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truncation in R not as expected [duplicate]

I am having some issues while using trunc() in R (R version 4.4.0 in windows 11). Let's say I want to trunc, for instance, this vector v <- c(.600, 1.600, 2.600, 3.600, 4.600, 5.600) to 2 decimal ...
droubi's user avatar
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Odd data truncation upon import

Mysqlimport (and 'load data ...') are incorrectly importing data from my flat-file input. The commands I've used to load are: load data local infile '/srv/django/tmp/icdo_prev/orders_icdodiagnosis.csv'...
J. White's user avatar
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2 answers

EllipsizeMode doesn't work in react-native application

I have a fairly complicated structure of elements created dynamically that are displayed in a limited space. <View style={{overflow: "hidden", flexWrap: "nowrap"}}> <...
Chris L's user avatar
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Data loss in SSIS package

I inherited a SSIS package that pulls data from table 1 to table 2 to table 3 and finally a destination(T0) table. Table 3 and T0 has the same data structure but has different data type. For example. ...
Dino's user avatar
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Task Scheduler truncating PowerShell output at 80 Characters

No matter the formatting or output method I am trying I am not able to get around task schedulers ability to truncate output at it's default column 80 UGH I had tried Get-CimInstance -computerName $...
DougR's user avatar
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Why is SQL Server truncating my values from a decimal column? [duplicate]

I'm writing a query which do some calculations over some tables to return to my application, after debugging I've found out that the undesired truncation is being done directly in SQL Server instead ...
Fnr's user avatar
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How do I set alignment and restrict character length in an f string? [duplicate]

I am trying to output from a CSV reader a table with three columns. Each column is formatted differently. The first column has a maximum and minimum of 44 characters. This is the print statement: ...
Gregory St Germain's user avatar
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SSIS Advanced Editor for Data Conversion

In SSIS I have a truncation error under Data Conversion Input. Howerver in the "Advanced Editor for Data Conversion" the property "TruncationRowDisposition" is grayed out. Ive ...
Randyness's user avatar
-1 votes
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Truncate the input numbers in Excel

I use VBA code to truncate the input numbers in Excel. In some cases it rounds the number rather than truncating. Examples: 1.11116, 17.84116. The code is being applied to empty cells where an ...
Milad's user avatar
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How do I update a long text field in from a long text field in another table without truncating

How do I update a long text field in from a long text field in another table without truncating fields that exceed 256 characters? I have two tables. tbl_current_text with two fields: system_id, ...
Ken321's user avatar
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1 answer

The fastest way to convert a UInt64 hex string to a UInt32 value preserving as many leading digits as possible, i.e. truncation

I'm looking for the fastest way to parse a hex string representing a ulong into a uint keeping as many leading digits as a uint can handle and discarding the rest. For example, string hex = "...
Vas's user avatar
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3 answers

Truncating a slug to maximum length by removing delimited words from the middle of string

I am trying to ensure that a slug formatted string is within the total character limit by removing words from the middle of the string if warranted. Sample slug: '/job/hello-this-is-my-job-posting-for-...
David Pham's user avatar
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Casting uint64 to uint32 and truncation

When we cast an uint64_t to an uint32_t, I see by reading cppreference that truncation happens. But, what bits are truncated? The higher or lower bits? How is this decided, and why?
SomeoneWithPassion's user avatar
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Pandas truncates strings in numpy list

Consider the following minimal example: @dataclass class ExportEngine: def __post_init__(self): self.list = pandas.DataFrame(columns=list(MyObject.CSVHeaders())) def export(self): ...
GarethPrice's user avatar
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-1 votes
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C++, string is seemingly truncating randomly [closed]

I'm trying to create a loop that'll remove multiple instances of a string of characters, in this case "123", and to replace them with the series of characters "168" for a class ...
Mr.Moffia's user avatar
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SAS dataset (seemingly) truncating character variable when setting with another datas

I create a dataset from an Excel spreadsheet using PROC IMPORT and get the value '3 esoph - 2 cardia' (among others but this is the one that displays the issue) for a character variable. This dataset ...
Jim Nezamis's user avatar
3 votes
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Predict function for Tobit model using censReg in R

I want to estimate a Tobit model with random effects and afterwards use the model for prediction. Estimation is possible with the censReg package, however it does not provide a predict function. I ...
Nerd's user avatar
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Is there a safe way to cast float64 to int64 in Go?

