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Grafana cAdvisor Metrics

I have a kubernetes app running on minikube in Docker. I've installed Grafana, and can see certain logs in the UI, as well as confirmation that Alloy and cAdvisor are being scraped. However, I don't ...
Brooks's user avatar
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Error Logs Missing with InfluxDB Backend Listener When Running via Maven

I am encountering an issue with error logging when using an InfluxDB backend listener with JMeter. The problem is I'm observing two behaviors when running it via CMD and the JMeter Maven plugin. Local ...
Chamikara Kariyapperuma's user avatar
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Why am I still seeing Grafana Live API calls despite setting max_connections to zero?

In my grafana helm values.yaml I have specified the following grafana.ini: live: max_connections: 0 This is based on the documentation that says "0 disables Grafana Live". I have ...
dat's user avatar
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Grafana no database access possible after fedora upgrade "connect: permission denied" [closed]

After an upgrade from Fedora 38 to 40 the Grafana installation won't connect to its datasoruces anymore. In the datasources section, I get: [sqleng.connectionError] failed to connect to server - ...
Husky-CGN's user avatar
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Grafana alert no notification

When a Grafana alert fires and creates a notification, it works as expected. However, if the alert resolves and then fires again shortly after (within about 15 minutes), no new notification is created....
ogbofjnr's user avatar
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how to capture a partial consumer group failure in Prometheus using PromQL?

I want to explore the possibilities of capturing any sort of partial consumer group failures due to any reason using PromQL in Prometheus. So that I can use that metrics to monitor and later can add a ...
Happy's user avatar
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Grafana Dashboard queries don't work in browser but work through curl/postman [closed]

Setup I initially had TIG-stack (Telegraf, InfluxDB and Grafana) deployed in a Linux server where it worked as expected. I've recently deployed it on OKD (OpenShift upstream). I have several ...
Anas's user avatar
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Calculate QoS(Quality of Service) in % in Grafana using PromQl

I have a nodejs application with counter and histogram as well setup like this:, res, next) => { const start =; res.on('finish', () => { ...
matrix's user avatar
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Grafana multistage query with HTTP GET requests

I am trying to perform a multistage query in Grafana. The queries are HTTP GET requests. In my first request, I get an output in JSON format, I want each element of this output to form a new GET ...
Anup's user avatar
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Sets variables in Grafana?

Is there a way to define a toggle variable that holds sets of variables? eg a region switch that would have: 'Europe': {ip: 'europe_ip', port: 'europe_port', service_name: 'europe_service_name'} '...
Will1v's user avatar
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if-else condition in Promql using Grafana Variables

I have a custom variable "Project_Name" in Grafana Dashboard. I want to execute below condition unsing Promql query in Stackdriver Metrics datasource(GCP) if ($Project_Name == 'ALL') then : ...
pushpendu dhara's user avatar
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MySql query graphing in Grafana

I would like the following query to plot in Grafana by day of the year each year in a data series which is the KWh output of our solar panels. SELECT DATE_FORMAT(DateStamp, '%m-%d') AS MonthDay, ...
Kary Clements's user avatar
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dashboard that shows uptime percentage from oci-metrics-datasource oci_healthchecks?

I've been asked to create a dashboard to show uptime \ pass rate as a percentage from a high level external monitoring ping to our services rest api. When importing the data into Grafana, using the ...
Alistair Hardy's user avatar
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Grafana and Azure Elasticsearch service data source: open port 9200

I am setting up Elasticsearch data source in Grafana. I am following the instructions The Elasticsearch is running in Azure as Service (Elastic Observability (Elasticsearch) - An Azure Native ISV ...
Moral's user avatar
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grafana table to show counter division aggregation values in selected time range

I'm new to prometheus and grafana and stuck with such query and dashboard. In prometheus there are 2 counters with shared labels. for example: upload_file_size_total{filetype="jpg", version=&...
Lei Yang's user avatar
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Does Grafana support the PromQL modifier @?

I'm trying to visualize a Prometheus query in Grafana, but I'm facing an issue. The query: mymetric{mylabel="value"} @ end() works perfectly in Prometheus and returns a valid graph. However, ...
pascalre's user avatar
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How to query DynamoDB with multiple filters (platform, type, and rate_id) to return only monthly/weekly data

I'm trying to query a DynamoDB table to retrieve data for the current month or current week, depending on the filter applied (data_type = monthly or weekly). However, I'm encountering an issue where ...
Rania's user avatar
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Transform a table with start and end dates columns into a time series

I have the results of a query in Grafana that looks like this: start_date end_date job_name status 2024-11-26 15:00:42 2024-11-26 15:10:42 JOB_A 1 2024-11-26 11:32:12 2024-11-26 15:13:42 JOB_B -1 ...
aaaaahaaaaa's user avatar
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How to Automatically Extract Tooltip Values from Grafana Graphs at Specific Timestamps?

