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How to avoid using php artisan octane:reload

I'm using Laravel Octane to improve the performance of my application, but I have to manually run php artisan octane:reload every time I make changes to my code to see the updates reflected in the ...
Eliyonai Molero's user avatar
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Issues running supervisor on a Laravel dockerized app

I've got a dockerized Laravel app which is working just fine. Recently, a job was added to the app, to manage this job we'll use supervisor. When running the app docker-compose --build the app is ...
MrCujo's user avatar
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Prevent save the logs from laravel-schedule, laravel-notification in docker image

I have created a docker image with a laravel 9 app by using this repo. The problem is that I'm not using laravel notifications or laravel-queue in my project I just did a simple webservice with some ...
FreddicMatters's user avatar
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How do I record all the FATAL processes in supervisor?

There are some critical processes in my php-worker docker I need to make sure supervisor starts them correctly, if not I will need to restart my docker. I have searched the supervisor document but I ...
Qiulang's user avatar
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Could not open input file: /path/artisan using supervisor

Ciao, I am trying to use a supervisor to run the Laravel job in the background but it seems like, I won't go far without your assistance, when the supervisor starts, in my worker.log i found that it ...
tinox's user avatar
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How to set up Supervisor and Laravel Horizon on Docker

I have successfully deployed a laravel application with horizon installed to AWS ECS. However horizon has remained Inactive and I am stuck trying to get it to work as my emails are getting queued and ...
Mena's user avatar
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Cannot run supervisor specifying custom user

I'm building a Laravel image which runs with the user backend that have the id 1000. This user should allow me to prevent the following error: File could not be opened in append mode: failed to open ...
sfarzoso's user avatar
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Setup docker to use php-fpm + Laravel + supervisor in one container

I need to have supervisor for my laravel queues. But supervisor starts from root user, and I want to start php from another user for safety. I could not find solution to start php in another way, like ...
Антон Макогонов's user avatar
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Supervisor throws error with Supervisor NGINX PHP

I am starting a new proyect with Laravel, Docker, Nginx, PHP and I have a problem with supervisor when I add laravel queue / schedule / notifications. If I remove laravel-queue, laravel-notification ...
Juan Pablo B's user avatar
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Error: [Errno 99] Cannot assign requested address: file: /usr/lib/python2.7/ line: 575

I'm trying to implement Laravel supervisor schedule job via docker. But receiving the following error message when I try to access supervisor on terminal error: <class 'socket.error'>, [Errno ...
Satheez's user avatar
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Laravel - Running Horizon in Google Cloud Run (via Docker)

I'm trying to set up laravel horizon to run on my google cloud (run) containers. I have gotten installed successfully, however when I navigate to the dashboard, it always indicates to be inactive. ...
ilovecookies's user avatar
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Docker not installing Supervisor and crashing when it runs

I'm a touch new to Docker and Supervisor both, but I have a larvel application at work that needs three seperate queue workers run within it, so I figured a container with Supervisor would be a good ...
MAWhiteStore's user avatar
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How to update Laravel queue workers' running code in a docker container

I have a Laravel instance running inside a docker container. I also have supervisord keeping some queue workers running. In my Dockerfile, I have this: CMD ["/usr/bin/supervisord", "-c&...
murume's user avatar
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Deploying Laravel with Docker on Cloud Run returns Container failed to start error when supervisord is included

I'm trying to deploy a Laravel project with apache using Docker to Cloud Run, everything is ok, I am deploying my project successfully to Cloud Run without any problem, but when I add a supervisor and ...
Fernando Torres's user avatar
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supervisor redis exception on docker

I used Docker and this is my config file. COPY ./workers/conf.d /etc/supervisor/conf.d/ COPY /workers/supervisord.conf /etc/supervisord.conf RUN supervisord -n -c /etc/supervisord.conf and this is my ...
Mehrdad Masoumi's user avatar
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sesion being created with umask 0 on docker laravel php-fpm nginx

Sessions on my laravel app are being created without any permission generating the following error root@737be173d2b4:/var/www/storage/framework/sessions# ls -la total 32 drwxr-xr-x 1 nginx nginx ...
Danilo Kobold's user avatar
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supervisord graceful shutdown issue in kubernetes

I'm facing an issue with supervisor & kubernetes. Below is my supervisor config for laravel queue worker. [program:queue-worker] process_name=%(program_name)s_%(process_num)02d command=php /var/...
jack's user avatar
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Run cron with supervisor and docker

I'm stuck on an issue with a legacy Laravel project. It uses supervisor and cron to run the scheduled tasks, but it seems that the cronjobs won't run (and have never run apparently). This is the ...
cumul's user avatar
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Getting logs out of Laravel Horizon running in docker in supervisor

I use Laravel Horizon to process jobs in my Laravel application with the help of Supervisor. The whole setup runs on docker in ECS. On the host node of ECS (managed by Fargate) I have datadog agents ...
Latheesan's user avatar
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Client closed connection while waiting for request In supervisord when trying to log with monolog in Lumen

Im trying to show the php-fpm7 logs into the stdout running through nginx and supervisord. The supervisord stdout showed the following message: web_1| 2019-11-22 21:52:30,742 DEBG 'nginx' stdout ...
UselesssCat's user avatar
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Docker : Worker keep exiting and respawn and 99% CPU

Supervisord can't keep redis worker on, my worker still exited with satus code 12 and respawn. My redis container is on and on the the docker network of app (where supervisor be) I follow the doc of ...
Daedelus's user avatar
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ZipArchive not found when using php-worker form laradock

Basically I've this package which internally uses ZipArchive I've set up the flag PHP_FPM_INSTALL_ZIP_ARCHIVE=true for my php-fpm container The package works as expected when I launch php artisan ...
Ludo237's user avatar
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Supervisor is not started into my docker container (Laravel project)

Supervisor is not started into my container and i am not able to run my php artisan queue:work command for my laravel project. Extract from my Dockerfile # Add worker to supervisor config file COPY ...
wawanopoulos's user avatar
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