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User projects metrics not visible in OpenShift Prometheus

I have created own project in openshift 4.13 cluster. I tried to monitor my project metrics but unable to do that. Followed below steps: Enabled user monitoring referred by
peter's user avatar
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SolrCloud in an enterprise Openshift environment

Preface: I work in an international corporation with over 400,000 employees, 10,000 of them in IT alone. Needless to say, in such an environment, many things are highly structured and many ...
ByteBandit's user avatar
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Azure function App not listing the function

I have below function which i am trying to deploy from azure devops cd pipeline import os import json import logging import azure.functions as func from datetime import datetime, timedelta from typing ...
Shanmugam Natarajan's user avatar
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connexion datasynapse openshift

I have an openshift cluster, and API deployed in openshift, the api should call datasynapse engine. when I set DSDirectDataTransfer to false, the communication between the pod and datasynapse work ...
Majdi Taleb's user avatar
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Openshift Alertmanager config for Slack channel

we are starting to use openshift alertmanager so that it sends us a report based on our config to slack channel. Right now we are using this config to send us a report receivers: - name: Default ...
user27585135's user avatar
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No Mapping Rule matched - 3Scale

I am receiving 'No Mapping Rule matched' in my 3scale configuration, and i have no idea why. In 3scale I have added the matching method as this: POST /one-time-password-sms/v0/send-code In my API ...
Ali Mumtaz's user avatar
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How to do sparse-checkout in a buildConfig using OpenShift?

I have a mono-repo containing multiple projects. I would like to prevent my build from having to download multiple MB just to throw them away, since Im only interested of building a single project. ...
Inx51's user avatar
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RedHat DeveloperHub Error with integration with Microsoft Entra ID

Im configuring RHDH in CRC and in dev in my job In my local, im facing this issue Login failed; caused by Error: Sign in failed: User not found in the RHDH software catalog. Verify that users/groups ...
Apuntatis's user avatar
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Which port is used through OC CLI in Openshift?

I need to ask for firewall rule to access to openshift via OC CLI. I guess destination will be worker nodes IPs. Which port I need to open?
Falco's user avatar
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Can we pass tls certificate secrets in helm template dynamically?

I am using a manifest driven deployment strategy where I run helm template command that generates the desired manifest for the application deployment. As part of my deployment I have route.yaml which ...
Mayank Singh Rathore's user avatar
-1 votes
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Access Statefulsets spesific pod externally on openshift

How to access spesific statefulsets pods by its unique names outside of openshift? Please provide scalable solution. I thought about 2 ways but I hope there is better and easier solution. Path-based ...
Roi Weiss's user avatar
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Identify the openshift pod/deployment from which an http request came to another pod

I have a service that is deployed in openshift. There is a specific http request that is only allowed to come from one specific other service, also deployed in openshift. When I get the http request, ...
Inbaral's user avatar
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NuGet package validation during build

I'm trying to build .NET core 8 application with option DOTNET_NUGET_SIGNATURE_VERIFICATION set to true. I'm building in OpenShift S2I and using private NuGet repo (Artifactory). If ...
Ondřej Kareš's user avatar
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How to get the IQN of a Storage Device for ISCI Configuration for an openshift cluster

I have a small baremetal openshift cluster and want to use ISCSI for creating and using PVs. As far as the documentation went i have activated and set up ISCSI on the worker nodes and configured it ...
Working Lukas's user avatar
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Getting "Authentication failed" error for API call with USER_KEY on 3Scale

I have successfully created an API service on the OpenShift console, and it is functioning as expected. However, when I integrate it with 3Scale, I encounter a 403 Authentication failed error. Here is ...
Ali Mumtaz's user avatar
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Loggers are not printing on OpenShift Console after deployment

I'm using Log4j - 2.22.1. version and wildfly- 31.0.1.Final Loggers are printing in local But, while deploying it on openshift the loggers are not printing after the ear is deployed and i checked the ...
Paul's user avatar
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Go App deployment error on redhat openshift. CreateContainerError

status: containerStatuses: - name: go-drinkapp state: waiting: reason: CreateContainerError message: | container create failed: time="2024-11-...
Mahedi's user avatar
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How to pull source codes from TFS for building images in openshift pipeline

