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GitHub Branch Ruleset - how to specify what items require a pull request

I have a repo that has .github, src directories and a file. I would like to be able to make changes to whatever is in .github folder or to the file without the need for the pull ...
tridy's user avatar
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Unknown type name 'ImVec2'

I am trying to build the hello_imgui_template with Cmake, but I am unable to proceed without it giving me hello_imgui/hello_imgui.h file not found. Just to try it out I manually inserted the absolute ...
user22615570's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Error in "include" not causing standard C library to be accessed

error in vs code with #include path heres the error code: #include errors detected. Please update your includePath. Squiggles are disabled for this translation unit (C:\Users\lafem\hello.c).C/C++(...
Fortune Afemikhe's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

require_once(): Failed opening required > '/wp-load.php'

I have a file, mail.php - it's in the public_html/scripts/ directory. I have an ajax javascript function that calls it: <script> function sendEmail() { var variable1 = 'hello'; // Get the ...
Mark Tait's user avatar
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1 answer

What is the correct include path for ESP-IDF?

OS: Win10. Some time ago I've installed ESP-IDF with offline installer. Integrated with VScode, worked with it, built and flashed some WiFi examples. All was good. Then a bit later, I've installed the ...
Noideas's user avatar
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Include requirements in PHP with NGINX [duplicate]

I have a code in PHP, which includes some files using absolute files like: require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/frontend/src" . "/requests/"); Locally it ...
Bogdan Madzhuga's user avatar
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1 answer

Why does VSCode not complain my #include when my path is not correct ( not enough ../ in path)

I have some C++ - code where in a cpp-file I include a header-file like that: #include "../../../c/win/c_pp/include/abc.h" Now my file abc.h is actually in a folder that should be addressed ...
user3443063's user avatar
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7 answers

Django tutorial problem: The current path, polls/, didn’t match any of these

I'm just getting started with Django, and I'm a touch rusty with web development, so this may be an easy one. I'm stepping through the Django Polls Tutorial from the official documentation and I ...
deane's user avatar
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1 answer

Perl: How to avoid adding current directory to module include path?

I'd like to override some perl modules from a perl tool installed via conda. Perl is v5.26.2 installed via conda-forge. However, I cannot overwrite any scripts which are located in the same directory ...
Hoeze's user avatar
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VSCode Include path C++ [closed]

I am trying to learn C++, but I am having trouble. When trying to compile my source file, I receive the below error message for all of my header files. I have tried adding multiple paths to my CPP ...
Kevin H's user avatar
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gcc 5.3.0 for unix reports included c file not found despite it existing

I created a very simple hello world program in C and I'm trying to call a function from an included file. The problem is the gcc program is strange in how it recognizes files. Suppose the main file is ...
Mike's user avatar
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2 answers

url checker with includes()

i'm trying to make a url checker with js, this is the part of the code i'm having trouble with: switch (true) { case document.location.pathname.includes("/account"): presenceData....
anão's user avatar
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Using of include in accessing file from different directory

I've been wondering this lately, why is my files on pages>role_pages>admin display the bootstrap links from the includes>links files, all the pages in my admin folder has design, my login ...
klaus21's user avatar
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Finding a path which visits certain nodes of choice in a graph

Lets suppose we have a undirected graph and I pick some arbitrary starting vertex. Now from that vertex I want to find a path that travels through some given vertices of choice. For example, lets say ...
Abdulrahman Qaisar's user avatar
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1 answer

Include a link using PHP

Today I'm trying to include a page in another one in PHP using the link instead of the path, so the code could look like this include "http://localhost/mypage/myfile.php" but it throws me ...
Elizzit's user avatar
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c++ "fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'curl/curl.h': No such file or directory"

I want to use the (a Binance c++ library) and I'm getting the same error again and again. I changed the MakeFile in the library to the correct paths but yeah... ...
Wandschranktafel's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Include relative path works strangely

I have this folder and file structure: public_html (folder) index.php (file) resources (folder) configs (folder) main_config.php (file) render_template.php (file) - (this file is at the same ...
Lukas's user avatar
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Visual Studio Code problem at compiling and running (wrong path)

