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ionic controlling height of controller modal

i am using a controller popup launching like this async openNwInsights(){ const modal = await this.modalCtl.create({ component: ExplainNetworthComponent }) modal.present(); ...
Moblize IT's user avatar
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Modifying Bootstrap 5 model content, closing and reopening

I have a modal using the Bootstrap 5 framework. I post a form that is contained within it to a JQuery ajax call and then modify the modal content based on the result from the JQuery AJax call, then ...
Stuart Palmer's user avatar
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Windows 11 Firefox Modal Scrolling Issue

[I have a modal with text in the modal popup, and a iFrame video with a text, or image video header. On android phone browsers, the modal runs will. However, on Windows 11 Firefox, there Isn't a ...
WhooHoo's user avatar
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Lightning Modal not getting focus when opened

I have created a component(modalParent) having lightning modal(myModal) using SLDS. When the modal is opened, ideally it should get auto focus but that is not happening. The focus is on the background ...
Aastha's user avatar
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Accessing CMFCButton from its member variable

I have a working modal MFC Dialog that will, at times, create a modal child dialog DJMB_Dlg. The child dialog window was created using the Dialog Editor in VS 2022. The child dialog window has a ...
DocDJ's user avatar
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Always render an intercepted route in a modal even if navigating to the url directly in next.js

I am using the Parellel routes and route Interception to create a user experience that opens a form (the /new route) in a modal for the user to create their new thing. The route is /posts/new. However,...
Jordan's user avatar
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Shadcn Dialog X/close button not closing the Dialog

I have used the shadcn Dialog component in my react application as below: Component: . . . import { Dialog, DialogTrigger, DialogContent, DialogHeader, DialogTitle, DialogClose, } from '@/...
vijay s's user avatar
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Modal breaks when Swipeable element is rendered on the page

in my main page if the Swipeable elements are not rendered my modal works correctly.enter image description here but when they get rendered the modal breaks and its un-interactable (when I force it to ...
m ag's user avatar
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Should I define class properties into an ASP.NET Core ViewModel

I am creating a small web application that allows users to create a project, before then being given the option to deploy that project onto a file system. Within my view, I am successfully displaying ...
Voltstriker's user avatar
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How to manage a simple <dialog> modal pop up? [duplicate]

I want to manage a modal pop up on page load using a <dialog> tag and the showModal() method. But I can't figure out the right & simple way to do it. After some forum research, I finally ...
Nicolas Bège's user avatar
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widget get dispose when i click on modal input field

I have a parent stateful widget (second page of my main bottom navigation menu) which trigger the AddIngredientDialog modal with a button. When I get focus on input field inside the modal, modal does ...
Giovanni Bruno's user avatar
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Modal Not Displaying When Button Is Clicked in ASP.NET Web Forms

I am working on an ASP.NET Web Forms application where I have a GridView and a button for each row that should open a modal when clicked. However, the modal is not opening when I click the edit button....
Ahmed Babader's user avatar
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How do I pop a view with Cancel in Flutter if a return is expected?

I would like some help using a cancel button to pop the current modal popup, but not return the required data. Here is the code that requires an EntryData class on return from the modal popup ...
TM Lynch's user avatar
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How to have a pop-up for a download on my navbar?

I am looking to have a pop-up when someone clicks on my download button on my navbar, but I have been having problems when trying to make it work. Here's an example website. ( I can'...
Voidless7125's user avatar
-1 votes
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CSS image slider without "for" tag

I successfully implemented this CSS image slider. Now, however I want to insert it in a modal window of a reveal.js presentation. I am assuming from this other thread, that the multimodal plugin for ...
aimar's user avatar
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Stop PriorityBinding when Dialog closes

I have a Dialog that shows images in a ListView's data templates using async PriorityBindings as the image source. (The PriorityBinding has two bindings, the first shows an immediately available ...
Gábor's user avatar
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showModalDialog vs showModelessDialog [closed]

The documentation on showModalDialog vs showModelessDialog says this: In almost all cases, a modal dialog or sidebar is a better choice than a modeless dialog.
TopMarx's user avatar
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Issue with MUI 6.1.5 <Dialog> Styling not applying

Good day to all, I seem to be having an issue with the styling of Dialog props from mui v6.1.5. I am trying to add some styling to the padding and margins, width to different Dialog Components but it ...
Razvan Bobonea's user avatar
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Overflow outside React portal dialog

I defined a base dialog for my dialogs using React createPortal and I am using react-select for my forms. In normal elements it works fine, but when I use it in a portal the options overflow result in ...
Emaborsa's user avatar
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Can I disable the scrollbars in CSS?

