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UI Component in Magento 2

<settings> <validation> <rule name="required-entry" xsi:type="boolean">true</rule> </validation> ...
Pavan Shetty's user avatar
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Magento Custom Module Frontend Request Not Hitting Controller Endpoint (302 Found)

I'm experiencing a persistent issue with my custom Magento 2 module. I have a frontend form integrated into a chat interface on my site. However, when I submit this form via a POST request, it's ...
Stuff lahza's user avatar
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Magento 2 error trying to get children information

I am trying to get children product information from Magento 2 API REST and it returns an error when the product sku has special characters or simbols. SKU: "Risk + Box" I tried the ...
tomi's user avatar
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How to open mini-search input field slow? (transition, delay, collapse)

I can't find, how to slide the input field. I can't find to edit the time to open the mini-search input field. All classes I added transition, does not have any effect. The default opening effect is ...
SoEgal's user avatar
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Magento 2, Make Email Address Field in Checkout Page as Optional

Magento 2, Make Email Address Field in Checkout Page as Optional Custom Module to make checkout page email address field as a optional, if not add default email Id in checkout email address field. ...
Ram Prashanth's user avatar
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How to remove “Add New Address” button from checkout page in Magento 2.4.6-p3?

I am working on customizing the checkout page in Magento 2.4.6-p3. I was able to remove the shipping and billing address fields using the following XML configuration: <item name="...
Indian Community's user avatar
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Get search results product collection

I am creating an search results dropdown for the site header. I have created several dataproviders that search for a keyword for different entities/content. When I include a products dataprovider to ...
Shaun's user avatar
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How to to change the value for a key in an array in PHP? [duplicate]

<?php $orderTracking = $order['ItemDetails'][0]['TrackingDetails'] ?? []; $tracking = []; //Declaration of the array foreach ($orderTracking as $track) { if (is_array($track)) {...
Pavan Shetty's user avatar
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Magento 2: Incorrect Price Calculation for Multiple Quantities in Checkout with Stripe

I’m facing an issue in my Magento 2 store during checkout when using Stripe as the payment method. When a customer adds the same product to the cart multiple times (e.g., three units of a single ...
Pheonix Solutions's user avatar
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Magento 2 checkout call custom javascript AFTER order summary block loaded/reloaded

I want to run some javascript code every time the order summary block is loaded/re-loaded. I am unsure of the best way to do this. I could override the get-totals.js file, but is there a way to ...
Shaun's user avatar
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Mui V6 integration with pwa-studio 12.4

I'm getting this error $RefreshSig$ is not defined apparently with @apollo/client Uncaught ReferenceError: $RefreshReg$ is not defined at ../lafam-ui/node_modules/@apollo/client/react/context/...
Adrián Miranda Reyes's user avatar
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Is mangento 2 support module excluding from JS bundling (like stripe)

I recently enabled JS bundling for my store, which caused the Stripe module not to load in my browser, resulting in the payment button not appearing on my page. Although I updated both the Stripe ...
Arul's user avatar
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My custom magento section isn't injected into local storage cache

In my understanding, magento store private customer data in a local storage under the mage-cache-storage key. Therefore, I'm trying to create a custom section in the local storage to store my own ...
Gia Khánh's user avatar
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Issue getting Magento Integration Request, Access Token through REST APIs

I'm trying to get the request token and access token in a Magento Integration using HttpClient in C#. First I created a REST service (callback url) to capture the consumer key and consumer secret that ...
Darth Shirr's user avatar
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Magento 2 Magento\Catalog\Model\layer getProductCollection()

I'm trying to update the collection in Magento\Catalog\Model\Layer::getProductCollection() to update de attributes in the layered navigation according with my custom collection. First of all, when I ...
guilherme 's user avatar
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404 Error Not found after successful installation Magento

I am an aspiring Magento developer. As a beginner I had to install Magento 2 on my local machine using MAMP, and the composer in VSCODE. I have just succesfully install Mangeto using the composer. ...
Olude david's user avatar
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Extension Attribute uses Camelcaseproperty

I have created custom field in requisition list form which is used in B2B Created extension_attribute for it in the path etc/extension_attributes.xml But when saving the form I am getting below error: ...
Tester's user avatar
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Call to a member function getFormattedAddress() on string in vendor/magento/module-email/Model/AbstractTemplate.php

