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I want to add 10 names into this list, here is the code. pls tell where the problem is. :] [closed]

l1=[] for a in range(1,10,1): z=input("Enter names:") l1.append=(z) print[l1] I tried the code. and this error came: AttributeError: 'list' object attribute 'append' is read-only So ...
Shaurya Pro's user avatar
0 votes
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Get Max date value from append variable array - azure synapse pipeline

In my Synapse pipeline, I am looping through a set of filenames. Inside the loop, I use a "Get Metadata" activity to retrieve the last modified date of each file and append these dates to an ...
pythonCoder's user avatar
-2 votes
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How to append once instead of every loop [closed]

sorry for the whole code I'm unsure how to simplify unfortunately Context Pose Keypoint extraction of picture/every frame in video keypoint coordinates & calculated angles export to .csv for ...
marc's user avatar
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Inner element is not visible within appended div in LinkedIn

I try to append programaticaly a div that contains a checkbox like this : appendedDiv = $("<div><input type='checkbox'></div>"); $(document.body).append(appendedDiv); In ...
Yaakov Whise's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

TCL - A condition for an item while appending items to a list

I have this list set csv [list] lappend csv [list \ a \ b \ c \ [expr {[cfg::get enable_all_columns] ? { d } : {} }] \ e \ f \ g] I need to add element d only if enable_all_columns is 1. The problem ...
Razvan's user avatar
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1 answer

How can I delete a "." from a list in Common Lisp?

I'm new on lisp and I'm finding a difficulty while working with "append". I have to reorder a list and put the first element of the input list as the last of the output list. I've trying ...
M1ctl4nt3cutl1's user avatar
0 votes
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Append a value to a single df column, without concatenating a row

I have a pandas df where each column have some numerical values, followed by some NaNs. The number of values and NaNs differ between columns. I want to append a single value at 'first non-NaN position'...
bearwinterfirth's user avatar
-1 votes
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Why is the pop function not popping the correct index, after the append function?

So I was working on this exercise: In a given sequence the first element should become the last one. An empty sequence or with only one element should stay the same. So I quickly wrote a function ...
KJAMIX's user avatar
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-2 votes
1 answer

tee -a command not appending to file in stringed commands

I have the following command that works fine however writing this command in a "more proper" manner, the tee -a fails to append each line to the .log file. (Instead it overwrites the file ...
Tarlak333's user avatar
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Importing/appending data from a table with only new data into existing table several tables

My database has been using a form to input new records one at a time. This input form was created automatically when the database was imported from a multi-tab Excel workbook years ago and works ...
tmguru's user avatar
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Appending a .docx file to another .docx file in node

I have two files: doc1.docx and doc2.docx Does anyone know how I can append doc2 to the end of doc1 programmatically? Imagine doc1 is a template front page and doc2 is a page of data. The end product ...
daxon101's user avatar
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append is editing arrays in arrays [duplicate]

I am making a program to log array coordinates that have not been placed in an array. Strangely, using append to add an array into another array doesn't work, and just edited the second value. string =...
arggbl's user avatar
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-2 votes
1 answer

How do I append to slice in struct of multidimensional in Go? [duplicate]

New to Go... I have the following: type class struct{ Name string Age int Address string Phone. int } SchoolClassList := [12][4]class{} NewStudent := class{} To start, I initialize ...
Victor's user avatar
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Celigo Google Sheets API Import Append Overwriting Data

I have a netsuite -> google sheets import that is made through Celigo that is set to append data to a google sheets. The HTTP method is set to post, and it is using the append method with ...
Ryan Hopps's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

Append Queries not in qdefs collection? [closed]

I want to compile a list of metadata about queries within an MS Access DB. For each query I want a listing of the query's fields. The database I'm working in has three kinds of queries: Append, ...
Jeff's user avatar
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How to concatenate two arrays in nunjucks

I have two arrays, arr1 and arr2. I want to concatenate (append all items if arr2 in arr1) both arrays and store in arr3. How to achieve this with nunjucks?
Bopsi's user avatar
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Update data based on ID or append new row if ID not on list

