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Detecting ambient mode in Wear OS 5

I have a ComplicationDataSourceService that needs to be notified when the watch goes into ambient mode or the screen turns off. Prior to Wear OS 5, I was using DisplayListener.onDisplayChanged to ...
rjr-apps's user avatar
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WearOS: add scrollbar to VerticalPager?

Is it possible to add scroll bar to VerticalPager ? I can add scrollbar easily with ScalingLazyColumn, but not VerticalPager. There is no documentation given by Google, but app get rejected if no ...
neobie's user avatar
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Word Navigation in red in imports

I am stuck here, can't resolve it, tried hard for a long time. I want to use navigation in wear os projet, I can't do the imports properly. Here is my file : /* While this template provides a good ...
Sébastien Pouy's user avatar
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Stop wear os app from going to the background

I'm developing a wear os app and have the following issue: When the watch goes dark (either by timeout or by the palm gesture) and I turn my wrist or tap the watch, I'm back at the home screen with my ...
Timothy's user avatar
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Android Studio Watch Face Format XML ImageConfiguration to background

<UserConfigurations> <ColorConfiguration id="themeColor" displayName="color_label" defaultValue="0"> <ColorOption id="0" displayName="...
Ömer Salih Yavuz's user avatar
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In Android Studio Ladybug, how do you start a New Project for Wear OS with an Empty Wear App that generates a

I can get Ladybug to create only a MainActivity.kt and not a The app is for Wear OS, not for Phone and Tablet. How do you create a java app for a wearable in Android Studio Ladybug?...
MikeR's user avatar
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Android Wear - windowSwipeToDismiss does not seem to work with API 33

My user need to scroll in all direction inside our wearable app. The older solution does not seem to work anymore. <item name="android:windowSwipeToDismiss" tools:ignore="...
user28498292's user avatar
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Crashlytics Logging Excaption Inside Compose

I am using Crashlytics with my WearOS app. Crashlytics dashboard has logged an exception outside of my code. Here is the stack trace: Fatal Exception: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Dispatching ...
iMan Biglari's user avatar
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Emulator Not Starting-up in Android Studio: The emulator process for AVD has terminated

I am a beginner working with Android Studio and am encountering an issue when attempting to launch an emulator. Despite multiple troubleshooting attempts—including reinstalling Android Studio across ...
Anish Shrestha's user avatar
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Wear OS app freezes when re-opened from recent apps after device sleeps

I’m experiencing an issue with my Wear OS app where it freezes when I try to re-open it from the recent apps list after the device has been idle and the screen has turned off. Here’s the sequence of ...
rickmcrick's user avatar
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Unable to get physical buttons info on wear OS 5.0 device

I'm trying to get info about the physical buttons on a wear OS device. According to the official documentation, I should be able to get the button counts using WearableButtons.getButtonCount() but on ...
Flore's user avatar
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Using FusedLocation services on wear os emulator

I'm trying to get an emulated location in my Wear Os app with FusedLocation services, but I get the following error 10: Not implemented on this platform....
tufekoi's user avatar
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Can ColorConfiguration be used with Gradients in Watch Face Format?

In <UserConfigurations>, I have: <ColorConfiguration id="colour" defaultValue="0" displayName="color_selector_display_name"> <...
Peter McLennan's user avatar
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Is it possible to read steps synchronously on Android?

Is it possible to read either the daily total steps taken, or the steps since boot in a synchronous fashion on an android WearOS device? The problem being that this data is only needed exactly once on ...
SanBen's user avatar
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Wear OS Alarm app: launch alarm Activity from AlarmManager or BroadcastReceiver

I'm trying to create a standalone alarm app for my watch (Pixel Watch 2). It was going smooth until I needed to show the screen (Activity) when the alarm goes off to show a snooze button. I tried many ...
Kevin van Mierlo's user avatar
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Android WearOS API function to get hand settings (left/right, watch button side)

Does the Android WearOS API provide a function to read the hand preference settings? We want to know if the user is wearing the watch on their left or right hand, and which side the button is on (...
Adam Hoover's user avatar
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Android WebRTC - How to release mic control from Android Wear OS App?

