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React: Cannot enter a value while testing NumericFormat embedded in Controller

I have a NumericFormat as part of a react-hook-form Controller which vitest renders with jest-dom. When trying to enter some test data into it, its value does not change. The Component: // ...
onouv's user avatar
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React Component not found during unit test (using jest and react testing library)

I'm working with an Autocomplete component in React where I need to conditionally render a "Load More" button based on the option.is_for_load_more property. However, the component is not ...
Blustacko's user avatar
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How to unit test a form using the useActionState hook?

I want to test a form with the useActionState hook. It does use simply async function, not a server action. I would like to assert the state to be incremented, but the test fails even before I can ...
Mist's user avatar
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A wall of red errors when testing MUI Datagrid

I am introducing tests into my project and the thing I've encountered is that when I test the whole page component MUI datagrid table gives a wall of errors making it almost impossible to understand ...
Александр Прошанов's user avatar
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cannot detect installed react-router-dom package when running unit tests

I want to learn react testing library with react-router-dom. I created the app using npx create-react-app command. The resulting code already has an App.test.js in the parent folder: import { render, ...
Petrando Richard's user avatar
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I can't run jest snapshot tests because im constantly getting the ''Warning: Invalid hook call."

My components are working correctly, but I need to build snapshot tests for my react project, and I can't because of this error. My data tests are running correctly. Login.jsx import React, { useState ...
Joo Victor de Aquino Netto Pac's user avatar
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Jest.mock UT is not working as expected for external library

I am trying to write UT for my utility function, which involves an third party library, refiner-js. Now, ideally this should work, but on running the tests, it shows this error and fails the test: ...
Neeraj Sati's user avatar
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Testing different environment variables

We are running tests that test various settings for an environment variable. We need to be able to set the environment variable differently for different tests, and therefore cannot simply import an ....
Josh Busley's user avatar
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Error: Vitest failed to access its internal state

I'm creating a utility package that exports multiple tools like eslint, playwright, vitest, react testing library etc, and I'm using rollup to bundle the package. However, when I install this package ...
Prajwal Kulkarni's user avatar
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React 18.3 causes a lot of `act` warnings in tests

I have the following component - "A toggle button": // ToggleButton.tsx export function ToggleButton() { const [isEnabled, setIsEnabled] = React.useState(true); return ( <button ...
Jacobdo's user avatar
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Antd Select component does not show more than 2 options in tests

After going crazy around a test that refuses to pass, I realized that the Select component in the Antd library does not handle more than 2 options. I wrote the following test to explore the issue: ...
user2921009's user avatar
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How to test custom hook with useEffect in React 18?

Hook: import { useEffect, useState } from "react"; const useIsClient = () => { const [isClient, setIsClient] = useState(false); useEffect(() => { setIsClient(true); }, []); ...
BrunoLM's user avatar
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Im unable to get MSW to fire off while running a Jest test in my react app

I have a feeling this is JEST running through the test too fast. But wanted to throw some feelers out there. Here is my test file import '@testing-library/jest-dom'; // Add this import import { http, ...
dosebot's user avatar
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React Testing Library - mocking automatically prepends domain upon click

I have a simple component like so: const MyButton = ({ onLinkClick ) => { const handleClick = e => { e.preventDefault() onLinkClick({ href:, foo: 'bar', baz: '...
noblerare's user avatar
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Why is function never called in test

I need help regarding a specific test. I have a Component, that is toggling the sound on and off in my project. The last test, with which I try to test if the e.prevenDefault gets called does not work,...
Mawin's user avatar
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Cannot mock useMutation using MockProvider

I have been using MockProvider from Apollo Client successfully in mocking normal GQL queries, but when I try to mock mutations it does not seem to work. If I try to mock a useMutation using the ...
Oliver Watkins's user avatar
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Jest test code fails with navigation and jest function

This is the React code import type { FC } from 'react'; import React from 'react'; import styles from './LeaveConfirmModal.module.css'; import { Button, Modal } from 'react-bootstrap'; import { ...
Anshul Kahar's user avatar
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React 18 update - I need opinions on nuking an Enzyme legacy test coverage to use RTL instead

I just updated a legacy React code (born 5 years ago and no one never updated). What happens is that Enzyme does not run in the 18.x React versions and I had to nuke all tests, for now. The project is ...
darkflame's user avatar
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What is the right way to compare snapshots with the render method?