I'm working on a Grafana frontend that visualizes time series data from CAN-traces recorded from cars. The data is stored in AWS Timestream for live analytics. Our team, consisting of developers and ...
fraengi1's user avatar
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How to implement opening a modal window with a table on double-clicking a canvas metricValue element?

I have a task to extend the functionality of the canvas. Specifically, I need to add the ability to open a modal window upon selecting a value for matricValue and double-clicking on an element, where ...
Maksym Zakhakiv's user avatar
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Kubernetes: capture incoming and outgoing traffic by namespace

I am running multiple projects in a single managed k8s cluster. The cluster-internal network traffic is free, but I pay per GiB for the traffic to and from the cluster. The cost for that external ...
tmechsner's user avatar
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How to mount a GCP Cloud Storage volume in GCP Cloud Run service?

I'm trying to mount a volume type GCP Cloud Storage Bucket in GCP Cloud Run container that runs an official Docker grafana/grafana:10.3.12 image. The volume is configured with mounted path /etc/...
Alberto Sanmartin Martinez's user avatar
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Grafana - limit access to template variables for specific users & teams

I'm learning Grafana and want to use it for monitoring multiple servers within our organisation. I've made a sample dashboard with template variable Host that allows for quick choice of the server I ...
Ondrata's user avatar
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Not able to get all containers in one column

I want create a table visualization in grafana to get CPU, Memory, Disk, Network details. Container CPU Usage (%) Memory Usage (Bytes) Disk Reads (Bytes) Network In (Bytes) cadvisor ...
Roshan Patil's user avatar
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Grafana label value to numeric value for graphs

sensorReading{instance="", officeSensorNumber="1"} which returns {__name__="sensorReading", instance="", job="IPMI", ...
Philip Scot's user avatar
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How to query rows with timestamps before today in grafana

How do I perform this kind of query in grafana? select some_column from some_table where some_datetime < now(); I've made a dashboard variable that's populated from SELECT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; but i ...
blank's user avatar
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Custom grafana $timeFilter

I'm using this query to fetch data for current day power consumption in order to display in a bar chart. SELECT mean("value") FROM "Dataset" WHERE "measurement" = 'Ea+' ...
AL1AS's user avatar
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Grafana - datasource as variable

I have one InfluxDB database, and a lot of buckets and a lot of datasources (where one datasource = access to one bucket). As You see, schema is simple: each datasource (named influxdb-clientXXX-r) ...
sosnus's user avatar
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Query Text Field Not Displaying in Variable Query Editor for Grafana Plugin

Description: I am developing a plugin for Grafana to fetch and display data from MongoDB. Everything works as expected, except for one issue when creating a variable in the Grafana dashboard. The &...
Asghar Shakourinia's user avatar
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Calculating API Request Rate Over time by status code and path

I'm using the below expression to calculate the rate of requests by status_code and path: sum(rate(http_request_duration_seconds_count[10m])) by (status_code, path) > 0 I'm getting abnormally ...
Alk's user avatar
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Prometheus metrics too sparse to calculate a rate, especially because they come from 40 different pods

I have a grpc API, with 40 pods and loadbalanced via envoy proxy. I created a custom summary metric, let's call it server_price_predicted. Each server exposes it based on the requests it treated. When ...
amro4934's user avatar
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Compare 2 metrics and give Distinct Count of INNER JOIN

I wanted to compare two metrics in Grafana. missing_users_hosts{Site=~"$Site"} active_users{Site=~"$Site"} Now I wanted to find the Distinct Count of label name EmailID like ...
Moses01's user avatar
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LogQL query filter where two fields are equal

I have a json formatted log entry and want to filter to all those, where the field coverCurrency is equal to the field premiumCurrency. I tried: {namespace="calculation-engine"} | json | ...
Rico-E's user avatar
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WebIdentityErr: failed to retrieve credentials\ncaused by: SerializationError: failed to unmarshal error message\n\tstatus code: 405 , Loki Helm

I'm deploying Loki in an EKS cluster using an S3 bucket for storage. I've configured IAM Roles for Service Accounts (IRSA) to allow Loki to access the S3 bucket. However, I'm encountering the ...
Saksham Paliwal's user avatar
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Grafana alerts are not separated on Slack

I use prometheus, alertmanager, grafana and loki for monitoring. I want to distinguish my grafana alerts to critical and warning severity. When only one of the alerts is configured: trash-watchdog-...
Kacper Woźniak's user avatar
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Why are the values in my Grafana panel not sorting consistently with InfluxDB?

