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Laravel Database Queue Multiple Workers Not Working On Job Concurrently

Workers Not Running In Parallel Laravel 5.5 Database Connection Type I have a Laravel project running version 5.5, with the queue system set up using the database connection type. The queue is ...
Yeo Bryan's user avatar
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Symfony Messenger - How to kill a worker in progress?

I have a Symfony 6 site running on an Ubuntu machine with an Apache2 server. On this site, users can trigger long running tasks. I use the Symfony Messenger to run these tasks asynchronously in the ...
chai_tea's user avatar
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CVAT installation failing due to supervisord

Trying to run CVAT on GCP, I am getting error on cvat containers. as per my initial findings trying to run through the supervisord but somehow it's not finding it's configuration in the container. ...
Loki's user avatar
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Running daphne in Docker without supervisor

Currently, I'm running daphne using supervisor. This is my supervisor config: [supervisord] user = root nodaemon = true [fcgi-program:daphne] socket=tcp://api:9000 directory=/home/docker/api ommand=./...
Audiopolis's user avatar
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How to run Javascript API built with yarn and babel in supervisord

I have APIs in Javascript using the following structure: src app .babelrc index.js package.json app contains the source files. .babelrc { "presets": [ "@babel/...
GuiRitter's user avatar
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Program run from supervisord cannot open X display

Operating system environment: Jetpack 6.0. Ubuntu 22.04. aarch64. First, I have a C++ program for a Hikvision industrial camera. It calls the XOpenDisplay function of the X11 library to start a ...
ziming li's user avatar
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RabbitMQ messages are stuck in the Ready state

I am facing an issue with RabbitMQ where messages are stuck in the "Ready" state. I have a total of six exchanges configured, but only one of them is not working correctly. Upon further ...
Karen Shahmuradyan's user avatar
2 votes
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Python3 venv is not activating correctly with supervisor

I'm using supervisor 4.1.0 to run a Python script. The Python script needs a venv activated to run properly and it does without using supervisor. When running the python script from supervisor, I'm ...
vgenovpy's user avatar
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How to avoid using php artisan octane:reload

I'm using Laravel Octane to improve the performance of my application, but I have to manually run php artisan octane:reload every time I make changes to my code to see the updates reflected in the ...
Eliyonai Molero's user avatar
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Keyringrc.cfg Permission Issues when installing packages via a python script using poetry

I have an app being managed by supervisor running as the user app_user. When the script starts, it checks if there are new packages and tries to install them using the code below. It however throws ...
lukik's user avatar
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Why is my AWS EC2 instance Supervisor failing?

I'm deploying a Django API I've named "ScientistBirthYear" to AWS EC2 following these instructions, including using the gunicorn.conf code, but modifying it to account for my virtual ...
RainyCityCoder's user avatar
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Supervisor processes restart constantly

I use Shopware 6 and want to disable the admin worker. Instead, Supervisor should be used for queue and task processing, because the hoster does not support systemd. The docs of Shopware 6 mention the ...
Carsten's user avatar
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Celery + Redis + Python: WorkerLostError(billiard.exceptions.WorkerLostError: Worker exited prematurely: signal 6 (SIGABRT) Job: 0.)

While trying to use Celery with Redis as the broker for my FastAPI application, where each endpoint makes use of memory-intensive functions with diffusers models, now I am facing an error saying ...
Rauhan Ahmed's user avatar
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Gunicorn service stopping under supervisor with docker

I've using supervisor, nginx and gunicorn to deploy Django project with Docker. I'm running docker-compose up to build the project and nginx image. Going through other similar issues, it is ...
Uday Singh Khalsa's user avatar
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symfony messenger process stucked

I am using symfony messenger with supervisor to generate a lot of PDFs or doing a lot of tasks. Regularly, my consumer process gets stuck, and I have to restart it manually This morning, when i came ...
pop_up's user avatar
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Supervisor fails to run slow-starting process

I have a dotnet application that takes about 30-40 seconds to start and provide stdout output on an Azure Linux VM. I have used supervisord to control dotnet applications in the past and it has ...
Larry Stallman's user avatar
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Strange celery behaviour -- tasks don't seem to appear in redis however are sometimes run

