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IE compatibility mode in Microsoft Edge is not working in Windows 11 using Selenium Java

import org.openqa.selenium.By; import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver; import; import; public class Main { ...
Saadia's user avatar
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Javascript onfocusout Uncaught TypeError

I have page where I want to force user to input certain pre defined values in a text box and if he does not inout those chosen values, focus is shifted back to that text box till user chooses one of ...
Wasim Wani's user avatar
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Powershell script to enable the cookies in Internet Explorer

We are creating a Windows EC2 instance, installing gateway in pipeline and then registering Microsoft on-premises gateway manually. While registering the gateway, it expects cookies enabled in IE. We ...
J R's user avatar
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PNG image encoded in base64 shows in IE and doesn't show in chromium browsers

I have that html code with base64 image: <div class="Section"> <img style="position:relative; top:10;" src="data:image/png;base64,...
L4rever's user avatar
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cursor offset while editing code in by edge

one day I find the cursor didn't emege in the right place in my code editor in by microsoft edge, while when I use the chrome to try,the problem vanished. Because I used to use edge as my ...
Different's user avatar
-1 votes
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Same code used in Internet Explorer navigate has different results

The issue that I'm facing is that in two different Excel macros in different Workbooks I use the Internet Explorer navigate with a string variable for the URL. The codes are similar for the IExplorer ...
Javamaral's user avatar
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Need VBA code to retrieve ALL data from a webpage

I’m trying to retrieve a list of attendees to an event on a webpage. If I use a browser, to the webpage, right click, and choose View Page Source I can see the names of the attendees. I need to do ...
Brooks's user avatar
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Where and how Internet Explorer stores desktop icons for hyperlinks

When a website is opened in Internet Explorer and the URL is dragged from the address bar onto the Windows' desktop, an icon is created. The image of this icon in most cases looks like the website's ...
Jimski's user avatar
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Excel VBA & IE : Input value to a prompt popup and enter

In short: How do you 1. Focus on a prompt popup on IE, 2. Type in a value, and 3. Return? In Long: Hi, I am trying to automate a login/file-downloading process on a company intranet server through VBA....
halp's user avatar
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Why does the web request use internet settings?

Hello I have an application, middleware application, When I use C# HttpWebRequest it exhibits the same behavior as Internet explorer. I cannot access a site with Internet Explorer that I can access ...
yhackup's user avatar
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IE custom protocol handler to open chrome not working

I have an MVC 4.0 website that runs on IE. One of the links on the web page opens in Chrome. Until today we had chrome version 80 on our servers and in order to open chrome from IE we used a custom ...
Itay.B's user avatar
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How to write code to resize window displaying an HTML Document?

I am working on a developing a demo displaying a html document and some other things. For this I need to place a window displaying an html document in the top right corner of my screen taking up a ...
chalrac's user avatar
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Siebel - Copy text from screen to Pick/pop-up

Many years ago, when we moved on Open UI, we have customized text area on Siebel to show as a pop-up dialog box (as for High Interactive) instead of Open UI text area For this functionality we have ...
Enthusiastic's user avatar
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Excel VBA IE click open a new window and nothing happens, with no error too

Despite I'm just an entusiast absolutelly non pro, I'm using with moderate success an Excel vba code to fill some forms of an intranet company procedure written in html/java and download some data ...
TheGrill Firenze's user avatar
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How do I Choose from this webpage dropdown in IE using VBA

I am trying to scrape a website using VBA and I cant seem to figure out how to select from the choices in a dropdown. It seems like the Options are hidden and only show in the HTML code one they are ...
ezfrish's user avatar
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document.write(htmlPage) throwing SCRIPT1002: Syntax Error in IE but works in Chrome and other browsers

I have an Iframe that loads up an HTML page. The HTML page contains the usual html code along with some javascript with it. When I do a document.write(HtmlData); then in the F12-IE chooser app I see a ...
Rohit Banerjee's user avatar
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display:none not hiding the empty option in dropdown in IE