I am aware of the int() or int64() typecast functions, the Go provides. Is there a safe way to cast float64 to int64 (with truncation,) given the largest representable 64-bit floating point number ...
Pavlo Maistrenko's user avatar
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Why is it whenever I use std::ios:trunc, the stream is falsy

So I have the following code: #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <string> void writeSingle(std::fstream &myFileStream) {"my_file2", ...
Synthwave09's user avatar
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Circle Area C++ Truncation Calculation Problem [closed]

I tried to make a console application in C++ that calculates the area of a circle using the equation: pi times radius squared. By the way, I use Visual Studio to make console applications. These are ...
Henry Pai's user avatar
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'ORA-01002 fetch out of sequence' when fetching from cursor based on truncated temporary table

I have a PLSQL function which opens new cursor based on join of persistent table with temporary table. Every time the new cursor is created, the temporary table is truncated and filled with data (the ...
Tomáš Záluský's user avatar
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Rounding up to the nearest integer [duplicate]

I'm having trouble rounding up to the next integer, because of integer truncation. Basically, I want x/n (both integers) to be 9 but I keep getting 8. How do I divide two integers and get an integer ...
Angie's user avatar
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3 answers

Truncating text when it's in a typescript readonly template

I am trying to truncate text in a popup box, but the text for the popup box is not coming from an html file. The application is an angular application and the file that is building the popup box is an ...
kemosabe's user avatar
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How to truncate Android TextView with margins?

I am attempting to implement the layout shown below: i.e. 2 rows of text information. Each row has a label (static text) for the first column, then dynamic info text displayed afterwards. ...
nick_j_white's user avatar
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How to truncate UTF8 string in JavaScript without breaking multibyte characters?

My apologies if this has been answered here already. I couldn't find a relevant thread. I'm brand new at JavaScript. I need to be able to truncate a string in a UTF8-friendly way. Currently, using ...
captain-nemo-10994's user avatar
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Powershell - Get-Process's ProcessName is truncated on macOS

I'm using Powershell 7.2.5 on macOS 12.5. I had Google Chrome open and ran Get-Process google*, and got truncated ProcessName: gps google* NPM(K) PM(M) WS(M) CPU(s) ...
Teddy C's user avatar
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Opening a file in append mode but truncating the file if not empty in JAVA 11

I would like to create a result.csv file if it does not exist, then I call write several times and append corresponding messages one by a call. But If the file already exists and contain something ...
Evgeny Kuznetsov's user avatar
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python open function trunctating output

I am very new to python and coding in general, so any help or point in the right direction is greatly appreciated. I am trying to print an output to a file using python's open function. when I print ...
yaniv's user avatar
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Separating specific portion of a string in python

I am sending information via SCPI to power supplies. I created a GUI to display its responses. One of the responses comes is an error message that is a string and it has a character, a number, a comma ...
Joshua Reck's user avatar
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2 answers

SharePoint (lists) - Multiline clamping (display only the first line)

I have a column that contains multiline data and I am trying to keep only the first line visible and hide the rest so I can have a nice displayed list with minimum gap between the lines. Ideally a ...
Saad's user avatar
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Fit negative binomial to zero-truncated (positive only) data

I just learned that MASS::fitdistr, when fitting a negative binomial, is sensitive to the number of zeroes... a bummer since I was hoping to fit this distribution to count data of species where the ...
Michael Roswell's user avatar
3 votes
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react-testing-library: Verify text truncation

I have a component "Label" which has rudimentary truncation support: import "./styles.css"; export default function Label(props) { const className = props.truncate ? "...
Jonathan.Brink's user avatar
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How to read numpy array without truncation [duplicate]

I was surprised I couldn't find this more easily. How do we set the number of digits to truncate to when reading in a numpy array? import numpy as np np.set_printoptions(threshold=sys.maxsize) ...
Alberto MQ's user avatar
-3 votes
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How does sign contraction work from 16 bit to 8 bit?