I have created one openshift pipeline as follows: - name: fetch-repository taskRef: kind: ClusterTask name: git-clone params: - name: URL value: $(params.git-url) - name: ...
Yaseen's user avatar
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Getting Error when starting Code ready start "ssh: handshake failed: read tcp> read: connection reset by peer" i

Host OS NAME="Fedora Linux" VERSION="40 (Server Edition)" ** crc version** CRC version: 2.43.0+268795 OpenShift version: 4.17.1 MicroShift version: 4.17.1 virsh --version Virsh ...
Ravi's user avatar
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openshift db2 ssl remote database

I have a db2 instance in openshift. I can attach to this instance from my laptop with a ssl route. I have the following issue when I want to create a remote database (from my laptop to openshift). The ...
Victoras's user avatar
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buildConfig fails with "error: build error: no FROM image in Dockerfile"

I'm new to Openshift and trying to build a simple docker image within OpenShift using buildConfig with inline Dockerfile. Here is the snippet from the buildConfig: spec: serviceAccount: builder ...
musca999's user avatar
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no accessMode defined DV nor on StorageProfile for my-storageclass StorageClass

I am creating a Plans for virtualization on my OKD with vCenter, I have created a StorageClass and a PersitentVolume before create migration plan. But the data volume return no accessMode defined DV ...
phunguyen's user avatar
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Spring boot @ConfigurationProperties not binding every property

I'm trying to figure out why some properties are not bound using @ConfigurationProperties. I have a project using an external library which uses spring-kafka to set up a Kafka consumer. This library ...
nujabes's user avatar
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Openshift use Custom Maven setting file for springboot project

I'm trying to import springboot project from git. And try to update the buildConfig to have custom maven setting point to Nexus repo with credentials. tried to config MAVEN_MIRROR_URL in buildConfig, ...
Yida Tao's user avatar
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How can I give my rocker/shiny base image the permissions it requires on OpenShift?

I am having some issues deploying shiny apps on our OpenShift cluster. In order to find a minimal non-working example, I tried deploying the base image directly from its URL:
PoorYorick's user avatar
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cURL to Openshift console to get access token (using OpenID Connect)

I am trying to get a username or access token of the user currently logged into OpenShift (here is a similar question) from the pod Terminal. I need to log all the commands that are executed in the ...
dalsky's user avatar
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not able to start Redhat CRC [closed]

I am not able to start the CRC container environment on my local machine. please help. below are the logs $ crc start INFO Using bundle path /home/ravi/.crc/cache/crc_libvirt_4.17.0_amd64.crcbundle ...
Ravi's user avatar
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configure custom port in router for Istio Ingress gateway

I am trying to expose the custom-port 27190 in openshift service mesh. I have added the port in SMCP & updated the gateway to listen on 27190 port. Please find my config: (base) [root@m1305001 ~]# ...
Mudassar Rana's user avatar
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OpenShift eventlistener not triggered by GitHub webhook

I'm trying to learn OpenShift from RedHat. Unfortunately I can't get the pipeline to run when I push changes to my repository in GitHub. My pipeline is quite simple. It clones my git repository and ...
user27023320's user avatar
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Azure Speech SDK node.js fails to verify certificate

I have an azure container running in openshift in premise cluster. the routes set for example is Now I have my node.js application hosted in same openshift (and also trying ...
Faysal Ahmed's user avatar
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Configuring active passive hub clusters

I'm trying to configure 2 of my openshift hub (acm) clusters to work in active passive mode. My clusters are installed on-premis. (Servers inside my company). I started with this documentation. From ...
Liav's user avatar
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Using NetworkPolicy with Maistra Istio

Maistra Istio creates the NetworkPolicy istio-mesh-basic in all istio-enabled namespaces. It looks like this: apiVersion: kind: NetworkPolicy metadata: annotations: ... ...
thoredge's user avatar
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How can I deploy PostgreSQL using the Stolon operator on OpenShift?

