create a custom bottom to top slide menu... Similar to app bar in Windows Phone. How can I achieve this. Please any point to start? UI looks as in images below:When the user slides the ...
Balraj Singh's user avatar
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How to check if the app is preloaded or installed from Windows Phone marketplace

I have an application which microsoft is preloading in some devices. I want to give offers to those users who are using these preloaded apps. But how can i distinguish if the app is preloaded or ...
Balraj Singh's user avatar
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How to use Textwrap property without defining the width in windows phone development?

I am using a grid with single row. I have placed a single LongListSelector within that row. The ItemTemplate is as follows, <Grid x:Name="LayoutRoot" Background="Transparent"> <Grid....
hcnimkar's user avatar
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how to stop custom Messagebox from closing windows phone 8?

I have two redio button(rb1 and rb) and a text box in custom messagebox and I want to stop custom messagebox from closing if any option is not selected. box.Dismissed += (s, e1) => { ...
user4410615's user avatar
-2 votes
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How to access buttons in diffrent pages in windowsphone apps

I have a question like this, I have two pages and have one button in each page, like this mainpage.xaml and second page.xaml, my button in mainpage was disabled with this code: <Button Name="one" ...
Nima Khodhal's user avatar
4 votes
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Electronic program guide (EPG) XAML

Is there a way to implement EPG using XAML for WinPhone/WinRT? I saw a lot of iOS/Android/Web apps doing this, but not WP or WinStore. It should support large number of items (500 channels, N ...
xamlUser's user avatar
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Windows Phone advanced binding

I have some troubles getting things right with Windows Phone binding and a sequence of images. Let say I have an average rating between 1 - 10 and I have 5 images like a star rating system. Now I want ...
Daan Geurts's user avatar
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Listbox cannot display in WP8 Emulator

It's wired. I'm developing a WP8 app. the XAML code is: <phone:PhoneApplicationPage x:Class="WPTestService4DotNet.MainPage" xmlns=""...
user3231931's user avatar
1 vote
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Differences in Binding between Silverlight and WPF

I was looking for code samples of the ListPicker control In Windows Phone 7 and I ran into this one ( <phone:...
anouar.bagari's user avatar
2 votes
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Change TextBox Foreground on focus in VisualState

I want to change the Foreground of a TextBox in Silverlight3 using VisualState in the Resources. The code below is what I have tried so far. But it didn't work. Please guide me. <TextBox x:Name="...
Mini-Con's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

Align Buttons Horizontally and Spread Equally with Xaml

I have an ObservableCollection which contains ViewModel which in turns defines my buttons definitions. I've been at it for hours, reading articles after articles but to no avail. I've tried using a ...
Thierry's user avatar
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Microsoft.Advertising.Mobile.Xna, Xna does not exist in the namespace

I have created a Mobile application, and as it's my first application, and I'm learning how to do windows phone applications, I want to insert ads into. I have seen this site: http://social.msdn....
Kraenys's user avatar
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InkPresenter draw only in transparent area

I have an InkPresenter and this image with a transparent background. I want my strokes to be drawn only in the transparent area and ignore the black border of the shape. How is it possible?
Dimitris Michailidis's user avatar
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Toolkit Listpicker Full mode header template

I need to create a header in full mode only,but the header is textbox(not a normal header like header="choose item") how can i create a textbox in header should show only in fullexpressionmode. This ...
Vicky's user avatar
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how to block the events of the parent when a child element is clicked

for example, when I click the button is also launched the event of the grid. How can I avoid it? <Grid Tap="Grid_Tap"> <Button Click="btn_Click" /> </Grid>
Vincenzo Lanera's user avatar
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Formatting of text in a textblock in windows phone 7

I am have a text which is has bold, underline and italic html characters. For example <b> hello<b> how are <i>you</i>. I am <u>fine</u> I have to show it in ...
Hamza's user avatar
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Correct MVVM design patterns - ViewModel and DataContext

I started playing around with Windows Phone development. I am using MVVM ligth and I am trying to follow good practices. But lately I ran into an issue: Is it okay to use ViewModel inside a ViewModel ...
Wojciech Kmita's user avatar
1 vote
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how to add a reference of a user control in a xaml file which is shared by two projects

I have created a class library(CustomMapControl) in the solution and inside this class library I create a UserControl(MapItemsControl). Now, I added a reference of this class library to both projects (...
TaLha Khan's user avatar
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3 answers

Assigning Alternate Color to a List Elements

I have a class as below public class Account { public string TransferFromIndicator { get; set; } public string AccNickname { get; set; } public string AccountStatus { get; set; } ...
Subhamoy's user avatar
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Deploy app on wp7 device

I install windows phone 8 sdk, but I created project with target version 7.1 When I try deploy app on wp 7 device I get message that the device locked for developer. I checked my account on market ...
Nadezhda 's user avatar
3 votes
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Why I can't override Property in control when Style Property is set?

