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Why do some windows .exe's have a .ico file in addition to a RT_GROUP_ICON?

As I understand it, when you're looking at a folder in Explorer, a binary's icon is determined by RT_GROUP_ICON within .rsrc. But many applications get distributed with a bin/program_name.ico file. ...
Kaia's user avatar
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desktop7:Logo with ico file in appx manifest doesn't work

My Windows Store application defines a file type association using this code in the appx manifest: <Extensions> <uap:Extension Category="windows.fileTypeAssociation"> ...
marczellm's user avatar
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Is it possible in solidity to code in erc20Token, pre-sale and ICO all in one contract?

just started learning solidity to help my friend out. I was wondering if you could and should include all the following in one contract. Create an ERC20 Token Pre-sale with certain white listed ...
rlgaagerag's user avatar
-1 votes
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UAC shield on icon stops the icon scaling in folder view

After many days of searching, I couldn't find the answer anywhere. I've created a Windows Forms app in Visual Studio 2022. I have an icon that scales correctly when I zoom in folder view. Now, my app ...
paweldev1's user avatar
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Gast-estimate Error , ERC-20 ICO contract

I am a beginner in Solidity and created a simple token + ico file and am testing the code on Base Sepolia Testnet and am running into a peculiar error. I keep getting Gas Esimation Error on the ...
QuantPhdResearch's user avatar
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favicon.ico displaying in edge even though not in the folder

I use a favicon.ico file in a html project and now for every new html project which i open in edge, the favicon file shows up but not in any other browser even though it is not in the folder. (https://...
Pankaj's user avatar
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Create ICO file with transparent background which looks error-free in explorer preview

I have an ICO file (for my c++ application) with a transparent background which looks unclean in the small preview view of Windows Explorer. (My icon is a drawn shape in PhotoShop and exported as PNG ...
okeedokee's user avatar
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How could I add an ico to my exe with CLion?

I want to add an ico to the exe when it's built. You know, the default icon is really ugly and boring. I just started using CLion, and I searched the Internet for a long time but couldn't find the ...
Leon Jason's user avatar
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favicon showing every time, when i open my index.html on my browser

Why I get a single favicon every time. I am used this favicon in my last document but still, when I created a new document its showing although I don't use favicon link in my html document. Why? (How ...
Yash Chaurasiya's user avatar
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Change Titlebar icon on WinUI 3

I'm developing an application to understand how the tool works and I need to change the TitleBar icon, but when I set an icon it has a white background and not a transparent background. [Current ...
Pedro Augusto's user avatar
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ICO, transfering funds

I'm creating a simple ICO contract, it sends the amount of the token bought to the buyer as soon as the contract receives ether and then sent the received ether to a different wallet, I've been ...
Santos's user avatar
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How does the browser decide which bitmap to load from an ICO file?

I'm looking at implementing the Image class from browsers, and are currently implementing ICO support. However, I'm stuck on figuring out the algorithm to decide which image from the ICO-file to load. ...
Linus Unnebäck's user avatar
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It has never worked when I try to do "buyToken" test on a deployed Token_CrowdsaleDeployer contract. It asks "beneficienry". what is this beneficiary?

The following is the programme. enter image description here I tried to "buyToken" after the deployment. I put a wallet address in beneficiery where I wanted the purchased token to be stored....
user20679949's user avatar
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How do I extract only the 16x16px size from a Windows ICO using Imagemagick?

This is the string I'm using now: magick convert -set filename:f "%t_%wpx" "ICO:myicon.ico[0]" %[filename:f].png This operation does work some of the time, but there are several ...
fmotion1's user avatar
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How do you change the icon that appears in the windows taskbar when running a c++ executable in VSCode

I am trying to make custom icons for the file explorer, desktop, and system taskbar view of my program. I found two resources (1, 2) that successfully let me set the file explorer and desktop icon (...
Jack Medders's user avatar
-1 votes
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Retrieving An Icon File From A GitHub Repository In Python

I want to know how I could retrieve an ICO (icon) file from a GitHub repository. And then after that, put it as the iconbitmap for a Tkinter window. Here's my code: import tkinter as tk window = tk....
AngusAU293's user avatar
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Favicon not applied in safari

I'm applying the favicon using React Helmet Async on the Bun js dev server, and I'm trying to apply the favicon file to Safari as an ico file. But safari doesn't work. However, Chrome, Firefox, and ...
Chebread's user avatar
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Why does my website's icon work on Firefox but Chrome, Opera GX, Brave do not display it?

