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How to do form validation with select2 and Wicked?

I have Select2 in wicket, and I want to add form validation on it. I use atributte required, but it doesnt work. I want that select2 after unsuccessful validation have red background, or at least red ...
Petr Kostroun's user avatar
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wicket input ascii (control) characters in form

I'm running into an issue in one of my tests, which basically checks if the input set in a FORM INPUT element gets correctly set in the component's model. I had a randomized test put 1024 random ...
Rob Audenaerde's user avatar
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2 answers

Set default Form value without changing page parameters

How do I set default values of Form<BgwElasticSearchFields> when the log review page is loaded? Basically before loading the page I need to set the default values for Bic and dtTo, dtFrom. I ...
developer1's user avatar
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How to upload a screenshot/image using Wicket

I want user to be able to easily upload screenshots into my application. (preferably without to many js/ajax trickery) Is there a standard way in Wicket to allow an image to be pasted in some ...
Rob Audenaerde's user avatar
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Java Wicket Form : Error serializing object class 'myClassName'

I have the following Wicked Form (List). The point of the forms is to enter a comment message and onSubmit save it to a Database. List<List<String>> modalHTML = new ArrayList<>(); ...
Jonas TM's user avatar
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Wicket invisible field not submitted

I try to clear and hide a Textfield in Wicket, based on the ajax update of an AjaxCheckBox. SetVisible(false) works fine, but I can't empty the contents of that textField, neither by using clearInput()...
Cloud's user avatar
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Wicket - clearInput() after form submission not working

I want to clear form components (textfields etc) and it model. On submit method, after persisting the model correctly, I call clearInput(), but nothing happends to model and fields still filled. Am I ...
tomrlh's user avatar
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Wicket - Best way to implement complex components

I've started an application wit a lot of forms in with Wicket so I'm looking for how to write components well, reusable and mainly, easy to maintain. Reading best practices from the guide it says to ...
tomrlh's user avatar
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Wicket - form components losing reference when PropertyModel is updated

I have a form with some fields and DropdownChoices. One of them is filled dynamically: when the State is filled, City dropdown is updated, and that's ok until here. Dropdowns filled dynamically (I'm ...
tomrlh's user avatar
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Wicket one form with two submit buttons with the same validation

I use wicket 7.x. I have a form with two submit buttons. The two button do different things on submit event but they have the same field validation. I override the AjaxButton onSubmit in one of them ...
Matteo Pezzanera's user avatar
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WebSphere form based authentication logout mechanism not logging out

I am analyzing code. It is a Wicket application using WebSphere form based authentication. The program has the ibm_security_logout form mechanism implemented. When being logged in, I copy the ...
Kjeld's user avatar
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Wicket quick double click submit button

I have a problem with a Wicket Form. In my form if a User click twice quickly on a SubmitLink the onSubmit method called twice and there where 2 instances of an object. How can I prevent this? I have ...
Matteo Pezzanera's user avatar
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wicket form changes are not visible when setDefaultFormProcessing(true)

I have a form in wicket which has two buttons. I would like one to have validation over the fields (if they are left null or not) which I already did. Now I would like the second button NOT to have ...
user avatar
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Test Ajax-submit a form in Apache Wicket

Suppose I have a form as shown below, which is submitted via Ajax: import org.apache.wicket.request.mapper.parameter.PageParameters; import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.Form; import org.apache....
Yuci's user avatar
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Wicket validation message use label

I have some trouble showing the proper validation errors in my wicket form. The labels are coupled to the input textfields with the 'wicket:for' attribute. Example in the html file: <label wicket:...
Cloud's user avatar
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Java Wicket - Prevent Form From Creating New Tab When Exception Occurs

I am creating reports using Jasper right now and almost everything goes well. We set it in a way that if the user will preview a report, the report(pdf) will be shown on a new Tab. The problem is if ...
Sabrina Monica's user avatar
-1 votes
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How do I make a form field in html with the specified pattern (MM/DD/YYYY) that adds a "/" automatically after two integers are typed

