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CVAT installation failing due to supervisord

Trying to run CVAT on GCP, I am getting error on cvat containers. as per my initial findings trying to run through the supervisord but somehow it's not finding it's configuration in the container. ...
Loki's user avatar
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Running daphne in Docker without supervisor

Currently, I'm running daphne using supervisor. This is my supervisor config: [supervisord] user = root nodaemon = true [fcgi-program:daphne] socket=tcp://api:9000 directory=/home/docker/api ommand=./...
Audiopolis's user avatar
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How to avoid using php artisan octane:reload

I'm using Laravel Octane to improve the performance of my application, but I have to manually run php artisan octane:reload every time I make changes to my code to see the updates reflected in the ...
Eliyonai Molero's user avatar
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Gunicorn service stopping under supervisor with docker

I've using supervisor, nginx and gunicorn to deploy Django project with Docker. I'm running docker-compose up to build the project and nginx image. Going through other similar issues, it is ...
Uday Singh Khalsa's user avatar
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Cannot run supervisor in Docker as a non-root user

I've got a containerized app using docker-compose to bundle up the backend, the frontend, the database and nginx. Now, I need to add supervisor but I'm getting some errors while running docker-compose:...
MrCujo's user avatar
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Issues running supervisor on a Laravel dockerized app

I've got a dockerized Laravel app which is working just fine. Recently, a job was added to the app, to manage this job we'll use supervisor. When running the app docker-compose --build the app is ...
MrCujo's user avatar
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PID issues with Supervisord containers starting managed containers via shell scripts

I started a Suerpvisord container via Docker first, as follows docker run -d --name lbrain-supervisor \ -v ${INSTALL_DIR}/supervisor/logs:/var/log/supervisor \ -v ${INSTALL_DIR}/supervisor/...
Eayon's user avatar
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Prevent save the logs from laravel-schedule, laravel-notification in docker image

I have created a docker image with a laravel 9 app by using this repo. The problem is that I'm not using laravel notifications or laravel-queue in my project I just did a simple webservice with some ...
FreddicMatters's user avatar
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How do I record all the FATAL processes in supervisor?

There are some critical processes in my php-worker docker I need to make sure supervisor starts them correctly, if not I will need to restart my docker. I have searched the supervisor document but I ...
Qiulang's user avatar
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Permission denied while trying to use supervisor on docker container

I am trying to run a container using x11docker, I am trying to execute a startup script after the container is start to run without freezing the whole process. my OS is Ubuntu LTS 22.04 This is my ...
Itzik.B's user avatar
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PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/var/log/supervisor/migrate-stdout

I'm running supervisor as non-root inside Docker, my config.: [supervisord] nodaemon=true logfile=/dev/null logfile_maxbytes=0 When I start the container, I get the error PermissionError: [Errno 13] ...
Rodrigo's user avatar
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Celery worker with docker compose | new deployment without dataloss

I have a docker compose that contains the following stack: django application, rabbitmq, celery beat (master) and celery workers (agents). When I want to deploy a new deployment of the docker compose ...
user15937765's user avatar
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Supervisor sometimes stop run on docker

I run supervisor on docker container. It starts correctly but after an amount of time it stops schedule jobs and supervisorctl status show process are still running. If I run supervisorctl status I ...
Daniele's user avatar
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Celery Module Tasks are Cached so edits in dev environment do not apply

I have a problem which makes local development with Celery very difficult. If I edit my local files and restart docker containers none of the CODE changes are applied. Not talking about task result ...
Michael Paccione's user avatar
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Supervisorctl : Issuing in running supervistorctl status

I am not able to run any supervisorctl command inside docker container like stop, start, status, restart, etc. My Supervisord configuration looks like below abc@abc-adhocworker-c89d9667b-9lqbd:/app$ ...
SRJ's user avatar
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Can't install supervisor in docker container

I have a Dockerfile FROM python:3.10.4 RUN apt-get update RUN apt-get install -y supervisor WORKDIR /app COPY requirements.txt . COPY ./docker/api/conf.d/supervisor.conf /etc/supervisor/conf.d/...
Damiens's user avatar
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Could not open input file: /path/artisan using supervisor

Ciao, I am trying to use a supervisor to run the Laravel job in the background but it seems like, I won't go far without your assistance, when the supervisor starts, in my worker.log i found that it ...
tinox's user avatar
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Running httpd and php-fpm under supervisord process in docker does not work

