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Flask session variable not persisting between Ajax requests

In my Flask app, I'm trying to display the progress of a backend task to the client. The client sends an initial request which begins the task. The task contains a loop, and as it iterates, it updates ...
Neckroll the 70th's user avatar
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Passing session variable from list php

I am having a major issue passing session variables via link from a list of options. Having searched through numerous posts I havent seen anything that is of help. So here is a sample of the code. ...
Ian Young's user avatar
2 votes
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Set WooCommerce billing country based on WPML current language

I am using the following code to change WooCommerce billing country to the selected site language. add_filter('init', function() { $lang = apply_filters( 'wpml_current_language', NULL ); $...
Nathan Otten's user avatar
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3 answers

ASP.NET session variables not being retained

I have two web forms in In the first page is set a session variable like so: HttpContext.Current.Session("myTestVariable") = "ABCD" On the second page I try to read the ...
Herman Badenhorst's user avatar
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Express Session not persisting through redirect in production with RedisStore

I am building a web app that uses session storage for key user identifying variables. In development, I used the default express-session MemoryStore with no issues. After deploying my node.js backend ...
Jack Diskin's user avatar
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Pass external parameters from Google CCAI to Dialogflow CX for pre-populating user information

I'm working with Google CCAI (Contact Center AI) integrated with Dialogflow CX for an IVR system. I need to send external parameters from CCAI to Dialogflow CX to pre-populate user information ...
chirag2506searce's user avatar
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My counter is edited correctly when a button is clicked but this new value is not saved for the next action

When a button is clicked my counter should be lowered by 1 or 2 depending on the clicked button. This works the first time but when a button is clicked again the original value of my counter is used ...
Kara's user avatar
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Session Not Stored In Express

I am creating a React app with Express as the backend and using MongoStore to store the session data. When I log in to Cloud Mongo in Atlas, I can see a session being created and my variable is stored....
Arogya's user avatar
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How do I get @variables in a sql query to stay set when I export the query results to cvs from phpmyadmin?

I'm using phpmyadmin. I have a query like this set @months := '36'; select bla, bla, bla From tables where date = @months; Runs great from the sql tab. When the results come up I hit export at the ...
user2487820's user avatar
1 vote
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Laravel 11.9 Flash Sessioned Data Not Passing Message

I am trying to set a custom message when a user session has timed out. I managed to setup the timeout rerouting, but I struggle to include a message to notify the user. Here's part of the code that I ...
Derrick's user avatar
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Session sometime Getting null value after redirect a page in C# ASP.NET Core Razor pages

My project fully builds in ASP.NET Core Razor pages, an e-commerce site. I have used so many sessions in the project like string CartDatass = HttpContext.Session.GetString("...
Mahmud Hasan's user avatar
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Flask session variable not saving within generator function

I need to save chat history for an LLM in a session variable to avoid having to do it in a data-table per user. A session variable would just work wonderfully here. However, I have a generator ...
Jami Bailey's user avatar
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Problems with headers and simple navbar [duplicate]

HTML code: login.php : <body> <div class="container-fluid" style="margin-top: 170px; margin-bottom: 150px"> <header><?php require('header.php'); ?></...
Giuseppe's user avatar
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2 answers

Login session not accessible other than redirected page

This is my login.php if ($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] == "POST") { $username = $_POST['username']; $password = $_POST['password']; $stmt = $conn->prepare("SELECT ...
Asad Khrd's user avatar
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Can't get full session info from nextAuth getServerSession()

I am using NextAuth with Discord to get a users information. I need this info on an API route. The standard session provided the username, image and email.This is fine but the issue comes form me ...
owen.sol's user avatar
-1 votes
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PHP sessions not working properly in Codeigniter 4

PHP session are not working properly. Values in the session are first stored in get_values_from_email(). But I cannot see the values of the var_dump($this->session->get()) inside the function ...
Adrian L Perez's user avatar
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session_id saved in session_store is different to request.session[:session_id] [duplicate]

