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undefined reference to "WinMain" [duplicate]

I am new to c++ and trying to use SDL2 on my Mingw Compiler(Msys2) After I compiled with #include "SDl2\SDL2.h" my compiler kept giving me this message: C:/M/B/src/mingw-w64/mingw-w64-crt/...
hello world2020's user avatar
-3 votes
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which command do i use to go to c drive then users, then my user, then donwloads? im using mingw64 from msys2 [closed]

in c drive but "Users" isn't a folder? tried cd /c/ then 'cd /Users/'. expected to see Users pop up but got an error cannot figure out why this happens, I must admit I am a noob to what is ...
ArrowCraft's user avatar
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Package libmongocxx was not found in the pkg-config search path

I'm having some trouble setting up the MongoDb C++ driver. I installed CMake via the exe. Then pkg-config via MSYS2. Then I proceeded with the tutorial for setting up the MongoDB C++ driver. And I got ...
VChuckShunA's user avatar
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"relative path" error message in cmake configure

I try to build a "towers of hanoi" tutorial C program using ncurses in my windows/msys2 based environment with VS code as IDE. Gcc, make, cmake and all the rest is installed correctly and ...
Sheogorat's user avatar
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use libaria2.a in VS2022

I've gotten the libaria2.a from msys2(pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-aria2). And try to build its example code in ./examples g++ -Wall -O2 -g -std=c++11 -o aria2ex -L. -laria2 -lz -lws2_32 -...
areslee's user avatar
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How can I get a batch script to keep an Msys2 terminal open?

I'm trying to write a batch file that will automate opening all of the MinGW64 terminal windows I plan to open and cd into an appropriate directory. My work PC uses Windows 11. Right now, I'm using ...
zecuse's user avatar
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can uninstalling MSYS2 be a raison to have my files gone?

Uninstalling MSYS2 can lose your files So I installed MSYS2 in "Documents" path and after a while I decided to uninstall it but I have got surprised while I was doing that cuz I found out ...
Yacine Saadaoui's user avatar
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Installing cantools in msys2 in venv

I'm trying to get cantools package working in a venv inside MSYS2 installation (on Windows). But it requires python-can, which requires pywin32. I did install mingw-w64-x86_64-python-pywin32 and the ...
ilya1725's user avatar
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Unsuccessful build of JS8Call on Windows from source - how should I find the cause of error?

I am trying to build JS8Call from source ( using MSYS2 (UCRT2). The preparation steps did not generate any Makefile, so I tried cmake --build . which seems to work ...
Jindrich Vavruska's user avatar
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Compiled with MSYS2 but DLL not found running in CMD

I am building a pure C project with make in MSYS2 on a Windows box. The resulting executable runs just fine at the MSYS2 prompt, but when using CMD it fails because it cannot find libpq.dll (my code ...
smolloy's user avatar
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MSYS2: Error: Command line contains characters that are not supported in the active code page (1252)

CI code, which is run via the Github Actions, and worked flawlessly for a number of years, started to fail when attempting to pass some unicode characters via the command line. Test executable is run ...
Nickolay Olshevsky's user avatar
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msys2 pacman hanging when asked to install SDL2

I want to make my program cross-platform. It's already working on Mac, using VS code and GCC toolchain. So I go to set up the same on Windows, and I install MSYS2. Time to build: I have a dependency ...
Joymaker's user avatar
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MSYS2, clang last version does not appear in pacman query

I decided to build an application from its source. For this purpose clang version 17.0.0 or later is needed. I use MSYS2 on windows 10 and when I run the command pacman --query clang it returns back ...
Gela's user avatar
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How to add current git branch to commad promt in MSYS UCRT bash?

While in Cygwin and nearly every other *nix, I have used the following code within my .bashrc, for years. parse_git_branch() { git branch 2> /dev/null | sed -e '/^[^*]/d' -e 's/* \(.*\)/ (\1)/' ...
not2qubit's user avatar
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I'm beyond stuck trying to create a compilation workflow for a python tkinter c binding that gives me a resize event my builds just keep failing

No matter how I have set up my environment so far to run the script I keep running into issues with environments, shells, ENV_Variables, and github workflow environment variables that ...
Logicye's user avatar
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OpenCV in C++, error loading .dll libraries: libstdc++-6.dll: cannot open shared object file

(Note, I'm using MSYS2 on Windows 11. I haven't had any issues with includes or libraries until trying to use OpenCV.) I'm trying to use OpenCV for a C++ project. In my IDE, I added the relevant ...
spirigrove's user avatar
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FileNotFoundError “C:\Workbench\libpostal\src\address_parser.exe”

