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Microsoft.Advertising.Mobile.Xna, Xna does not exist in the namespace

I have created a Mobile application, and as it's my first application, and I'm learning how to do windows phone applications, I want to insert ads into. I have seen this site: http://social.msdn....
Kraenys's user avatar
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Unable to reference

I am trying to follow this answer to add some audio files to the windows phone emulator's media library. But I get the error The type or namespace name 'PhoneExtensions' does not exist in the ...
Ganesh Jadhav's user avatar
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Window Phone Game 4.0: No target available for deployment

I am following instructions in the book "Windows Phone 7 Game Development" (Adam Dawes) as part of my university course. I am mentioning the name of the book in case this is important to anyone. ...
user3277234's user avatar
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App capability removed after pubblication

When I test my app on my device, by deploying it with Visual Studio directly from my pc to my phone, ad is showing. Then I published my app, and there the ad is not showing. After some research, I ...
Francesco Bonizzi's user avatar
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Windows Phone 7.1 emulator not working on Visual Studio 2013, Windows 8.1

I tried to run the Windows Phone 7.1 emulator on Visual Studio 2013 on Windows 8.1. When I start the emulator, it shows the following error. Followed by this error when I press "Run the program ...
DigiPie's user avatar
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Windows Phone XNA message box error

I have two methods in my windows phone app and both of them display a message box. I can call method1 as many times as I like and the messagebox always displays correctly. However, if I then call ...
creatiive's user avatar
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Convert XNA Texture2D to System.Windows.Media.Imaging.BitmapImage

I need to convert Texture2D to BitmapImage and i found one way to do this, but this solution on windows phone 7 has known issue with memory leak in Texture2D.SaveAsJpeg method call. What i have tried: ...
Feusp's user avatar
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.net microphone record save to file in windows phone 8

i need to know how to save a sound stream in a file on the fly after record this is my code, that i need to save an external file wav or smth. so at that point here there are record button play ...
user3529738's user avatar
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Saving an array in Windows Phone 7 Xna

I need to save an array in my xna game for wp7. I was thinking I could use the XmlSerializer class but I don't have the slightest on how to. Would this be the appropriate approach? Any suggestions? ...
user3453481's user avatar
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Xml Serializer Windows Phone 7

I'm trying to use the xml serializer in my xna game for wp7. The XmlSerializer class will not work in my game. The compiler doesn't recognize the class. And yes I have added: using System.Xml....
user3453481's user avatar
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Windows Phone application crashes when pausing the current song

My goal is pausing the currently playing song when the amplitude of the microphone exceeds some value. But the apps exit suddenly when the amplitude increase that value. Why is that? How to fix this? ...
user3218743's user avatar
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MediaPlayer.Play() causes UI to freeze

Everytime MediaPlayer.Play() is executed from the UI thread the UI freezes for a significant amount of time. I don't think you can do anything about the time it takes to start playing the ...
Stacksatty's user avatar
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Windows Phone XNA animation

I have VS2012 and try to make a simple xna app for Windows Phone 7/8. I have something like this: public partial class GamePage : PhoneApplicationPage { ContentManager contentManager; ...
petros's user avatar
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Reading the result of guide.beginshowmessagebox

At the moment i have a message box popping up when my XNA game in launched whilst the user is playing music via the media player. It has two buttons, yes and no. What i need to do is determine which ...
Charlie Stuart's user avatar
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Unable to determine entry point

I'm developing an XNA game for Windows Phone, but when I try to build I get this error: Error 49 Unable to determine the entry point. Assembly ‘C:\Users\JD\Documents\Visual Studio 2010\Projects\...
Jonathan Dunn's user avatar
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Checking a rectangle collision with a circle

I have two objects, a rectangle object and then a circular shaped object. At the moment i am using two rectangles to detect the collision of these objects, and although it is working the collision ...
Charlie Stuart's user avatar
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I want to throw a star in the direction of drag done by user

I want to develop a game in which the user will drag towards a target and as soon as he drags, a star will be thrown at the target. But I am getting problems in the very early stages of this ...
pravin's user avatar
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Trying to take a screenshot of Windows Phone in XNA

I am currently using a piece of code to try and take a screenshot of my current screen in XNA. I have written the code in VB.NET. This is: Public Sub SaveScore() Dim screenshottexture As ...
Charlie Stuart's user avatar
2 votes
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Admob implemenatation in XNA on WP possible?

