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Supervisor sometimes stop run on docker

I run supervisor on docker container. It starts correctly but after an amount of time it stops schedule jobs and supervisorctl status show process are still running. If I run supervisorctl status I ...
Daniele's user avatar
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Dockerfile - Copying config files to appropriate container

I have two containers on my deployment: uwsgi and celery. There are also two supervisord .conf files, under /config/celery and /config/uwsgi. So I need to copy only the *.conf files under /config/...
cybertextron's user avatar
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ElasticBeanstalk Docker, one Container or multiple Containers?

We are working on a new REST API that will be deployed on AWS ElasticBeanstalk using Docker. It uses Python Celery for scheduled jobs which means separate process need to run for workers, our current ...
digitaldavenyc's user avatar
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Supervisord in Docker + AWS Elastic Beanstalk can't accept non-alphanumeric environment variables

I am using custom Docker container in AWS Elastic beanstalk to deploy a wep application. I could set environment variables such as API key, API secret, etc.. on AWS web console.(Elastic beanstalk => ...
Surray Moon's user avatar