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2 answers

Is it safe to store hashed password in /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg of cloud-init? [closed]

I am creating a custom AMI for my AWS EC2 Instances. I am trying to configure a user's password via cloud-init. I am doing it using passwd in cloud-init's config. I was surprised to find out that ...
Yury Hrytsuk's user avatar
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I need to copy one private image to my private repo, how can I do that?

I have to use one private image, which I found under AMIs of ec2 of AWS. I want to use this image in my existing docker file, where , I had given the path of another image, from my private repo. ...
Hemangi's user avatar
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Switching users in an image recipe using AWS CDK

I'm building an AMI using EC2 Image Builder. This AMI will later be used for some data processing. I use AWS CDK to generate the image recipe. Now, just like when you set up a physical machine, some ...
jedreky's user avatar
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What's the use of rootCommandPrefix in Amazon EC2 Jenkins plugin?

The ec2 plug-in for Jenkins offers the option to boot EC2 nodes from AMI to run jobs. On its documentation it states that If using an Ubuntu EC2 or UEC AMI you need to fill out the rootCommandPrefix ...
Alfabravo's user avatar
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How to determine if any instance was created from AMI in AWS Marketplace or not?

I have an AWS EC2 instance and I need to check if this specific instance was created by an AMI from AWS Marketplace or not. How to get such information? I looked into the instance detail of the ...
holydragon's user avatar
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AWS on demand EC2 instances charges breakup for an hour

I need to know if there is a way to get a break up of an Hourly charge on demand instances. Instance Type Hourly rate vCPU Memory t3.xlarge $0.1888 4 16Gb Lets for an instance, Hourly rate of t3....
Prasa2166's user avatar
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1 answer

How do I launch multiple EC2 instances to run a program with different parameters

I am running a program which takes in certain parameters. Because the program will run for a long time, I am thinking to launch multiple EC2 instances such that I can run this program with different ...
fagd's user avatar
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How to format date string to custom format in AWS SSM document

I am trying to create AMI , then tag it, in tagging I wanted to use custom format , but result what i wanted in date value is not getting it The SSM document I have: description: Creates an AMI image ...
asp's user avatar
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2 answers

How to dynamically tag an AMI created by an EC2 Image Builder

I have an EC2 Image Builder which is triggered when an new version of a package is pushed to CodeArtifact. I would like to tag the resulting AMI with the version of the package that triggered the ...
Silverblaze's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

How do I add env variables to an aws ec2 instance?

A total beginner level question here - I am trying to deploy my mern full stack app to aws ec2 (Amazon Linux 2 ) as a side project for the first time. I was able to get the frontend static React files ...
reed-carr's user avatar
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Configure AWS CLI by Bootstrap User Data in EC2

I am new to AWS. I wish to know - how to configure AWS-CLI (setup access and secret keys) automatically by bootstrap the EC2 instance, such that when somebody logs into the running instance he gets ...
marie20's user avatar
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1 answer

Target health check failing continuously

For a new instance created for EC2 in AWS cloud, trying to assign the same to load balancer based on target group. Steps followed: Created load balancer Created EC2 instance and configured security ...
Joe Jones's user avatar
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how to put a hook in terraform as shell script to enable the additional EBS volume for delete_on_termination

I need a help to create the hook in shell script under file so that whenever i spin the server and additional ebs volume should get enabled for deleteontermination. below i have shared the ...
ranjeet guha's user avatar
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On a windows server ec2 instance launched from an ami, steamvr runs into critical error when started after autologon

When I launch a new instance from an AMI (this AMI opens steamVR after logon), steamVR runs into an error. From what I have been reading it is because when an instance is launched based on an AMI, the ...
Anish Kumar's user avatar
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All pip packages missing when create instance from image

I am a new user to AWS I installed my package with packer and successfully created AMI, and all packages works good. Name: Django ...
yhx's user avatar
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g5.48xlarge on-demand instance creation failure

I try to launch a g5.48xlarge instance on AWS. But it says the configuration is not supported. My configuration is: Region: US-WEST-2 AMI: Amazon certified image, explicitly saying it support the G5 ...
tfpeach's user avatar
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Cannot connect to streamlit app hosted on EC2 instance

I have been banging my head against a wall trying to get my streamlit app deployed on an ec2 instance so I can share with others, however I am having trouble connecting to my streamlit app via the ...
Kyzoki's user avatar
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Angular app refuse to show up on local browser after up and running on EC2 instance

