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How to get the true idle time of the system?

I need to get the system idle time when an event is triggered in my application. I used the GetLastInputInfo() function to get it, but it seems that after 5 minutes and a few seconds of inactivity, my ...
Marus Gradinaru's user avatar
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How to prevent CreateProcess/ShellExecute from resetting Windows idle timer?

I need to launch an app from my app. I tried to use CreateProcess and ShellExecute but they both reset windows idle timer (which is used for monitor and system sleep). Is it possible to prevent this ...
andron's user avatar
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Using Golang to get Windows idle time (GetLastInputInfo or similar)

Is there an example or method of getting a Windows system's idle time using Go? I've been looking at the documentation at the Golang site but I think I'm missing how to access (and use) the API to ...
Bart Silverstrim's user avatar