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Why Won't My Website Display Over Network Data? Works Fine When Connected To Wifi [closed]

I've created a website hosted on GoDaddy servers. It works fine on Wifi, but I can't load it when connected to mobile data. When I try to access it using T-Mobile data, I get an "...
user26009618's user avatar
0 votes
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Wi-fi is on but No internet connection check Android

class NetworkConnectivityObserver( context: Context, ): ConnectivityObserver { private val connectivityManager = context.getSystemService(Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE) as ConnectivityManager ...
Krupali Shingala's user avatar
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How to enable mobile data on a phone with react native

I want to activate mobile data from my application developed with react native. I want to insert two buttons one to enable and the other to disable. I've been everywhere and only the connection status ...
Kikoni Stéphane's user avatar
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How to use Socket for some static IP, in System App/C++ AOSP/Lineage

I've been trying to create a file using C/C++ which uses sockets to open network traffic for static IP, I've tried baking a simple socket opening and closing and sending some traffic on a socket, but ...
Ali's user avatar
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1 answer

Control internet access between mobile data & WiFi in Xamarin IOS

I am implementing an APP with Xamarin. My APP will need to read some data from device through wifi. And send command to cloud through mobile data. But when tested on real device. As iPhone is ...
tester's user avatar
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1 answer

Android 12 wifi icon hided by mobile data when no internet via wifi [duplicate]

My app uses WiFi to connect to devices, no internet, however when mobile data is active it hides WiFi status/icon when WiFi has no internet. I need the WiFi status to broadcast receiver knows if WiFi ...
Alexandre Dock's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

What's the Best way to Reduce Mobile Data Usage in React and React-Native Apps

Data usage really matters for my targeted users. So, I am looking for an APPROACH that'll help me reduce the number of data fetching during react rerender cycles in React and React-native App. Let's ...
Judy Nkwama's user avatar
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How can i enable/disable mobile data Java Android Studio [duplicate]

I would like to know how to enable or disbale mobile data of the user's phone. I already have read a lot of things about that but nothing is working and all is very old. I f you can help me i would ...
wabhou's user avatar
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How can I turn on/ off mobile data in android studio using a button?(should support >=Android5.0)

Below is my mainActivity class and also I enabled CHANGE_NETWORKSTATE, INTERNET, ACCESS_NETWORKSTATE permissions in Manifest file. For below code, I tested, (when I am pressing the button nothing ...
0 votes
1 answer

JavaScript script to calculate network data consumption of a browser tab

Is it possible to calculate or record the network data consumption of a browser tab using a JavaScript script or a chrome API?
Aditya Tiwari's user avatar
2 votes
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How to change programmatically Mobile Data from SIM 1 to SIM 2 - Android

How to set up programmatically the default SIM card to use mobile data in dual SIM devices ?
sbuddhikaj's user avatar
0 votes
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Force Mobile Data usage on some API calls and other to be through wifi or the available network

I am working on an application where there is a need to do a specific API only through Mobile Data and not wifi, allowing other API calls to be done using the available network type whether cellular ...
Moodz's user avatar
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2k views I get "Your connection is not private"

I have a strange error. When I try to load a public blob from Google Cloud Storage in a browser, I get the error "Your connection is not private". And more strange, when I go to see the ...
lmfresneda's user avatar
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2 answers

Is there a way to detect all the network capabilities of a android device?

By Network Capabilities I mean - is NR,LTE,CDMA,UMTS,GSM supported? is wifi / mobile data supported? I just want to know if the device is capable of doing the above. I do not need to know the current ...
Akshay Chougule's user avatar
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Permission to use mobile data on android application

i have made an update to my app present in playstore. my problem is that after publishing the update, on some phones(like mine "xiaomi Poco F1") when i installed the app, data usage ...
user3710293's user avatar
1 vote
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Check the various modes of Wi-Fi and mobile data Connection in Android

I want to write an event for different modes of Wi-Fi connection and mobile data. If the Wi-Fi is on and the mobile data is off, the Wi-Fi icon will be visible If the mobile data is on and the Wi-Fi ...
amir's user avatar
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How do I check mobile data connection and set up an event for it?

I want to check the mobile data connection and if it turns on or off, I will define an event for it. When the data cell is turned on, display the mobile data icon, When the mobile data is turned off, ...
amir's user avatar
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Wifi/Mobile data required for MTP Connection/ transfer via USB cable?

Does doing a USB/(MTP connection) for transferring photos from my Samsung S10 to PC use up my mobile's data or require WIFI? I am running low on mobile data and can not connect to wifi. Wanted to ...
sye's user avatar
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How to get mobile data usage of current month without monitoring it periodically using API 22 or less?

I need to know how much mobile data the device has used since the start of the current month, I know how to do it monitoring the device, but there are two problems with this: 1 - The device I'm ...
Ricardo A.'s user avatar
-2 votes
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How to turn on/off airplane mode in Xamarin.Forms?

How to turn on/off airplane mode in Xamarin.Forms for android and ios?
Dmitry's user avatar
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manage api calls when using vuex

I am currently working on an asset manager for network/server infrastructure in vue.js. I am also using vuetify for the look and feel since the goal is to create a progressive web app. Engineers can ...
Daan Van Schelvergem's user avatar
7 votes
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iOS app -- no cellular access to our domain on some devices

With a React Native app (only tested those generated with create-react-app), some iPhone users are experiencing an issue where the app can almost never make web requests to our API when connected via ...
jowo's user avatar
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How to prevent phone from going to idle mode

I've developed an application that streams music (via internet connection) using service and having trubles streaming content without phone going idle. While i was developing my application each time ...
luka cagalj's user avatar
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Android application can't connect to APN

I'm developping an android application that need internet connection in order to work. The application works perfectly when connected to wifi, but not when using mobile data connection. The mobile ...
Arnau's user avatar
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How to get icc authentication?