I have a Modal dialog that you can see at this link: (now updated with the resulting code!) bar = new RGraph.Bar({ id: 'cvs', data: [8, 4, 6, 5, 3, 4, 5],...
Richard's user avatar
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How to use Blazored.Modal to render different child components?

Good day everyone. As the title says, is it possible to show different components without closing and reopening the modal? I would like to know a seamless way to update the body of the modal (...
harrystyles18's user avatar
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CoreUI - modal from within default header shows behind backdrop

I'm using Core-UI's admin template for the console of the open source project cog1. It's great, but I'm having trouble using modals from within the drop-down menu present on the default header ...
Diego's user avatar
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How to prevent <dialog> to close with Esc key [duplicate]

The HTML element <dialog> is intended to always be closed when you press Esc key according to documentation. The problem with that is that you might want it not to close immediately, i.e. if you ...
Nighto's user avatar
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FullWindowOverlay for android

I'm developing an app with React Native and I'm dealing with a screen which combines a Modal and a BottomSheet inside the modal. The only issue I have is that I'm wrapping the sheet content inside a ...
Michal Ružička Ružička's user avatar
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Why does showing video preview take a long time in nextjs/react? Why does this cause a modal to be appear twice?

I created a form to upload video and as file get uploaded successfully, there should be file preview. Now if I use form without modal, all works fine but if render it inside modal, sometimes it render ...
Majid Ali's user avatar
-5 votes
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multiple modals for gallery website using HTML CSS JavaScript

Im making a gallery for a website but modals doesnt work for me. i tried everything. if possible please add two navigation arrows like on messenger or facebook. my code: <!DOCTYPE html> <html ...
Balázs Vörös's user avatar
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How to open modal sheet only once using Bloc

Scenario is I want to open modal sheet when state is GetExperienceLoadedState and AppStrings.isFeedbackForFinancing == true and I am calling an API on initState method. Modal sheet is appearing but ...
user1's user avatar
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Dismiss local-auth fingerprint dialog

How to dismiss flutter fingerprint dialog by default? I don't want flutter to show fingerprint dialog before an authentication. I tried useErrorDialogs = false;, but it is not the solution of my ...
Jean Moris ANATO's user avatar
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can we change the native semantics of landmark elements or any element of html5 using aria

can we change the native semantics of landmark elements or any element of html5 using aria, is it semantically correct and conforming to do so ? Suppose I want to use the dialog element as a ...
Leconte''s user avatar
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55 views 2.4.0: Saving data, when closing modal

How can I make sure that, after closing a modal window, the entered data in it is saved when it is opened again? I reviewed the entire documentation about modals, but I still couldn’t find ...
user27634008's user avatar
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Using Modals in Expo

I'm pretty new to React Native, and I decided to develop a application with Expo. The main problem I'm facing right now is regarding how to use Modals in a optimal way. I want to create modals for ...
Gustavo Feijó's user avatar
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Select2 + bootstrap modal issue

Bootstrap version: 5.1.3 Select2 version: 4.1.0 Link to replicate: $('.select2').select2({ dropdownParent: $('#dataModal'), ...
Richard Jacobs's user avatar
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React not rendering alert when confirming comment deletion in modal

Context: interactive comment section CRUD app When deleting a comment, the user clicks a Delete button which opens a modal to ask them to confirm the deletion. That part (the modal opening/closing and ...
awelie_go's user avatar
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Button in a table cell to open a modal dialog