Ruby 3.2.4, Rails, Postgres 14, Ubuntu 22.04. gem 'activerecord-session_store' initializer is as follows Rails.application.config.session_store :active_record_store, :key => '...
David's user avatar
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Session variables are not saved / Session get destroyed - in SiteGround [duplicate]

I implemented a management site in PHP where access to the ID is saved in a session variable ($_SESSION['user']). Still, after I was redirected to another page with a header, the session variable ...
Leonardo Vianello's user avatar
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Get Sessions variables/connection to stay connected for 24 hours instead of 24 minutes in PHP

I am working on a new website using PHP/MariaDB. I implanted facebook login with this tutorial ( and it works great. I am now fully approved on ...
Alex Vio's user avatar
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ASP.NET Session variable data lost randomly for random users

I have a web application created using .Net Framework 4.6.1. Recently, I started getting complaints from users that they were redirected to the login page. It only happens when session data is not ...
Brijesh Gandhi's user avatar
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How to link Stripe session with my own web app session

I have the following setup: a very simple web app written with Node & Express. There is a simple index.html page that only contains a Stripe Payment link, as shown below: <!DOCTYPE html> <...
marius's user avatar
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1 answer

Creating a game in Flask / Print the values of a while loop in different html pages

For a project, I'm currently trying to create a game (a variation of the Hangman) in python using Flask to make it accessible on an html page. This game is destined to be used by deaf children to ...
Kehina Manseri's user avatar
-2 votes
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How do I reload an html page to make changes visible after a user logs in?

Edited: I didn't understand the nature of the problem earlier If I use javascript functions with page display changes from block to none and vice versa for redirecting between pages, how do I update ...
Marina Gurova's user avatar
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$_SESSION variable in php is not incrementing according to the condition [duplicate]

This a code snippet of my project, an ecommerce store. I have created a javascript event to increment the quantity of product. The quantity of product is increasing accordingly but the value of my $...
Muhammad Hassan's user avatar
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2 answers

Does PHP reinitialize session variables when visiting a page in another tab?

I am building a simple website in PHP 8.0.30 where after the user logs in successfully, specific values are added to the $_SESSION, including their last time of access as follows: index.php <?php ...
Khanjan Desai's user avatar
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Add fees based on custom selected options in WooCommerce Cart page

I've added some checkboxes to my cart page which give the customers the opportunity to add extra items to their order. This is based on Custom checkbox that adds a fee in WooCommerce cart page answer ...
JWCreative's user avatar
-2 votes
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Cannot rollback user-defined variables in MySQL

First, I set John to the user-defined variable @name as shown below: SET @name = 'John'; Then, I set David to @name in a transaction, then rollbacked as shown below: BEGIN; SET @name = 'David'; ...
Super Kai - Kazuya Ito's user avatar
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2 answers

Set variable to an expired session out of a view in Django

I’m trying to set a variable to an expired session out of a view in Django. I’m aware of django’s documentation on Using sessions out of views. But in my case, I try to set a session variable in a ...
Zatigem's user avatar
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In flask, can I not name a session variable using another varible?

Im trying to do: @app.route("/process_page_data/<page>", methods=["POST"]) def process_page_data(page): print(f"\n process {page} data... \n") session[f&...
Sammyul Haque's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Missing Session variable in ASP.NET MVC 4

I encountered a missing Session problem. After days of investigation, I found out the Session is missing when it tries to call AJAX post trigger by SignalR from localhost. I have a local Windows ...
Sam's user avatar
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Express.js not saving session data

I am building a web app and I would like to assign every client a random user ID (which should be retained across sessions). For this, I am setting the userId session variable. const app = express() ...
Wais Kamal's user avatar
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How to store an int userId in core razor website

Seriously struggling to have a decent solution to access an int userId value across multiple pages So I am not an expert. Just when you feel competent a problem like this comes along. I have a ...
user14554500's user avatar
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Supervisor (superuser) approval of root superuser login in Django

In my Django project with two superusers called root and supervisor, I'm trying to implement the following flow: When root logs into the application, he is directed to a 'waiting for authorisation' ...
Kuchiki Byakuya's user avatar
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How can I redirect users to different pages based on session in PHP?

im trying after put username and password redirect to other page named panel.php but after the put currect values in form destination page redirect me again to login form. my login code -> <?php ...
mohammad safari's user avatar
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SQL Array and session variable [duplicate]

I have an array in a PostGreSQL query and I can't turn it into a session variable. The table resulting from the query sends this: {1,2,3} if I transform this into a session variable I have the same ...
Sylvain's user avatar
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How to store Power BI session data without Localstorage?

