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1 answer

How does google firebase save users data so that every time the user logs on, the previous work they did on the website is still there? [closed]

How does google firebase save users data so that every time the user logs on, the previous work they did on the website is still there? I watched a couple videos and saw that people use the Real-time ...
Lucy's user avatar
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2 answers

Keep Form Data filled out without a submit (PHP/JS)

this is my very first post here so any criticism regarding this question is very welcome. To the question: I have a form input on my web page which hold basic user data (Please enter your name etc) ...
Linus's user avatar
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1 answer

"ReferenceError: userData is not defined" - How to define userData in separate, helpers function?

I am a beginner. I want to separate the cryptographic function (encryption.js) from the authentication.js file, but I get an error "ReferenceError: userData is not defined". How to define ...
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4 answers

Electron store my app datas in 'userData' path

I'm building and trying do deploying a packaged electron app. FOr the packaging i used electron-packager electron-installer-debian electron-installer-dmg electron-winstaller and I'm facing a little ...
Mat.C's user avatar
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Is an array of objects meant to be stored in databases or js files?

Here is small sample of an array of objects I use for my site.This isn't the full js file but just snippet. I have multiple js files like this and some files are up to 500 lines of code. I'm learning ...
Derf Mongrel's user avatar
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1k views for Chrome extension

I'm fairly new to JavaScript and am creating an extension that saves user data to display on a specific page (Google Classroom, to be specific). I have tried using localStorage but this saves it to a ...
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How to scrape webpage through the client?

I'm trying to make a web tool that assembles specific parts of other sites onto one canvas. As an example, I'm wanting my own canvas to show my Youtube subscriptions (user specific data) and my ...
Sjael's user avatar
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1 answer

Where to store user data in SPA

I have been developing a SPA with AngularJS and I have stored the user data in an Angular Value service but I do not feel confortable with that, basically because the Angular Value is not shared ...
Ing.LkRuiZ's user avatar
5 votes
5 answers

JS document.getElementById execute on Button click

I am extremely new to JavaScript, so bear with me. I have the following code: <input id="test" name="test" type="text" value="" /> <input id="test" type="button" value="Go!" /> <...
user3573194's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Javascript error: disk is full

With relation to Exception "The disk is full " is thrown when trying to store data in usedata object in IE7+ which has been left unanswered: I am heavily browsing a government website ...
George Gkionis's user avatar
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getAttribute Method of Userdata Behavior and localStorage in firefox

I am writing a web page that should store persistent data. In IE, I can simply use Userdata Behavior to store data or objects. Besides, Userdata Behavior offers getAttribute and setAttribute methods ...
user1279271's user avatar
2 votes
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Saving user textarea contents into browser storage

I'd like to make an autosave feature, but without using server storage and flash. What's the preferred cross browser way to save a textarea, then recall it from browser storage? Internet explorer has ...
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