My snapshots logs are empty when rendering without an assignment to a var and using the screen from 'react-testing-library': render(<Element/>); expect(screen).toMatchSnapshot(); Do I really ...
darkflame's user avatar
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import not understood by test, resolve error thrown

When I run the test getting the error as: Error: Failed to resolve import "@/components/card/LoadingCards" from "app/page.tsx". Does the file exist? Plugin: vite:import-analysis ...
3gwebtrain's user avatar
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React Unit Test Not Able to Find an Element with Using Async Act

I am testing user click interaction with using Jest and RTL in my React app. Component states are updating with user interaction, i.e., a click event. My component has one combo box. When clicked, it ...
Sahil M.'s user avatar
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How to Thoroughly Test PrimeReact AutoComplete Component with API Handling and Virtual Scrolling in React?

I’m working on a project using PrimeReact’s AutoComplete component to search customers by different criteria (e.g., name, mobile number, etc.). The search suggestions are fetched from an API, and the ...
Bhushan Patil's user avatar
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Why do my React unit tests fail for my login form when I add a <Link to the register form? [duplicate]

I have several unit tests that test form validation for my login screen. Example: test("Invalid email renders error", async () => { render(<LoginForm />); // Arrange const ...
D.Hodges's user avatar
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Can't setup MSW for testing with Vitest and React Testing Library

When running the test, I'm getting an error: Error: No known conditions for "./browser" specifier in "msw" package. But nor the test neither the component doesn't use MSW. The test:...
Boi Stance's user avatar
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Style Props of Button component doesn't apply in screen.debug

Im kinda new with the React Testing library. But I'm having a strange issue found during testing. Here's is my setup and code. on ../testUtils/rtl import { ChakraProvider } from '@chakra-ui/react'; ...
kelsky's user avatar
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React Testing Library vs

What is the difference between testing the click of a button by triggering it with vs (RTL doc). Here an example: import { expect, vi } from 'vitest' import { render, ...
gixlg's user avatar
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How to write tests for state changes in React that affect other components in the UI?

UPDATE: I added a waitFor() for my expect(input.value) and was able to get rid of the act error. However, my test is still failing. I want to test once a valid wallet address is typed into the ...
melly18's user avatar
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Unable to trigger handler's REST API call

I am writing mocks responses (using MSW) for a test case for an API call when a page is rendered in vitest and I am unable to trigger the REST API call defined in a handler. Technically, if the API is ...
johnathan chan's user avatar
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How to test shift+tab key press in React Testing Library?

I have this simple test in React Testing Library. I am using RTL version 12 and "@testing-library/user-event" version "^13.5.0". Moving focus with works well, but ...
bakrall's user avatar
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It is possible to improve even more?

I have a big React app with 4205 Jest test running in a CI and it is taking more than 40 minutes to run all the tests. This amount of time is normal? Versions: NPM: 7.24.0 Node: 16.10.0 @testing-...
Ninita's user avatar
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Mock Function in Custom Hook

New to JavaScript, React, and Jest. I have been struggling with writing a Jest test for the sort functionality of a custom hook. I am basically trying to mock getRegionOptions() so that it returns [&...
BLX's user avatar
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Input still gets values even if disabled in React Testing Library

I have this test (React, Vitest & Testing Library): import { describe, expect, it } from 'vitest'; import { fireEvent, render, screen } from '@testing-library/react'; describe('App button Problem'...
Chen Peleg's user avatar
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Testing an element outside of the root div, is it possible?

I'm using yet-another-react-lightbox and need to write a basic test that make sure that the light box opens upon a button click. Upon click the library adds the element to the DOM, yet outside of the ...
Daniel Benisti's user avatar
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How can I write a test for selecting an item from a Select component that uses Portal?