I am attempting to utilise the pypostalwin package which requires the libpostal library to be installed to my local C drive. As I am doing so from a work computer and am not overly familiar with unix, ...
vicefreak04's user avatar
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disable SSL revocation function during crates index update in PIP install

When install maturin using pip with MSYS2 on Windows, I'm getting the following error. I'm behind company proxy with self-signed certs and want to disable the revocatin check. Error $ pip install ...
Chutia Chutia's user avatar
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Compiling GDB on Windows using msys2 in 2024

Seen multiple existing posts, but not able to solve the compile time errors in GDB using MSYS2. I am using the MINGW64 console. Compiled the missing dependencies GMP and MPFR on same setup sucessfully....
developer's user avatar
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Can't find libpython3.dll with msys2 compiler and run in native windowns

Currently, I work on embedded python into C But I encountered a problem which is I can't run this execute in native windows (client require). Command line run on msys2 is gcc test.c -IC:/msys64/...
TaiJuWu's user avatar
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‘The preLaunchTask ‘C/C++: g++.exe build active file’ terminated with exit code -1’

I’m encountering an issue while debugging C++ in VSCode. When I press ‘Run C++ file’, I get the error: ‘The preLaunchTask ‘C/C++: g++.exe build active file’ terminated with exit code -1’.The error ...
石佳恩's user avatar
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CMake pkg-config on Windows 11 returns error: "required by 'virtual:world', not found"

I'm preparing to compile a GTK+-3.0 test application on Windows 11. I have a CMake configuration that runs well on linux. I've installed GTK 3.0 with msys2, following this instruction: https://www.gtk....
bugblatterbeast's user avatar
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VSCode not finding libraries which were installed with MSYS2

I have the following Problem: When I open my project in VSCode only the cjson/cJson.h library is not found #include <stdio.h> #include <Winsock2.h> #include <Ws2tcpip.h> #include <...
bangingmyheadontable's user avatar
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including file from wrong path when compiling opencv on windows

I'm trying to upgrade my opencv version to 4.10, from sources, on windows. But the compilation for msvc is failing. I have to build two sub-versions, one for gcc (MSYS2) and one for msvc. For each ...
Oersted's user avatar
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im getting these errors while installing mingw from msys2 what should i do

error: failed retrieving file 'mingw-w64-ucrt-x86_64-openssl-3.2.0-1-any.pkg.tar.zst' from : Operation too slow. Less than 1 bytes/sec transferred the last 10 seconds error: failed ...
YodaSkywalker's user avatar
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MYSY2 Git will not let me type when I try to enter my GitHub username

Recently I installed Git from MYSY2 in order to improve a Python library I use, but after cloning it and committing the changes I made, when I tried to push it - Git asked me for my GitHub username, ...
Zamyatin's user avatar
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msys2mingw failing to run a gstreamer python example: "ImportError: cannot import name Glib, introspection typelib not found"

Trying to learn rtsp gstreamer with opencv connections. Searched for the error i had like 2 days nothing has helped. I'm trying to learn this topic for one week and couldn't run even a single example. ...
Hüseyin Mert Caliskan's user avatar
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Python vs Python3 in Windows

I am on a Windows machine. Writing where python in command prompt gives the following C:\Users\$USERNAME$\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python312\python.exe C:\msys64\ucrt64\bin\python.exe I ...
Shaurya Agarwal's user avatar
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I am using python 3.12 and python 3.10 but python 3.10 not working with MSYS2

I assigned py command for 3.12 and python for 3.10 but in MYSY2 but python command is not working. I changed .bashrc file using nano ~/.bashrc and added line like export PATH=$PATH:/c/python 3.10.0/...
Pritesh Tadvi's user avatar
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How do I install pycairo using pip into python environment under MSYS2 on Windows 10

I am trying to install pycairo into a python virtual environment under MSYS2 on Windows 10 and following the command: pip install pycairo I get the following error: $ pip3 install pycairo Collecting ...
garybarnes59's user avatar
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Can't build crate gmp_mpfr_sys on windows using msys2

I have installed msys2 and under the MinGW 64 have installed: mingw-w64-x86_64-toolchain. mingw-w64-x86_64-rust I have installed rust via rustup with x86_64-pc-windows-gnu cargo build fails on gmp-...
user26846186's user avatar
1 vote
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Getting error D8021 while compiling Darknet

I am getting the error while compiling Darknet via MSYS2. cl : Command line error D8021 : invalid numeric argument '/Wfatal-errors' make: *** [Makefile:211: obj/convolutional_kernels.o] Error 2 A few ...
Sam2021's user avatar
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How can I reference a library I downloaded in MSYS2 in VS Code (Windows)?