I've been really patient with visual studio code since this morning as I was going back into the cold bath that is C++. While it was seemingly good at first, it all went to S**T when I tried ...
Vincent Pelletier's user avatar
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1 answer

Get included file real path

I have a project with the following structure: .credentials helpers.php home.php admin\ login.php register.php In the helpers.php, i'm trying to get the content of .credentials by doing ...
Alberto's user avatar
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PHP deploying to Linux and Windows

Depending on whether I'm deploying my website to Linux or Windows, I set my include paths like this: - if(PHP_OS==="WINNT") include("..\\library\\"); else ...
thirstylocket's user avatar
5 votes
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Visual Studio Code - Include Path Problems Header Files C++ (MinGW)

I am pretty new to programm in C++ so please don't judge my problems with setting up my "Visual Studio Code" environment. I am trying to use the blaze math packages to solve quadratic ...
Joe95's user avatar
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Visual studio - how to include correctly

The question is about existing project which is compiled and executed successfully - I try to add to it some functionality In the project in path C:\TestProject\components\VolumeUtilities\Include\...
YAKOVM's user avatar
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Is it possible to set up Atom with additional directories, say for Boost files?

I've just started using the Atom editor, and tried setting up a simple C++ file to test it out. Tried to #include a boost file, but got an error that the path couldn't be found. Had to use the ...
e_nicolai's user avatar
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'wx/wx.h' file not found when compiling hello world wxWidget program on mac

I have just installed the latest stable version of wxWidget on my mac and tried to compile the code from the hello world tutorial. This is the code that is causing the error: #include <wx/wxprec.h&...
polar's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

Include cant find directory PHP

i make MVC application (Without frameworks). I try to include models from folder 'models' in controller, in folder controller. include("/models/tasks_model.php"); But i get error: Warning: include(...
Komp Tip's user avatar
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How can I build a dynamic absolute path in PHP?

I've a web site made of some folders, one for each section (info, news, blog etc...). In each of these folders there is an index.php file that should load a layout (common to all). These are stored in ...
SimoL9's user avatar
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I'm not able to include any other PHP files in index.php

So I am a newbie in PHP but I need to make an assignment, in which I have to put together a web page using PHP and MYSQL. While I was creating my pages in PHP with ATOM text editor, I wanted to ...
cantsayimadeveloper's user avatar
1 vote
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Autotools/Automake : the good way to add include path

I have a C++ project using autotools for compiling under a Linux environment. All includes path i wrote in were relative (ex : -I../path0/inc -I../path1/path2/inc -I../../../path3/inc). Everything ...
YopAndMail's user avatar
19 votes
2 answers

how to get wp-content folder in wordpress?

if my main.php file is located inside /wp-content/plugins/myplugin/folder/folder/folder/ why including urls.php , located inside /wp-content/uploads/folder/ doesn't work with this path: include_once("...
Nathan Bernard's user avatar
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1 answer

How to define path for subfolder

I'm learning PHP and I'm having problems with the definition of the path. If in the settings.php file located in the main folder I define a constant with the base path of the site to be able to use ...
BIKAPPA2 A Vaccari  T Sossi's user avatar
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PHP include path ignored in HTML file

I have a lot of css/javascript file that I'm using on mutiple pages. So I included them in my php file. styles.php : <?php # SCRIPTS/CSS BEGIN | DEBUT DES SCRIPTS/CSS include'css/base.css'; ...
LuVu's user avatar
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path: valid or not in `#include`?

Today I read this question Any rules about underscores in filenames in C/C++?, and I found it very interesting that the standard seems to not allow what is usually seen in many libraries (I also do it ...
alx - recommends codidact's user avatar
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Eclipse C++: fatal error: cheddar.h: no such file or directory

[RHEL v7.3, Eclipse Photon, C/C++ Project with Eclipse-generated Makefile] Attempting to include a custom library named cheddar.h results in Fatal Error: cheddar.h: no such file or directory ...
kmiklas's user avatar
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Specifying Image Path File From Another Folder in WEB-INF?

