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Oracle DBMS_SQL giving ORA-1007 variable not in select list

I get this on Oracle 11g and 19c. Below is a simplified example of the code I am using to process some queries dynamically. It needs to be DBMS_SQL because the actual use case will have various ...
Pro West's user avatar
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Dynamic SQL BCP on local desktop writes no file and generates no error

I have a script task in SSIS that executes Dynamic SQL and builds a BCP statement that is executed in the typical manor. But when editing in SSMS as a SQL script, I can execute it within SSMS and it ...
mf.cummings's user avatar
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How to return columns from dynamic SQL in Python console

I'm trying to make a CRUD application that uses Oracle procedures for the operations. For the READ component, I wrote a procedure that returns one or more entire rows depending on the specified ...
sodaCodes's user avatar
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Select one value column from many in a pivot query

I have a table in SQL Server that has rows as follows: ID (int) Name (varchar) IsEnabled (int) ObjectName (varchar) PropertyName (varchar) PropertyValueString (varchar) PropertyValueInt 1 Rule01 1 ...
SoftwareDveloper's user avatar
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Dynamic Oracle Query, without dynamic

The title is indeed strange, but I will try to explain. I have been programming Oracle (PL-SQL) in version 11G for several years. I recently moved to a new workplace, and in the first task I was ...
StevenU's user avatar
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How to declare variables and use them to UPDATE each row based on the preceding row(s)

I'm looping through table1: create table table1(id,"date",quantity,"value")as values (1,'2024-10-01',1,1) ,(2,'2024-10-02',1,1) ,(3,'2024-10-03',1,1) ,(4,'2024-10-04',1,1) ,(5,'...
douglas_forsell's user avatar
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Execute dynamic inserts in a procedure

I'm new to Postgres and trying to create code that inserts data from several tables into a single table. All source tables have a name starting with "B3_HIST_", differing only in terms of ...
Delta Soares's user avatar
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How to query a dynamic list of strings using SQL?

I have a table Customers with multiple columns one of which is state. I want a dynamic query : When my stateInput is empty I want all customers, if not I want customers that have the state given in my ...
Rancha124's user avatar
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PostgreSQL Dynamic Query Execution with Table-Valued Variables

I am working with code inside of a PostgreSQL pgsql function. I have a merge statement that has multiple elements that are only known at runtime and are supplied to the function as parameters, which ...
MRodriguez's user avatar
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Group_Concat() when is null, I get error 1064

I have the following query in MySQL 8.0: set @userid = 'XXX'; set @lastdate = '2024-09-30'; SET @sql = null; SELECT GROUP_CONCAT( DISTINCT CONCAT( 'Count(CASE WHEN Checkedby = '''...
TemNyilv's user avatar
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Oracle PL/SQL: generic and uniform journalling trigger without hardcoding columns in the trigger

In my Oracle 19c-database, I would like to make 1 trigger per table where the jornalling is handled for insert, update and delete. I would like that every trigger is the same for each table, with the ...
Allard's user avatar
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I am trying to use dynamic SQL query to generate dynamic columns but I received an error in MySQL

I am trying to generate a dynamic column based on the existing projects in my projects table, so I want to collect the user time he spends on each project based on another table that tracks records ...
saif barakat's user avatar
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How to assign a column to a variable in Dynamic SQL

I created the following dynamic SQL: DECLARE @DATE nvarchar(4) = '0824'; DECLARE @LocalID INT; SET @sql = N'SELECT Col1, Col2, Col3, Col4, '; SET @sql = @sql + N'@LocalID = Col5 FROM Table WHERE ...
Stephen's user avatar
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DuckDB: how do I create a table containing a column with a specific name from a `CREATE MACRO ... AS TABLE ...`?

Suppose I have the following macro: CREATE OR REPLACE MACRO hello_world(col_name, series_start, series_end) AS TABLE ( SELECT generate_series::VARCHAR AS col_name FROM generate_series(...
bzm3r's user avatar
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Dynamic SQL created with array of values

I have a list of column names, for example ('Name', 'Code', 'Title') that can be array but not necessarily, it can be anything. I just have a list of column names. Then I have to create a dynamic SQL ...
Biljana M.'s user avatar
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Creating the same view in multiple tenant databases using a stored procedure

I try to create/alter the same view in a list of databases. Let's call them A, B, C. The best would be to create/alter them all at once so I'm looking into a stored procedure to create the view: ...
Hestaron's user avatar
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dynamic union with trino

lets say i have an iceberg catalog in trino with a schema a and 3 tables in this schema. i know that i can use this query to retrieve the snapshot information of test_table0 SELECT * FROM "...
jan-seins's user avatar
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How to call a variable inside dynamic SQL Query in Snowflake stored procedure

