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Filter on Azure Search AI vector db based on metadata using Python SDK

I am using Azure Search AI service to store my documents chunk along with some information inside the metadata. However when I try to filter on metadata the filter does not work. Here is an example of ...
Jason_mils's user avatar
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Embedding of sequence of events sets

My data can be represented as a sequence of events; each event is a set of elements. Events appear one-by-one in time; elements appear all together within the event. Example: event_t1: {A, B, C}, ...
Yury Gubman's user avatar
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Positional encoder

I have found this class. Can you explain me, please, why there is an exponent and log in div_term? Moreover, why do we need to use dropout here? I have read this discussion
Isaeva Anna's user avatar
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use BridgeTower/bridgetower-large-itm-mlm-itc on local laptop

I need help. I am currently studying Multimodal RAG: Chat with Videos In the course, there is a use of bridgetower-large-itm-mlm-itc using predictionguard. When I want to try it on a local laptop, ...
031 130's user avatar
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Unable to install Python package llama-index-embeddings-huggingface

I am trying to implement the code discussed in the HuggingFace cookbook article at I get to the point where I am trying to install ...
Mark Hamilton's user avatar
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Configuration to change the model and the url

I am exploring spring open ai, and want to change the model to llama3.2, it is using the default model , mistral. I have taken help from the documentation:
Vivek's user avatar
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Attribute error with ELMo embedding for CNN model

Having an issue with implementing ELMo embedding with a CNN model. I originally has some tokenization and padding but removed these steps as I am not sure they are needed when using pre-trained ...
leakie's user avatar
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5 answers

Segmentation fault when executing a Python script in a C program?

I need to execute some python and C at the same time. I tried using Python.h: #include <Python.h> int python_program(char* cwd) { char* python_file_path; FILE* fd; int run; ...
Yuki's user avatar
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Milvus Helm Chart 4.2.8 Custom Deployment on AWS EKS: Liveness/Readiness Probes Failing

I deployed Milvus using the Helm chart (v4.2.8) with custom configurations on AWS EKS, including external Pulsar, S3, and ALB. While the vanilla chart works fine on this cluster, the custom deployment ...
rjlin's user avatar
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Milvus-Standalone Container Error in Cluster Mode on Azure Linux VM [closed]

I am trying to run Milvus in cluster mode on an Azure Linux VM with 8 cores and 32 GB RAM using Docker Compose. However, as soon as I start the setup, the milvus-standalone container throws the ...
tmandyai's user avatar
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CMake Build Error: Cannot Find -lstdc++ While Building Milvus 2.4.13

I am encountering a build error while trying to compile Milvus version 2.4.13 from source. The error message states that CMake is unable to find the library '-lstdc++'. Here are the relevant logs: ...
rickydz's user avatar
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ParamError: Invalid Input for Sparse Float Vector When Inserting Vectors

I am using pymilvus version 2.4.7 and Python 3.11. I encountered an error while trying to insert both dense and sparse vectors into Milvus simultaneously. The error states: arduino Copy code ...
tmandyai's user avatar
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How does Rag System works correctly?

I'm work on a RAG system and when I want to a prompt from a user my code don't printing the Relevant and after that it's ending the my running section. My Code: from dotenv import load_dotenv from ...
CrystaL's user avatar
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RAG PDF question & answer: work with languages other than English

I am developing a chatbot which should be able to answer user queries based on the PDF files uploaded. During my development, I have always been testing with English PDF files. Also the prompt is ...
Y Wang's user avatar
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Need for Serializer When Using MilvusClientV2 -

I am streaming data from an external source into Milvus using the MilvusClientV2 class. I would like to know if I need to implement any serializer before inserting the streamed data into a Milvus ...
rickydz's user avatar
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Error Opening RocksDB During Go Unit Test on Milvus - Lock File Issue

I'm encountering an issue while running Go unit tests for Milvus, as described in the documentation []. The error suggests that a test is ...
rjlin's user avatar
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CNN model for text classification summary showing no output shape and unbuilt params

I am attempting to create a CNN model for text classification based on tweet data with the ELMo embedding. Once the model is built before compiling I am issuing a model summary but the model summary ...
leakie's user avatar
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Can't find a way to embed a lot of large files into a vectorstore

