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Get post's author data in a shortcode within the WordPress loop

I am building a block theme for Wordpress. I wrote a shortcode function that is supposed to output the message "By [author's display name with author's link]". More specifically, I am trying ...
user28551593's user avatar
-1 votes
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Terraform user data script for EC2 instance failed while running aws configure command

I faced up with a situation when EC2 user_data script failed with Python RuntimeError. User_data script: #!/bin/bash sudo apt-get -q update && sudo apt-get -q upgrade sudo snap install kubectl ...
Andrew Savelyev's user avatar
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Set WooCommerce billing country based on WPML current language

I am using the following code to change WooCommerce billing country to the selected site language. add_filter('init', function() { $lang = apply_filters( 'wpml_current_language', NULL ); $...
Nathan Otten's user avatar
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Use WooCommerce account name and email instead of billing name and email for invoices and email notifications

I want to use the WordPress account User Name on the customer emails and admin order notifications instead of the Billing Name. Our use case is that employees are enrolling for an online course. They ...
Eilonwy926's user avatar
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Issue retrieving from field in Facebook Graph API for users, only working for page authors

I am trying to retrieve the from field for comments on a post using the Facebook Graph API. The from field is showing correctly for page authors but not for regular users who comment on the post. I ...
Harsh Mahalle's user avatar
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Should the runcmd under user-data section or is it a top level key?

I'm working on a cloud-config autoinstall YAML to install Ubuntu 22.04, but I'm encountering some unexpected behaviors. I've noticed that placing write-files and runcmd as top-level keys doesn't seem ...
Hound's user avatar
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How to terminate EC2 instance if `user-data` script exits with not-zero status code?

So EC2 was created but user-data failed, eg. syntax error, some command failed etc. How to terminate such instance automatically if a user-data run was not successful?
Eugen Konkov's user avatar
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Google Play Console Violation: Invalid Data Safety Form - How to Resolve Discrepancies?

I recently received a violation notice from Google Play Console regarding the Data safety section of my app's listing. The details are as follows: Violation: Data safety section in Google Play User ...
Muhammad Saqib Javed's user avatar
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Cannot install nvm with user-data on AWS ec2 ubuntu server

I am trying to update Nodejs to the latest version with nvm in the user-data section on AWS ec2 ubuntu server. But somehow it doesn't update Nodejs to the latest version. Everything works fine via the ...
Günay Yağcı's user avatar
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Fatal Error when calling woocommerce_customer_save_address action hook

I hope you can help. I am getting a strange issue and not sure how to solve it. I'm familiar with calling actions, but I am getting a fatal error when calling a standard woo hook that is empty. I'm ...
user1518699's user avatar
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ASOP Cuttlefish clears userdata.img every time it starts

Why does asop cuttlefish clear the userdata.img every time it starts?Here is my console output: I couldn't find the answer even after checking the Cuttlefish official website. Are there any issues ...
Xisdom's user avatar
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Display user data in a new column on WooCommerce admin order list (+ HPOS)

I want to add my field as new column in all orders table in backend. I have tried the following but its not displaying. Anyone know about this? Please help. // Add custom column to orders list table ...
Amrutha Lakshmi InterSmart's user avatar
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How to assign an order number as a login password for store users? (WooCommerce)

Good afternoon. I need to change the login method for my Woocommerce store clients. I’m using WooCommerce to book rooms. Is it possible to automatically create a customer account based on one order? I ...
Timofey Golubtsov's user avatar
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Want to use user_data (hardening script) for EKS nodegroups with EKS module (Hashicorp provided)

I have written shell script to harden EKS worker during worker node bootstrapping. I am using EKS module ( eks_managed_node_groups = { ng-...
user3736754's user avatar
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AWS EC2 `ssh: connect to host ec2-{ip} port 22: Connection refused` only if `user-data` uses `systemctl` commands

AWS Setup I have a AWS EC2 instance running with: t4g.nano al2023-ami-2023.3.20240122.0-kernel-6.1-arm64 (AL2023) a Security Group setup to allow SSH from my personal IP address sshd is installed &...
DJ House's user avatar
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Additional column in WooCommerce admin order list with the user login

