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How to Include External Files in PlantUML for Gantt Diagram Custom Functions?

I am working on a Gantt diagram using PlantUML. Due to the nature of Gantt charts, I needed a way to convert arbitrary dates into epoch_time. Since PlantUML doesn’t seem to provide a built-in function ...
TopChul's user avatar
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EditTexts are populated with same data after rotation

I have a layout with some EditText, like name, surname, city... I include this layout in another layout a couple of times, so there is two EditText for the name, surname, etc. The problem I face is if ...
xerez's user avatar
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My Visual Studio 2022 compilation insists saying that there is not a file in my solution even though there are no references to that file

Basically I got this problem where I tried to install glad to my project, the thing is that I saw that glew was already there and decided to deinstall glad. But now my Visual Studio keeps asking me ...
Dydier Ripe's user avatar
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2 answers

How to resolve #include errors [closed]

Doubt regarding c I tried to print "Hello World" but then found this error. I went through numerous videos on YouTube where they ask you to install MinGW and change the compiler's path but ...
Aranya Mishra's user avatar
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VSCode can't recognise includes

I'm using a Ubuntu machine for a couple years now, and everything worked. For the past few months however, VSCode started acting up, refusing to recognize includes, Not only do the non-native includes ...
Francisco Silva's user avatar
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fix the include invalid directive name error on next.js when using threejs-glsl

Three.js is reusing the #include macro to import glsl code into a separate glsl file. For my use case, I plan to reuse glsl code by using the same macro. uniform float uTime; varying vec2 vUv; #...
MiguelG's user avatar
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Android <include> constraints are not working anymore

I've always worked with reusable layouts with no problem using viewbinding + dataBinding in Android development. Recently, the <include> tags have had this issue: When added to a layout, the ...
Erick Cabral's user avatar
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Use shell script function under multiple Gitlab projects gitlab-ci.yml files

I have multiple gitlab projects and I want to create one template which would be useful under multiple projects. I have 2 files under one project function.yml Problem: under the function....
viratpuar's user avatar
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GitHub Branch Ruleset - how to specify what items require a pull request

I have a repo that has .github, src directories and a file. I would like to be able to make changes to whatever is in .github folder or to the file without the need for the pull ...
tridy's user avatar
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PHP absolute path to include file fails [duplicate]

I have located PHP include files for a bunch of systems above the web-root directory, using absolute paths, for many years. Suddenly it is failing on a new system running Rocky Linux 9, PHP Version 8....
phper's user avatar
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Ubuntu C program with embeded Ruby: fatal error: ruby/config.h not found

I'm trying compilation simple as possible C program: gcc -Wall -O0 -std=c99 -pedantic -pedantic-errors `ruby -rrbconfig -e 'puts RbConfig::CONFIG["LIBRUBYARG"]'` -I`ruby -rrbconfig -e 'puts ...
Rumburak's user avatar
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C input VS Code

I am going through the edx CS50 course for 2024, I am in the 1st week of C programming. The CS50 course has the user use the online CS50 program that includes the CS50.h module. This allows me to use &...
Carter Markham's user avatar
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Problem Including c files into a codeblocks project

I'm having trouble with a bmp editor project while using codeblocks. Context: This is a group project I made alongside 2 friends, all the functions work and it's ready to be submitted as a codeblocks ...
Frank_Grimes's user avatar
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How to enable clang-tidy to inspect header files and related interfaces

Currently we are integrating clang-tidy into our project and we found that it has troubles when we introduce interfaces to classes (in multiple files). Consider following code //driver_interface.hpp ...
Zdeno Pavlik's user avatar
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VSCode can't open source file "glibconfig.h" (dependency of glib.c) ---Windows

My glib.h file is located inside of this folder: "C:\msys64\mingw64\include\glib-2.0" This is my settings.json file: { "explorer.confirmDelete": false, "includePath": ...
bangingmyheadontable's user avatar
-1 votes
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PHP: include a script file from a root directory subdirectory (_private) in a subdomain