I've tried many things, favicon.ico is 16x16 I've tried png images but no luck there, funny thing is that my website used to have the same looking icon but I changed a lot of stuff there and now it ...
Jirafey's user avatar
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How do I read a different size of an icon file?

I have a folder of icon files (ico) that I want to convert to PNG. Each icon has two sizes, each size is a different image. To be clear, the two sizes look different and are not just the same icon at ...
Jared Armstrong's user avatar
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how to set a dynamic favicon(base64 image) in safari

I'm trying set a dynamic favicon(base64 image) in safari. It‘s doesn't works in safari but works in chrome. js let link = '...
Shir's user avatar
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Shell_NotifyIconA does not display the HICON provided

I am trying to create a simple tray icon using the windows-rs rust crate. When calling Shell_NotifyIconA(NIM_ADD, &data); one is created, however, by default it has a blank image. I have loaded an ...
Gremious's user avatar
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Why favicon not working instead of using question mark in the end after deploying on github pages

This is what I used but not working after deployed on github pages it still not working with out without question mark. Why? <link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/x-icon" href=&...
Mohit Jaiswal's user avatar
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how to extract ico/png files from an exe in python

so im trying to make a little program launcher that takes the names of apps in a folder and make buttons with those names in a Tkinter window to that open the program that button specifies. image of ...
Manhunter1920's user avatar
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ICO file with PNG data

Looking at some ICO files that have PNG data instead of ICO and I am trying to create the same. Example: $ identify sample.ico sample.ico[0] PNG 32x32 32x32+0+0 8-bit sRGB 884B 0.000u 0:00.000 ...
Smorfph's user avatar
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how do i resolve this when am deploying solidity on vs code

project:/node_modules/@openzeppelin/contracts/crowdsale/price/IncreasingPriceCrowdsale.sol:49:5: DeclarationError: Identifier already declared. function finalRate() public view returns (uint256) { ^ (...
jia-ayo's user avatar
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Add Icon to ".exe" while building with SCONS

I am working with C and building my project with Scons. My Sconstruct Program("bin/output", [Glob("src/*.c")]) This gives me output.exe. How can I add an icon to my .exe file with ...
Ayushman Kumar's user avatar
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Problems with favicon, can not make it to show up whenever the path is different than having it saved in the same folder as the html one

<link rel="icon" type="image/x-icon" href="/photos/icon.ico" /> so this does not work <link rel="icon" type="image/x-icon" href="icon....
gH0sT21_'s user avatar
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'win32ctypes.pywin32.pywintypes.error: (87, 'UpdateResource', 'The parameter is incorrect')' error when assigning icon with pyinstaller

I am using pyinstaller to create an executable from a .py file type and attaching an icon to it using the command pyinstaller.exe --onefile --windowed --icon="test.ico" The '.ico' ...
Elias's user avatar
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Why python executable loses its icon after copying into another folder?

I created one file .exe with auto-py-to-exe and added .ico file. When the file was in output folder the .ico was working as intended and my custom icon was there but every time when I copy this file ...
Julian's user avatar
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How to integrate or connect the MetaMask wallet into the TokenLite ICO script?

I have a TokenLite ICO script in which I need to integrate the MetaMask wallet, I can integrate CoinPayments but I don't want that.
Mohammad Kashif's user avatar
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how to set logo for root window in tkinter python

In the code below I am trying to set the logo for root window. I tried .ico, .gif and .png file formats. In case of .gif and .png images, logo appears only in taskbar but not on the root window. And ...
Milind Khobragade's user avatar
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Android Studio icon not showing in taskbar - Windows 11

Recently I upgraded from Windows 10 to Windows 11. But now when I open Android Studio only a blank file icon appears on the taskbar. Is there any way to retrieve the original Android Studio icon? I ...
Lehan Musthafa's user avatar
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Is there a way not to show line breaks using the "more" command in windows cmd displaying an image file as text? [closed]