I'm including a separate JSP page (header.jsp) into my current home.jsp page as goes: <jsp:include page='/WEB-INF/Header/header.jsp'/> In that header.jsp page, I have an image as follows: <...
James McTyre's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Include PHP and CSS files -> relative path

Hello how can I include PHP and CSS files from another directory to the current file? Open Image Include in mathe.php the files from php and css.
Daniel's user avatar
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A href links in PHP include file are not relative to the root

I have a PHP file I am using as the template header for each page of my website. But the links in the PHP template header file are not relative to the root and don't auto update when I create a new ...
Matt Robinson's user avatar
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Bulletproof PHP include from project's root

Okay so I don't know if this is a "can't see the forest for the trees" situation but I'm slowly losing my patience on this. All I want to do is find a way to include files from the project's root, no ...
Hylaze's user avatar
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Django Include() in with two apps

I believe this is a simple question but I am having a hard time figuring out why this is not working. I have a django project and I've added a second app (sales). Prior to the second app, my ...
Chris's user avatar
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PHP include_once not working (have tried almost everything I've found)

Context: I am very new to PHP. My server directory is home/crowdapp/public_html/brand/ In home/crowdapp/public_html/brand/signup.php, I am trying to include two files: home/crowdapp/public_html/...
Andrew Yang's user avatar
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2 answers

PHP include works but can not call variables or functions within the included file

I am trying to set-up a structure for my application to properly include scripts across various pages and subdirectories The issue I am having; inside my index.php I have define ('BASE_URL', 'http:...
eleven0's user avatar
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g++ compilation using 'include' statement with non-relative paths (C++)

I am trying to compile a c++ code with a third party library using g++ as a compiler. My main.cpp needs to include the header file core.hpp while the core.hpp needs to include cvdef.h whereas cvdef.h ...
Christian's user avatar
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4 answers

includes files not being found through require_once()

Hey guys before I begin my question, I'm gonna paste a photo of my folders structure so it will be easier to visualize. Okay so, in the header.php highlighted above, I have this line of code: <?...
totallynotgroot's user avatar
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Get file of current macro file in CMake [duplicate]

I'm writing a .cmake file that handles a bunch of stuff and needs access to an executable in a fixed relative path to the .cmake file. In this instance, the orgianization looks like this: CMakeLists....
ruhig brauner's user avatar
-1 votes
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PHP Include relative path - clarification

I have a PHP page on my site in a sub folder called Articles. The page is article.php. The article.php page requires a common php page called _head.php. This provides the header for the pages. _head....
rixtertrader's user avatar
2 votes
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Can I move perl modules without breaking the system?

I have the exact problem described here: Perl can't find module when run from cron.daily except that my problem applies to a perl script running from crontab. In my case the error message is: May 24 ...
dazz's user avatar
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Setting up cygwin

I'm setting up cygwin in windows 10. I've installed required devel and tried to run simple hello world code in VSCode. I've set my VSCode includePath to: C:\cygwin64\lib\gcc\x86_64-pc-cygwin\6.4.0\...
fieq.fikri's user avatar
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3 answers

Php 5.4 Include / require -- cannot get file path right

Suppose i have this file: /Home/user/docs/somewhere/inHere.php And in this php, i want to require this: /Home/user/other/well/buried/place.php I know the difference between an absolute and ...
shadowkrazee's user avatar
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C++ Include Relative Paths Broken

I am currently working on a large-scale financial application. There are multiple modules that are compiled separately and then combined in a higher-level makefile. Due to poor design, a lot of the ...
Viktor Zhou's user avatar
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jsf:include and bean's attribute within JSF

I'm experiencing some weird issue with JSF. class MyBean{ String path = "pages/includes/popup.xhtml"; // Getters & Setters } Then I have my custom component <cc:implementation> ...
Dorin's user avatar
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How to use user-defined function in another Program

How to use user-defined modules in my Program, im using VSCODE and added the path to user-defined module path but when i #include<> them and use them debugger shows me error "No such file or ...
WildFire's user avatar

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