I have a table with some PHP and a form. Here is a part of it which shows that a button is placed in a cell: if ($giorno == "ven"){ echo '<td>'.$qres["ven_1"].'</td>; ...
Alex's user avatar
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Counting cells with a specific class in JavaScript

I have a HTML table and the following script to add a specific class to the cells, depending on their content. Now, I would like to count only the items with class = active and trigger a modal (...
Alex's user avatar
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Popping a Modal Dialog when changing the drop down entry in Google Sheets

I am trying to create a script where, when a user selects a specific value in a dropdown, say 'a', and a specific modal dialog is displayed. I am trying this, but get this error: Cannot read ...
Jacob Gray's user avatar
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React Native modal voice accessibility

Working on accessibility (voice) on my ReactNative Expo app, debugging with voiceOver. How to focus the accessibility focus on the modal when it has been opened and make the content behind ...
Eylon Shmilovich's user avatar
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Tabs not aligned in Bootstrap Modal

I´m building a Bootstrap Modal and I want to put some tabs inside this Modal to be able to navigate inside him. What is happenings is that the tabs displayed are not aligned the proper way like in the ...
Luís Briga's user avatar
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asp-validation-for a DateTime is not working in Pop up Modal

Here's an example of how you can modify the code: <form asp-action="AddFinancialTransaction" method="post" autocomplete="off"> <input asp-for="...
Mohammad Reza Malakouti's user avatar
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how to handle seperate FormData in the replicated form?

I am trying to creating a dashboard with panels of different sizes and re-arrange able according to the users will also the panel have different formData inside the same panel Form. Expected : to get ...
CypherBee's user avatar
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How can i close the mud blazor dialog?

I am simply trying to close this dialog,specifically when i click on the cancel button. i have read the documentation and i dont think i understand how it works any help is greatly appreciated. I have ...
mattangel's user avatar
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JS Alert on pageload

I want to create an alert / message that shows me the users geodata after the page has been loaded. Here ist the script for the geolocation that I want to be displayed in the alert. <script> ...
vince's user avatar
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How to fetch object data from Modal Input to Homepage with Array Function for making Contact List?

I am new in this field, want to learn coding in React native to develop Mobile App. I want to develop one Contact List with React Native In Home page I put one (+) button to toggle / opening of the ...
Prasenjit's user avatar
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Javascript onclick event based on corresponding id iterations

I am attempting to create dynamic modal popups from query feeds in WordPress. One feed displays elements that need to be clicked and one feed holds the content for the modal popups. My current code ...
Jake Olsen's user avatar
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Unable to open model even after setting display to none

I am trying to make a simple hello world page. I added a few css animations for it and also implemented modal to pop up when the user clicked the button. The button has a blinking animation and will ...
Ajai Arjun's user avatar
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I need to add a modal on one classic ASP page, but inly if a cookie has not been set. i'd like to avoid javascript [duplicate]

I have a classic ASP page that needs a modal to pop up asking people to sign up to our mailing list. If they sign up, a cookie is set. This page checks for that cookie and doesn't harass the user if ...
Bob's user avatar
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how to send/get values from mainform label to Childform1 label and Childform2 label with VB.NET

I'm Trying to send/get values from mainform label to Childform1 label and Childform2 label with VB.NET If you see the gif (gif result code) in mainform then there appears ADMIN (LblUsername) and A (...
dlaksmi's user avatar
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Delphi FMX: TEdit on modal dialog created in DLL loses focus and caret

In a FireMonkey app on Windows, I have a DLL with various dialog boxes, some of which have TEdit controls. When I launch these dialogs from the main application, the TEdit boxes do not display the ...
PABEIER's user avatar
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Sitecore - not able to send data from client side JS to C# backend

I have a requirement to build a custom dialog box in sitecore. I am facing an issue on OK button click where I need to send the user inputs to backend. In the client side JS i am using the below. ...
Debmalya Ghosh's user avatar
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Angular reusable Modal component binding id and for attribute issue

I have configured dynamic modal but click out of modal to close won't works because input id and for attribute are binded from parent component. Stackblitz example @Component({ selector: 'app-modal',...
Lorenzo's user avatar
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