I am writing a test for a Select component using the shadcn/ui package. This component has some parts (such as selectable items) that are rendered inside a Portal. Because of this, I’m having trouble ...
EhsanKey_'s user avatar
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Data not passing in component

I am trying to do the unit testing for the calculation in my component. My issue is that I have created a mockStore but that value inside the mockStore is not passing the data to my component. Hence ...
Chandru Logan's user avatar
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Jest testing error: TypeError: (0 , import_redux2.combineReducers) is not a function

Here is an error that I'm unable to fix for weeks. I'm trying to test my <App /> component using Jest (29.7.0). The error I'm getting is: TypeError: (0 , import_redux2.combineReducers) is not a ...
Soma Gui's user avatar
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AgGrid method onGridReady not being called on tests with React and Jest

I have an AGGrid with ServerSide. And when I try to do the unit test in Jest/Enzyme or React Testing Library, it doesnt render the data. Just renders the Headers Columns. And while the grid renders ...
Gustavo Sanchez's user avatar
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Vitest and react testing library error testing component with useState: TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'useState')

I'm following some videos about how setup vitest and testing library in my vite project...basically I've installed the dependencies in my package.json "devDependencies": { "@...
clagccs's user avatar
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How to do shallow snaphsot testing in React 18

So the story is the following: I have a React component. I want to unit test the rendering. Previously I've used shallow rendering from enzyme and snapshot testing for this purhose. Let me elaborate ...
Michael Kapustey's user avatar
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How test code in event listener of useRef

My react project consumes a 3rd party SDK that calls a number of events. How can I trigger the events using react testing library? const el = React.useRef(null); useEffect(() => { el.current....
Chris Oppedal's user avatar
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wait for async event to occur before exiting the tests

I have a component that dispatches an event on load. The listener is outside the component, in this case a Unit Test listening to the event. const User = () => { useEffect(() => { ...
AppDeveloper's user avatar
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Testing ShadCN Select with Jest and React testing Library [duplicate]

I have a ShadCN Select component that is abstracted into a CustomSelect component for reusability. I am trying to test the click functionality of the options and assert the text content on the Select ...
Hamed Jimoh's user avatar
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How do I test errors in a hook that suspends before it throws?

Using testing-library/react, I can use a combination of renderHook, expect and toThrowError to check that the hook throws an error under certain conditions: it("throws an error", async () =&...
Sasgorilla's user avatar
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How to mock useMapEvents (which is provided by react-leaflet) in the unit test

I was trying to create a new unit test to mock UseMapEvents but I received an error message that stated "ReferenceError: Cannot access 'map' before initialization". Do you have any solution ...
Chi Ming Pun's user avatar
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React Testing Library: rerender not working

I have this component that I am trying to test, that shows a dialog which accepts images to upload into the app: import React from 'react'; import { Box, Typography, Dialog, DialogTitle } from '@mui/...
cdyswnnr's user avatar
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How to spy on useAppDispatch() hook instance using redux-toolkit vitest

Since we can not use the hook useAppDispatch() within our test file, I wonder how can I spy on the returned instance. import * as redux from "@/core/context/redux/store"; ... it("test&...
MiguelG's user avatar
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Vitest, async await, - The error was thrown, while Vitest was running this test

import React from "react"; import { render } from "@testing-library/react"; import { screen } from "@testing-library/dom"; import MultiSelect from "@/components/...
Robson Barbosa's user avatar
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Testing onClick on sidebar item Received number of calls 0

I'm trying to make a call to the navigate function inside an item in my sidebar. In practice, the button is working normally, but when I test it, isn't working, what's wrong in my test code?...
user113581321's user avatar
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Testing code for infinite scrolling functionality using IntersectionObserver

I'm currently working on a React + TypeScript + React Query project, and I'm having trouble writing test code! The first piece of code is the MainGrid component, where I am using a custom hook called ...
cloudia's user avatar
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Remove/Disable HTML output from RTL tests

Is it possible to remove/disable the html output that always spits out when running RTL tests? My finger is getting sore from scrolling past the HTML output to find the start of the stack trace. ...
Oliver Watkins's user avatar

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