What Grafana version and what operating system are you using? 10.4 Using Flux Query Language What are you trying to achieve? Using the Stat panel (in a repeating row by variable ${vocDeviceName}, I ...
Eoin's user avatar
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Using grafana operator, how can I create an Opensearch DataSource and set withCredentials = true in the Yaml?

I am using grafana operator to setup an Opensearch Datasource. According to the api documentation, the field cannot be set under the spec like this : apiVersion: kind: ...
WannaGetHigh's user avatar
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How can I group values by label in Prometheus query?

This is my metric data sync_unit_type {region="krg"} 1731441289. Value is datetime represented as seconds (Unix time). There are different regions, also values are updated constantly every 5-...
AmacOS's user avatar
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Grafana pivot table

I have three SQL Server tables built like this: SAMPLES (id, sample_number, sample_date, description) PARAMETERS (id, parameter_name, measure_unit) RESULTS (id, sample_id FK, parameter_id FK, value) ...
Deffo's user avatar
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Using Metric Labels as Dynamic Limits in Grafana Expressions

I have an application where I want to export metrics with expected limits. The goal is to automate the creation of alerts and set triggered limits. Ideally, I’d like to add an additional tag with the ...
Sergei Kurenchuk's user avatar
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Filtering does not work in the endpoint /alertmanager/grafana/api/v2/alert

I've tried a variety of approaches to filtering data, but none have worked. All attempts to get an alert for a given field (alert_rule_uid) were unsuccessful. Sample data: "startsAt": "...
Ruslan Hafizov's user avatar
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Grafana Prometheus Variable using multiple metrics

I am using Grafana with Data Source Prometheus. I have 2 metrics which is working fine in table webex_users{job="pushgateway"} missed_webex_hosts{job="pushgateway"} Both the ...
Moses01's user avatar
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Grafana - Create variable with an array for each value

I would like to have an array for each variable value. The variable name is "Environment". For example: Production : [applicationInsightsProductionConnectionString, ...
Eder Prieto Fernández's user avatar
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I want to combine two PromQL queries into one table - Grafana

I have two queries. One is counting the number of pods with specific label from K8s datasource and the other one is displaying a gauge from application datasource. they both have namespace as a common ...
Georgios Gontikas's user avatar
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How to Accurately Calculate CPU Usage Percentage for Each Worker in a Clustered Node.js Application?

I'm running a clustered Node.js application and trying to monitor the CPU usage percentage for each individual worker process. I'm using the cluster module to fully utilize a multi-core server, with ...
Alex Aung's user avatar
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Grafana - RabbitMQ - Stream protocol connection closed socket

I am currently facing an issue connecting to our rabbitmq server by using the rabbitmq datasource in grafana. My connection details looks like the photo attached. I have verified that the streams ...
kostas.kapasakis's user avatar
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Grafana/PromQL: midnight to midnight change in counter

Let's say I have a posts_total counter. It increases every day, and it has various labels, like posts_total{status='active'} and posts_total{status='deleted'}. delta(posts_total{status=~"active|...
Some Guy's user avatar
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Is it possible to add field in a table visual that shows an indicator (such as red/yellow/green icon) as well as text?

Looking for some functionality akin to a Power BI screen, like this: Is it possible to do this without a custom visual? Trying to do this on OSS Grafana. Have so far tried value mappings, converting ...
user1717575's user avatar
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Grafana Dashboard with Loki to display a single number

Hi I have a Grafana Dashboard that I want to use to display the failed logs sent to Loki. The logs look something like this enter image description here I have edited the query to show the sum of the ...
mockmcok's user avatar
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Nginx regex k8s issues

I am attempting to deploy the grafana image renderer using 3 k8s manifests. 1 is a deploy, 2 is a service, and 3 is an ingress. The Nginx ingress regex rules say they are PCRE and I am attempting that....
Deon Saunders's user avatar

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