Please provide detailed steps and explanations for each configuration file and command. Explanation of stolon operator's working would also be helpful along with code reference. I have followed the ...
Aayush Shah's user avatar
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ArgoCD Vault Plugin + Kustomize

I am using ArgoCD and Kustomize for my projects in a git repo. I have this project based on kustomize, and I would like to have my secrets inside the project to be "read" by argocd-vault-...
Rafael Ferreira's user avatar
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CORS policy: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. How to config the tornado server

I've been around this bug for a while and any help will be appreciated. Im trying to deploy a panel/bokeh application on Openshift/K8s, The application seems to work correctly, however the browser ...
jdramirezo's user avatar
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MSIS7012 : The same client browser session has made '6' requests in the last '1' seconds. Contact your administrator for details

We have a .Net application which we implemented ADFS WSFED init. Its working fine in local but when we deployed it to OpenShift we are facing this error. I have added WtrealM,Wreply(Tried commenting ...
Levi Brown's user avatar
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Using Tokens from an Azure Container Registry as pull-secrets in Redhat Openshift

I don't seem to be able to generate a usable secret with Tokens in ACR. The method outlined here: only mentions the Access keys ...
Dom's user avatar
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Openshift : Retrieve Pod Name while deploying to update the same in App Dynamics for Metrics

I am trying to deploy my app in Openshift. Let's say service name : abc In openshift, pod gets deployed as "abc-RandomString1-RandomString2" Now App Dynamics agent installation is done ...
Sai Ram's user avatar
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Add application users to DataGrid 8.4 via Secrets automagically deployed

Context I am deploying a Spring Boot 3 application that heavily relies on the @Cacheable annotation and must use Data Grid 8.4 (Infinispan 14) as distributed cache to accommodate Spring clustering. ...
usr-local-ΕΨΗΕΛΩΝ's user avatar
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How to exclude the configMap content from sync

The reference framework is Openshift/ArgoCD. I have an application defined in ArgoCD that, among other resources, contains a configMap that serves for certificate injection into the namespace: ...
El_Muntagnin's user avatar
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How to login to db2u pod using rsh and execute db2 commands via shell script?

I have a script, which log in to db2u pod(oc rsh db2u-pod /bin/bash), then how to execute below such commands in a script, now my scripts ends after log in, cannot execute below commands db2 ...
JhanJrani Reddy's user avatar
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Connect to an external database over HTTP Proxy with .NET Core

My requirement is to connect to an external SQL Server database from my organization network. My .NET Core application is hosted in Openshift Container and it has to go through an internal Bluecoat ...
janitheshan's user avatar
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OpenShift pipeline - How to allow only one Pipeline run at a time?

Hi I am new to OpenShift and from what I can see if I go to a Pipeline and select start twice, immediately two PipelineRuns will run in parallel. This will cause a error because both run's pods will ...
pitchblack408's user avatar
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Can we attach a init-container with strimzi kafka container? [closed]

Can we attach a init-container with strimzi kafka connect container? I want to copy some jars from another image (docker/my-sdk:9.1) to strimzi kafka connect container at runtime using init-container ...
Roobal Jindal's user avatar
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helm template not working with tls string formatted key

I am working on helm template with some tls certificate, I am not able to create proper formatted .yml file Details as below, Values.yml is different for each environment so key string also change, so ...
Bhushan Phalak's user avatar
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PostgreSQL `aws_s3` Extension: SSL Certificate Verification Failed with Self-Signed Certificate

I'm attempting to import data into a PostgreSQL table from a CSV file stored in a NooBaa S3 bucket. I'm using the aws_s3 extension in PostgreSQL for this task. However, I'm encountering an SSL ...
Aayush Shah's user avatar
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Airflow Scheduler Hanging When Run with Remote Database

I am Using Openshift to deploy decoupled units of Apache Airflow (version 2.8.3) each Scheduler and Webserver is running in separate deployments, in terms of the meta database I am using MySQL 8.3 ...
Hasanen A. Sahib's user avatar
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Store data files in Persistent Volume in Openshift ROSA

I have an API that accesses some data files ( size around 12 MB altogether) during its runtime. I am deploying this API into OpenShift ROSA. I need to store these files somewhere in a persistent ...
ljs's user avatar
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Permission Denied error in starting container

I’m encountering a permission denied error in OpenShift container where my Argo CD pod is failing to start. The error message indicates that the container failed due to permission issues. How can I ...
lalaleeza's user avatar
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UID auto adjustment in Bitnami containers

I wonder how Bitnami ccreated containers able to change the ownership of directories in containers to always match Security Context Constraint in OpenShift environment. For example each Openshift ...
Diegunio's user avatar

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