I was having issue with bringing up my angular app with node backend onto my local computer's browser after successfully having it up and running on EC2 instance. I have configured mmy security to ...
Danny Shen's user avatar
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Automate retrieving password from Ec2 windows instance that was launched from custom AMI

When the instance is launched from the custom AMI I could not retrieve password for the launched instance. This issue and resolution is discussed here and it worked. These are the manual steps I ...
LP13's user avatar
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While copying an AMI image (from one region to another) in AWS create's an error that "The storage for the ami is not available in the source region"

In AWS I create an AMI image and copy that particular image from one region to another region but it generates an error that "Failed to copy AMI - The storage for the ami is not available in the ...
Muhammad Shaoor's user avatar
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Django staticfiles not loading in AWS ec2

I've deployed a django webiste in AWS ec2 with the help of this digitalocean blog but the static files like css and javascripts are not loading after deployment. This is my django static code: ...
Dhiman's user avatar
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AWS: How to find the difference between 2 AMIs

I have an AMI that is already created from the base image ubuntu 18.04. There were some changes made to the base AMI like changing the filesystem type and also copying some files. Now the changes have ...
Kaushik Vijayakumar's user avatar
3 votes
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packer to bake AMI from shared AMI and Share with other AWS Account

I am trying to create AMI with (shared AMI from another Account). since i do not have access to snapshot i cannot create or rename AMI so i opted to use Packer to Bake New AMI with needed custom Name. ...
mebb's user avatar
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AWS EC2 2022 - Disconnected: No supported authentication method available

I am trying to launch AWS EC2 instance with Ubuntu AMI. The username is ubuntu. Before the launch, I created my key using .ppk option checked: After launching EC2, I can see the key I selected is ...
Ankur's user avatar
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How to check if AWS AMI support cloud-init?

In AWS Console when launching an instance with any image I get "user data" field to fill in optionally to be later executed by cloud-init. However, not all images support cloud-init. How do ...
Tammar Scream's user avatar
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Kernel panic during EC2 launch

During deployment of new app version on new EC2 with template from AMI image I got following error: [ 1.670047] No filesystem could mount root, tried: [ 1.670048] [ 1.677170] Kernel panic ...
maslak's user avatar
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2 answers

Create AMI of a given EC2 from cloud formation

I have to create an AMI of a given EC2 istance from cloud formation, ad after create an ec2 from this AMI. How to do this? My principal problem is the first part
Giuliano Stirparo's user avatar
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AWS EC2 User Data Not Running, Node Not Saved for AMIs

I'm running the following user data script for my AWS EC2 on an Amazon Linux AMI. I want to run a simple socketio server, however whenever I stop and start the instance, the script doesn't run. When I ...
JFAC's user avatar
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2 answers

EC2 Image Builder - sharing produced AMI

I'm trying to configure EC2 Image Builder for the first time using Terraform. I'm running the pipeline inside a CI/CD account and the image is used from the production and staging accounts. In other ...
eof's user avatar
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How to create EC2 AMI with Cloud Formation only before deleting that Cloud Formation stack?

My question here is I will be creating the EC2 instance using the cloud formation template, while deleting the stack I want to create the AMI of that EC2. I found some articles about how to create the ...
Srinivas Varma's user avatar
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Instance launched from AMI can NOT be connected, original instance works fine

All: I have an EC2 instance (based on Linux 2, Kernel 4.14), which seems to be in good running condition. I am able to SSH to it (using user name and password. I enabled this). I also verified that ...
david's user avatar
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1 answer

attribute error when sharing AMI using lambda

Here is my code and the error when i try to share AMIs with another account. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated. import boto3 from datetime import datetime, timedelta target_account_id = '...
sniphar's user avatar
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AWS Ec2 image builder cron expression

I would like to schedule a cron that runs once week on Saturday @ 9pm. Here is the documentation This is what I tested ...
Tate_87's user avatar
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EC2-Image builder failed with Unable to bootstrap TOE

I am using the AWS-Ec2 image builder for the first time and I have configured the pipeline with default configs and I am trying to run a component which is amazon-owned (python-3-linux), and I get the ...
Jananath Banuka's user avatar
-1 votes
4 answers