I have an ".ico" file and I need to show it in the cmd as text using the more command. The problem is that while using the "type" command I get the right output showing all the ...
Andre's user avatar
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Icons behaving weirdly

I made an application with Visual Studio 2019. I already set an icon for it, but then I wanted to change it. When I changed the icon, in some folders where I had the program saved with the old icon, ...
Z2008's user avatar
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Is there a difference between token price fixed on smart contract and token price on market?

i set an initial price for my token in solidity, how does It Works the price on the market? if i set a fixed variable TokenPrice in my smart contract, can my token price change thanks to request_offer ...
phil_Desios's user avatar
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Does anyone know how to convert an ico to a png using python?

This is my attempt: import os from PIL import Image directory = r'../Icons/ico' for filename in os.listdir(directory): if filename.endswith(".ico"): print(os.path.join(directory,...
Kristina K's user avatar
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How to change the default logos in create-react-app

I'm working on a create-react-app project in VS code and would like to change the default logos (specifically the one that appears in the tab to the left of the website title). I have an image that I ...
Victor 's user avatar
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Crowd Sale Contract Issue while minting token

I am currently working on a crowd sale contract, But I am having an issue with a function as the list of the error and the code of the function is attached, I need someone to tell me that what is ...
Abubakar Mujahid's user avatar
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how do you set the icon of a shortcut through a batch file?

I'm trying to create a script that will create shortcuts of the target batch files and set the icon to a .ico or .dll icon file: @echo off @echo Writing CreateShortcut script @echo Set oWS = WScript....
Judess 69er's user avatar
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I have an ico code deployed but whenever i transfer ethereum to the address i get no tokens in return

So this is my code which compiles correctly in remix.ethereum and i deployed it on ropsten test chain successfully i validated the code on etherscan(
Hajperaktiv's user avatar
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_tkinter.TclError: error reading bitmap file "logo.ico"

I keep receiving this error message. I googled a lot but the results didn't help. I checked the location of the file plenty of times. from tkinter import * root = Tk() root.geometry('580x330') root....
Valifa's user avatar
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How to add an image icon before the text of a WinForms button?

I'm trying to add .ico 48x48 image before text in WinForms button 87x30 size: button1.BackgroundImageLayout = ImageLayout.Stretch; button1.BackgroundImageLayout = ImageLayout.None; ...
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How to resize images with imageio to get proper ICO files?

I want to save ICO files from images. imageio is working perfectly, but for horizontal images, it gave me an error. This is my code: import imageio image = imageio.imread('image.png') imageio.imwrite(&...
Eklavya Chandra's user avatar
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How to set icon(or .ico file) on executable file in linux system?

I've been trying to set icon on executable file(.exe) in linux and macOS. what I learn is there are 3 places icon sets: on taskbar, window bar, and executable file thumbnail. I have set on taskbar and ...
Aroma L.'s user avatar
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Get a higher resolution png from a favicon resource

I'm currently trying to display external sites' favicons on my site and I've noticed that unfortunately if I have a tag in my HTML <img src=""> then the ...
hotzjacobb's user avatar
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Why does Chrome request both .svg AND .ico favicons?

Most modern browsers support .svg favicons as of Sep 2020. See: However, in order to support legacy browsers my site serves a .ico favicon in addition to a .svg ...
YNotRandom's user avatar
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Setting icon in Win32 dialog to a default icon

I have an icon in a custom dialog box which I would like to be one of the icons which can simply be accessed via macros, such as MB_ICONERROR or MB_ICONINFORMATION. I know these are of course C(++) ...
professionalgrammer's user avatar
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Why ico image does not display on the window using Tkinter?

For at least some example I took one of the images from here and downloaded as ico file to set to the icon in Tkinter using the following code: from tkinter import * root = Tk() root.title('icon ...
simplymaxim's user avatar
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Apple Touch Icon - Are .ico files allowed?

Seems like nobody has asked this question before or I just can't find it. Are .ico files allowed on Apple Touch?
Plamen Dobrev's user avatar
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Microsoft Edge and Internet Explorer are displaying incorrect favicon

I have searched stackoverflow and many other websites Nothing seems like fixing the problem The website link : The source code in header <link rel="apple-touch-...
Furkan Gözükara's user avatar

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