We have used WebRTC to implement audio call features to Android Wear OS devices. When call is in progress if the user tries use the Google assistance or any voice recorder, other apps don't get access ...
tilak's user avatar
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WearOs, uninstalling and reinstalling my app, it does not ask for permissions again

I am developing an app for Samsung Watch 6 (WearOS), based on the Sample Excercise app. I installed it first time, it asked for all the permissions. Then I uninstalled it and installed it again and it ...
M. Usman Khan's user avatar
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WearOS, startExercise is giving Missing Permission error

I am developing an app for Samsung Watch 6 (WearOS), using Android's health services API. It used to work fine a few months back. Maybe the WearOS got updated or maybe it is related to the libraries I ...
M. Usman Khan's user avatar
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Non-English number script for Watch Face Format

I'm trying to Implement an Android Watch Face by using Watch Face Format. I used DigitalClock xml tag show the clock. But I want render non-english number, for example ๐,๑,๒ (0 to 2 in Thai), 〇,一, 二 (...
amlwin's user avatar
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How to create a Wear OS complication with a progress dot

I've used the RANGED_VALUE complication type to successfully show something like the digital time or step progress complications in the attached image. But I'm wondering if there's a variant that ...
Niraj's user avatar
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Modify Chip size when the user changes the font size in the watch settings. Android Compose Wear OS Kotlin

I need to make the Chip size adapt to the font size when it is changed from the watch settings. I'm using compose in android studio for Wear OS. When the font size is set to normal from the watch ...
Santiago Melo's user avatar
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Using 'WarmUpConfig' with 'Health Service's'Exercise Client'

I have a question, is it really important to call prepareExercise() or prepareExerciseAsycn() before calling startExercise()? I am currently learning how to program a fitness tracker app on the Pixel ...
Victor's user avatar
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How to make Two Android wearables communicate using NFC?

I am developing an Android wearable (Wear OS 4) standalone application in which two wearables must exchange their unique ID as a one-time thing (Just pairing). The plan was to use NFC p2p to exchange ...
Joe Ralphin's user avatar
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Does the integer type of sensors differ between smartwatches?

This might be a dumb question but i'm working on a project that uses smartwatch sensors either than the default accelerometer, gyroscope, etc.. sensors. So like PPG SDNN, PPG SPO2 and so on. My ...
Chris_Gr's user avatar
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WearOS 5 Watch Face Format RadialGradients?

I'm trying to just fill the background of a WearOS 5 Watch Face Format with a RadialGradient: <PartDraw x="0" y="0" width="450" height="450" pivotX="0.5&...
meavydev's user avatar
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Is there any way to start an app activity (not a notification) from the background on Wear OS 4 and higher?

I am writing a Wear OS app that should send reminders to the user requesting a YES/NO feedback. The reminders have to work when the app is in the background as well. I could do this with a ...
Bozzaglia's user avatar
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In .net MAUI, which control to select a number for small screen?

I'm using .Net MAUI to build an app for watches (wear os and IOS): small screens. I'd like the user to select a number between 0 and 60. I've tried a picker, but the layout is horrible on small screen ...
Lou's user avatar
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Default behaviour of bezel scrolling a ScrollView in Android Wear OS in Java not happening

As best as I understand it, the bezel on a Wear OS device, like a Samsung Watch6, should scroll a ScrollView by default. In this XML layout the tvRules text does not scroll when the bezel is turned. &...
Jon's user avatar
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Preventing swiping on a wearable device using Jetpack compose

How do I prevent the dismissal of a wearable app (by swiping) that is written in Jetpack compose I am considering using SwipeDismissFrameLayout (Which will be in an XML file),is there a way to go ...
Fav's user avatar
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How to companion app wear and phone? When building application ID vs signingConfigs

To automatically install Wear OS apps when you install apps on your phone, you can follow Google's instructions on distributing Wear OS apps. Currently I have not found a way, to deploy to the store, ...
Steve Bui's user avatar
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Watch Face Format XML string split?

I am attempting to get complex data from a complication using Watch Face Format. I'm wondering if there's any way to split a string from complication data, based on a separator like a comma or space? ...
rjr-apps's user avatar
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Kotlin Coding capabilities with the new WFF

We developed Watchfaces for a health app that show several information (graphical curves, different values like Insulin BG value, Insulin on Board, Carb on Board, ...) One watchface can be tuned ...
Philoul's user avatar
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Add separately-compiled complication data source to WFF

Can a separately-compiled complication data source (written in Java/Kotlin) be added to a WFF watchface bundle? If so, how? Background: I have two deeply-coded scientific-oriented Kotlin watchfaces (...
Nick Esposito's user avatar
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How release my complement WearOS Android Native app to Play Store