I have running Angular 11 application. In the page I have 2 radio buttons and one dropdown. The behavior is that whenever I change the radio button selection, I want to reset dropdown value and show ...
Asif Zaidi's user avatar
-1 votes
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Trouble Determining X or Y Translation in SVG Transform Attribute with Internet Explorer".groupedbar")[0][0]).attr("transform") returns "translate(297.5)". I am confused about whether it is 'x' or 'y'. Because I am using 'x' and 'y'...
ozil's user avatar
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Run-time error '91' object variable or with block variable not set "on executing second code"

Option Explicit Sub cvt() Dim ie As InternetExplorer Dim doc As HTMLDocument Dim url As String Set ie = New InternetExplorer Let url = "" ie.Visible =...
Seenu Gochalam's user avatar
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Getting 'object doesn't support property or method "evaluate" ' in selenium | IE

I am automating a web app on IE(Internet Explorer) browser. I am getting the below error when I am trying to find any element on the page after the page is loaded. selenium.common.exceptions....
subham chomal's user avatar
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Cannot access to

I'd like to install the Eigen3, which is a C++ template library for linear algebra. It should be available on a website link but strangely, I cannot open it. Is the ...
Ogiad's user avatar
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Can't make C# in PowerShell COM visible using HTML

Im making a web app that turns of computer everytime its not visible to COM (component object model) Exception setting "ObjectForScripting": "ObjectForScripting's class must be visible ...
john cena's user avatar
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VBA, Internet Explorer and Javascript

I'm currently working on a VBA automatisation between Excel Files and Oracle Data base via APEX using Internet Explorer but the last Oracle update give me some issues. (I'm still using internet ...
user17251694's user avatar
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Internet Explorer fails to launch via Selenium

I am trying to create an instance of IE browser via selenium, but it is unable to create the session. I am getting the below error: selenium.common.exceptions.SessionNotCreatedException: Message: ...
subham chomal's user avatar
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IE Mode Edge driver stuck on 'This is the initial start page for the WebDriver server' when running in Elevated Mode (Admin Mode) [Selenium]

I am trying to run IE Mode on Edge. When the browser instance loads, it gets stuck on This is the initial start page for the WebDriver server Selenium Version - 4.18.1 I am using the below args. when ...
subham chomal's user avatar
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Can open new window in different browser?

My company is using a website that only works in Explorer. The new application needs to be linked from the existing browser, but the new application does not support Explorer. Is it possible to open a ...
MJ.KIM's user avatar
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unable to get the right object to set the windowState

I'm trying to put an IE window on the side of the screen as showed in this answer but I'm unable to get the right object to set the windowState edit note: the code in the linked answer works with the ...
genespos's user avatar
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Filters to apply for an application that can only run on IE compatibility

I had to add filter classes to fix some vulnerabilities found in an application that can only run on Internet Explorer in the compatibility mode. Post-deployment of the fixes, I am unable to see any ...
Keerthan Acharya's user avatar
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How to accept popup message from Edge in IE mode Python - Selenium

When I try to download a file from Edge in IE mode, I get a confirmation message for this download and I don't know how to overcome it, it doesn't allow me to accept commands like ALT + G, it doesn't ...
ElPandaRojo1's user avatar
-2 votes
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Does anyone know why i cannot see the source code of a website while in Internet Explorer mode in Microsoft Edge?

I need to see the source code on a website that only works in Internet Explorer mode in Microsoft Edge. Whereas on Micrososft Edge you can see the source code by by pressing shift + ctrl + c, when I ...
user23319785's user avatar
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Protected Mode settings are not the same for all zones (SELENIUM) (IE MODE IN EDGE)

I have been trying to open Microsoft Edge in Internet Explorer mode using Selenium and have everytime encounted the following error: "Message: Unexpected error launching Internet Explorer. ...
user23319785's user avatar
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Internet Explorer don't POST

I am working on a SAP interface project, in which the standard call is usually the Internet Explorer. I am trying to gather the information processed by HTML within the IE and send it to SAP using the ...
Caio Abreu's user avatar
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Microsoft Edge API and IE Mode

