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Embedding Reddit Post in Qualtrics Survey not working

I'm trying to embed a reddit post in a qualtrics survey question and it doesn't seem to be working. I have the following html in the question section: <p>Please take a look at the following ...
Gauri Jain's user avatar
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Excel embedding through OneDrive: preview is correct, while the end result is not

I have embedded an Excel file (<2Mb) to my website using the following code generated using OneDrive. <iframe width="1150" height="1300" frameborder="0" scrolling=&...
SmartDataProducts's user avatar
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The download button for the image output in Gradio malfunctions when embedded

The output window of Gradio has a small down arrow icon to download the output image. When I run my Gradio app directly on Huggingface, this button works correctly by downloading the image directly ...
Moisés Briseño Estrello's user avatar
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1 answer

Element embedding Flutter in HTML based webpage?

Now that Element Embedding is out on Flutter 3.10. Instead of adding Flutter content to the webpage, is it possible to just add the Flutter widgets/components? For example, ElevatedButton(). What I ...
wuuyungwuu's user avatar
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2 answers

Advanced Recursive Quote Embedding for HTML and Javascript

I have a program that lets me show what the same code would look like in multiple programming languages. I'm compiling it to a web page in HTML, which uses button onclick handlers to switch the code ...
erixoltan's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

How do I get my embedded youtube video to play on the screen? [closed]

enter image description hereI have embedded the youtube video following all the directions but once I see my page the video is unavailable to play. I have tried other versions of the video, and ...
Lydia DiEppa's user avatar
-1 votes
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Tons of errors when embedding webpages in HTML

I can't seem to embed anything on my website. At first I thought it was just the YouTube embed but then I tested another webpage and it didn't work either. The errors I get seem to change at random. ...
BlenderTimer's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Loading widget on web page

I'm trying to make a loadable widget that would call an api when a button is clicked. Widget page itself widget.html <html> <head> <title>Widget</title> </head> <...
Sergey Gubenko's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

How to embed "real-time" figure in markdown?

I'm trying to embed this real-time chart from a Google Scholar profile in a markdown document for GitHub: Here's the HTML I found by inspecting the source: <div class="gsc_md_hist_b">&...
O.rka's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

How to embed youtube livestream chat based on channel id

I've been trying to do some basic embedding from Yt on my HTML paged, and I got it to display the livestream itself perfectly. The livestream embed references my channel, so if I decide to livestream ...
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Embedded Youtube Video with custom buttons and autoplay at the start

I've been trying to emulate this: This works when the video is muted, however when I try and remove the &mute=1 in the URL, the video will no longer play. ...
chipsndip's user avatar
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create an audio element that will allow playback of 2 audio files

I need to create an audio element that will allow playback of 2 audio files. Your browser does not support the audio tag. Your browser does not support the audio tag.
Famela Marie's user avatar
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Can't disable autoplay in javascript in an embedded Twitch element. How do I fix this?

This is the code I'm running right now: <!doctype html> <html lang="DE"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>The HTML5 Herald</title> <meta name="...
OnyxTao's user avatar
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How can I feature my FTP server into a website, as if the website is a frame to decorate it?

I've been trying to integrate my FTP server into a basic HTML webpage, so it looks a bit better, and it feels more like a cloud storage site. I've tried <object>, <embed> and <iframe>...
SpicySoap's user avatar
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Is there a way to embed a flipbook into a website using an iframe to display on desktop at one size and a different size on mobile?

I am adding a flipbook that I created on fliphtml5 to a website using an iframe. The flipbook looks great on a desktop but does not display correctly on mobile. On a mobile device, it only displays a ...
Dawn's user avatar
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1 answer

Dynamic page embedding in HTML/JavaScript

I have a tag like this in my HTML page: <embed src="http://..." style='...'> Using Python-Flask I hand over a varying source address and store it in window.dynamicEmbedding. Now I ...
Michael Hecht's user avatar
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Remove Youtube branding after embedding video in web page?

