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How do you provide an ObjectMapper (or JsonMapper) in tomcat 11

I have a very simple REST app using JAX-RS, Tomcat 11, and Weld for CDI. It is pretty straightforward with only the following (ie no web.xml or context.xml): Class which extends
William Speirs's user avatar
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AmbiguousResolutionException: WELD-001335: Ambiguous dependencies for type PersistenceProvider with qualifiers

How do I fix this exception? It is preventing me from starting a Helidon server. I am running TestNG from Eclipse IDE. This does not happen if I execute mvn clean package. ... Caused by: org.jboss....
Nathan's user avatar
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Unsatisfied dependencies for type AbstractDao with qualifiers @CustomQualifier in CDI

I'm working on a Spring project using CDI (Contexts and Dependency Injection) and I'm encountering an issue with dependency injection. The error message I'm getting is: org.jboss.weld.exceptions....
sparker's user avatar
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Why is the return value of injectionTarget.getInjectionPoints() ignored by Weld?

(I've also asked this question on weld-dev.) In a portable extension observing ProcessInjectionTarget, I have set a custom InjectionTarget using documented mechanisms. My custom InjectionTarget ...
Laird Nelson's user avatar
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Weld not detecting @Inject with Jetty 12, Java 21 and Apache Wicket

I am trying to setup a small application with Jetty, Apache Wicket and Java 21 but it seems like my Weld DI is not picking up on the injection decorators (@Inject and @RequestScoped): My setup is a ...
Itsyaboi's user avatar
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OpenLiberty Database Session Replication - org.jboss.weld.module.web.HttpSessionBean$SerializableProxy - ClassNotFoundException

I'm using OpenLiberty configured with session replication. The application uses JSF with PrimeFaces. Some of my business objects are store in the HTTP session (via. @SessionScoped annotation ...
Mark Hunt's user avatar
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Transactional (mybatis-cdi: org.mybatis.cdi.Transactional) annotation with rollbackOnly=true not rollbacking transactions inside a Weld / JUnit 5 test

I expect this class to run the test rollbacking the transaction (in this case for a simple insert, where the field email is unique, but the core of the problem is about the ...
madx's user avatar
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CDI Weld3.1.6 configuration on Tomcat9 does not work

I'm struggling to create a jsf2.3 project using Weld3.1.6Final and deploying it on target runtime Tomcat9 running with java8. Dinamic web module versione 4.0 Configurations: java 1.8 JavaServer Faces ...
Andrea P.'s user avatar
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org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DeploymentException: WELD-001408: Unsatisfied dependencies for type KnownTypeLibrary with qualifiers

Because of research needs. I need to run this github repository. java version java version "11.0.22" 2024-01-16 LTS Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment 18....
陳哲治's user avatar
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CDI for RESTEasy Application & Resources doesnt work in Tomcat 10.1.17 with Weld 5.1.2.Final

I'm trying to get CDI to work in RESTEasy resources in Tomcat 10.1.17, but it eludes me. Deploying to a Tomcat 10.1.17 container using JKube 1.16.2 RESTEasy 6.2.8.Final for Rest services support Weld ...
Oberon's user avatar
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RESTEASY003190: Could not find constructor for class

I'm trying setup a very basic tomcat 10+Resteasy 6.2.8.Final+CDI (weld 5.1.2.Final) (the latest as I'm writing) The documentation:
Bruno Rozendo's user avatar
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Access Kotlin class from Jakara Faces 4.0 XHTML

I had been using Kotlin (1.4.10) with JSF (XHTML) on WildFly (15.x -> 20.x) successfully to ~December 2018. Using Java EE (8) with JSF. I'm now migrating an existing working Jakarta (Java) EE (10.0....
NOTiFY's user avatar
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Debugging cause of 404 (not found) response from Jakarta RS services on JBoss EAP 8.0

I’m migrating our web application from JBoss EAP 6.4 to JBoss EAP 8.0. This involves updating quite a few dependencies and making multiple configuration changes. The migration has not gone well. My ...
kc2001's user avatar
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JoinFaces 5.2.4 with Spring Boot 3.2.4 - Weld warnings

We have a web application running PrimeFaces on Spring Boot with the primefaces-spring-boot-starter from JoinFaces. After upgrading from Spring Boot 2.x (deployed as a WAR with external Tomcat) to 3.2....
vgabor's user avatar
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migration to Tomcat9, Java17, Jersey, Weld

I have an existing Java REST service I'm trying to upgrade from Tomcat8, Java8, Jersey(2.23), and Weld(2.4.8). I'm using Weld for CDI so that my service classes get instantiated and injected where ...
fmpdmb's user avatar
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Relational database relations for welded seams

I am building a database application for taking care of welded seams. Welds connects different parts ( pipes, plates with different dimensions ) which are different materials ( steel alloys ). Also ...
Petri Lahtinen's user avatar
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weld-junit5 with Java 17

Is it possible to run weld-junit5 with Java 17? We are using Wildfly 26 with Java 17. When I run a Unit test I get an exception: org.jboss.weld.exceptions.WeldException: WELD-001524: Unable to load ...
Jens's user avatar
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How can I exclude/remove a CDI extension that is added through a 3rd party jar?