I spent hours researching, reading, and trial/error-ing to no avail. I have a family website ( that has a lot of subdomains. I thought the domains are supposed to be set ...
sdm1177's user avatar
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VSCode not finding libraries which were installed with MSYS2

I have the following Problem: When I open my project in VSCode only the cjson/cJson.h library is not found #include <stdio.h> #include <Winsock2.h> #include <Ws2tcpip.h> #include <...
bangingmyheadontable's user avatar
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How to hide macro usage from an output shared library

I'm trying to write a C++ logging library. It uses boost::log mainly for the BOOST_LOG_SEV macro. I can use my library without an issue like LOG(debug) << "Test message". Here is my ...
cppbird's user avatar
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Can Atlas Search storedSource include just the "_id"?

I have a certain use case where I need to return just the "_id" field of all the documents for a query. To improve the performance, we thought of using "storedSource" option of ...
Jai Kulshrestha's user avatar
3 votes
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Include needed headers in both .c and the corresponding .h or only in the .h?

Assume I have a module filter.c/filter.h. That module exposes a function in the header: uint32_t filterStuff(uint32_t input); This means I need to include stdint.h, and I need it in both the filter.c ...
jusaca's user avatar
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How to Include LightGBM 4.5 to Visual C++ Project?

I want to use C API LightGBM in My Visual C++ Project? How do I do it? I attach My code ?? DatasetHandle dataset_handle; // load dataset int result; result = LGBM_DatasetCreateFromFile("D:\\...
abdol's user avatar
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Loop to assign mixins to classes in scss

I want to assign several @mixins to classes with the same name, something like: @each $herramienta in $listaHerramientas { .#{$herramienta} { @include #{$herramienta}; } } The ...
JGA's user avatar
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Add missing includes without path

I am using clangd with VSCode. Clangd offers the possibility to add missing includes. When doing so, it (sometimes? couldn´t figure out when) automatically adds the relative or absolute path to the ...
SinixND's user avatar
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Relative paths include in cmake

I'm trying to run my Native C++ project on Android Studio and i need to compile my C++ part using cmake. I need to use this repository for reading json: NOTE: Using it ...
THESKRILL's user avatar
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How do I include a .h file, located in an upper level directory? С++

So, for instance I have a bunch of files: root-dir: dir-a: read.cpp dir-b: code.cpp lib.cpp lib.h lib's files: //lib.cpp #include <string> using namespace std; string edit(...
Kira Egen's user avatar
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gitlab-ci: Including external jobs only for merge requests

I'm trying to configure a CI pipeline which includes jobs from other project, but only for merge requests. According to GitLab documentation, I can use rules with include and $CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE is ...
daneos's user avatar
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Why are types escaping namespace when included after vector header? [duplicate]

If I compile this minimized example with clang++: #include <system_error> #include <vector> namespace MyNamespace { namespace ffi { #include <sys/types.h> } void example() { ...
Camden Narzt's user avatar
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Ruby module is not an ancestor after prepend

I'm developing a plugin to the Rails (6.1.7) project Foreman (v3.5.1; based on the Foreman Plugin Template) and face the issue that one of my modules (DnsInterfaceExtensions) ought to be prepended to ...
Xavier Mol's user avatar
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How to make the variable loaded in one loaded file available in Scheme?

I have the following directory structure (minimal demo): main.scm (load "regex_utils.scm") (displayln "test") ... regex_utils.scm (load "utils.scm") ... ; load many ...
An5Drama's user avatar
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Unknown type name 'ImVec2'

I am trying to build the hello_imgui_template with Cmake, but I am unable to proceed without it giving me hello_imgui/hello_imgui.h file not found. Just to try it out I manually inserted the absolute ...
user22615570's user avatar
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LinkingError with extern keyword

I have a trouble about extern variable. I declared engineInstance variable at the beginning of cpp file like in below. vkWrapper::EngineInstance* engineInstance; But when I use it in hpp file by ...
yigitEmre's user avatar
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How do I add DobbyHook in android studio

Couldn't find any information about how to install DobbyHook for android studio The only thing i found was the original documentation, which didn't clarify anything. By the way my emulator has x86_64 ...
Xinon's user avatar
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C++ a single place to keep all #includes?