I currently have: <input type="text" wicket:id="singleDateField" pattern="(?:(?:0[1-9]|1[0-2])[\/\\-. ]?(?:0[1-9]|[12][0-9])|(?:(?:0[13-9]|1[0-2])[\/\\-. ]?30)|(?:(?:0[13578]|1[02])[\/\\-. ]?31))[\...
HotInPhoenix's user avatar
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Nested forms in Wicket: form "breaks"

According to this wiki entry: Nested Forms Wicket should support nested Forms. However, when I try to use them, everything breaks. Here's a simplified version of my code: <form wicket:id="outer"...
Master_T's user avatar
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when I add a file uploader in wicket form , the form disapear after submit

when I add a file uploader in wicket form , the form disapear after submit, and a blank page apear instead . when i comment file uploader field every thing is ok . thanks for your help in ...
Fatemeh Moh's user avatar
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How to validate a form in a bootstrap modal window in wicket?

I'm searching for a solution to validate a small form in a modal window from bootstrap with wicket. My dialog class derives from de.agilecoders.wicket.core.markup.html.bootstrap.dialog.Modal Why do ...
flomo83's user avatar
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3 answers

Wicket (1.6) stateless form resets paging

I've already tried to find anything about that problem but I guess I either was not sure how to shortly describe the problem to find a solution or nobody else had that before which I can't think of. ...
Hoax's user avatar
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Wicket - monitor all validation errors

is it possible to monitor all form/form-component validation errors in Wicket in one place? Is there some form of listener? I would like to have page, component and message of the error. Thx for any ...
hexin's user avatar
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Wicket : Switching fields between calculated and editable

I have a form with the following fields : start date, duration (in days) & end date. I want the user to be able to enter EITHER a duration OR an end date and the other field will be automatically ...
Defenestrate's user avatar
-1 votes
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Apache Wicket error : Class does neither have a constructor with PageParameter nor a default constructor

My code package; import org.apache.wicket.PageParameters; import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.WebPage; import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.Button; import org.apache.wicket.markup....
RGJava's user avatar
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Wicket 7 unable to find component in Form tree

I'm creating a form that allows an admin to edit user information. However, when I run the app, I receive the following error message: Last cause: Unable to find component with id 'editUserFirstname' ...
David Nedrow's user avatar
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Reusable DropDownChoice in Wicket Form

In my project I have more than 50 forms, and they are mostly simillar to each other and use the same DropDownChoice component. May I create separate Panel, where I define my DropDownChoice, and after ...
BSeitkazin's user avatar
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Disabling nested form validation in wicket

How to disable inner form validation with Wicket in following case? Outer form has some fields with validators, including a TextField. When user has the TextField focused and presses Enter, the outer ...
Juha Syrjälä's user avatar
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Posting to Wicket via ajax and replacing the current location

I need to post form data via ajax, wait for the server reply and then replace the current page with a new one using window.location.replace(), because I don't want the current page to be kept in ...
Lucio Crusca's user avatar
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Wicket: set JodaDateTime from form

Im using wicket and hibernate for developing a website. I simply want to save some data of a form. My Object is like: @Entity @Table(name = "PRODUCT") @Inheritance(strategy=InheritanceType....
monti's user avatar
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4 votes
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wicket use-case: form with some positive feedback, e.g. forgot-password-request

What is the best practice to do a form with wicket that results in some positive feedback message? Example: I have a form where the user can request a link to change his forgotten password. The user ...
Emi's user avatar
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Wicket - Ajax form submit from one list to another

In wicket, how would I create the following behavior: have a ListMultipleChoice on the left that takes in data models from the server, a button in the middle that would take the selected components ...
vishalkal's user avatar
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Wicket: Validating nested forms inside DataTable component

I'm currently testing the creation of a custom DataTable where I need to have a a panel with a form inside some of the table cells, with the following structure: Outer form > DataTable (rows > cells >...
Isabelle's user avatar
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Wicket Form changes randomly being ignored

