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Powershell script prevents computer idling completely

I wanted to keep my computer (W11) from idling ONLY whenever I am connecting to some of the services I host, while still keeping the 30-minute idle timer that I usually have when not connected, for it ...
user26895192's user avatar
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How to show a notification before 30 secs of idle session timeout bn-ng-idle Angular?

I am using bn-ng-idle npm package to auto logout user due to inactivity. I have implemented it as per the documentation and it is working fine. I also want to show an alert or a dialogue box before 30 ...
Satyam Chauhan's user avatar
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How can I write an apple script that moves the mouse to a certain position after being idle?

I was searching for a way to move the mouse after some time of inactivity on a MacBook, and due to some constrains, the idle setting in the OS are not accessible, nor are some software that move the ...
gusti's user avatar
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Enabling setInterval or react-idle-timer to Run in Computer Sleep Mode

I'm currently working on a project where I need to execute periodic tasks in a React application, ideally every 28 minutes. However, I've encountered an obstacle with setInterval as it seems to pause ...
Kerem Esen's user avatar
6 votes
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Chrome extension to circumvent Idle logout

Some banking and financial sites auto logs out when it thinks you are idle. Is there a way for me to inject a script into the page that can fake that I am not idle? I tried this: setInterval(() => ...
pathikrit's user avatar
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ruby-kafka idle timeout handler to call deliver_messages

Is there a way in ruby-kafka to call deliver_messages on the producer after a certain producer idle timeout? I delivering messages when the buffer_size > n. I would like to clear the buffer if ...
unninair's user avatar
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User idle not working if browser tab focus is changed to another tab/window

I am using angular-user-idle plugin for my application to track whether the user is idle or not. Plugin: The plugin "onTimerStart" method is able ...
Aditya Jaiswal's user avatar
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Logout For Inactive User Does Not Work In Prod Environment: React Front-end, Spring Back-end

We are using Okta for authentication. When an application is deployed on the CentOS OS blade, the inactive user is logged out and immediately logged back in. When testing the application on the ...
Bad Vlad's user avatar
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idle time detection using python gives incorrect output when computer runs for more than a month

I needed a python script for detecting idle time in seconds. This script would run for every 15 minutes in Task scheduler as long as the system is logged on. I found the below mentioned script to be ...
Nambirajan M's user avatar
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How to get the true idle time of the system?

I need to get the system idle time when an event is triggered in my application. I used the GetLastInputInfo() function to get it, but it seems that after 5 minutes and a few seconds of inactivity, my ...
Marus Gradinaru's user avatar
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The value for the promptBeforeIdle property must be less than the timeout property

I'm using the react-idle-timer library to prompt users on idle. This is how I have integrated it. const eventsTimer = useIdleTimer({ element: document, startOnMount: false, startManually:...
Tikam Chand's user avatar
3 votes
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Script to turn off PC if user is inactive for a certain time period in PowerShell

Auto Shutdown if user is inactive. I am trying to create a one time powershell script to shut down the pc if the user is inactive for a period of time. I have done some looking around but the only ...
eruannaa's user avatar
-1 votes
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Get idle time of windows and/or application (time since last mouse move or key stroke)

I want to perform background tasks (Updates, Backups, Calculations, ...) at a time when nobody is using my application. Therefore, I want to determine the time since the last keystroke and/or mouse ...
Michael Hutter's user avatar
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Setting idletimeout in Go

I have a function in go which is handling connections which are coming through tcp and handled via ssh. I am trying to set an idle timeout by creating struct in the connection function. Use case - a ...
Sanjay Kumar's user avatar
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how to get window idle time

I am new in WPF coding, need advice how to get idle time on window to prevent dispatcher timer if user is using app? dispatcher should execute only if window idle time is greater then 1 minute ...
Vlado Stare's user avatar
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How to use the new IdleTimer from 'react-idle-timer' in a functional component

The IdleTimer was rewritten from scratch in v5, and the usage changed completely. They do have an example of how use it "the old way", but it's written for class based components. I need ...
user7385060's user avatar
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How to work with multiple tabs using react-idle-timer

