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2 votes
5 answers

Segmentation fault when executing a Python script in a C program?

I need to execute some python and C at the same time. I tried using Python.h: #include <Python.h> int python_program(char* cwd) { char* python_file_path; FILE* fd; int run; ...
Yuki's user avatar
  • 83
3 votes
1 answer

Why does Linux fail to map this PT_LOAD ELF segment?

I'm trying to embed arbitrary data into an ELF executable and have Linux map it in automatically at load time. Recently asked another question about this which culminated in support for this use case ...
Matheus Moreira's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Embedded Python in C program seg faults when ran from script in python

I wrote a short program trying to embed python into it (according to the C Python Api docs : #include <python3.8/Python.h> #include <stdio....
Evgeny Foox's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

struct "_typeobject" has no field "tp_name" in Cython Example

I'm trying to learn how to Embedd Cython modules in c Applications from the Cython Website, I have Literally copy pasted the entire example and it doesn't work. it gives me a struct "_typeobject&...
stephen telian's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

cannot run Py_Initialize(), application exited with code -1073741191

I'm currently testing around with embedding Python in a C application, however I couldn't get it to work at all. I can build it just fine, but running it returns no error, only the Application error ...
Bach Le Duy's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Embedding Lua 5.1 in C, Can't Debug, Prelaunch Task Error in VSCode

I'm trying to see how to embed Lua 5.1 into a C file in order to create a minimum reproducible example to try and solve another problem (thread here). I was following this simple tutorial but as soon ...
Tailcoat's user avatar
0 votes
0 answers

How to rectify unknown type name 'PyTypeObject' error when using Python.h?

I used Python.h to write the following program #include <stdio.h> #include <Python.h> int main() { return 0; } i get the following error 81 1 C:\Program Files (x86)\Dev-Cpp\...
Hirshik ram's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

how to call c function which is of type static pyobject inside c

I want to call a function of static PyObject type which I described inside my c program in the inside of that that c program. How to call this function? What will be the (Pyobject self) argument? I ...
Subhra Bera's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Embedding Python into C - can't import method from python module

I'm building C application which will be using Python plugins. When trying to call the method from another Python module, the function PyImport_ImportModule() seems to imports the module properly, ...
Saeley's user avatar
  • 21
1 vote
0 answers

How to pass multidimensional array from C to embedding python function

This maybe asked before, but I need more clarification. I am working on a project where I need to send a 3D array from C to the embedded Python function. I referred this, but couldn't get it to ...
Vineeth Bharadwaj's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

"Embedding" a folder into a C/C++ program

I have a script library stored in .../lib/ that I want to embed into my program. So far, that sounds simple: On Windows, I'd use Windows Resource Files - on MacOS, I'd put them into a Resource folder ...
Ingwie Phoenix's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Embedding Python in C under Windows

I want to compile a .c file containing a Header Python.h using minGW on Windows 10. My Goal is to embedd some pythoncode in C an this is just a little test for the compiling. My sourcefile looks as ...
Felix.A's user avatar
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0 answers

Embedding Python in C, handing over a long list to python function

I have got a python function in which a neuronal network is implemented to process some image data and I got a simulation software which is written in C, so my goal is to embed the python function in ...
Felix.A's user avatar
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2 votes
0 answers

Turn embedded python into jupyter kernel?

I am having a code in c++ which embeds Python. I would like the Python interpreter accessible thorugh Jupyter console (qt or browser) for which I need to run kernel first. Is it possible to make the ...
eudoxos's user avatar
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12 votes
1 answer

Call Racket function from C

I have a Racket module hw.rkt: #lang racket/base (provide hw) (define (hw) (displayln "Hello, world!")) I would like to write a C program that embeds the Racket runtime and applies the procedure (...
Arandur's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

python embedding in C : define the python script as a C string?