I like to open links from a sidebar inside a normal tab. This works in general but I am not able to open the tab content in IE mode of edge browser. If I click a link in the sidebar: the tab content ...
463's user avatar
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While uploading pdf showing error in ajax call error 403 forbidden

facing some problem While uploading pdf showing error in ajax call error 403 forbidden a padding to disable MSIE and Chrome friendly error page here is my ajax call >> upload pdf ajax call ...
pawan ks's user avatar
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Launch FTP url in Edge-IE mode from powerbuilder

Can FTP url link accessible in Edge IE mode from powerbuilder application? I am using powerbuilder 2019 R3. Need help to open ftp url in browser from powerbuilder. Note: know that ftp is not supported ...
keerthana keerthi's user avatar
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Read text file (.txt) from a server

Android Studio - Java I've been trying to read a text file from my website for days now. The examples found on the internet don't work. "Error" is always output in the "catch" (see ...
HermannGo's user avatar
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Emulate behavior of getElementById of IE7

Background I have a web application that currently runs on the Edge Internet Explorer mode. I want to port this application to modern browsers like Edge or Chrome. The JavaScript in this application ...
SATO Yusuke's user avatar
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Get value from web document (intranet) input element with VBA

I'm having trouble getting the value from an input field called "due date" Here is my HTML and VBA code. I resolved error 462, but I can't retrieve certain data. Actually I'm getting an ...
Grzegorz's user avatar
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Internet Exploder "microsoft-edge:URL" redirect doesn't work for local html files

I have some old HTML help hypertexts (html pages ;) ),they are opened in Internet Explorer for some reasons that I cannot change. Since I would like them to be opened in microsoft edge, this is ...
fresko's user avatar
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Disabling Edge's IE-compatibility mode for new tabs or specific sites

I am an administrator working with an application that runs primarily in Internet Explorer. Most features only work in IE or Edge with IE-compatibility mode enabled. However, we have identified some ...
Dolly Bowman's user avatar
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Using VBA to populate richtext field in browser

I am using the following code to paste text into a HTML document form. It works with normal text boxes but not with a rich text box. IE.document.getelementId("ct100_ct138...T2").Value = &...
Steven A's user avatar
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F12 C:\Windows\SysWOW64\F12\IEChooser.exe not work - black screen

for a few days now I've been having an error with IEChooser to view code from Edge in IE mode. the problem lies in the fact that, having launched IEChooser and selected the tab of my interest, the ...
Gab's user avatar
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"Save Link As" saves the file as a wrong file type on Edge/Chrome

We have local websites that store .CSV files for machines productivity. Our company has forced us to move off Internet Explorer and now we can only use Edge/Chrome. On Internet Explorer, when you ...
Finlay's user avatar
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HTML feature only works when launched as Live Server (or opened in Internet Explorer Mode)

I am migrating a functionality for importing Icons into powerpoint from an Internet Explorer based solution to a more modern solution, as the Internet Explorer is no longer available. For this I am ...
Dominik Rolfes's user avatar
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Image resize in js

Does anyone know how to resize images proportionally using JavaScript? I have tried to modify the DOM by adding attributes height and width on the fly, but seems did not work on IE6.
ghalam's user avatar
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es6 js element best practice

I'm trying to set the width and height of an element with JavaScript to cover the entire browser viewport, and I'm successful using document.body.clientHeight but in IE6, it seems that I always get ...
abol's user avatar
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Internet Explorer Browser Not Opening URL when Running through Windows Task Sheduler

I am facing an issue when I am running my C# Selenium Code to Open a web page. It is a simple program to open a webpage in IE Browser. The code is perfectly working in VS. I have Scheduled as task ...
Albin Shaju's user avatar
-2 votes
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My linux in WMware dose not have internet

I install Linux in VMWARE on a dedicated server but I do not have any internet connection. I can not ping anything. What should I do to have an internet connection? I tried ubuntu, centos and ...
decoriran decorr's user avatar
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Using Excel vba to navigate through IE and menus of the site

enter image description hereI am a newbie trying to automate some routine procedures through Excel vba. But I can't access the HTML element that I want to click.I would like to click on the menu ...
Jack Jan's user avatar
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could not complete the operation due to error 8150002e

We are receiving the error message "could not complete the operation due to error 8150002e" when using from an iframe. The URL we are attempting to open is: enter image ...
user22083206's user avatar

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