I am getting Call to a member function getFormattedAddress() on string in vendor/magento/module-email/Model/AbstractTemplate.php error with following code. if ($sendingDays === $this->scopeConfig-&...
Mukesh's user avatar
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Magento 2 PayPal Express Checkout does not appear on Website B, but does on Website A

A Magento 2.4.3-p3 Instance with Website A and Website B set up. Magento 2 PayPal Express Checkout appears and functions successfully on the default Store View of Website A but not on the Store View ...
whisperlight's user avatar
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Issue creating configurable product using bulk import via web API

I am trying to import products using Magentos web api. Specifically the bulk import endpoints. I have no issue creating and editing the products, my issue however is when I try to add the options to ...
Natalie Hedström's user avatar
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Is it possible to integrate .webm in Magento 2 Page Builder image upload?

In the Page Builder banner background image, I need to upload a .webm format video because the GIF reduces the video quality.If .webm integration is possible, how can I do that? When I tried to ...
Salbin Joseph's user avatar
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Magento 2 Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in .phtml template

I encountered an issue after updating the .phtml template for the Newsletter block in my Magento store. Here's the .phtml file I'm working with: <?php use Hyva\Theme\Model\ViewModelRegistry; use ...
kapitantilapia's user avatar
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Magento in Kubernetes and Docker not working

I'm trying to deploy Magento2 application in Kubernetes. This is how my Dockerfile looks like. FROM php:8.1-fpm RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y \ nginx \ zip \ unzip \ ...
Container-Man's user avatar
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jquery/fileUploader issue in magento after upgrading to Magento 2.4.7

If you're encountering this issue and unable to find a solution, try removing the following entry from your composer.json file "blueimp/jquery-file-upload": "lib/web/jquery/fileUploader&...
Jignesh Hirani's user avatar
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Magento 2 GooglePay payment method setup issue with shipping address

In magento 2, we need to setup GooglePay with their APIs. we are following below demo and it's document to show button. Now, When we ...
Krishna Rajyaguru's user avatar
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I want to display the "No Images" products at the end of a category listings. How can we achieve this sorting with best magento 2 practices?

In magento 2.4.x Category listing page. I want to move all the products which have NO IMAGES at the end OR you can say at the last page. What is the best practice of magento 2 to achieve this ...
Areeb Khan's user avatar
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Customer grid uiComponent in slide out modal (Admin)

I want to open a modal in the backend when i click on a button in the admin bar above in the page. In this modal a customer grid uiComponent needs to be shown. The uiComponent is getting loaded ...
P. Sopacua's user avatar
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Is it possible for a magento 2 plugin to display a html written warning based on certain conditions?

These are two files i'm using to print a warning: extra.html( data.html( This is what i'm getting but it's static, i want it to be ...
Santiago Gutierrez's user avatar
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Syncing Magento 2.4 to Mailchimp using Ebizmarts module

I am syncing the Magento 2.4 to my Mailchimp account using the Ebizmart extension as per Mailchimp recommendation. My issue is that, as soon as I enable the module, the sync starts but it is syncing ...
Fariba's user avatar
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Magento 2.4.2, composer errors

I am getting the following error when run composer commands. /opt/plesk/php/7.4/bin/php -d memory_limit=-1 /usr/lib/plesk-9.0/composer.phar update This only appears when the command is run by a code ...
Shaun's user avatar
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Algolia on Adobe Commerce (Magento 2) High Volume of Product Reindexes

We have Algolia installed on a multi store instance but only enabled for a low traffic store whilst we test it's success and stability. The indexing queue builds up and up throughout the day and is ...
Gavin's user avatar
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3 answers

404 not found on Magento2 and nginx, Ubuntu

I've been trying to set up my magento2 on nginx server but when i tried to access the page via url, it said 404 page not found. here is the 404 not found I followed this instruction on magento website:...
Gia Khánh's user avatar
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Custom discount not showing on invoice

I have added a custom discount on order using below code and its working perfectly fine but when create invoice from admin then custom discount not showing. File: app/code/Vendorname/Modulename/etc/...
Amit Kumar's user avatar
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Magento 2 - Apply partial reward point