I would like to invoke the following python script in C : #!/usr/bin/python2.7 import parser def evaluate(text): code = parser.expr(text).compile() return eval(code) as explained in the ...
evoliptic's user avatar
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1 vote
0 answers

Python parse embedding in c

I'm trying to embedding two python functions in C code. My problem is that I can't parse None py object to NULL in C. I created a "" file within it: def integer(s): a = input(s) try:...
Matteo Arella's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

Making global variables available to script parsed with perl_parse

I'm working on the rlm_perl module for the FreeRADIUS project. This module handles marshalling/unmarshalling of attribute value pairs to/from a perl interpreter. It allows AAA policies to be written ...
Arran Cudbard-Bell's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Catch an exception in embedded mono

MonoObject * pException = NULL; // this method will cause an exception in c#, something like null exception MonoString * pResult = (MonoString*) mono_runtime_invoke(g_pGetMethod, NULL, monoargs, &...
user2986683's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Embedding Python: No module named site

I'm embedding python in a C application. I have downloaded the standard python dist and placed it relative to program and used this to link & build the C application. This works fine on my devel ...
jramm's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Linking to python 2.7 from C on Linux

Hello I am having problem linking my .so file t Python on Linux systems. (I got this working just fine on MacOS X and Windows but am stuck on this) Currently the link flags are as follows: LIBS = -...
Bjorn's user avatar
  • 51
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1 answer

Extension Python by C++: How to determine python function name on C callback

I have extension of Python by C++ with Python API. There is one c function handler for different python functions. How in the c function handler I can determine a python function which called me? ...
irumata's user avatar
  • 69
3 votes
1 answer

Cython in C/C++

I have been using Cython on a couple of projects. I see a lot of documentation on including C++ and C into your cython code. Sometimes when I am extending an existing C/C++ project I feel the urge to ...
Jakob Simon-Gaarde's user avatar
26 votes
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luaL_openlib replacement for Lua 5.2

I am adapting a library written for Lua < 5.2 and got to a call I don't know the equivalent of: luaL_openlib(L, "Polycore", polycoreLib, 0); Where polycoreLib is a static const struct luaL_Reg ...
Appleshell's user avatar
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Embedding python classes with different input function to C

So, I have followed the instructions from here. I changed several parts because I want to access many classes in python codes with different functions. For learning, I modified the codes from the link ...
thom17's user avatar
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10 votes
2 answers

Where is documentation on the embedding API for the Ruby interpreter? [closed]

I am looking for a comprehensive, online, documentation resource regarding the embedding of the Ruby interpreter into C or C++ programs, and the API(s) for that purpose. The section on this in the ...
grrussel's user avatar
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-1 votes
3 answers

how to read values from a structure in C

#include<stdio.h> #define msize 4096 struct memory { int a[msize]; }; void main() { struct memory m; m.a[0]=250; // temperature value of 25,0 m.a[4]=01; // heater status OFF ...
user2306769's user avatar
11 votes
2 answers

Does embedding c++ code in python make your python application faster? [closed]

Does embedding c++ code in python using ctypes, boost.python, etc make your python application faster? Suppose I am making an application in pygtk and I need some functions which need to be fast. So ...
Rushabh RajeshKumar Padalia's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Embedding Python 3.3

I try to embed Python 3.3, as described here. I'm on MacOS 10.8 which has Python 2.7 so I downloaded binary distribution of version 3.3 from From it I got all the headers and "Python" ...
Ecir Hana's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

create new None object in embedded python

I am writing a simple C wrapper for a Python module. What I need to do is create a new PyObject* that represents None. I can't figure out how to do this. Is there a simple function that will return ...
ewok's user avatar
  • 21.3k
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4 answers

C/C++ embedding python module PIL, the python function want to return all pixel data, but i why can't?

add c/c++ code embedding python. all problem is in c code, I don't known how to get the pixel value. python code: import Image format = "" mode = "" size = "" data = list() def getImage(file): ...
Yuansheng liu's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

attempt to call global `print' (a nil value)

I have the following C file: //thing.c #include <lua.h> #include <lauxlib.h> #include <lualib.h> #include <stdio.h> lua_State* L; int main(){ L = lua_open(); ...
ewok's user avatar
  • 21.3k
2 votes
1 answer

Unloading Mono domains in multithreaded context

I have a multithreaded application that activate multiple Mono domains from native code. Each domain has it's own thread. I use the following code to activate a domain: ///Create a new domain. ...
Ghassen Hamrouni's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How to embed CINT into a C++ app on Windows?