I had a problem with a Form Field (Transient wicket form field ignored) and I had no much luck with the answers, so I made some changes and now the field is sometimes updated, and sometimes not... ...
diminuta's user avatar
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Wicket form: disable submit button

In Wicket when I disable a Form instance it perfectly disables my input fields, but it fails to disable the submit button, too. How to disable the submit button, too, preferable without the need to ...
Thomas S.'s user avatar
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Wicket form would not load/render

So I have a Wicket Panel that would not be rendered or loaded in our live server but it sure does in our development server. I have checked that the html file is there, and also that the java file is ...
diminuta's user avatar
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Apache Wicket : Update value of the Label after the Button has been pressed

I have started to learn Apache Wicket web framework and I was having a bit of difficulty doing a task. If you can see from the attached image , I went to
Muhammad Shahab's user avatar
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How to handle changes in a form with a model-update using Wicket and AJAX

I have a form with many input-fields and need to handle a change to any of those input-fields; so I add a AjaxEventBehavior to the form, like: Form<MyX> myForm = new Form<>("X", getModel()...
t777's user avatar
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Wicket: form issue - modelObject does not get updated

I have a page with 2 textfields (with validation as mandatory textfields). Both the text fields have their own save button for some reason. Steps to reproduce my error : 1. Delete all the pre-...
Gouri Yashodhan's user avatar
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Wicket form makes entire page disappear

A couple of years ago I was moderately proficient in Wicket. Today I picked it up again at the latest version, 6.12.0. I'm using it in an embedded Jetty server. I managed to configure everything and ...
Garret Wilson's user avatar
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Handling errors from wicket form onSubmit

How can I catch and know an error on a AjaxSubmitLink or AjaxButton? The Parameters I have got Overriding onError methods don't tell me which error/s happen/s. I debugged all components' validation ...
MoreTTy's user avatar
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Wicket's input looses behavior after the form it's in is submitted

I have a form and a series of panels containing inputs inside it, as a list. When I click the add button, the form is submitted and a new item is added into this form. Input inside a newly created ...
kboom's user avatar
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Dynamic Table with custom validation

First, I show you want I want to do. I need something like form with a lot of lists. One list is the structure row1, row2, ... with the "+" button. Every item from list (row1, row2) has setRequired(...
plancys's user avatar
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wicket ajaxformcomponentupdatingbehavior get value of TextField by clicking button

I have a form and there is a TextField. I added button to a form, different than the default submit. I want to use Ajaxformcomponentupdatingbehavior to get the value from the TextField after clicking ...
Monika Gottvaldova's user avatar
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How to don't validate form with Ajax buttons

I have a problem with validation on form actually sub-form. In my website I have some kind of table and "Add row" button (BlockingAjaxSubmitLink). When I try add let say 2 rows, I get validation ...
plancys's user avatar
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Form processing with inheritance

I have a model that can be described as follows: (Extremely simplified. My actual classes have about ten-twenty more fields each.) I have the persistence all ...
aioobe's user avatar
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Wicket modalwindow returning value

I want to create a settings-dialog in my wicket page. I created a ModalWindow that contains a form to achieve this. This works great, the dialog shows up and it contains the form but now I need to ...
Bram's user avatar
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Setting value from cookies to TextField<Long> in Wicket

I face following problem: I have wicket page with filter. Filter is the form component which contains this TextField: TextField<Long> categoryField = new TextField<Long>("categoryId", ...
Daniel's user avatar
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Wicket search form using loadable detachable model, null pointer

so a little about the project: basically been trying to get a search function working to update a listview which I have done before and had no problem; until now. I cannot seem to find the issue, here ...
user1383163's user avatar
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Remember last user entry of a form component within a session

I am working on a small web application in Wicket with the following requirement: If a user enters several values into a small form, sends this form and returns to this very same form later on, the ...
Rafael Winterhalter's user avatar
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Wicket search form with list view

Hello everyone I seem to have a problem with my wicket project. Essentially I have a AjaxLink that when clicked should update the Loadable Detatcheable Model and re render the listview with the ...
user1383163's user avatar