I have two apps, one for mobile and a new one for wearOS, my mobile app is currently in Play Store and I need release my Wear OS app. Both apps are in the same project in different modules and use ...
Juan Vazquez's user avatar
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Detect heart rate in WEAR OS Emulator in Android Studio

How to Detect heart rate in WEAR OS Emulator in Android Studio The code I am trying does not give errors, but I cannot see the heart rate in the emulator. I am using wearos3 and Android API 30 Is it ...
Health Timeout's user avatar
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open Activity with the display off on wear os

I'm trying to implement the same behavior as the alarm clock app on wear OS. I tried using NotificationCompat with setFullScreenIntent and wakelock but I can't open an activity to receive feedback. ...
Raffaella's user avatar
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How to get the location information from my Kotlin code back to a flutter project?

Preface: Developing for WearOS, so I can't use the location or geo_location package for that in my flutter code. So for WearOs: I want to do this in my flutter code: const platform = MethodChannel( ...
Hoegje's user avatar
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How do I control my own programmed kotlin wear os stopwatch app with the bluetooth headset buttons skip forward and skip backward?

I programmed a wear OS app in Kotlin (and Jetpack Compose). The app is a stopwatch app and therefore has a start function and a stop function. Previously, these functions were triggered using a touch ...
Mr. WTG's user avatar
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How to launch Wear OS app from Phone app to start a workout even when the app is killed?

I'm developing an Android application that interacts with a Wear OS app. I want to start a workout session on the Wear OS app directly from the phone app, even if the Wear OS app is currently killed. ...
Steve Bui's user avatar
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Creating a WearOS app starting from existing Flutter app

I have an existing flutter app and now I want to create a WearOS version of it. I am quite not sure how can I handle this. I already have the main structure of the app organized in folders (...
Diego Salvati's user avatar
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How test connection and disconection between Mobile App and Wear app

Currently i have a WearableService that implements onCapabilityChanged method that receive this events automatically (At least I think so) but i've been trying to fire it with emulators but it doesn't ...
Juan Vazquez's user avatar
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Android Studio PassiveMonitoringClient not receiving any synthetic data

I'm trying to record heart rate data from an emulated watch (running Wear OS 4/ API Level 14) and the most recent version of Android Studio Preview. I am using Android Studio's PassiveMonitoringClient ...
Adam Saleh's user avatar
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[wear-os][WFF] ComplicationSlot BoundingArc hit test on the entire oval area instead of just the arc itself, How to fix this?

Watch Face Format (WFF) with BoundingArc can lead to unintended hit testing on the entire oval area instead of just the arc itself. If has multiple ComplicationSlot overlap with difference angle arc, ...
herman man's user avatar
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Setting a reminder in Wear OS

Is it possible to set a reminder that will alert a user from both a watch and a connected phone, programmatically, in Android, using Wear OS (that is, via an Android smart watch)? I can use the ...
John Poust's user avatar
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Wear OS Layout Issue: Only Upper Left Quadrant Usable on Samsung Galaxy Watch 4

I'm developing a Wear OS toy app for a Samsung Galaxy Watch 4. Despite what I believe to be correct configurations (i.e. no errors in app building or deploying - except for the "glitch" I ...
francogrex's user avatar
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Positioning CurvedTextView at bottom of screen [Wear OS]

I want to position a CurvedTextView at the bottom of a ConstraintLayout in Wear OS. But no matter what I do it always positions itself at the top. My File->New test project's activity_main.xml ...
Andy Johnson's user avatar
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How to get cEDA values from Pixel watch 2

Currently, I am trying to develop an app that measures cEDA with the Pixel Watch 2 and analyzes it with the Pixel 5. Is it possible to access the cEDA values measured with the Pixel Watch 2 from an ...
Pallens's user avatar
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Recomposing with MutableStateListOf in Jetpack Compose

I'm currently trying to work on an app that involves data coming from WearOS watches to an Android phone. When it gets to the phone, I'd like to chart the data (I'm currently trying to use MP Android ...
Bryn's user avatar
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how to detect user motion type in fitbit, like we have ActivitiyType in CoreMotion in watch os which gives motion type( stationary,walknig etc)

how can I detect user motion type in FitBit OS as we do in Watch OS using CoreMotion, I have some idea about using accelerometer 3 axis (x,y, and z) value to detect user motion type ( stationary, ...
suraj Paudel's user avatar

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