I have a group of large files that I want to store in a vector store. But splitting the text and embedding is taking several hours. I tried a lot of different settings for the text splitter and ...
Antonio's user avatar
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How to import a custom embedding model into ollama

I have tried to convert hf model to gguf, and then import into ollama. But I got some problem. When I tried model like m3e-large (,I successfully imported, ...
IronSpiderMan's user avatar
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How to get the least similar vectors in a vector database

Recently I learned about four-valued logic and the Catuṣkoṭi and I'm interested in applying these ideas to experiments with LLMs and embedding vectors. More specifically, given a large spectrum of ...
sigalor's user avatar
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Concatenating the feature vector to the sentence embedding causes the model to predict all samples into the same class

This is my current code for concatenating the feature vector to the embedding: def get_dataset(absa_dim, tokenizer, bert_model, set_name, device='cuda'): df = pd.read_csv(f"{set_name}.csv&...
Phú Quốc Trung's user avatar
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Azure Managed Grafana - how to embed a graph on an WebApp

I am creating a web application to display a graph created in Azure managed Grafana. I am trying to achieve this using the share->Embed option on the graph panel. It has been challenging. I have ...
KaiT's user avatar
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Python Thread pool hanging the application

i am currently running the below python script: # Function to process MMR search def process_mmr_search(row, itemdesc): try: formatted_itemdesc = str(row[itemdesc]) print('...
Ashwin Baldawa's user avatar
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how to batch process in aws bedrock?

based on aws docs provided here , In the following example, a model in bedrock is invoked to generate ...
kishi's user avatar
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Latency issue using TextEmbeddingModel

I'm using Vertex AI's TextEmbeddingModel to calculate embeddings, and the first call shows significantly higher latency than the rest, likely due to caching. However, this isn't context-caching, and ...
user1848018's user avatar
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How to create embeddings which represents some object and put all together into all embeddings?

how do I create embeddings for the user database? I made text fields for users and divided them into sections, now I want to add it to the database and in the metadata I added an identifier that ...
Markus Mueller's user avatar
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RAG with Haystack: compiles but returns empty responses

My RAG pipeline (using Haystack) compiles and runs, but is returning empty responses. From my checks, I thought it might be due to the embedding and llm models not being compatible, so I changed to an ...
ArieAI's user avatar
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Why the embedding result is different in Spring-AI?

I am working on a project where I need to use text embeddings. I have tried using the Spring-AI embedding in my Java application, but I found that the results are different from those obtained using ...
jing.chen's user avatar
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AWS Bedrock - Ways to train with my custom data

I wanted to train Bedrock models with my personal data. I have tried several approaches as below Creating a custom model by providing my personal data in jsonl format Utilizing AWS bedrock knowledge ...
star789's user avatar
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What is the typical data ingestion speed for adding embeddings to ChromaDB?

I am trying to add documents to by chromaDB(in persistent mode) using collection.add(), I use the default sentence transformer to encode the abstracts. I followed this thread and do thing similar to ...
3.14159's user avatar
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Issue integrating Cohere with ChromaDB: "ValueError: setting an array element with a sequence

I'm currently trying to integrate Cohere embeddings into ChromaDB, but I'm facing an issue when adding documents to my Chroma collection. I am using chromadb 0.5.11 and cohere 5.10.0. When I use the ...
Marco Palombo's user avatar
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Retrieve similarity score in Python for HNSW vector indexing in PostgreSQL

I'm having some trouble returning the score of a vector search on PostgreSQL. I have created a HNSW index on the columns answer_embedding and answer_keyword_embedding. In Python, I've written this ...
MrAssel's user avatar
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integrating llama index and pgvector

I am trying to integrate OpenAI's language model and embedding capabilities into a Django-based project. It connects to a PostgreSQL database (configured with vector extensions). # Configuration ...
Abobaker khaled's user avatar
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Error getting embeddings from a ROI using Deepface Deepface.represent

I am having issue with Deepface getting the embeddings from a cropped ROI identified by Retinaface. I am trying to learn object recognition with my dataset(images) of a few celebrities to start with ...
Sanim Pokhrel's user avatar
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HuggingFaceEmbeddings vs Specific Embeddings Instruction

