In wicket 1.4.x I have custom Container + panel for my pages:



public class MyPage extends WebPage {
     public MyPage(){
         add(new CustContainer, "custContainer");



<!DOCTYPE html>
<html xmlns:wicket="http://wicket.apache.org">
     <div wicket:id="custContainer"></div>


public class CustContainer extends WebMarkupContainer {
     private Component comp;
     public CustContainer(String id){
          this.comp = new CustPanel("custPanel");

     protected void onRender(MarkupStream markupStream) {


public class CustPanel extends Panel {
     public CustPanel(String id){
          add(new Label("label1","This is my Label"));


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html xmlns:wicket="http://wicket.apache.org">
     <div><span wicket:id="label1"></span></div>

In wicket 1.4.x this code (which is simplified) works very well, but in wicket 9 Component.render() method have removed MarkupStream as param. And when I'm trying to just Component.render() it does not understand anymore that it needs to take custPanel.html <div><span wicket:id="label1"></span></div> part and insert into MyPage.html markup inside <div wicket:id="custContainer"> HERE </div>

Question: anyone have idea how to solve this issue ? because adding <div wicket:id="custPanel"></div> into custContainer div block is not a option because I need to add these panels/component id's dynamically from db:


<div wicket:id="custContainer"> <div wicket:id="custPanel"></div> </div>

So I somehow need to add <div wicket:id="custPanel"> into custContainer div block before rendering markup.


public void onComponentTagBody(MarkupStream markupStream, ComponentTag openTag)

is not a solution, its only changes markup after markup render and exception is thrown.

Long story short: I want all CustPanel.html wicket body included into MyPage.html div block with wiket id = custContainer

<div wicket:id="custContainer">HERE I need CustPanel.html wicket content to be rendered/included</div>

1 Answer 1


since Wicket 1.5 you can set component markup explicitly with Componet.setMarkup or use interface IMarkupResourceStreamProvider to generate it.

  • yes but i do not need to generate, i need to read it from Markup files -> MyPage.html and CustPanel.html Componet.setMarkup() sets markup but still at that point it does not want to read/load existing markup file. Can you please provide with some short example how to use IMarkupResourceStreamProvider ?
    – eman
    Commented Jun 17 at 6:53
  • You can find an example for IMarkupResourceStreamProvider in the user guide: nightlies.apache.org/wicket/guide/10.x/… . See if it can fit your needs. Commented Jun 18 at 20:47

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