Need help to call variable inside snowflake stored procedure. It throws a "Missing column specification" - how to access variable allcols inside dynamic SQL in snowflake? CREATE OR REPLACE ...
gayathri's user avatar
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SQL While Loop using Dynamic SQL

I am attempting to use a WHILE loop with dynamic SQL. See code below. I have a table [Users] that set out various conditions required to update fields in [DB1] with a Status Code. The code runs, ...
SarahChapman's user avatar
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How to create a view of a query generated by another dynamic (meta) query

How do I turn the query below into a temporary view? Everything I've tried returns the text of the generated query (second quoted code block). "Everything" includes... Wrapping the 1st ...
Randall's user avatar
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Dynamically named variables from query

I want to write a SQL Server stored procedure that contains the following: Imagine a query like this: SELECT VARNAME, TYPE, VARVALUE, LEN(CAST(VARVALUE AS VARCHAR(5))) + 1 AS LENGTH FROM SOMETABLE; ...
mightycpa's user avatar
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Dynamic SQL vs. generic query with dynamic filters

I'm working on a SQL query where the filters can be dynamic, and I'm concerned about its efficiency. My current approach is as follows: SELECT * FROM table t WHERE (:param1 IS NULL OR t.example = :...
dssof's user avatar
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2 answers

Loop through all stages in schema within a stored procedure and pass them on as arguments

I am trying to tweak my stored procedure in Snowflake so that I can loop through all external stages (in S3) from my schema manual_adjustments and not have to call this other procedure CHECK_LOAD() ...
Estrobelai's user avatar
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Snowflake - dynamic "copy into" across different stages

I am trying to create a procedure in Snowflake that will dynamically copy files from different external stages in S3 into a table. Please see the procedure below: CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE ...
Estrobelai's user avatar
-1 votes
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How do I identify if a class contains a foreign key field? [closed]

I'm trying to create a method in Java to create a table in a MySQL database. I have two classes: public class User { private int userId; private String userName; private String ...
Mohan mohan's user avatar
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SQL injection and resulting query of sp_executesql

I've developed a stored procedure that utilizes dynamic SQL to search for specific entities (this is a procedure for catch all logic). Is this procedure prone to SQL injection, and how do I get the ...
lifeisajourney's user avatar
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sp_executesql In Loop Taking FOREVER to Run. Slowing down as it runs. Memory Leak?

Long and short is that my query is taking FOREVER to run and I think it has to do with the sp_executesql queries. Yes, there are loops, and yes I am using Dynamic SQL. I use loops enough to know ...
Dizzy49's user avatar
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sp_executesql Not Returning Correct Value Using OUTPUT

The code with sp_executesql is in a loop (two actually), that goes through the list of IDs in the [tmp_compare], and compares the data in each of the columns in the [contact_compare_fields] from two ...
Dizzy49's user avatar
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3 answers

Macros / Meta-programming in Postgres queries

In the case that I have the same example data as in this question and additionally declare the following two functions: CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION example.markout_666_example_666_price_table_666_price(...
Stuart's user avatar
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1 answer

Dynamic copy function

I have a function with a dynamic copy statement and when I try to SELECT function, I get the error "query has no destination for result data" select loadTodaysData(); CREATE FUNCTION ...
Yuju Takahashi's user avatar
-1 votes
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Need variables in parameterized view in clikhouse

I need variable in parametrized view. CREATE VIEW my_new_view AS SELECT CampaignName, sentiment, -- **CASE WHEN variable** = sentiment THEN sentiment ELSE NULL END AS sentiment_match COUNT(CASE ...
dundi rajesh's user avatar
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Dynamic order by in clickhouse row_number()

I have ( view in clickhouse and want change order by columns inside over() of row_number(). create or replace view data.v1 as select row_number() over(order by COLUMNS({p_order_by:String})) ...
Aleksey N Yakushev's user avatar
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SQL Server variable creation [duplicate]

I have the following query in SQL Server, I am trying to create variables dynamically DECLARE @TESTEO NVARCHAR(max) SET @TESTEO = ' DECLARE @SEG1HEM NVARCHAR(max) SET @SEG1HEM = (SELECT ...
Sebastian Galeano's user avatar
-1 votes
3 answers

Execute multiple DDL statements dynamically with a single script?