Gets a bit complicated with all #includes within each CPP file, is there a single place to keep all #includes?
espr3ss0's user avatar
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C# linq Include OrderBy

I need some help sorting data by Included data. In the example below, I am returning a purchase order where I want to sort the purchase order line items by the line item id. return await context....
michael's user avatar
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OpenCV issue with including lib in CMake (Clion)

I have this CMake file in my project: cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.28) project(AICS) include_directories(include) include_directories(src) set(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD 17) set(OpenCV_DIR "C:/...
Aparkin Matvey's user avatar
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Join and Cancel - use Include or Extend? [duplicate]

Image here I have a Use Case Diagram for our Event Management Platform and our group is having a fight. I wonder in these two which is correct: Cancel EXTENDS Join (in my view, we can choose to ...
huytienlam's user avatar
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How to include .env file in my python package using pyproject.toml?

I have the following folder structure: program_root/ - src/ - tests/ - data/ - templates/ - docs/ - build/ - dist/ - ...
Devarapalli Vamsi's user avatar
3 votes
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how to include zstd in cmake?

im trying to include zstd into my project and currently it kind of is included but it's being linked to the main executable at the end of the cmakelist file and thus except for the main file nothing ...
neo's user avatar
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infinite include loop in jq. Two modules that need each other and one of them by a third

I have 2 modules that will convert code into strings, module1.jq and module2.jq module1 converts the code of obj1 that have this form { "code1":"254", "Object2s":[ {...
canario's user avatar
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PHP 8.3 on IIS 10 can't get document root set properly

I'm stuck on migrating old website to new server and the problem is on "include" or "require". Website is on h:\www and doc_root and include_path in php.ini are set to h:\www. If I ...
user2969509's user avatar
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gcc -print-search-dirs not printing /usr/include or similars

I'm having some trouble with gcc, conda and default directories in which to search header files. According to this answer it automatically searches for files in /usr/include. According to man gcc: -...
Marco Montevechi Filho's user avatar
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Is there any way to have two files include eachother? [duplicate]

player.h in class Player void update(TileManager tileM); tileManager.h in class TileManager void loadMap(int type, Player* player); The player class only ever reads TileManager while TileManager ...
Jackson Kidwell's user avatar
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Does .editorconfig have any property that organize includes in c++?

I would like to organize my include statements in order and in blocks, similar to the .clangd configuration. I need to know if the .clangd or eclipse configuration are the only options to organize my ...
matssauro's user avatar
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CMake and finding header files in a directory tree

Here's my directory structure for my project (abbreviated): Drawbox/ Library/ Drawbox.cpp APClass/ smallAPstring.h Here's the top level CMakeLists.txt file: ...
Joymaker's user avatar
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Is there any disadvantage in including more header files than you need? [duplicate]

I'm in the process of reworking the headers of a larger project. The headers haven't seen any care in a long time, so what we have is a long list of headers pointing directly at .h files located in ...
Marcell's user avatar
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Why does PolSpice show this message during instalation procedure?

I am having some troubles with the instalations of PolSpice for two different versions, and for my conda enviroment py_cmb. I have been following the steps by
Augusto's user avatar
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Cmake and includes in a tree of source directories

The CMake documentation contains the following: include_directories: Add include directories to the build. include_directories([AFTER|BEFORE] [SYSTEM] dir1 dir2 ...) Add the given directories to ...
Joymaker's user avatar
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How to resolve 'section title out of sequence: expected level 1, got level 2' error in Asciidoctor VS Code extension?

I use the Asciidoctor VS Code Extension to edit my AsciiDoc project. My codebase has a structure with several layers of nested folders, and I use include::./folder/file.adoc[] to include lower-level ...
Foad S. Farimani's user avatar

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