I've a problem with removing Youtube logos after embedding it inside a Web Page. I mean this logo I've already tried with modestbranding=1 and showinfo=0 inside my HTML code with no success. I also ...
Stefano Siano's user avatar
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How to make a base64 PDF file scale to fit the iframe?

I have the following code with an iframe which has base64 code of a PDF file as the source added by javascript. This works perfectly on desktops however the pdf does not scale to fit when using on ios ...
Jerick120's user avatar
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2 answers

Embedding PDF with fullscreen option

Is there any way to add the fullscreen option to the PDF that is embedded using iframe ? <iframe src=""></iframe>
Kitiara's user avatar
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I am trying to embed some python code in html to provide a gui which shows when a tilt is triggered on a tilt sensor

This is the code I have for the tilt sensor: @app.route("/") def main(): for button in buttons: buttons[button]['state'] = GPIO.input(button) for tilt in tilts: state = GPIO....
ChrisP's user avatar
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How to fix a broken embed link from Reddit

When I copy the embed code from Reddit and paste into my HTML/CSS website, the embed looks to be incomplete as it includes only text without the embedded content. I copied the exact embed code and ...
Brian Larkin's user avatar
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How do I properly embed YouTube background play video?

I am attempting to implement background music on my website hosted for free. It is a static HTML site, I watched some tutorials on this but it doesn't seem to do its job. I am on Chrome. <iframe ...
anonymous-jayyy's user avatar
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3 answers

HTML code generates syntax error but still works; "correct" code doesn't

A friend (and like me, HTML novice) shared this bit of code for embedding a live video stream from a camera on a web page: <iframe scrolling="no" width="640" height="480" <img src = http://10....
Robert Lewis's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Embed non-square Youtube video as square

I want to embed a non-square Youtube video as a square in my website. Setting width="" and height="" on the iframe works to make the player square. However, the video inside the is not square: there ...
Tonald Drump's user avatar
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3 answers

embedded video moves after refress

I am building a new wordpress website for my church using the customify theme. When I put my embed code in, the video goes right where it is supposed to but then I publish and hit refresh and it moves ...
DIYMommy's user avatar
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embed a pdf archive like it were part of the html code

i had a little question, i want to embed a pdf like it were part of the website, i could rewrite the pdf in html but it will be a lot of work, what would be the best looking option to embed it? The ...
Joel Vizcarra's user avatar
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Materialize calendar without box

I wish to be able to create a Materialize date picker without having to click on the input-style box. Does anyone know if this is possible or how to do so? Thanks.
James Stone's user avatar
-1 votes
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Instagram Photo Embedding

I'm trying to make a website for my photography hobby. And I want to embed my profile (if possible, but I couldn't find a way.). And now I am trying to embed a few pictures. But when I use the embed ...
Rilotjuh's user avatar
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Iframe format for embedding

I'm trying to embed a 360 panorama tour into Adobe portfolio I brought this from visor but adobe portfolio just supports Iframe format : <script src="" data-vizorurl="https://...
Mahmoud Youssef's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Embedding Table from different website

I am trying to figure out the best way to capture a table from one website, and embed it on my own. I know this is kind of a no-no in terms of content creation. But I am simply hoping to just ensure ...
Eric Haugland's user avatar
-1 votes
2 answers

Embedding youtube videos with URLs in an XML file

I've set up a site for watching videos I've uploaded to YouTube. I'm currently using multiple html docs with each different video which is inconvenient. I'm wondering if there's a way I could read the ...
Arrangatang's user avatar
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Manipulating Variables in HTML-Embedded Ruby

I'm using embedded Ruby in HTML and am trying to create a new variable; however, this seems to be modifying the HTML formatting over the code even though I am just trying to create a new variable and ...
user7518095's user avatar
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hyperlinks in html won't work with embedded code

I am trying to embed html code into a content box/embed code box on sharepoint. The code works fine in dreamweaver where i can preview it, but once i paste the code into the embed box and click save,...
HoldUpWait22's user avatar
-1 votes
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Embed a fillable pdf form on web page

Is there anyway to embed a fillable pdf form on a web page that the viewer would be able to fill out and send with the Adobe submit function? without having to click through or download the actual ...
Katie Sak's user avatar
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Is there any prerequisite for a web page to be integrated into an iFrame?

