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Supervisor as a way to run multiple entrypoints for my container

I have a need to run a script when my container starts up. (My script creates a json file from the passed in deployment environment variables for my SPA app to use as configuration.) My container is ...
Vaccano's user avatar
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Defunct processes in Docker container

I have a Docker container in which I am running a Python Flask API with GUnicorn and a server process, also written in Python. This server processes spawns long-running child processes and waits for ...
Green grün 绿色 vert зеленый's user avatar
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Kill supervisord once all processes it is running exited successfully in docker

I went through numerous blogs, articles but didn't find satisfactory solution so posting here. Excuse me if it is already discussed or answered. Please direct me to the relevant pages. I got answers ...
sck's user avatar
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how do I start multiple services in a docker container?

I have a running container but I am starting few services manually. The services are : service httpd start service postgresql start service vpms start So, how do I start the container without ...
dheeru5544's user avatar
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Managing container dependencies on startup

I have the following setup: PostgreSQL Flyway for it Application I need to chain them in the following manner: Flyway waits for DB to start up, App waits for flyway to finish the migrations. I ...
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