Automate latest AMI for EC2 Image Builder or Packer

Want to automate using any Jenkins Pipeline : How to detect the latest AMI ID available and use that for customization like additional packages ? Any other tool to detect new AMI and deploy EC2 ...
Pankaj Rudrawar's user avatar
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https connection fails on my ec2 amazon linux 2 for a container

I have been trying to solve my issue for two days now. I have an ec2 instance (AMI) that is hosting a docker container that works well in http (http connection to my server). I have followed this ...
Quentin's user avatar
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7 answers

You may not specify a referenced group id for an existing IPv4 CIDR rule. prompt when editing the Inbound rule in AWS Security Group

In AWS EC2, I start a Classical Load Balancer in front of EC2 instance (security group of EC2 instance is launch-wizard-3). I want to change the inbound rule of Security Group of EC2 instance . A ...
sajeewaI-'s user avatar
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I lost my pem file for one of my EC2 instance. No luck in restoring the instance by replacing the authorized key in root volume of this instance

I lost my pem file. So i followed the steps given in to restore the instance by changing the authorized_keys in root volume. Once it attached the instance ...
Sukhanth Vijayakumaran's user avatar
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Setting up Docker on EC2 instance has permission issues, how do I either reinstall Docker or fix this?

Issue When following the AWS guide for installing Docker (, I'm stuck on step 8 docker info. Permission should have been ...
Jules's user avatar
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How to check that AWS EC2 AMI requires EULA Opt-In?

There is a question that asks How to opt-in for AWS EC2 AMI from SDK?. And as I understand, it's not possible to do it. But is it possible to at least understand if AMI requires Opt-In? And if our ...
Denis V's user avatar
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EC2 Image Builder with Amazon Inspector - different rule packages?

I've built golden image pipeline with EC2 Image Builder. It works perfectly fine. Now I want to integrate it with Amazon Inspector and there is aws-managed test component which I can add easily to my ...
Krasi Marinov's user avatar
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How to pipe rails app's docker container logs to aws cloud-watch

I've rails app running with docker installed EC2 instance. I'm struggling with piping my docker container logs(STDOUT) to AWS cloudwatch console. I've already tried by installing awslogs agent on ec2 ...
nidhi_007's user avatar
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Can't login to EC2 after changing the login user and port

Due to the client's requirement, we changed the login user and port to login into the ec2 shell. e.g. it looked like this:> ssh -i 'key.pem' changed_user@ip -p 2002. I created a snapshot out of it ...
Sohail's user avatar
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Mounting an Additional EBS volume to AMI with EC2 Image Builder

I am using EC2 Image Builder Service to build golden AMIs. Use Case : I want to attach additional EBS volume in the instance and there i will do all the installation of third party components and ...
SRJ's user avatar
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How can I create an AWS ec2 instance clone for redesigning website using a separate domain name?

My current ec2 instance is running original website using I have cloned the instance by saving an image and launched it as a new instance. I want to open it using a separate domain i.e. xyz....
Anjly Shines's user avatar
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How to automate EC2 Instance snapshots?

How can I automate EC2 instance snapshots every X time? By snapshot, I mean an image of all data and state and configuration of the virtual machine, so I can recover it quickly. Is there an AWS ...
kirk mads's user avatar
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Neo4J Causal Cluster using 3 AWS EC2 Instances

We are trying to setup Neo4j Causal Clustering using 3 EC2 instances that we have created in our AWS Account each with Neo4j Enterprise Causal Cluster AMI. We made necessary configurations in the ...
ABHIJITH WARRIER's user avatar
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How to execute shell script during start of the machine in AWS EC2

I have create EC2 instance(name: firstinstance) and install my application on it. Then I have created AMI image using the above instance Then I have created EC2 instance(name: secondinstance) from AMI ...
Galet's user avatar
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How to setup Ec2 for MongoDB so that RAM and storage will automatically increase based on their requirement?

I have a MongoDB in AWS Ec2 Instance and want to automatically increase RAM and storage size. I search various documents and blogs, some said, use MongoAtlas or use vertical Ec2 Autoscaling. But my ...
user13789881's user avatar
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Hardening AWS EC2 Instances

I have launched and AWS ECS cluster with 4 EC2 instances with ecs optimized AMI 2 years ago, the system was working fine but due to systems hardening compliance , I need to update my ECS cluster EC2 ...
Bala krishna's user avatar

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