I have this set up where I'm trying to run httpd and php-fpm in a docker container via a supervisord process. My supervisord.conf is like so: [supervisord] nodaemon=true [program:httpd] command=httpd ...
synth45's user avatar
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Http errors 502 Bad Gateway during scale up on Heroku

After I solvied H13 errors during scale down events I realized I am getting also buch of 502 Bad Gateway HTTP errors during scale up events. I am running container with Docker image on Heroku ...
Petr Dlouhý's user avatar
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How to set up Supervisor and Laravel Horizon on Docker

I have successfully deployed a laravel application with horizon installed to AWS ECS. However horizon has remained Inactive and I am stuck trying to get it to work as my emails are getting queued and ...
Mena's user avatar
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Why would Python not be available to a Docker Entrypoint Script?

This Python 3.9 project has a Dockerfile, that builds successfully. The file makes use of an ENTRYPOINT script to create some directories and handle some clean-up at run time. It is a bash script. The ...
Beehive's user avatar
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Cannot run supervisor specifying custom user

I'm building a Laravel image which runs with the user backend that have the id 1000. This user should allow me to prevent the following error: File could not be opened in append mode: failed to open ...
sfarzoso's user avatar
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Postgresql volume with supervisor

There is a custom dockerfile with a supervisor for postgresql, a supervisor for ssh and postgres services. I need to throw pg_data on the host, but when I write volume /pg_data:/var/lib/postgresql/11/...
HavyZail's user avatar
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Setup docker to use php-fpm + Laravel + supervisor in one container

I need to have supervisor for my laravel queues. But supervisor starts from root user, and I want to start php from another user for safety. I could not find solution to start php in another way, like ...
Антон Макогонов's user avatar
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How autorun supervisord in php-fpm container

I have php-fpm container with installed supervisor. But using command: CMD ["usr/bin/supervisord"] in Docker file made container finishing with fail(Unlinking stale socket /var/run/...
raccegatel's user avatar
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Ngnix server giving 502 error when using supervisor

There is problem with Docker when using supervisor . Actually server doesn't give any error . When starting supervisor emerges problems which when enter site giving 502 errors ! When uncomment follow ...
Tural Rzaxanov's user avatar
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GITLAB - Fatal: Could not read from remote repository

First of all, thank you so much for your attention on this important issue that I'm dealing right now... See the image below then keep reading the text: So, I believe the issue itself is not even with ...
Emanoel Castro's user avatar
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Nginx frequently exits within docker while using supervisord

I build an image that contains multiple tools(such as mysql, nginx, java, etc) with the following binary and start it through supervisord. It is referenced from the project However, nginx failed to ...
moluzhui's user avatar
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2k views Connection refused error while using supervisor in docker

hello guys im writing a docker file and compose with ubuntu 20.04 and try to install supervisor inside it docker file : ... FROM ubuntu:20.04 WORKDIR /src/app ENV BACKENDENVIRONMENT 0 COPY gsigner ....'s user avatar
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why is golang running perfectly fine with supervisor (no error logs) but API not found? using Mac M1

OS: MacOS Montery Apple M1. Stack: Golang, Gulp, Docker, Mongo. I do not know what the error is. I do not know what to search. I have come a long way, this is my first question how to solve running ...
KD.S.T.'s user avatar
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Supervisor throws error with Supervisor NGINX PHP

I am starting a new proyect with Laravel, Docker, Nginx, PHP and I have a problem with supervisor when I add laravel queue / schedule / notifications. If I remove laravel-queue, laravel-notification ...
Juan Pablo B's user avatar
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Error message "Crit uncaptured python exception" while running supervisord on docker

I'm trying out supervisord on a docker container to try to control two processes inside a container. For now, process1 types every 10 seconds "I am process 1" and process 2 types "I am ...
Luna's user avatar
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Error: [Errno 99] Cannot assign requested address: file: /usr/lib/python2.7/ line: 575

I'm trying to implement Laravel supervisor schedule job via docker. But receiving the following error message when I try to access supervisor on terminal error: <class 'socket.error'>, [Errno ...
Satheez's user avatar
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Laravel - Running Horizon in Google Cloud Run (via Docker)

I'm trying to set up laravel horizon to run on my google cloud (run) containers. I have gotten installed successfully, however when I navigate to the dashboard, it always indicates to be inactive. ...
ilovecookies's user avatar
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How to configure supervisor not to kill jobs started by cron in docker container

I wanted to run cron and run a few script started at a time set in crontab. I've installed cron on my docker container and wanted to add some crontab lines and cron starting in separate script. Here ...
konradm's user avatar
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Why can't I see my NGINX log's when my app is deployed to Azure app services, but it works fine locally?