As a hobby project I have developed a simple 2D game using XNA for WP (7/8). Pubcenter has never given me an ad when testing (both on emulator and on the device), whicle I can confirm that it works ...
Pranav Rai's user avatar
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The type or namespace name 'Ad' could not be found I tried this tutorial but I always get the following three error messages: The type or namespace name 'Ad' could not be found (are ...
Leo's user avatar
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How to make a simple game in XNA? [closed]

I want to start with a simple 2d game in xna as shown in the picture like character jumping, catching the points. Any help is appreciated. thank u.
madhu kumar's user avatar
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How can I measure the time of a drag on my Windows Phone?

I want to measure the time of a drag. From the beginning(when the player touches the screen) to the end(when the player releases his finger from the screen). In addition, I want to measure the ...
Leo's user avatar
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Difficulties with Windows Phone Accelerometer

I want to use the accelerometer to move a ball in a Windows Phone game. But the ball moves not correct when I tilt the Windows Phone device. For example, if I tilt the device to the left, the ball ...
Leo's user avatar
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How to detect when user has run WP7 XNA Application again while deactivated?

I have a Windows Phone 7 game written with XNA 4.0 in C#. It seems that the Game.OnExiting method can be avoided if the user does the following: Starts game through Tile in Windows Phone OS. During ...
Goose's user avatar
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MethodAccessException for StreamReader in XNA Windows Phone App

I am trying to create a map and I'm starting off by loading a text file into a StreamReader in the LoadContent method. However I'm getting a MethodAccessException: security transparent method cannot ...
Tariq's user avatar
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Deep toast notification in XNA

Is there any way to receive parameters from deep toast notification, so that I can navigate to specified game state? I see deep toast allow this but its parameters passed to protected override void ...
Feusp's user avatar
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Opting out XNA based Windows Phone 8 game from the Windows Phone 7 Store

We have a little problem with our 3D game being displayed in the WP7 Store as well. Our game was developed exclusively on Windows Phone 8 devices, but since it’s based on XNA, WP7 users can see and ...
HelpPls4112's user avatar
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Is it possible to export a soundEffect as an audio file on Windows Phone?

I'm writing an app that can record sounds as soundEffects from XNA. Is it possible to save those sound effects as say an MP3, WAV, or WMA file? I know with the Camera class in XNA, you can export the ...
Generalkidd's user avatar
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3 answers

Touch method update Too fast for loop game

I'm having trouble in developing my windows phone app. It's a game and I'm using XNA. Here one of the Navigation Page: The problem is that in the top left the "back" button is at the same place on ...
Gabson's user avatar
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Unable to navigate WP8 -> WP7 (XNA)

I have a big project which include 2 little projects ( 1 WP8 and 1 WP7 with XNA), when I try to navigate from project WP8 to project WP7 I encounter this error: System.InvalidOperationException: No ...
Bloops's user avatar
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Can I test a Windows Phone app on my Windows RT device?

Developing a windows phone app with Xna using VS 2012 express. At my progression point, I'd like to try my app, but I don't have a Windows Phone device. I have a Windows RT device but this one is ...
Gabson's user avatar
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Xna game rendering differently in wp 7.1 device and 7.1 emulator

Has anyone faced inconsistent behaviour when rendering a wp 7.1 xna game on a wp 7.1 device vs. wp 7.1 emulator? The game renders correctly on the device, but on the emulator the result turns out to ...
HyApp's user avatar
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Get UI ELement on touch

I'm sure I've read that there is a way of getting co-ordinates on Touch with Xna. But it's not really UIE, it's texture Draw in shapes. For the moment I make them move like that: void update() ...
Gabson's user avatar
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How correctly to save texture2d to MediaLibrary wp7