As the title says, I want to exclude/remove a CDI extension at runtime that is added through a 3rd party jar? I tried several like ( but with no success) : AlterableContext destroy veto-ing
Stefan Rusen's user avatar
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@RequestScoped bean different on in same HTTP Request flow

Having a bean defined as @RequestScoped bean which is injected via @Inject at different Levels. There are some singleton which aren't using Helidon/CDI scoped annotations. When using CDI.current....
Vishal's user avatar
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Is it possible to create a CDI Event factory?

On my quarkus app i have a application scope service with a lot of cdi event injections @ApplicationScoped public class SomeService { @Inject Event<EventA> eventAEmitter; @...
Bentz's user avatar
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How do I weld two anchored parts together?

I made an obby stage where there are falling stones and the player has to get through them before they fall on the ground again. But if they get hit from the bottom face of the rock, they will die. If ...
DonutDev's user avatar
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Unable to deactivate context org.jboss.weld.module.web.context.http.LazyHttpConversationContextImpl when destroying request HttpServletRequestImpl

I am replacing j_security_check with my own custom login method and the user is logged in successfully, however when it is time to redirect to home page, I keep getting this error: Unable to ...
Aria's user avatar
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WELD-001408: Unsatisfied dependencies for type DataSource with qualifiers @Named at injection point [BackedAnnotatedParameter]

I had a bean jdbc dataSource defined in applicationContext.xml. Here is my class TestDAO @Named public class TestDAO extends JdbcDaoSupport implements ITestDAO { @Inject TestDAO (@...
dev's user avatar
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JBoss + RestEasy - WELD-001318: Cannot resolve an ambiguous dependency between Managed Bean MultipartFormDataReader

After upgrading to JBoss 7.4.7-eap, One of my apps refuses to deploy because of this error: java.lang.RuntimeException: RESTEASY003940: Unable to instantiate MessageBodyReader at org.wildfly....
Nicholas DiPiazza's user avatar
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Using Weld SE and CDI in IntelliJ

I am trying to write a basic project using Weld SE and CDI in Intellij (Ultimate) When I create the project I choose Jakarta EE, the template is Web Application and the build system is Maven (default)....
Shaharg's user avatar
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where are @Parameters loaded from when bootstrapping in SE environment?

There is this example in docs: import jakarta.inject.Singleton; @Singleton public class HelloWorld { public void printHello(@Observes ContainerInitialized event, @Parameters List<String> ...
Martin Mucha's user avatar
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JSF 2.3 CDI with spring beans

JSF 2.3, CDI, Tomcat 10, Spring bean. I would like to use the latest JSF 2.3 capabilities from Jakarta with spring jdbc. Since JSF is now part of Jakarta and covered under CDI I am struggling how to ...
Vandan Hatkar's user avatar
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is there a way to intercept the begin and end Conversation in CDI?

I would like to intercept calls to methods conversation.begin() and conversation.end(). To do this, I have developed an interceptor binding that I aim to dynamically assign to the Conversation class ...
Leonardo Scommegna's user avatar
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How to programmatically lookup and inject a new CDI managed bean of an abstract class? [duplicate]

I have this abstract class public abstract class GenericScheduleController implements Serializable { @Inject private Service service; @PostConstruct private void init() { ...
olivier P's user avatar
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IllegalStateException in conditional observer in Vaadin @RouteScoped component

We are using Vaadin 23 (23.0.9) with vaadin-cdi (14.0.0) and are having problems with conditional observers in @RouteScoped components (like it is described in the tutorial): @RouteScoped public class ...
nluckas's user avatar
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Wildfly not starting in debug mode with weld deployment stuck, but run mode is normal

When starting Wildfly 19 with Eclipse in run mode, it deploys and starts without problems. When I'm starting it with debug mode, it starts then stops, still in the deployment phase. This is how the ...
RekaK's user avatar
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JAX-RS integration test with Undertow failing in Jenkins but working locally

I have an JAX-RS integration test that works locally, both in IntelliJ (using Gradle to run the test) and Gradle command line . But when I run the test in Jenkins, the test fails, with some issue ...
Vincent F's user avatar
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jakarta.faces.FacesException: Unable to find CDI BeanManager- weld tomcat 10 and JSF 3, JDK11

I am to set up a Skeleton with AdoptOpenJDK 11, tomcat 10.0.8, Jakarta EE9, weld and primefaces 10 jsf I have seen several posts regarding this issue and have tried all the fixes but do not seem to ...
megan eisenbraun's user avatar
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Upgraded to wildfly-24.0.0.Final & deployed EAR with this error