[Updated after more research] I'm running Celery attached to a Flask server in a custom container (daemonised using supervisord -- see below for config), with Redis as the backend. The container is ...
aidangallagher4's user avatar
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The script tried to call a method on an incomplete object. error on production but not on localhost

I'm working on a laravel 10 project and I have several class to deal emails. Recently I added some new email notifications. I factorized my code for notification into a service : <?php namespace ...
Petitemo's user avatar
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Java process cannot set GroupID when running in Supervisor

I am running a java process that sets OWNER/GROUP of files. Found that it throws "Operation Not Permitted" Exception when I run it under Supervisor. Strange issue, is that it only ...
Wayne's user avatar
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FileNotFound error when running Flask app with Supervisor

I'm encountering a FileNotFound error when running my Flask app with Supervisor. The code works fine when running the Flask app normally. Below is my Supervisor configuration and the Python code ...
Viral Raval's user avatar
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Can't connect to Azure SQL Server through supervisor using ActiveDirectoryMsi authentication

I'm running an application built with PHP Laravel on Azure App Service. The application connects to Azure SQL Server via ActiveDirectoryMsi authentication. So, I had to enable the queue worker to send ...
Tiago Peixoto's user avatar
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supervisor status is starting but running well

Not sure if anyone has experienced this before I start Supervisor: sudo supervisorctl status [program:catalogueproductslistener] directory=/var/www/codemanual environment=DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=...
mozman2's user avatar
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2 answers

supervisor error log: sudo: a terminal is required to read the password

I am trying to use supervisord to daemonize a vapor server. This is my first time doing so. I am getting this one and only error in the supervisor error log: sudo: a terminal is required to read the ...
AFinch's user avatar
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supervisor error: The directory named as part of the path /not/real/path/ does not exist in section 'program:TextAlertServer'

This is my first time using supervisor. In my supervisord.conf file I have a path for stdout_logfile that matches the error, so I don't understand why it gives me the error: Error: The directory ...
AFinch's user avatar
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node module error when running app with supervisord

I have a node app running under supervisord and recently had to make changes to it, had to upgrade the version of node and modules so that now it works when run with node app.js. however when I try to ...
halsbrew's user avatar
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How to determine the user in a python script (ran by supervisord)

I have a python script that is started by supervisor. In supervisor's myapp.conf I have set the user=app_api as the user the script should be run under. supervisor's myapp.conf : [program:api] ...
lukik's user avatar
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Flask works fine, after some time user login and contact pages (POST method) stop

I have a Flask app that I deployed to Linode using Nginx, Gunicorn and Supervisor. It works great for quite some time and then after that the pages keep loading fine, but user logins or other POST ...
LoveCode's user avatar
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How to pass custom variables in supervisord

When I'm using supervisor to manage java processes, I want to pull some of them out into variables and make a template that can be generalized, but it doesn't seem to support this. my code file is ...
3ytes's user avatar
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Error : ERROR (spawn error) when tried to run supervisor process

I have a Laravel 10 project, and I want to use a supervisor to deal with processes like queuing and scheduling. I have already done a supervisor configuration for the queue:work command. #/etc/...
Petitemo's user avatar
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Multiple queues in AWS with Laravel stop running after sometime

I have the following setup: Laravel on Elastic Beanstalk and queues per database. I want to archieve that there are three different queues running in parallel in order to have notifications triggered ...
tilimani's user avatar
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How to repoint supervisor 4.0.4 from python2 to python3?

I have a python 2.7 4.0.4 install of supervisor. Python3 is also installed on the box and want to move supervisor to using python3. instead of python2. My guess is to stop on 2... uninstall.... ...
BostonMacOSX's user avatar
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How to gracefully reload gunicorn changing symlink under supervisor

I'm trying to gracefully reload my gunicorn process that is under a supervisor. My app deploy just change the symlink to my application folder and I can't find a way to make gunicorn gracefully update ...
Arthur Ávila's user avatar
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CPU to 90% for gunicorn process on debian 11 - Django Nginx Gunicorn Supervisor

Since 3 days, I have some issues with the CPU usage which is up to 90%. When I run "top" on command line, I see that CPU usage for gunicorn is very high ! I do not have a lot of trafic on ...
ronan's user avatar
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Laravel Supervisor "could not open file: artisan" error