I have a Google Sheet with report data that needs validaiton. I have created a User Form (Validation_1 tab) to pull the report data into for ease of reading. On the User Form the data is validated ...
deb's user avatar
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-1 votes
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Efficient append / event logging in simulation model in R

Context: I'm building a simulation model in R which runs for ~5200 timesteps with ~1000+ individuals. Each timestep, individuals can experience some events with random chance and dynamic rates (~9 ...
jessexknight's user avatar
-1 votes
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I tried to save some strings in csv file but it gets distorted [duplicate]

this is my code it gets an string from user via cin and opens a file and appends it to the file resembeling a simple phonebook. what am I missing ? where am I going wrong? by the way I am using code ...
Reza Beygi's user avatar
0 votes
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.append function writes to all players variables even though it should only write to one players variables [duplicate]

Im making a blackjack sorta thing that supports several players. It does this by having a list of player objects, that each have a cards variable, where the player's cards are stored. I want to draw a ...
FerbSilent's user avatar
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Godot 4 Array append changes all existing records as well

I was able to solve this but I dont understand how. When I perform an append to an array, the last value appended becomes the value for all the records in the array. var func ...
Easy Cap's user avatar
2 votes
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How to send append data using axios?

The problem occur when I am trying to send append data it accept in object form and I'm unable to get data from server it show request parameter invalid function Traveller() { const formData = ...
Yogita Karande's user avatar
0 votes
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How to deal with ´append´ like functions in lapply?

I have a function (more specifically prophet::add_regressor()) which appends values to an object. I recreated a similar function to make sure my point is clear: add_to_a_list = function(object, ...
Mesozoik's user avatar
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How can I append duplicated groups of a dataset with changes to existing data in R efficiently?

I have data like this: key_data <- data.frame(orig_letter=c("A","A","A","A","C","C","F","B","B","B&...
Neal Barsch's user avatar
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JQuery - How to append to element during each iteration of a loop

This is a question that seems to have been asked a number of times here by different people using a number of different coding languages, but no one seems to have come up with a clear definitive ...
Graphic Detail's user avatar
-3 votes
2 answers

How to skip first element of each row in csv file without changing csv file

I am using a for loop in python to convert the values from the csv file into integer and float then putting them in a list in the code itself but the problem is with that the csv file doesn't only ...
aaa bbb's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

How to join all rows of one table to a column of another table that is not in the first table?

First table is only one column, just customer ID: ID ___ 1122 2222 3333 Second table is the product information: | State| User | Limit | CA | JM21 | 100 | OH | JD11 | 200 | ...
James Knopp's user avatar
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Powershell out-file throwing a file in use error

I have a script that has been running for several years. In the past week, it has started throwing file-in-use-by-another process errors: Out-File : The process cannot access the file '\OB-UTIL-PRD-01\...
eileen's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Mongoengine: Atomic [create or modification]

I have the following MongoDB document-class defined with mongoengine: class Archive( mongoengine.Document ): user_id = mongoengine.StringField() transaction_ids = mongoengine.ListField(...
IronPillow2's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Creating Custom Select at Run Time

I recreated my issue on Fiddle: This is the function I'm utilizing to append the custom select. function CREATE_OPTION() { var varForm = '<...
Ray Q's user avatar
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1 vote
3 answers

Appending to a list by adding to the previous value in Python

I have some repeat scenarios where I have an initial list, then I want to add some additional values to the end of the list by taking the last value and adding a constant to it. I want to repeat this ...
Radie's user avatar
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Does python 3.12 allows to append items from the list to tuple, I am trying this but getting error TYPEERROR: 'tuple' object is not callable

Please find the below code, once I execute this code I am getting 'tuple' object is not callable error please give the solution, thanks in advance. `mytuple = ("apple", "banana", &...
Lakshmi's user avatar
0 votes
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MySQL: Is there a way to append a count to a concatenated field for duplicate entries?