I created custom TextBlock control: [ContentProperty("Text")] [TemplatePart(Name = TextBlockName, Type = typeof(TextBlock))] public class CustomTextBlock : Control { #region Constraints ...
Artur J.'s user avatar
3 votes
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Serialize a derived class without access to base class

I need to serialize a derived class in my Windows Phone 7 Project for tombstoning state. But I don't have access to the code to the base class - exposed by a Library -. //don't have access to this ...
Poppyto's user avatar
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WebBroswer query in Windows Phone

I've got the following code, but when I Build it I get an error on WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventArgs telling me the type or namespace could not be found. I've been searching the web and attempting ...
user3176804's user avatar
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using multi httpwebrequest to call webservice in timer not working

I experience issue in calling the same URL using (Windows Phone App) HttpWebRequest.Create(new Uri("http://x.x.x.x/webservice.svc/Getnewtick")) as HttpWebRequest I use this request inside function ...
Jordan's user avatar
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INPC and bind data during the run time windows phone 8

I request data from server and after I got response I display them in grid and list boxes -TextBlock(like a table).Until here every thing is okay I finish the display function after that i must call ...
Jordan's user avatar
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-1 votes
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Auto bind data to grid.textblock

I have problem that i don't know how to bind data in windows phone 8 and the scenario is :- I request data from server and after I got response I display them in grid and list boxes (like a table). ...
Jordan's user avatar
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The type or namespace name does not exist in the namespace <Page>.g.cs

I am making an app in which i need to use a Custom BasePage from which all other Pages of the app will inherit. I created a new TestProject and did all the following It worked Perfactly, But when I Do ...
QAMAR's user avatar
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Windows Phone TextBox alignment in grid

I have below code in the XAML. <Grid x:Name="ContentPanel" Grid.Row="1" Margin="12,0,12,0"> <Grid.RowDefinitions> <RowDefinition/> <RowDefinition/> ...
user3509981's user avatar
1 vote
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Can I prevent App.g.i.cs to be generated?

According to, it is generated automatically. Can I prevent to create it so that I can create my own version ?
user310291's user avatar
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XAML Setting Point for child elements in Grid

I have a Grid with some child Image elements in it. the user is able to drag and drop these (constrained within the parent bounds). I can get their location as a Point by the following code; var ...
creatiive's user avatar
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Service call from MVVM

Which is the right place to call service in MVVM pattern, View Model or Model? I am planning to invoke service from ViewModel, get the JSON and convert it to corresponding model. The reason I am not ...
user3509981's user avatar
3 votes
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Webbrowser rendering complete event

I am developing an app that loads local language content into wp8 webbrowser from html files stored in isolated storage. I show a loading icon when i do and browser.Navigate method whihc calls the ...
ashok's user avatar
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Scrollviewer bounced back up after scrolled down. - Windows Phone

I am trying to view my data from the windows phone. The data amount will depend on how many data there is on that specific date. For example 1/March/1010 has 10 informations, I should be able to ...
Gene Lim's user avatar
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SQL Compact Server 3.5 orderby statement - windows phone

I am trying to output all the information from the database. From my code, it works. But it actually output everything. I would like to order it by dates. How can I do that. Below is my code: ...
Gene Lim's user avatar
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Textbox is not wrapping the words in xaml - windows phone

I am trying to make my textbox to be able to wrap the word. Which means that when the sentences are reaching the the end of the textbox, it should go to the next line but it didnt go to the next line ...
Gene Lim's user avatar
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update notification in WP app

I want create update notification in my wp app, that when I will publish new version my app in main screen displayed pop-up with text available new version. How I can do it? Can I get data about ...
Nadezhda 's user avatar
2 votes
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Issues loading image from /Assets/ in WPF Application

I'm having some really weird problems trying to load a file pragmatically into my project to save to a local folder. I can load the file fine in my .xaml code, as so: <BitmapImage x:Key="Image" ...
Starktastic's user avatar
4 votes
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background color change in stackpanel

I have stack panel in hyperlink button on button click i have to change stack panel background <HyperlinkButton Name="WhereToStayButton" Margin="0,0,0,0" Grid.Row="5" Click="...
Arun.P's user avatar
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RecourceDictionary inside a Windows Phone Class Library

What I need to do is to define different DataTemplates and Style into a Recource Dictionary in a Windows Phone Class Library and use them WITHIN that library. I have tried many things so far that didn'...
George Nikolaides's user avatar
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make button clickable when the application bar is open

according to this question. I prepare stack panel with 4 textboxes and button. When the user open application bar i change the margin in stackpanel to fit it to the top of application bar and here is ...
MyWay's user avatar
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XamlParseException while assigning to property

This problem was originally posted here. Though the OP accepted solution, I still cannot figure out what caused the exception. I've made some further tests and failed. The code is very simple - ...
Romasz's user avatar
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Windows Phone - How to restrict Hardware Back when MessageBox is Open

I am developing a Windows Phone app and need to implement below functionality:- There is logged in section in the app. And if user is idle for 5 mins MessageBox should come saying "Session Time Out. ...
user3025964's user avatar
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Adding reference to a convertor defined inside a Class in XAML -Windows phone

Here is my modal public class items { public string item_name { get; set; } public string item_id { get; set; } public string item_quantity { get; set; } ...
Prasanna Aarthi's user avatar
2 votes
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XamlParseException when trying to access Resource

I'm trying to use one of the default icons as the content of a button in my Xaml code. I don't really understand what's going wrong because the image loads fine when shown in the UI pseudo-emulator ...
Starktastic's user avatar
7 votes
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Using style defined in merged dictionary from another merged dictionary

Below you can see how I am trying to segregate styles by merging dictionaries (I'm skipping namespaces for the sake of cleanliness) App.xaml: <Application.Resources> <...
Kamil N.'s user avatar
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