The problem is in method Texture2D.SaveAsPng. I recently found out memory leak in this method in similar problem but managed to solve it. But I can't fit that solution here. What I'm trying now is: ...
Feusp's user avatar
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Collision when sliding an Object on an other

I 'm trying to stop an object when it collide with an other. I mean if the user try to slide it on an other i want my object to slide and not to go over as it does for the moment. I'm using Xna and ...
Gabson's user avatar
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Improper animation after clicking the mouse button

When I run below code my expected output is that the player should continuosly animating and when user taps on screen the player should jump. My player's frames are diffrent and jump frames are ...
pravin's user avatar
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Texture2d.SaveAsPng() Memory Leak

I have found strange issue with method Texture2d.SaveAsPng() Every call 1.5mb disapear. I use this method to save texture to isolated storage public static void SaveTextureToISF(string fileName, ...
Feusp's user avatar
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WP8 performance in multithread XNA game

I'm working on multithreaded game and targeting wp7 and wp8. I'm using background threads for network comunication and got stuck on problem that wp8 has huge perfomapnce issue when i have 3-4 ...
Feusp's user avatar
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What are my options for 2D games on Windows Phone 8?

So I've been playing around with XNA and after all this time, I finally made a game that's worth buying! And to my surprise, I see this on MSDN: XNA Game Studio 4.0 apps that target Windows Phone ...
uSeRnAmEhAhAhAhAhA's user avatar
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Windows Phone: How to add custom confirmation dialog in OnBackKeyPress

I am going to implement custom confirmation dialog in OnBackKeyPress method. It is easy to do with native message box: protected override void OnBackKeyPress(CancelEventArgs e) { base....
RredCat's user avatar
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Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.Viewport missing in WP8?

I finally upgraded my WP7 app to WP8. Everything worked fine and the process was smooth. Unfortunately, it seems like the Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.Viewport namespace cannot be found anymore. ...
casaout's user avatar
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Windows Phone Image as button

I am new in Xna and I need help making a image that when I pressed it and release it go to another gamestate of mi code so I make a search and find some one whit my problem they tell him to do this ...
user2727653's user avatar
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Game page navigation

I am trying to build an simple game using XNA 4.0 on Windows Phone. On my project, I will have 2 page, MenuScreen and GameplayScreen. In Silverlight, I can add new page easily And I can use ...
Firman H C Fattah's user avatar
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WP7 Lagging when drawing lots of primitive cubes

I'm currently working on a 3D Arkanoid clone, and I'm drawing the cubes using primitives. I have 6 rows, each with 49 blocks, so 294 blocks total. Normally I'm not to bothered about optomisation, ...
user2618681's user avatar
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XNA Hold screen to move object

im working with windows phone game using xna... and looking a way to make my object to move with holding some rectangle that i made as a button on screen.... i already tried this but it just read tap ...
PamanBeruang's user avatar
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foreign culture XML text parsing

I have released a windows phone app a while back. Since then, BugSense reported a problem that is causing some crashes in foreign countries: System.ArgumentException - The character 'İ' (0x0130) is ...
user123's user avatar
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Primitive Drawing in Windows Phone 7 XNA

I'm new to windows phone game development, and game development in general for that matter so it's very possible that what I'm asking is taboo in some way, if so let me know! I've created a XNA game ...
matty-d's user avatar
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Error with code in the deactivated section of app.xaml.cs

In my app I want to properly kill the application when the user exits to start; for security reasons, however... I get the following error: InvalidOperationException was unhandled Navigation is not ...
Newbie's user avatar
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Getting start location of Flick gesture in XNA

I'm using MonoGame implementation of XNA to create a Windows Phone game. The player should be able to move objects across the level using flick gestures. I'm using the TouchPanel class to read ...
Impworks's user avatar
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Permission to play music using MediaPlayer class

I would like to let user play his own music library in my game via bult in player. And since im using MediaPlayer class i need to get permision for that to pass the certification. What is the right ...
Feusp's user avatar
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