I am developing a custom Power BI visual. In my use case, the visual need to authenticate the users to a third party server with the Oauth2 protocol. When opening the report, every user should have a ...
Pietro's user avatar
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How to read Gmails using the api?

so I was able to put a code together that allows me to retrieve unread messages from last 48 hours , thanks to @LindaLawton-DaImTo. here, I'm having problems to prettify the output (which is in a html ...
Jaswanth's user avatar
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Use session_set_cookie_params or session_start options

Where should session cookies options go? in session_start or session_set_cookie_params? The documentation at is a bit unclear one these as they don't mention session_set_cookie_params. Are the ...
theking2's user avatar
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Can't access session variable even with session_start()

I have trouble accessing my session variable from one page to another. When I access the response from the page that sets the session variable as a regular JSON response, I can confirm that the ...
Dumebi 's user avatar
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Access to another page by only clicking on the link and preventing page access by entering url in browser

Is it possible to redirect a user back to 1st Page if they directly try to access the 2nd Page by entering the url on the browser and not the given link on 1st Page. I have a link which I need the ...
Septiana Fajrin's user avatar
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2 answers

DataTable row indexes do no match the order when bound to Gridview

I have a Gridview with different items, ordered by the integer column "Order". I am saving the DataTable that feeds the Gridview as "Session Parameter". Item Order ...
Barnabeck's user avatar
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Block PHP Webpage except through Redirect from PHP webpage using Session Variables

I am trying to block access to my webpage except it is accessed via a successful button click on a verification page. The backend of the verification has been handled and it works as expected. I ...
Dumebi 's user avatar
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Temporary table or View with session variables, which one to use and why?

I am new to Snowflake. I have a basic question. I have a large dataset that I need to use in a join with other tables. *Should I use a temporary table, or a view with session variables for this ...
ARPAN BANERJEE's user avatar
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Spring Session results in spam: ORA-00942: table or view does not exist

I'm new to Spring and Java. I'm trying to setup session management using Sprint Session but I'm getting error spam on the server. I followed this guide:
Kmus's user avatar
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Custom Session Handler With JSON in PHP Destroy Session by Mistake

I have a task to implement my Custom Session Handler in PHP, where data from each session is saved in a specified directory in a JSON Text file. Here is the code (it's a combination of code from ...
Alexei Bobrik's user avatar
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Session value not working in SelectCommand of SqlDataSource for DetailsView

i have a webapplication in .net and use a DetailsView. im control this DetailsView with a SqlDataSource. i set a session with jquery. <script > var baseUrl = (window.location).href;...
simo's user avatar
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Update prices for shipping methods dynamically in WooCommerce

I am trying to update the shipping prices for my shipping methods dynamically. I get the shipping costs from an API and I want to update the prices when the I successfully get the prices from the API ...
AD1TYA's user avatar
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Using session storage on Flutter web

The libraries I have seen and use allow to store on local storage, but is there a way to store data easily on session storage with Flutter? Thank you.
user3808307's user avatar
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Why can't I see the session variables set previously?

I have two processes. The first (#1) sets some session variables and also creates a cookie with the session_id in it. The second (#2)reads the cookie and runs this code: session_id($_COOKIE['...
richie's user avatar
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New session created for each instance in Perl web app using CGI::Application::Plugin::Session

Caveat: similar to, but still different from this thread. In a home-rolled ecomm app, a session with a param of order_id is created by a Perl module common to all instances when an item is added to ...
breadwild's user avatar
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