How do I sign contract it is a negative number but I need to remove all the FF here but if I do that it becomes a positive number. One definition of "sign contraction" can be ...
Nishant's user avatar
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2 answers

It appears truncation error after inserting value

I am having problems (SQL Server 2019) with the last sentence. After inserting product called MEMORIA USB it appears the next error: Msg 2628, Level 16, State 1, Procedure TR_ProductoInsertado, Line 4 ...
b4tm4n's user avatar
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Can FtpWebRequest upload ASCII row lengths larger than 256 characters? My 2091 character rows are truncating

I have a .NET Core 3.1 web app that was calling a BAT/Command file process to upload a text file to a remote directory. It was working fine, but I was tasked with changing the FTP process to use Ftp ...
Hiwater's user avatar
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Why is my NSPrintOperation print image truncating my Text() view but my screen image is displaying the same exact Text views just fine

First, I apologize for the lack of images. Apparently I'm still too new here to do that. I will attempt to describe the problem verbally, and provide the two key pieces of code. I'm printing a tv ...
Joe Bell's user avatar
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joint conditional truncation for ndarray

Given a 2-dim numpy array array([[-1.00, 1.00 ], [-2.00, 2.00 ], [ 2.00, 3.00 ], [ 1.00, 3.00 ], [-4.00,-3.00]]) I wish to retrieve the rows that both exceed a give value. ...
edlim's user avatar
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How do I wrap truncated text in a SwiftUI Text with quotes?

I want to achieve exactly the same effect as specified by this question, except in SwiftUI. That is, I want a Text object set to .lineLimit(3).truncationMode(.tail) that will render the text, ...
Robert Atkins's user avatar
1 vote
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How do I diagnose and fix "Error formatting query, probably invalid parameters, incorrect syntax" error?

I'm putting together a stored procedure that sends some query results attached as a CSV in an email. I'm testing the procedure and get this error: Msg 22050, Level 16, State 1, Line 2 Error ...
Matt's user avatar
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-4 votes
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Getting different output for slight variation in input for unicode.IsNumber() function in Go

Why does unicode.IsNumber(rune(truncfloat)) returns false some cases? For 55.3 output is true For 58.3 output is false Below is my code: package main import ( "fmt" "unicode&...
Akash Deo's user avatar
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2 survival functions, 1 left-truncated, 1 not truncated. How create survival function in R that assumes same experience over the truncated interval?

I have two survival functions, one is not truncated so I have experience for all time periods. The other is left-truncated until t = 4, so it has no experience until t > 4. I can plot the two ...
AndrewT's user avatar
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c++ libtomcrypt library outputting shorter hashes/truncated hashes

I am trying to generate hashes to use in a blockchain project, when looking for a crypto library i stumbled accross tomcrypt and chose to download it since it was easy to install, but now i have a ...
Emilio Gennaro's user avatar
5 votes
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SwiftUI Menu breaks layout

This sample SwiftUI app (Xcode 12.5.1) consists of a Menu and a button. Tapping the button toggles the title of the menu between "Short Text" and "Much Longer Text". Unfortunately, ...
Anton's user avatar
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2 votes
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Firefox Internal Error: too much recursion - how can I show more stacktrace to make clear where problem originated?

I managed to either trigger bug in one of libraries that I used or I passed invalid data there. Fine, it happens. But to diagnose what happened it would be nice to know where I actually call this ...
reducing activity's user avatar
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What is the maximum string size or string length for ObjectSetText in MQL4?

Comment(MSGARRAY[0], "\n" , MSGARRAY[01], "\n" , MSGARRAY[02] , "\n" , " error:" , err, "\n" , "") ; does not truncate strings(see ...
TheRumpledOne's user avatar
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Postman check for two decimal places for a number in a test

The Situation I am running into is that I am doing a basic test and it appears the response.json() is truncating trailing zeros. As this is a money field, I would like to validate the response is ...
Eric VanRoy's user avatar
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How can I ignore bulk load data conversion error (truncation)

I have a file that is an extract from a MySQL table that I would like to in turn load to a SQL table (csv file) through a SSMS job. However, there is a field in the file that is defined as "...
Henry's user avatar
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1 answer

Bulk load data conversion error (truncation) for row 1, column 14 (created)

Need help please! I have a SQL Server table: CREATE TABLE [dbo].[WSaccount] ( [id] [varchar](21) NOT NULL, [account_category] [varchar](255) NULL, [account_code] [varchar](255) NULL, [...
Henry's user avatar
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How can I cut the end of the text of a label with HTML format

I verified in some tests that just using TextType as Text, I can cut the text from a label at the end. I wonder if there is any way to accomplish this in text in HTML format. <Label Text="{...
José Guilherme's user avatar

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