One of the requirements for my final project is to create a list of email addresses for existing database entries. The email addresses are based off of the first and last name with the following ...
Mitchell Richins's user avatar
1 vote
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Trouble appending obj to local storage - Jquery

Trying to accomplish: The website is an online Bible; I'd like to allow users to do the following.... Allow user to highlight (add yellow background to text) a verse by clicking on it. They can ...
Andrew Rout's user avatar
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R adding list to a list and different data type to that list in a list

I want to make a list that represents rows to print; a row contains text and numeric data; I make a toplist that contains for each row a list to print. The list for rows are constructed from stat.desc ...
BenJ's user avatar
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Issue with 'this' variable inside route.js when more than 1 steps are executed

I have a function inside route.js that takes parameter values from feature file and append the api url. Problem is I have more than 1 entries in 'Example' table in feature file, so the steps are ...
kkrfan1988's user avatar
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Nested loops in R: How to append a dataframe column with outputs from an inner loop

I have a timeseries of hourly data spanning 10 years. I would like to calculate the integral (cumtrapz) of a function output that spans each water year (October 1st, year through September 30th, year +...
matazzter's user avatar
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Encountering "AttributeError: 'DataFrame' object has no attribute 'append'" [duplicate]

I'm working on a Python script that uses the pandas library to manipulate data. However, I'm encountering an error that I can't seem to resolve. Here's the relevant part of my code: import pandas as ...
Sym Sym's user avatar
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Can you append multiple children onto different lines?

I am wondering if it's possible to append children onto different lines in JavaScript. I am trying to recreate an old Oregon Trail project and am taking a new approach at it, and when I append the ...
user22881646's user avatar
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Power Query Question: PDF with Multiple Identical tables Requiring Transpositions before merging into one table, How can I do this efficiently?

Hi everyone before I get into it here's a condensed version of what I'm trying to accomplish. My goal is to convert a series of PDF tables into single rows and then combine all of them together into a ...
Chris Casselli's user avatar
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Append new rows / data into data base if it's not there in R

I want to create a table in DWH to build historical information about something, this table get their data from live data base, the update in my table will be only in column in my table if this ...
Hassan Elleithy's user avatar
-1 votes
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Can I write a changing integer value to a list in a loop without overwriting the previous value? [closed]

I have a for loop with an if statement checking if the current character in 'phrase' is equal to a character in 'dictator[column]' and if it is, it will append the position of a character to a global ...
Mwolf930's user avatar
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Append Data to GitHub Release CSV File Using GItHub Action

I am trying to append data from a CSV file in my main branch to the end of a GitHub release file. Here is my .yml file: name: Update Data and Release CSV on: workflow_dispatch: #schedule: #- ...
Austin Rose's user avatar
1 vote
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jq - Append element after picking

System Information jq: 1.7 Pick Following command works correctly as expected: jq 'pick(.id,.title,.webpage_url,.channel,.duration_string,.upload_date)' *.info.json { "id": "...
Porcupine's user avatar
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Replicate a procedure: generate m dataframes, each one with a variable that includes random values, and append them, in R

Which is the most efficient way to generate m dataframes, where each one has a variable that includes random values, and append them? Here's an example: df <- data.frame(id = 1:10, var = sample(1:...
jeff's user avatar
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Google Sheets Import Range Appending Rows

I have been using the Google Sheets IMPORTRANGE() function to read in data from a master sheet booklet 1 to a different reference sheet booklet 2. I import columns A:E into booklet 2 from booklet 1 ...
Katelyn Murphy's user avatar
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PHP :: create file name with emoji characters using fopen

I'm trying to create file name without text and use emoji instead. If I'm putting the character itself it is working perfectly BUT I want to use safer method inside my php code so I replaced it with ...
Hezi-Gangina's user avatar
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Dropping the redPieces in vertical orientation

// Function to create grid function createGrid(containerId, numRows, numCols, colorClass) { const gridContainer = document.getElementById(containerId); for (let i = 0; i < numRows; i++) { ...
hirithik's user avatar
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Python function to merge columns into one column

I am trying to build a function, to apply to different columns with a csv file. The purpose of the function is to combine multiple columns into one, using the combine_first method described here: How ...
VBC's user avatar
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how I do sum values of with two identifiers on both rows and columns

enter image description hereI cannot get the desired output as shown here: A table was comprised of 21 rows and columns. Country names are under row 1, starting at column C to column T. Sector names ...
annely's user avatar
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