I am having a react Application, where I need to display a modal with two buttons (Logout and Continue Session) when the user goes idle, It was actually working fine with the IdleTimer component from ...
Dante1021's user avatar
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Error when importing IdleTimer from 'react-idle-timer'

I am developing a React app with NodeJS. I am currently working on being able to log out a user after some minutes of inactivity, and I'm following this tutorial:
Victor's user avatar
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Navigating to other component after user remains idle for 10 seconds

I want to navigate to /oauth2/token when the user remains idle for 10 seconds,but in my code after 10 seconds its not navigating to /oauth2/token below is my code: export default function Timeout(){ ...
Meghana's user avatar
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How to determine how much time a Windows user is idle? [duplicate]

I have an application running on a Windows 10 machine. I would like to be able to determine if the currently logged in user is idle/away from the PC without having locked the screen. The idea is that ...
Juergen's user avatar
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How to call a function before the idle timeout session expiry in PHP

I have a large application which expires the session data after 30 minutes of idle time. Now I want to call a function before the session expiration. My Reason for above question: I am storing a ...
kowshiga's user avatar
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Typescript Idle Timer with UseRef

On the verge of giving up on Typescript, everything just seems to be made harder. Trying to follow a simple react-idle-timer video and a few minutes in already facing Typescript compilation problems. ...
TrollBearPig's user avatar
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ReactJS : How to detect network idle between XHR requests

I'm fairly new to the JS world and working with React JS. Couldn't find anything for the exact solution. I want to implement an App level idle timer which would be activated when the user does not ...
hokage's user avatar
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Crash in UIApplication.isIdleTimerDisabled

I have a published app that has a need to keep the display on for an extended period of time. I use UIApplication.isIdleTimerDisabled to control it, setting it true when I need to keep the display on,...
Jerry Agin's user avatar
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IdleTimerDisabled not working in Xamarin Forms IOS

The app I am working on needs to able to keep device awake while the app is the foreground and a particular application user setting is enabled. The below line works fine, however there seems to be no ...
JamesinGreerSC's user avatar
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How to prevent CreateProcess/ShellExecute from resetting Windows idle timer?

I need to launch an app from my app. I tried to use CreateProcess and ShellExecute but they both reset windows idle timer (which is used for monitor and system sleep). Is it possible to prevent this ...
andron's user avatar
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How to detect idle time in react web application?

I am developing a react web app that contains the functionality of idle time detection(small scale project). The app should detect the whole system's(OS) idle time. If the user closes the browser I ...
JESHAN's user avatar
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How can I timeout a user who is idle on a web page, using OAuth 2.0, and require re-entry of credentials?

Good day all, I have a web site hosted in Azure. It's running on .net core 3.1 using Blazor as a front end. I am using OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect with the Microsoft Identity Client 4.14 to ...
Gary Tuttle's user avatar
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Launch application once user inactivity detected C#

I made a C# windows application which opens a user input win form called mywinform.exe . I want to execute this mywinform.exe once their is no user activity for a time period t (no moving/input mouse ...
Tak's user avatar
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Autoit user Gui idle close Timeout

I created a GUI Program with Autoit. I want to add a idle Timeout to my program to be automatically closed After the timeout has elapsed (Similar to InputBox & MsgBox). But it has no option for ...
msgladiator's user avatar
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How to set a timer in Windows application when user is idle or not active using Static Class

I have a question on setting timer in Windows Forms when the user is idle or Inactive using Static Class and call static method. Since static will be there for the lifetime period of the exe file. I ...
Sandeep's user avatar
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Simple Ticker (Idle Game) Concept

I am trying to make a simple ticker game. A ticker ticks at the rate of 1 clix per second as shown in the code below. When there are enough clix (in this case, 40 for an Apple) I want to be able to ...
therion's user avatar
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How do you create an idle session timer that logs the user out with react redux?

