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How to prevent phone from going to idle mode

I've developed an application that streams music (via internet connection) using service and having trubles streaming content without phone going idle. While i was developing my application each time ...
luka cagalj's user avatar
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Android - Get idle time on Application level

What do I want to achieve: After 3 minutes of user inactivity I want to display a new activity. Research: I did look on Stackoverflow for this problem and I found some hints on how to do this ...
Bugdr0id's user avatar
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Android Service: Detect when device is idle for X minutes

I need to know to detect when the android device has been idle for a certain period of time when my app is currently in the background (and if it is idle, bring my app to the front). The only two ways ...
uyuyuy99's user avatar
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Idle timer for Adobe AIR mobile applications (iOS / Android)

In Adobe AIR there are some useful events such as USER_IDLE and USER_PRESENT to tell if the system is being actively used or is idle after some preset amount of time, BUT they only work for desktop ...
OMA's user avatar
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How to check phone is idle or not running any app?? in Android

I want to check if android phone and processor is idle or not. Screen on/off is not sufficient for this case because may be music is playing even if the light is off and there are many examples like ...
Ateeq's user avatar
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App Idle time in android appln

I have an android app am displaying web view in my app but my problem is to find out the idle time of my app because after session expires i want show the login screen how can i do programatically in ...
vimalatha's user avatar
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How can i know app idle time?

I have an android app it displays web view.I want know the app idle time because If session expires i want go to my android login activity how can i do it. Please provide any suggestions for me. ...
vimalatha's user avatar
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Idle time in android?

How can I determine idle time in android? I wanted to show a popup if the application is idle for sometime,say some 60 secs.
althaf_tvm's user avatar