I would like to know how to embed CINT into a C++ code on Windows 7 or NT. On windows7, I need to write a C++ program that reads a C++ program from an input file, runs it and counts how many lines of ...
ZOK's user avatar
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1 answer

Does the Python 3 interpreter leak memory when embedded?

This bug report states that the Python interpreter, as of June 2007, will not clean up all allocated memory after calling Py_Finalize in a C/C++ application with an embedded Python interpreter. It was ...
user1140116's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Cross Platform NPAPI Interfacing/Integrating

I would like to use Google Earth in one of my cross platform C++ applications, and the only way I can see that would allow me to integrate it nicely into my GUI and interface to it using it's ...
user293895's user avatar
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2 answers

Is it possible to embed nginx in a C/C++ application

The application runs in Linux, Windows, Macintosh. Also, if yes, how much effort is required?
Sabya's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Recommended way to embed JVM in C program with NO library?

What's the recommended way to embed JVM in C program with NO library. This means JVM as a eDSL execution engine. (Not whole Java platform environment) I'm trying to use another JVM based language ...
eonil's user avatar
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Error when starting a new thread and opening dialog using Mono API

I'm working on a Native dll written in C++ that uses mono to show a graphical user interface. I've written a simple skeleton, it works but I get an error under certain conditions. First here is the C#...
Valdemar's user avatar
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(Embedding Mono) Parallel activation of domains

I'm wondering if it's possible to activate multiple Mono domains and execute them in parallel from native code: I use the following code to activate a domain: ///Create a new domain. m_domain = ...
Ghassen Hamrouni's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

Loading DLL from embedded python code in c

The crux of my problem is this: I am developing code on Windows XP in C with MS Visual Studio 10.0, and I need to embed Python to do some plotting, file management, and some other things. I had ...
Ian Bell's user avatar
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33 votes
11 answers

Tiny javascript implementation? [closed]

I need an extremely tiny implementation of (maybe a subset of?) Javascript. Code size and memory usage are extremely important (speed isn't in the question, it can run as slow as it likes). It must be ...
Dhaivat Pandya's user avatar
0 votes
3 answers

What HTTP header is needed to be returned so web browsers use the suggested filename? (File download from CGI in C)

We have a PDF file download link on a web page with a C language CGI program actually passing on the file from our embedded device's web server. The web server is custom coded because of severe memory ...
quadmore's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Embedding Python in C for configuration files

I'm trying to embed python into c to use it for configuration: If I do it like this: /****************************************************************************** * * Embeding Python Example * * ...
zerodx's user avatar
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Embeddable formula interpreter

I need something to embed in my C/C++ program to interpret formulas of the like x*log(x) or sin(x). I would like something small and simple, otherwise I can just embed Python, or Ch, or Scheme, or you ...
dsign's user avatar
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6 votes
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Embedding Python in C: Having problems importing local modules

I need to run Python scripts within a C-based app. I am able to import standard modules from the Python libraries i.e.: PyRun_SimpleString("import sys") But when I try to import a local module can ...
Drew's user avatar
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Embedding Python and adding C functions to the interpreter

I'm currently writing an applications that embedds the python interpreter. The idea is to have the program call user specified scripts on certain events in the program. I managed this part but now I ...
monoceres's user avatar
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38 votes
3 answers

How to embed WebKit into my C/C++/Win32 application?

The solutions I have found are irrelevant: someone used WebKit in a Delphi project someone used it with Java there is QtWebKit (about:blank demo app takes 44 megs) .Net port of it GTK+ port I need a ...
Pavel Vlasov's user avatar
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is it possible to call python methods from a C program?

I remember seeing somewhere that you could call python methods from inside C using #include "python.h" But I can't seem to find the source for this or any examples. How can I call python methods ...
Nathan Fellman's user avatar
7 votes
3 answers

How to convert a C string (char array) into a Python string when there are non-ASCII characters in the string?

I have embedded a Python interpreter in a C program. Suppose the C program reads some bytes from a file into a char array and learns (somehow) that the bytes represent text with a certain encoding (e....
Vebjorn Ljosa's user avatar