I'm new to C++. I installed the C/C++ and C/C++ Extension Pack and following instructions to install MSYS2. Through MSYS2 I downloaded mingw-w64-x86_64-crypto++ and verified that it is present (pacman ...
chribonn's user avatar
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"The preLaunch Task 'build C program' terminated with exit code -1073741819" error when using MSYS2

I apologize in advance for any spelling or grammar mistakes; I haven't written in English in a while. Summary of the problem I installed the MSYS2 environment to program in C on VS Code (I dislike the ...
ian.dib's user avatar
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the procedure entry point hb_ot_tags_from_script_and_language could not be located in the dynamic link library ...libfreetype-6.dll

I'm developing an application on windows that manipulates images. I'm using msys2/ucrt64 version of gcc for compiling and msys2/ucrt64 version of openimageio library for image import/export. My code ...
Oersted's user avatar
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How to solve the,"connection to port 443 timed out" error when retrieving MSYS2 packages?

I am trying to install MinGW-w64 via MSYS2 alongside VS code on a windows 10 computer. The installation finishes but when I use the <pacman -S --needed base-devel mingw-w64-ucrt-x86_64-toolchain>...
Alungile's user avatar
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FileZilla's libfilezilla component won't build due to missing GnuTLS

I am attempting to build FileZilla 3 from source according to the steps here: I got successfully all the way to the Building ...
HerrimanCoder's user avatar
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Batch "%1" and path spaces

On Windows I made a file called mingw64_open_with.cmd and associated .sh bash files so that they open with it, the goal being to be able to double click .sh bash scripts on Windows to run them through ...
Michel Rouzic's user avatar
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How to compile and run a C script in MSYS2

beginner programmer here, I am trying a rudimentary approach, where I write some c code in a text editor (notepad++) and wish to compile it using gcc. The way to do this I found would be to install ...
Yordan Aleksandrov's user avatar
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Memcpy specified bound exceeds maximum object size - gcc bug?

I'm getting a very weird warning when trying to compile Fribidi with gcc. Take a look at the following line: memcpy (visual_str, str, len * sizeof (*visual_str)); (source) It triggers this gcc ...
Andreas's user avatar
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Why does earlier gdb gets OSError: [Errno 22] or the latest crash when starting a dap session?

I was trying to debug on nvim using the dap functionality of gdb 14.2 (installed via msys2), but a message Debug adapter didn't respond. Either the adapter is slow (then wait and ignore this) or there ...
Caiyhg's user avatar
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CMake repeatedly fails to find MPI libraries, succeeds after multiple runs

I'm trying to compile the Elmer FEM repository inside the "MSYS2 MinGW 64-bit" environment on Windows. I'm encountering a bizarre issue where CMake fails to find MPI libraries on the first ...
Foad S. Farimani's user avatar
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configure: error: Could not find a version of the Boost::Asio library

I am trying to compile in msys2, but I cant get it to work, despite having boost and asio packages installed. I get /riscv-isa-sim-cosim$ ./configure --...
Rainb's user avatar
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What is the solution for OpenCV installation error?

When I try to install OpenCV via pip using command pip install opencv-python. I receive this error: Collecting opencv-python Using cached opencv-python- (95.1 MB) Installing build ...
Marius Vicol's user avatar
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How to install an older version of package in msys2?

I would like to install an older version of boost on msys2 to check if newer version of boost causes some issue. But from, I ...
Felix F Xu's user avatar
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Freetype missing - CMake on Windows

I have been through all the posts I could find on here about this but nothing works. I am trying to build a project using CMake on Windows using Visual Studio Code. I have installed, VS with C/C++ &...
DrBwts's user avatar
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Issue with wxWidgets, CMake, and MSYS2: "libwx_mswu-3.2.a" not found during build with Ninja

I am facing a frustrating issue when trying to compile a C++ project using wxWidgets, CMake, and MSYS2 on Windows. Although CMake configures the project correctly and finds all the necessary libraries,...
ClynnJDev's user avatar
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ld.exe: cannot find ./fsa/mobid/libfsa.a: No such file or directory

I'm trying to run mingw32-make from cmd (msys2) and I get the following error for a Nordic Semiconductor: process_begin: CreateProcess(NULL, realpath --relative-to=. nRF5_SDK, ...) failed. Makefile:98:...
Vile's user avatar
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Precompiled spdlog - included header file not found

I try to use precompiled spdlog (with external fmt library) with my project. Currently I'm working on Windows 10, using MSYS2 with GCC for development. I've performed the following steps: git clone ...
Paweł Kłeczek's user avatar
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pre-commit version did not match created version on msys2

I would like to install pre-commit on msys2, I ran pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-python-pre-commit successfuly but when I try to run it after pre-commit in a repo with hooks, I got the following error: $ ...
RobinM's user avatar
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