I am new to LLM and is trying to get a local RAG model running on my machine. During my research, I came across this embedding model that I want to use: BAAI/bge-m3. The instruction provided says I ...
Sir Absolute 0's user avatar
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Embedding using the LangChain_AWS is giving None value

I am trying to embed a text using the langchain_aws BedrockEmbeddings, but when I invoke the function, I get a list with the None values. Here's the code: from langchain_community.llms.bedrock import ...
Md Tausif's user avatar
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Interporating with C embedded struct ("inheritance") in C++

I'm working on a C++ program depends on a C library that uses the "struct embedding" trick to simulate inheritance (of data storage, not behaviour), similar to the Parent and Child structs ...
Alexander's user avatar
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Error when using inputs_embeds with generate method

I'm encountering a problem when trying to use inputs_embeds to pass the embedding to my model: ValueError: You passed `inputs_embeds` to `.generate()`, but the model class LlamaForCausalLM doesn't ...
Steven Thorn's user avatar
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How do I pass varying length sequence input to decoder for look ahead mask?

I am working on a translation model by transformer from scratch for the first time. And I am encountering problems while training decoders with varying sequence lengths with look ahead pads. I am ...
Nishant Singh's user avatar
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InvalidDimensionException: Embedding dimension 384 does not match collection dimensionality 3

Im trying to use a Semantic Search method on ChromaDB then there's got an error saying "InvalidDimensionException: Embedding dimension 384 does not match collection dimensionality 3" Theres ...
Rizqi Imam ORG's user avatar
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LangChain: How can sources be included in the response of a RAG system?

I'm currently working with LangChain and OpenAI to create a RAG system. The system takes a vector store of embedded documents as input, with each document having "Source" (a URL) and "...
FriedrichMz's user avatar
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Integrating button in web portal with Power Bi dashboard button

Greetings fellow stackers, I am tasked to have a theme button (dark/light) on my web portal integrated with a button in a power bi iframe embedded (private) dashboard within the portal itself. The ...
Shaunvinder Singh's user avatar
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RuntimeError: The size of tensor a (8) must match the size of tensor b (2744) at non-singleton dimension 1

I have this error in the line: ("embeddings = x + self.position_embeddings"): Error: RuntimeError: The size of tensor a (8) must match the size of tensor b (2744) at non-singleton dimension ...
Amir9663's user avatar
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Unable to import SentenceTransformer

I am using Colab, I am trying to import SentenceTransformer: from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer However, I got this error: ttributeError Traceback (most ...
A1iMansour's user avatar
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Error Instantiating EmbeddingModel with ONNX Model intfloat/multilingual-e5-large

I am encountering an error while trying to instantiate the EmbeddingModel using the ONNX model intfloat/multilingual-e5-large. The error message is as follows: Failed to instantiate [org....
Zakaria Hd's user avatar
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How to use ONNX Transformers model with Spring AI

I am trying to use ONNX export of model intfloat/multilingual-e5-large: I have successfully downloaded this model, using it ...
jirka's user avatar
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PostgreSQL unresponsive when restarting after many inserts using PGVector container

Description: I am facing an issue where PostgreSQL becomes unresponsive after restarting. The setup utilizes the PGVector:pg16 Docker container. Below is the schema for the relevant table: CREATE ...
Matanel Abayof's user avatar
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Bot response to embedding

In Vertex AI I can ground my process with either Google Search which gives me links to websites if I ask for them or with my own data stores of various kinds. What I want to achieve is that I first ...
The O G's user avatar
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Embedding Reddit Post in Qualtrics Survey not working

I'm trying to embed a reddit post in a qualtrics survey question and it doesn't seem to be working. I have the following html in the question section: <p>Please take a look at the following ...
Gauri Jain's user avatar
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Get correct vector embeddings from RedisVL while querying results

I am using RedisVL in my project, to store some data. The schema.yaml file for creating the index in the RedisVL looks like this: version: '0.1.0' index: name: event-index prefix: event fields: ...
Saurabh Gupta's user avatar

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