So I'm running supervisor in background in my production server to do two things: php artisan queue:work php artisan schedule:work The problem is that queue work is working fine, but the schedule ...
Technical Noob's user avatar
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Production debugging a python app under uwsgi, supervisord, and nginx

I know production debugging should be avoided, but I think maybe sometimes it's unavoidable... I need to be able to attach a debugger to a python app on production. I've tested on dev and staging that ...
Dimas Putra's user avatar
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Laravel in production server scheduled jobs dispatches twice

In Laravel 7 I use supervisor in my production server(Ubuntu) to get some jobs running automatically. in local env everything work well. but in my production server every job queuing twice. This my ...
Zia's user avatar
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Redis queued jobs are failing randomly due to Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\ModelNotFoundException · No query results for model

Recently after moving our queue driver to 'redis' we are facing more issue with some jobs/event listeners in the 'default' queue getting failed. At this time of failing, its also not getting inserted ...
1 vote
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Cannot run supervisor in Docker as a non-root user

I've got a containerized app using docker-compose to bundle up the backend, the frontend, the database and nginx. Now, I need to add supervisor but I'm getting some errors while running docker-compose:...
MrCujo's user avatar
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How to run Node.js index file using Supervisor in a Laravel project on a Ubuntu server?

How can I use Supervisor to automatically run the main Node.js file (index file) in my Laravel project on a server running Ubuntu? I want to ensure that the Node.js process is continuously monitored ...
Krina Mangukiya's user avatar
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Issues running supervisor on a Laravel dockerized app

I've got a dockerized Laravel app which is working just fine. Recently, a job was added to the app, to manage this job we'll use supervisor. When running the app docker-compose --build the app is ...
MrCujo's user avatar
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Supervisor issue ? Notification cache? Laravel notification (Customizing The Templates) sometimes used old view

I handle old project laravel 6.* For sending email I using customize template notification for laravel from after I run php artisan ...
wuku's user avatar
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Can we specify which git branch to use to use in supervisor file?

Can I do something like this? So that suppervisor can use different branch? [program:a] command=/home/ubuntu/a-venv/bin/uvicorn a.path.main:app --host= --port 9009 --loop uvloop --log-level ...
Abhinav Prakash's user avatar
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Troubleshooting Freezing Issues in a php Infinite Loop Script with Supervisor

I had an infinite loop that receives updates from a third-party service. This while loop is supervised, meaning that if it breaks, the script will be automatically restarted. while (true) { try { ...
Мохамед Русланович's user avatar
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Cannot access admin if setting is set and cannot acces website if setting is not set

I have a Django website in production so DEBUG = False There is a setting: SESSION_COOKIE_SECURE = True If it is set to True then I can access the admin and log in, but then I cannot access the ...
crawlingdev's user avatar
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I cannot get my site to show on a reverse proxy NginX server

I am trying to deploy a Django website on a VPS and I have everything set up in terms of the following: The app runs if I use the development server and I go to Nginx is running ...
crawlingdev's user avatar
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Laravel Log Facade Writes NULL Binary To laravel.log instead of logs

When calling log methods from the Log facade, it is writing binary data with the value NULL repeatedly to the laravel.log file. I have tried several variations of calling the Log facade with the same ...
Drew Gallagher's user avatar
-3 votes
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How can i run php /dirpath/to/artisan artisan list [closed]

Not any output when run php /home/directory ... cmd I try run supervisor run conf with this command: php /home/example artisan queue:work and after run supervisor, my jobs dosent dispach and my ...
rasool shabani's user avatar
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PID issues with Supervisord containers starting managed containers via shell scripts

I started a Suerpvisord container via Docker first, as follows docker run -d --name lbrain-supervisor \ -v ${INSTALL_DIR}/supervisor/logs:/var/log/supervisor \ -v ${INSTALL_DIR}/supervisor/...
Eayon's user avatar
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How can I execute N number of jobs at the same time in Laravel?

In our project, we need to run N number of job at the same time. Currently, we have used supervisor workers. In this, if there are 100 jobs then they execute one by one. We want all jobs executed at ...
Bhargav Variya's user avatar
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Selenium can't reach chrome in celery task while using supervisor

I have a Django project that uses Celery as a task queue. The task is about running a chromedriver by Selenium and fetching data from some URLs. like this: @shared_task(bind=True) def task_one(self): ...
Saeed Ramezani's user avatar

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