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Menu and submenus using binding with Icon

I using this solution in order to bind my Menu just like at this example and I wonder how can I add icon to my MenuItem. In my Model I also have property called IsSelected so I try this approach: &...
falukky's user avatar
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How do I get WPF to choose my 16x16-pixel icon instead of down-scaling a larger one?

For a WPF appplication, using either Greenfish or IcoFX, I create a .ico with 16x16 and 64x64 images. I made several versions of the 16x16 one for every available bit depth/number of colors, but it ...
Dale Barnard's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Adding a tile to an MFC application

I have a C++ MFC application that has a bunch of dialogs which are defined in an .rc file. I need to add a tile to the application for pinning it to the start menu because the default "tile" that ...
spikeynick's user avatar
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Extract the Icon in a HTML Web Page into a File (png or ico) to load as aTreeView Icon

The Code below extracts a Png or (ico file commented out) which when displayed by Paint displays a small 16x16 icon as expected BUT this icon file (either the png or ico does not work as a Treeview ...
user2840301's user avatar
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Is there a way to use Mac icns file in Windows expression blend projects

I have a set of icns files that I'd like to use is some cross platform UI can I use these icns files without converting them to png or ico?
Jared Zimmerman's user avatar
11 votes
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Images are not sharp in selected TabItem

I have a TabControl. The header of each TabItem contains a StackPanel with an icon and a Label. <TabControl> <TabItem> <TabItem.Header> <StackPanel Orientation="...
Matthias's user avatar
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