Note: My intention with this question was to learn about approaches other than mine, to execute multiple CREATE TRIGGER statements in a single string. Not "solving" this, by executing one by ...
FcoJavier99's user avatar
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How to club multiple select queries from one single table

I would like to query a table which has few columns (such as 4 below) from where i would like to create a snapshot table which can provide insight on the attribute count everyday userId attr1 attr2 ...
TechDan's user avatar
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SQL Multiple Value Dynamic pivot

Below I have my current code. What I am trying to do in this code: The #BySite table has a list of records where all the columns listed before the PlayMonth column are a snap shot at the end of every ...
Chad Portman's user avatar
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How to solve ERROR: operator is not unique: "unknown" - "unknown" in a dynamic SQL query?

I have a execute block inside a stored procedure and I am executing a query dynamically: execute 'create table raw_mine.financial_multicase_xwalk_' || target_date || ' as select distinct a....
Rikesh Kayastha's user avatar
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jOOQ - Building a dynamic `CASE WHEN` with DSL

I'm working with jOOQ and want to construct a dynamic CASE WHEN expression using the DSL. The desired outcome is a structure like this: var myCase = DSL.case_() .when(condition1, result1) .when(...
Guillaume F.'s user avatar
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How to process cedilla delimiter in redshift copy,unload commands inside a stored procedure(Copy delimiter single byte character)?

My query is like this: unload('select * from table') to 's3://path' credentials '*******' header parallel off delimiter as '\307' The delimiter is Cedilla Ç. and I have to unload it like this '\307'. ...
Atom Store's user avatar
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Create columns from distinct values of a column

I have a large dataset with many different product. In a small scale it would look like this: product month amount AA 1 100 AA 1 150 AA 2 200 AA 2 120 BB 2 180 BB 2 220 CC 3 80 I want get the ...
Francisco MS's user avatar
-1 votes
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Passing table name dynamically each time

In the below Query j.table_name is Parent table and it contains some dependent table 1 STORE_ORDER_JSON_DATA 2 ECOMM_SHIPDOCS_MQ_DATA i am passing the parent table name dynamically and dependent ...
Ram's user avatar
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Postgresql equivalent of SQL Server query

I am migrating database from SQL Server to Postgresql and I am currently stuck at converting this query. I have referred to the documentation but I don't seem to find any solution. Here is the query (...
Akshita Sharma's user avatar
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Snowflake Dynamic SQL to select subset of columns in one table from undetermined number of values in another table

I need to create a SQL script that will run daily and select a subset of columns from table A. The subset of columns is defined in table B - it will be periodically edited by marketing team and can ...
RinShim's user avatar
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Replace tags in a string by reading dynamic columns values from a table

Using TSQL, I want to replace tags in a string by reading values from a column in a table. E.g. I want to call: DECLARE @TaskID nvarchar(10) = 'T001'; DECLARE @MyString nvarchar(100) = 'The person ...
Cameron Castillo's user avatar
2 votes
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How to run the prepared statement with arguments dynamically in a function?

I created person table, then inserted 2 rows into it as shown below: CREATE TABLE person ( id INT, name VARCHAR(20), age INT ); INSERT INTO person (id, name, age) VALUES (1, 'John', 27), (2, '...
Super Kai - Kazuya Ito's user avatar
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How to select date columns from every table in the database?

I'm trying to select the minimum date from every date column inside my database. What I mean with minimum is that I want to obtain the earliest date. From what I've been investigating, it seems that ...
Luxia80's user avatar
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dynamic sql to rename columns, which contain string in name

I am trying to rename all columns in a table, which contain the string survey_ by simply removing this string from the column name. I wish to do this with dynamic SQL. I've formulated the following ...
Momchill's user avatar
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Error with Dynamic SQL Data Transfer: Operand data type nvarchar is invalid for subtract operator

I need to transfer data between tables in a database. The issue is that the old table uses a 6-character format (YYMMDD) for dates in the "RecordDate" column, whereas the new target table ...
Mehmet Şensoy's user avatar
-1 votes
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Using SQL Variables as Column Headers with dynamic SQL

I have a pretty long stored procedure (in SQL Server) where a business user asked if it would be possible to rename columns with values that are being stored in declared variables. Here are variables ...
IanLock00's user avatar
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Cannot create a row of size 11616 which is greater than the allowable maximum row size of 8060. When using dynamic SQL to create dynamic columns

-- Generate dynamic column list SET @cols = STUFF((SELECT DISTINCT ',' + QUOTENAME(Attribute) FROM AttributeValue WHERE ProjectID = @ProjectId ...
Oli Ivett's user avatar

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