I am currently working on a user interface that can integrate other pages in the form of <iframe>s into the canvas of the page or in a new window, using JavaScript to control that <iframe>....
Tony Martin's user avatar
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Multiple buttons to one embedded code / script

I am using embedded script from Formlets on my landing page. It is basically a button that triggers popup with 'email address' form. Formlets script/code is inserted inside my html code: <section ...
Pejs's user avatar
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What is the HTML Interaction Tag

I have seen some embed codes provided as <interaction> tag. For instance, Apester's so-called HTML5 embed code goes like this <interaction id="57b6f819336e03ca34e0fb8b"></interaction&...
Lukas's user avatar
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Parent directory(../../) vs http(s):// links in href includes

What is the difference when using <link href="" rel="stylesheet"> rather than using <link href="" rel="stylesheet"> <link href=""s-post-summary--meta">
Jeremy John's user avatar
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How to embedded Instagram in a specific language?

Embedding Instagram photos is simple enough, simply add an iframe with /embed/ at the end of the URL like this: But how can I force the UI (the follow/...
Hoffmann's user avatar
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Black background in full screen with embedded SketchFab

Model URL: Browser: Chrome 47.0.2526.111 Description of problem My problem to do with embedding my model in my personal website. I made a simple HTML file to demonstrate the ...
Dan's user avatar
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What are some advantages and disadvantages for embedding JavaScript in HTML or saving it externally? [closed]

I'm looking for simple bullet point answers please. I've tried looking all over, Googling, other questions here but I can never find both advantages and disadvantages for each method.
Theo Hodges's user avatar
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Embedding CSS is causing webpage to render badly

I'm doing some experiments to see the potential pros&cons of embedding css in HTML. I have mirror of websites locally. I tried to embed external css into HTML using "style type='text/css'" tag. ...
nnk's user avatar
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Full Width and Height Responsive Embedded YouTube Video

I'm working on a project and if you scroll down to the "What is RoadAware" section you can see a YouTube video embed that looks awful! I need the video to fill the "about-left" div 100% to match the "...
Riley Kinsella's user avatar
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How do I embed this into my website?

I am attempting to embed a game into my website that I programmed in java. I have no idea how to take my code from eclipse(which is what my JDE is) and put it into my website. I am using a ...
user3715546's user avatar
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optimise embedded link so useable across all browsers and web hosting platforms

I've created an embedded link - containing my web app - so that people can paste it in-between the body tags of their HTML. Here's the embedded link: <iframe src=""s-post-summary--meta">
edward's user avatar
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embedding php in html code [duplicate]

<? php $text = "hello world"; ?> <input type="text" value="<?php echo $text; ?>"> in the browser gives me an input box with value: Notice: Undefined variable: text in C:\xampp\...
mpassad's user avatar
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Embedding a video on https website becames not a secure connection

I have a problem including a video inside a website which runs in https mode. Chrom and Safari works fine and the connection is secure, but Firefox has the meaning that the connection is not secure. ...
Phil's user avatar
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Changing HTML embedded Code in Javascript function

What I'm Trying to do is to have a text field and a button, and create usernames, so when the user opens the first view he will be asked to enter his username. I created multiple chat rooms from a ...
user2401985's user avatar
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Allow portions of a website to be embedded into other websites and different domains

I've a website with some graphs and I'd like that some of them could be embedded into other web-sites, that can be in different domains. basically the graphs are unique and have an id, example: ... &...
Alg_D's user avatar
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