I have two applications I started developing using WildFly 14.0.0.Final in 2018 & now deployed on WildFly 23.0.2.Final (April 2021). MacBook-Pro-2:bin NOTiFY$ ./ -b --server-...
NOTiFY's user avatar
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WELD - exclude application scoped bean from scanning / beans.xml

I have the following @ApplicationScoped bean: @ApplicationScoped public class ServiceProducer { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ServiceProducer.class); @Default ...
Fabrizio Stellato's user avatar
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WeldContainer and SeContainer

What is the difference between using: WeldContainer se = new Weld().initialize(); or SeContainer se = SeContainerInitializer.newInstance().initialize(); I just want to use @Injection and @Produce ...
lubrum's user avatar
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WELD Exception while Migrating to Jboss EAP7

I'm facing the following exception while migrating to JBOSS EAP 7.3 from EAP 6.4.9. ERROR [] (ServerService Thread Pool -- 72) WFLYCTL0013: Operation ("...
subha's user avatar
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Excluding Thorntail dependencies does not work, leading to WELD-001408

I have a Thorntail-based project A, which uses the Thorntail bom-all and a number of Thorntail dependencies: pom.xml <dependencyManagement> <dependencies> <...
Flo Ryan's user avatar
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OmniFaces 3.4.1 won't deploy in WildFly 16 or 18 [duplicate]

I have successfully used OmniFaces 3.2 for a number of years with no issues. However I can't deploy 3.4.1 to WildFly 18. Tried with 16 too. Weld 3.1.3.Final CDI 2.0 JBoss WildFly 18.0.1.Final Java ...
NOTiFY's user avatar
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DeploymentException: WELD-001408: Unsatisfied dependencies for type <Class> with qualifiers @Default at injection point [BackedAnnotatedField]

Getting following exception while injecting beans in scenario whose answer not able to found and beans.xml is included: Caused by: org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DeploymentException: WELD-001408: ...
fatherazrael's user avatar
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How to fix: "Unable to derive module descriptor for jboss-interceptors-api_1.2" [duplicate]

I am new to Java and I am trying to create a Java SE application using JavaFX 13 for the GUI and Weld for CDI. I created the project following the JavaFX website and the initial project ran fine. When ...
Keyshawn B's user avatar
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Ambiguous dependencies for type EntityManagerFactory

I'm migrating from WF 7.4.0.FINAL to 16.0.0.FINAL. After resolving the upgrades of the different modules, I'm confronted with following: a WELD Ambiguous dependency exception. How can I keep the ...
bside's user avatar
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Proper way to handle multiple injected @ConversationScoped beans

I am injecting multiple @ConversationScoped beans in one @ViewScoped bean and this has caused a lot of Conversation Locked issues. To rectify this issue, in all the @ConversationScoped bean, I put ...
Nik Mohamad Lokman's user avatar
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Rename WELD request parameter "cid" [duplicate]

I have a project with "Omnifaces 3.3" and "weld.servlet.shaded 3.0.5.Final". I need to use a request parameter named "cid" in my application, but using it produces the next exception in Weld: javax....
maqjav's user avatar
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How to exclude Weld metadata from JSON object serialization

Assume the following REST resource: @Path("/ActiveLeadTask") //Also possible MediaType.APPLICATION_XML @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) public class ActiveLeadTask { private @Inject ...
aleksander_si's user avatar
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Unable to inject HttpServletRequest inside thread in Wildfly 12.0

In my Java Web Application with RESTful WebService, I was using Wildfly 8.2 which had weld 2.2.6. I am injecting HttpServletRequest object in thread and reading parameters from it. After upgrading to ...
Manjusha Nair's user avatar
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Wildfly 14 CDI: WELD-001408 on 3rd part JAR after migration from JBoss 7

We are migrating a few old systems written in Java 5, 6 and 7 to Java 8 and from JBoss 7 to Wildfly 14. After the migration, I get all the time this kind of error: WELD-001408: Unsatisfied ...
André Silva's user avatar
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Why weld depends on JBoss Common Annotations 1.3 API instead of using Javax Annotation API?

I'm integrating Weld 3.1.0 into my application. My application already has a dependency with the Javax Annotation API library. I've noticed that the Weld Implementation (Core) defines a dependency ...
caristu's user avatar
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weld-junit5 with weld 3

Recently we upgraded Weld to 3.0.3.Final (with is the one in Wildfly 12). Now weld-junit5 1.3.1.Final (the most recent version) throws an exception java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: javax.enterprise.inject....
Marc von Renteln's user avatar
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Weld CDI: Producers in superclasses of alternatives are effective despite cdi-spec

Given public class BeanContainer { @Produces Bean bean = new Bean(); } and its alternative: @Alternative public class BeanContainerAlt extends BeanContainer { @Produces int ...
aschoerk's user avatar
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