I need to add a custom column "Customer" in the backend of WooCommerce orders list. Here is some code that add additional columns to admin orders list and displays the user ID: add_filter( '...
martnek's user avatar
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Get the author's username using PHP in WordPress [duplicate]

I need to call in the username of a post's author. I have tried WordPress: get author info from post id answer code. I have added the code in the post loop, echoing $display_name. It works, but not ...
Red's user avatar
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Auto create an user account after payment and auto login in WooCommerce

After others' previous questions, I have a question here: Automatically create an user account after WooCommerce checkout and auto login First question: How in this section that the message (Thank you....
SubZer0's user avatar
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From user table data doesn't retrive in hostinger

I used the following script, retrieve the user ID from user table on WordPress. This script is working local server, all other server. But this is not working in the Hostinger server. Why this is not ...
Rashed khan's user avatar
-2 votes
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Get IPs as string/list in Terraform

I'm beginning by creating a few machines: resource "aws_instance" "servers" { count = 20 instance_type = "t2.micro" ........................... } and then, I want ...
Ioana Popescu's user avatar
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Zero-Acccess Encryption and "Forgot Password" section

I'm currently creating a "Google Docs" alternative using Symfony, but made for privacy. To "certify" the confidentiality of user data, I'm interested in the "Zero-Access" ...
Geod's user avatar
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Why is AWS user-data HTTP endpoint incorrect?

I'm trying to debug a Spinnaker pipeline that is not properly injecting my userdata to a Windows EC2 instance. For testing, I launched one with a simple base64 encoded userdata script like this: <...
Elliott B's user avatar
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Handling JSON string in EC2 userdata

I am trying to provision an EC2 instance using terraform, passing a cloudinit configuration file as userdata to the instance. As part of the cloudinit config I am setting environment variables and ...
Andrew Kew's user avatar
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How to access user information in a ReactJS SPA application?

How i can store user information in a ReactJS SPA application? Let me explain, I have a REST API which sends me a cookie when connecting. It can be a sessionID or a JWT. I would like to retrieve the ...
Henri Dufresne's user avatar
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Unable to map a string value passed in Terraform with text value in Jenkins

I am trying to pass AWS EC2 Userdata in Jenkins as a variable. Source code is in terraform, as shown below: userdata = var.web_userdata` `variable "web_userdata" { ...
subhasmita's user avatar
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Getting zero record in user meta data in wordpress

I am trying to get user list with specifice role and who is register between two date. I tried But getting zero record (**it has record in database **)in result. $meta_query = array('relation' => '...
Tushal Bhanderi's user avatar
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docker not installed through yum in user data

this is how my user data looks like, but docker is not installed, when connecting to my ec2 machine: sudo yum -y install docker sudo service docker start sudo docker pull nginx sudo docker run -d -p ...
David's user avatar
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How can I pass AWS lambda environement variable into userdata script (script will fire during ec2 spinup)

In my aws lambda/python script, I am intending to call a environment variable into my userdata script which will run during instance spinup, but I am facing issue passing environment variable into my ...
tublai's user avatar
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How to check if a key exists in terraform map, within user_data template code?

I would like to check if I need to run an installation script stored in the s3 bucket. If the configuration does have an s3 bucket, then download and run the installer in my, I have ...
gk_2000's user avatar
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cloudinit output shows eipalloc-09e7274dd3c641ae6: value too great for base (error token is "09e7274dd3c641ae6")

I'm trying to associate the Elastic IP address with Auto scaling group, so whenever the autoscaling triggers it will automatically associate with the EIP. For this I'm trying to add the script in user ...
Aravind's user avatar
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Terraform throwing this error Getting Extra characters after interpolation expression;

I'm trying to associate the Elastic IP address with Auto scaling group, so whenever the autoscaling triggers it will automatically associate with the EIP. For this I'm trying to add the script in ...
Aravind's user avatar
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How to add a powershell script/command as userdata for Windows VMs in Azure

I am trying out the feature of userdata provided by Azure to pass scripts/metadata to VMs running on Azure. For Linux VMs, I have tried passing a bash script, which involves creating a file. But I am ...
Juran Takei's user avatar
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IOS Backend for User Data [closed]