I have a Dockerized Django application, which I'm orchestrating with Supervisor, which is not optimal but needed when hosting on Azure app services as their multi-app support with docker-compose is ...
allinws's user avatar
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Cant get rid of some docker logs from supervisor / vnc: 'GET /api/health' and 'sending remote command: "cmd=fb" via X11VNC_REMOTE X property'

I am using the docker vnc base: FROM dorowu/ubuntu-desktop-lxde-vnc:focal This image uses supervisor to start many processes I'm running the container on a server and locally, and keep the server up ...
bobbybobbobbed's user avatar
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Starting supervisor with Docker and seeing its logs in docker logs, but not finding the service with service supervisor status in the container

I want to run supervisor to have multiple processes in the same container, as I can't use docker-compose in our current hosting environment. Things seems to work when I look in the docker logs, but I ...
allinws's user avatar
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Supervisord as CMD in docker image is not run inside gitlab job

I have an docker image which ends with: CMD ["/usr/bin/supervisord"] And as I understand CMD function it should be executed when docker image is runned. And locally it is. But when I use it ...
PianistaMichal's user avatar
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Docker not installing Supervisor and crashing when it runs

I'm a touch new to Docker and Supervisor both, but I have a larvel application at work that needs three seperate queue workers run within it, so I figured a container with Supervisor would be a good ...
MAWhiteStore's user avatar
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How to update Laravel queue workers' running code in a docker container

I have a Laravel instance running inside a docker container. I also have supervisord keeping some queue workers running. In my Dockerfile, I have this: CMD ["/usr/bin/supervisord", "-c&...
murume's user avatar
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Supervisord only starts with Docker-Compose

I have the following Dockerfile with a bit of customization for Nginx server. I build the image with docker build -t nginx-custom:1.21.1 . command finished without errors. But when I want to create a ...
adampweb's user avatar
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Docker ARG in CMD command with process

I want insert a varialbe on Dockerfile in cmd command, but the variable is not recognize on CMD command on docker run, like above ARG VAR1 ENV VAR1=$VAR1 COPY files/etc/supervisor/supervisord_"$...
looock7897's user avatar
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In the docker alpine container, the nginx or mariadb or supervisor service cannot be started automatically (set via openrc)

I try to automatically install and start the "nginx" or "mariadb" or "supervisord" service in alpine cintainer(and already "apk add openrc") But every time the ...
tim-chen's user avatar
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Deploying Laravel with Docker on Cloud Run returns Container failed to start error when supervisord is included

I'm trying to deploy a Laravel project with apache using Docker to Cloud Run, everything is ok, I am deploying my project successfully to Cloud Run without any problem, but when I add a supervisor and ...
Fernando Torres's user avatar
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supervisor redis exception on docker

I used Docker and this is my config file. COPY ./workers/conf.d /etc/supervisor/conf.d/ COPY /workers/supervisord.conf /etc/supervisord.conf RUN supervisord -n -c /etc/supervisord.conf and this is my ...
Mehrdad Masoumi's user avatar
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Supervisord does not send signal to all the processes simultaneously

I have a docker container which runs the supervisor daemon. Whenever the docker container receives a SIGTERM, I want to gracefully shutdown all the processes that supervisor is running. Supervisor by ...
satinder singh's user avatar
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Supervisord exits inside Docker container when run with docker-compose 'command:', but not when its run from bash

I'm trying to run DjangoRQ workers inside a docker container - a simple 'worker' container which I will run on a digital ocean droplet. I'm using supervisord to run multiple workers. Supervisord will ...
phil0s0pher's user avatar
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Supervisor is not running inside Docker

I tried everything I could find online. I spend 4 hours on it but I could not find the solution. My Dockerfile looks like this RUN apt-get install -y supervisor RUN mkdir -p /var/log/supervisor COPY ...
FosAvance's user avatar
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Celery is continuously restarting after 2 min's in Supervisor

I am using Celery for excuting various tasks from django. The celery is managed using Supervisor. Rabbitmq is used the broker for celery . Celery and django are inside a single Docker container and ...
Nithin Varghese's user avatar

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