I have been able to create a persistent local storage that allows the user to login and stores a randomly generated API token, which is necessary to communicate with the API. The issue that I am ...
TheAlkhemist's user avatar
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watchkit: sleep -- can the isIdleTimer be changed/disabled?

I'm looking for an equivalent to the following iOS option: UIApplication.shared.isIdleTimerDisabled = true That is, I'd like my Watch application to stay alive longer than the quick "sleep"/idle time ...
Geo's user avatar
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How to prevent phone from going to idle mode

I've developed an application that streams music (via internet connection) using service and having trubles streaming content without phone going idle. While i was developing my application each time ...
luka cagalj's user avatar
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Actions are not being triggered by idle timer

The goal of the code is to see if the computer is idle. If enough time passes it then first gives a warning that the file is about to save and then if there is no response for another bit of time to ...
jacob_m's user avatar
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How to show idle time in minutes

I am trying to code an application that detects user activity. If the user is idle for five minutes or so, the computer will shut down. I can show idle time in a label but I can only do it in ...
autumno's user avatar
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Detect App idle time period for iOS in Xamarin forms

I recently started working in Xamarin forms and quite happy to be part of Xamarin community. I've a requirement to kick out the loggedIn User if he is idle on app for 10 mins. I got through of it in ...
sohit sharma's user avatar
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error-page vs idle Monitor

First i would like to know if the session timeout in my web.xml is related to user inactivity or this timeout start when the user is logged? I would also like to know what is the best practice when ...
user2365813's user avatar
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How to use a timer on "idle timer"

I am making an app where I would like to make the app go to sleep in 2 hours after a button is pressed. I have seen some stuff online with using "idle timer" to deactivate it. But I have not seen how ...
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Qpid Proton: idle_timeout configuration

I am using Qpid Proron 0.18.1 version. The idle_timeout is printing out to be, connection.idle_timeout() : 15000. I am not able to trace back to the code where the default value 15000 is set. Also, ...
Mooni's user avatar
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React Native Firebase Presence Idle In this blog, I can see idle is added through script, how can we add idle in order to listen the statuses (onIdle, onAway ...
Mohammad Kashif Sulaiman's user avatar
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C detect user typing characters in stdin

Is it possible to detect whether a user is simply typing anything into stdin? man select says: select() and pselect() allow a program to monitor multiple file descriptors, ...
user1511417's user avatar
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Autohotkey: Restart a "screensaver" script/part of a script (Starting VLC)

I wanted to create a "VLC-screensaver" script: When the user/system is idle for a certain time VLC should start and play a video from a specified folder. I can start the script and VLC is being ...
fetch_execute_break's user avatar
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AppleScript read data every few minutes

I run a screen which display some data on the menu bar the variables are taken from "~/Desktop/_MyData.plist" everything work fine, however when the data change on _MyData.plist How, can I make the ...
Kevin's user avatar
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localStorage on javascript leads refreshing

I am trying to fire out the user when idle, using javascript across tabs, the below code working fine for single tab for multiple tab it is not working properly For Eg: I have set 10 secs as idle ...
Pattatharasu Nataraj's user avatar
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is it possible to detect idle use on php like detecting in JavaScript even for mouse focus

However there are lots of ways in PHP to logout the application when user is idle using session i am using while login $_SESSION['last_activity']=time()+10; in header $expire_time = 10; //10 ...
Pattatharasu Nataraj's user avatar
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VB.NET: Idle Time external Application

I saw a lot of posts about calculating idle time within a program, but what I am trying to do is calculate the idle time of a separate Windows program. Long story short, we have 12 licenses for very ...
Alex S.'s user avatar
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IdleTimer is not a function

when i use this function on my project: $(function() { // Set idle time $(this).idleTimer(2500); }); compare this error: $(...).idleTimer is not a function with this libraries: "...
Morris's user avatar
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XOpenDisplay fails when run from daemon (C language) [closed]

i'm working in a simple project on my raspberry pi, which flash some leds in differ ways on some system events (like disk reading, ethernet communications, processor overload), and these leds need to ...
eduardogarcia234's user avatar