I am brand new to ios development and am looking for some advice on the best way to structure my user data and access it throughout my app. Data is retrieved via HTTPS requests that query a database ...
Ashlynn Steeves's user avatar
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Cisco CSR user-data bootstrap to allow multiline in banner

The user data format for the IOS appliance uses the following: ios-config-0001="hostname test-csr-deployment-001" ios-config-0002="banner exec |Hostname: test-csr-deployment-001\r\...
itChi's user avatar
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Capturing Data of a User Visiting my website

How can I capture data of someone visiting my website via a shortened link? I want to be able to capture the OS, IP, divide ID etc. Would capturing the user agent string be the best option? What are ...
ek1669's user avatar
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Executing npm install in user data

I am attempting to create a launch template in aws with the following in the user data #!/bin/bash home=/home/ec2-user nodev='8.11.2' nvmv='0.33.11' #install node su - ec2-user -c "curl https://...
Prithvi Emmanuel Machado's user avatar
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Acces Terraform user-data variables through a Powershells script running on an EC2

I'm working on automating some software installation on Windows AWS EC2. My infrastructure as a dev environment and a prod environment. So to handle that i'm trying to pass through user data some ...
Clarence's user avatar
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AWS User Data Script - Dependency Installation Failure

I have a simple user_data script that I am applying to am aws_launch_template inside of a terraform module. resource "aws_launch_tempalte "host" { ... user_data = filebase64(".....
Andy's user avatar
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User-data not working when starting EC2 instance

I am trying to run simple user data by following below link in my company's AWS EC2 server : user data is not working, ...
Shivam Chauhan's user avatar
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AWS EC2 User Data to run python script is not working

I am trying to run a python script on EC2 Linux machine. All I want is on every start of the instance it should run this python script/file called it's in my ec2-user directory. I also ...
Shivam Chauhan's user avatar
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How to check if AWS AMI support cloud-init?

In AWS Console when launching an instance with any image I get "user data" field to fill in optionally to be later executed by cloud-init. However, not all images support cloud-init. How do ...
Tammar Scream's user avatar
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Windows EC2 User Data Not Executing

The problem: We need to execute a Powershell script using Userdata on a Windows AWS EC2 instance so that we can join and unjoin our domain's activity directory. The EC2 Userdata log shows the instance ...
user6866797's user avatar
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Node MVC user data modelling - linking records to the current user

I've set up a user model for an application. I would like each user to have access to their own records after they've logged in, e.g. orders, customers, etc. How best to implement this? My only idea ...
nanitsabes's user avatar
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AWS EC2 userdata giving "No such file or directory" error

I am trying to run the following in my userdata while creating ec2. sudo yum update -y sudo amazon-linux-extras install ansible2 -y ssh-keygen -q -t rsa -f /home/ssm-user/.ssh/id_rsa -N '' However, ...
Judi's user avatar
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how to fetch aws secret to use as mysql password to run a docker container and pass the credential

i am trying to achieve a scenario where i would like to run a docker container using user-data in aws whenever the instance is stopped and start. I am not able to set the environment variable using &...
srk786's user avatar
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"Invalid function argument" with Userdata in Terraform

I'm trying to pass user data over a file so the code will look less clumsy, but having trouble. I've tried all the different combinations but nothing is working. I went through the Terraform ...
thirudk's user avatar
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How to upload a file in wear OS to the cloud using wifi?

I am trying to create an app for wear OS in which user data is stored as a text file. Now, I want to collect this data and figure out a method using which the user uploads this data to the cloud using ...
Parth Kandwal's user avatar
6 votes
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Terraform user_data output in terraform output

I creating EC2 instance with Terraform, which includes also user_data, my question is can I see the output of linux command from user_data in terraform output. Ex. .... user_data = <<EOF echo &...
devops212123's user avatar
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added user-data script is not working after editing , but found working user-data while lauching a fresh EC2 instance

My user-data script for installing Nginx was found to be working on a new launch of the EC2 instance. After launching the ec2 instance, I further added a PHP installation script by editing the user-...
ashique's user avatar
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Copy user meta to order meta on user profile update

I have a user meta field ('pkg_code') I would like to copy to a custom field ('log') on the users' order(s) upon update of their user profile. I have looked through many similar posts on stackoverflow ...
Mandm's user avatar
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