I found some interesting methods in telephonyManager class like turning mobile data off/on but when trying to use them it obviously throws me security exception.("No carrier privilege"). I Googled it, ...
Domin's user avatar
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Turn on mobile data programmatically On devices above marshmallow not working

I am working on an app where I need to turn mobile data after interval of 2 hours. But in devices which are above marshmallow its not working.I am not able to toggle the mobile data from the app. ...
Danial clarc's user avatar
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2 answers

Does "display:none" prevent content being loaded?

I want to hide a video on mobile devices. I did this by using "@media screen and (max-width: ###px)" and "display:none", this works fine but does that prevent the video from being loaded? Basically I ...
Heinz Heiner's user avatar
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Turning on Or Off Mobile Data using android app programatically.

I want turn on or off Mobile Data by pressing a button On or button Off .I have written this code for setOnClickListner and Given Permission in Manifest File.But i am not able to turn on Mobile Data....
SANKET DARWANTE's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to find if network connection goes through mobile data when both wifi and mobile data is on

As far as I know using reachability class , one can find if the device is connected with wifi or mobile data but what if both are kept on in the device. Will we be able to know using reachability ...
Shankar Naik's user avatar
-2 votes
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Cannot open socket when incoming call

I try to send data to server when incoming call through mobile data (4G). I get one of these errors: Host is unresolved: xyz.xy or
Musketyr's user avatar
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4 answers

How to handle network change between wifi and mobile data?

I am building a VoIP app.During a VoIP call when user switches between WiFi to mobile data i have a problem handling the scenario. In my call screen activity I have registered for receiver which ...
Jeeva's user avatar
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How to programmatically detect restricted mobile data?

In some devices(device may or may not be rooted device) we have an option for restricting wifi and mobile data. How can I check programmatically the device restricted internet connection?
Sanal's user avatar
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3 answers

Swift - Get Mobile Data Current Usage figure

Is it possible to retrieve the value under ‘Current Period’ in the screenshot below? And is there any way to programmatically reset this figure?
user2397282's user avatar
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Vulnerable time in ALOHA depends on the frame transmission time (Tfr), but in CSMA it depends on frame propagation time

Q: Why the vulnerable time in ALOHA depends on the frame transmission time (Tfr), but in CSMA it depends on frame propagation time (Tp) -->I've understood that Vulnerable time is the time when there ...
Sanjay Tarani's user avatar
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Check WiFi and mobile data is active or not

In a android studio project I want to check active internet, for that I use this class. Its working but. problem is it only work when connection not available. But i want only return true when ...
Swister's user avatar
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How can I be connected with both data and wifi network at the same time in android

I have looked all the similar question related to this in SO . But couldn't find a solution and in most of the case the conclusion is "not possible" . But I have found an app named speedify , by using ...
Mithun Sarker Shuvro's user avatar
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SWIFT: Get high priority for my app to use internet data

I have data intensive app that heavily relies on web services. iOS does not let it use data where as at the same time other applications(like youtube) can get high data volume. The same app works ...
Muhammad Umar's user avatar
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How to enable mobile Data? [duplicate]

I am making an android app that provide a location for user for emergency situations . Now I want the app to enable the mobile data when the user open the app .. thanks in advance
Ahmad Khalaf's user avatar
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Measure mobile data usage from a particular point of time

I want to use a service to measure the mobile data used since that service is started but I'm only able to measure the mobile data since device boot using the methods getTotalRxBytes() and ...
Mayank Aggarwal's user avatar
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Android: connect to local Wifi and mobile data at the same time

We have a setup with a local IP camera connected over Wifi. From this camera the video stream should be streamed with an Android device over the cellular data network. In iOS there is a trick to have ...
Hyndrix's user avatar
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Android webview is not working in mobile data

In my app I have a webView, this webView works perfectly in several devices with varieties of OS but it only works in wifi . If I turn off wifi and turn on mobile data, webView doesn't load anything . ...
mSapps's user avatar
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How to get Data usage on android by both wifi and Mobile data?

I need to get a data usage on each application installed on a android mobile. Ex: I installed YouTube application on my mobile i need to get data usage of YouTube app by wifi and mobile data. ...
S.Sathya Priya's user avatar
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Separate iOS apps rely on each other's mobile data permission

I have two iOS apps: App One (com.example.appone) and App Two (com.example.apptwo). Both apps use Reachability to detect if the app can access the Internet. Both apps work fine on WiFi but I am ...
DanielGibbs's user avatar
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how to get mobile data usage from the android device?

Does anyone know, how can I get mobile data usage from the android device? I've tried this code, but It only returns data for the current month - but I need this statistics for longer time(not only ...
Darko Petkovski's user avatar
2 votes
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Check programmatically if mobile data switch is on or off (don't want checking data connection)

How to check programmatically if mobile data switch is on or off. I know how to check if data connection is on or not. But I don't want that. I want to check if user have switch on that toggle ...
Shirish Herwade's user avatar
5 votes
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Android how to know Internet total data usage per day through wifi and mobile

How to know internet total data usage per day? For example, at the end of the day I used 800mb then it should return like "internet usage of 800mb on 20th May 2015". So how can I detect total data ...
Nirav Mehta's user avatar
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