We have a Windows phone application, where we have DataTemplate inside Page.Resource. Below is the xaml :

<ScrollViewer> // We want to fetch this control inside DataTemplate

<Grid Name="LayoutRoot">
<ItemsControl ItemTemplate={StatisSource DataTemplate}>


So far we have used Visual Tree helper and iterate to find child control inside it. Below is the helper snippet we are using :

public T FindChild<T>(DependencyObject parent, string childName)
where T : DependencyObject
        // Confirm parent and childName are valid. 
        if (parent == null) return null;

        T foundChild = null;

        int childrenCount = VisualTreeHelper.GetChildrenCount(parent);
        for (int i = 0; i < childrenCount; i++)
            var child = VisualTreeHelper.GetChild(parent, i);
            // If the child is not of the request child type child
            T childType = child as T;
            if (childType == null)
                // recursively drill down the tree
                foundChild = FindChild<T>(child, childName);

                // If the child is found, break so we do not overwrite the found child. 
                if (foundChild != null) break;
            else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(childName))
                var frameworkElement = child as FrameworkElement;
                // If the child's name is set for search
                if (frameworkElement != null && frameworkElement.Name == childName)
                    // if the child's name is of the request name
                    foundChild = (T)child;
                // child element found.
                foundChild = (T)child;

        return foundChild;

and calling above function as :

                ScrollViewer scrollViewer = FindChild<ScrollViewer>((this.View.FindName("AdSlider") as ItemsControl) ,"scrollViewer") as ScrollViewer;

But scrollViewer object always have null value. We are unable to fetch expected control inside datatemplate. Any suggestion ?


1 Answer 1


1 Don't provide a control name to your function

Change :

ScrollViewer scrollViewer = FindChild<ScrollViewer>((this.View.FindName("AdSlider") as ItemsControl) ,"scrollViewer") as ScrollViewer;

I don't see any control named AdSlider in your sample.

Into :

ScrollViewer scrollViewer = FindChild<ScrollViewer>((this.View.FindName("AdSlider") as ItemsControl) , null);

2 provide a name to your DataTemplate

Change :


Into :

<DataTemplate x:Key="dataTemplate1">

3 Please also correct

<ItemsControl ItemTemplate={StatisSource dataTemplate1}>


<ItemsControl ItemTemplate={StaticSource dataTemplate1}>
  • Thanks for your feedback Durin. But after doing all you suggested, FindChild method returns an exception 'reference is not a valid visual dependencyobject' because it wont accepting parameter as DataTemplate. So we tried another method as : ((this.View.FindName("AdvertSlider") as SlideViewExtended).ItemTemplate.LoadContent() as ScrollViewer). But this method create a same copy of UI elements and doesn't help us to manipulate scrolling behaviour of ScrollViewer. Commented Jun 23, 2016 at 17:57
  • I corrected some errors that seemed obvious to me. But after looking back I am not sure to understand what you re searching for. I also corrected point2 where code was not visible Commented Jun 23, 2016 at 20:36
  • We are trying to find scrollviewer inside datatemplate of Itemscontrol and our task is to scroll that scrollviewer after. Commented Jun 24, 2016 at 5:52
  • In what event (Button.Click, ...) do you want to find the ScrollViewer ? Commented Jun 24, 2016 at 7:22
  • Thanks Durin for your feedback. But we somehow managed to scroll our scrollviewer by using attached properties. We did bind a attached vertical offset property found here : blog.scottlogic.com/2010/07/21/… Commented Jun 24, 2016 at 7:26

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