I'm using Magento 2 EE version and implement the reward point. Currently, Magento will apply all of user point. I overrided the reward point block with an input for user to enter how many points he ...
Stern's user avatar
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Can we create a custom module for: Stock available qty range silder filter in layered navigation

I am seeking for module for magento 2.4.5 need to create : Stock available qty range silder filter in layered navigation like price range slider. which one use for price range slider as well. Can ...
Ram Pratap Singh Gour's user avatar
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Add Customer Custom Attribute to front store

I need to add a Customer custom attribute. Here is snippet of my code: $customerSetup->addAttribute(Customer::ENTITY, 'customer_mobile', [ 'type' => 'varchar', '...
Stern's user avatar
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Make city address attribute as optional per website | Magento 2

By default customer address attribute "city" is set as required. I would like to make "city" address attribute optional per website. When I access configuration page in magento ...
Denis2310's user avatar
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How to find when was redis cache last cleared | Magento domain

How to find when was redis cache last cleared | Magento domain is there way to find the details? Checked redis info details, is the uptime info is linked with cache clearing. How often redis will ...
ARUN LAL's user avatar
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How to use Mandrill templates for transactional emails in Magento 2?

I am working in magneto 2 and want to use Mandrill templates for transactional emails. So emails sent through Mandrill use the templates I have set up in my Mandrill account instead of magento ...
Xabby's user avatar
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How to Implement Queue functionality for Product import in Magento 2

How to Implement Queue functionality for Product import in Magento 2 I want to implement Queue when importing product csv from admin side. I want to just add Queue and u=when user import any csv of ...
abhishek singh developer's user avatar
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Uncaught Exception: User Error: Some transactions have not been committed or rolled back

In magento2, When I tried to register the new customer with the unique credentials, It always threw the issue saying: There is already an account with this email address. If you are sure that it is ...
Bhim Lamichhane's user avatar
-1 votes
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Exception #0 (ReflectionException): Class "Auth" does not exist

i am upgrading magento 2.4.6-p3 to 2.4.7-p2 php version 8.2 on frontend iam facing: 1 exception(s): Exception #0 (ReflectionException): Class "Auth" does not exist Exception #0 (...
Shubham Nigam's user avatar
-1 votes
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Magento 2.4 how to hide out of stock for one category while showing them for other categories?

I want to hide out of stock product for one category while showing them for other category. Please suggest me how to do it I tried turning hide out of stock on but it is hiding for all category. ...
Tisha Jhanwar's user avatar
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More than 1000 color product attribute options Issue on Page Performance - Magento 2

I need some advice on how to optimize the 1000 product attribute options in our store. For example, we have 1000 color options, but according to Magento 2, we can only assign a maximum of 100. ...
Alkesh Rohit's user avatar
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Magento 2.4 cataloginventory_stock_item purpose

We are not using the Default Magento stock /source due to limitations with assigning multiple sources to the default stock. We have created a new stock (Website Stock) and assigned 3 sources relating ...
Shaun's user avatar
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Infinite Scroll Error: Syntax error, unrecognized expression

enter image description here in this line $itemContainer = $(this.itemsContainerSelector, data).eq(0); enter image description here i did try to parse Html, JSON.parse(data), clean ...
Klaudio Maraj's user avatar
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Magento 2.4.2 Remove file from head block using observer and layout update xml

I am trying to use an observer to remove a file(s) from the head block before page load. I have tried using the events: layout_generate_blocks_after layout_load_before In my code below, the first ...
Shaun's user avatar
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Does PHPunit reset local variables?

I have such as Testcase: class GenerateTest extends AbstractTestCase { private int $requestTime = 0; ... protected function setUp(): void { $this->requestTime = $_SERVER['...
Alex's user avatar
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override the core acl without overriding any of core file

<type name="Magento\PurchaseOrderGraphQl\Model\Filters\CompanyPurchaseOrders"> <arguments> <argument name="allowedResources" xsi:type="array"&...
ravichandra's user avatar
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How to write a custom script to migrate Magento 2 website products URL's target path to another site?

When attempting to redirect the target path of a URL to another site, it is not functioning correctly. Is there a script or method to transfer the URL target path to another website? We attempted ...
vyshnavi's user avatar

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