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Is there any YouTube Data API field to check the availability of an embedded Video?

I think there is one parameter missing checking the possibility of embedding a YouTube Video via Data API. For example, this Video: If you can see: ...
Felix's user avatar
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1 answer

How to Embed Gumlet videos in HTML?

I am new to Videos and started using, but I am unsure how to embed it in the HTML & emails. I used <iframe src=""> ...
akbansa's user avatar
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-1 votes
2 answers

Add Rounded Corners To Wistia Embed

i have 0 coding experience or knowledge so could someone show me how I can add rounded corners to my video embeded on my website for all browsers in desktop and mobile. I'm using Wistia and below is ...
matthew bowkis's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

How do I get my embedded youtube video to play on the screen? [closed]

enter image description hereI have embedded the youtube video following all the directions but once I see my page the video is unavailable to play. I have tried other versions of the video, and ...
Lydia DiEppa's user avatar
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How can you Embed YouTube Video using JOGL

I am working on adding cutscenes to a game mod I am writing. The game renders GUI elements using JOGL, so I have created a render event for the Player's Heads Up Display (HUD) and I want to render an ...
Thornack's user avatar
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Trying to add intro on big amount of videos

first time asking a question here so sorry if im not doing it right. so i've got lots of videos on different folders. im trying to add an intro and a watermark on them all watermark should be added ...
somerandomdude's user avatar
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3 answers

embedded video moves after refress

I am building a new wordpress website for my church using the customify theme. When I put my embed code in, the video goes right where it is supposed to but then I publish and hit refresh and it moves ...
DIYMommy's user avatar
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Looking for a way to embed a Cinemagraph on my blog that loops and autoplays

I create cinemagraphs for social media that look like this: The idea is we post these to my companies social accounts (namely facebook and instagram) all the ...
Justus Wise's user avatar
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1 answer

ffmpeg embed several images in video at different points in time

I am trying to embed various images in a video using ffmpeg. So far I have: ffmpeg -i testclip.mp4 -i question2.png -i question1.png -filter_complex "[0:v][1:v] overlay=(W-w)/2:20:enable='between(t,2,...
stiller_leser's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

JW Player: Black screen before seek in Firefox

I'm embedding JW Player (7.9.3) on a page in a very simple implementation: jwplayer("video-container").setup({ "file": "/example.mp4", "image": "/example.jpg", "width": "100%", "aspectratio": ...
Geat's user avatar
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embeding video objects in C# code

I'm developing an app that plays some video files that should be copy protected. so I have to embed the videos in the code somehow to prevent from being copied. so do you guys have any idea what ...
Aref's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

Youtube player is not being displayed in mobile browsers

My website displays embedded Youtube video player in desktop browsers but nothing in mobile. Nothing shows up instead a blank space created for youtube player. Here is a sample link: http://nepali....
Scriptaty's user avatar
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Embedding a video on https website becames not a secure connection

I have a problem including a video inside a website which runs in https mode. Chrom and Safari works fine and the connection is secure, but Firefox has the meaning that the connection is not secure. ...
Phil's user avatar
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Embedding Video Stream into webpage

This is a progress after the question Embedding Image/Video Stream into webpage that was answered for the picture only using curl, video is still an open issue. Resuming, I need to avoid that the ...
Power Engineering's user avatar
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Embedding Local video in Windows Phone 8 application

I wanted to embed a locally available video inside a windows phone 8 application. Does any one have an idea how to do this? I am pretty new to Windows Phone 8 development so would be grateful for any ...
Nakull's user avatar
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embedd youtube video without share option

I have an iPhone app where I am playing youtube videos. I have tableview where I am listing all videos. I am using below code to play youtube vide. <html><style>iframe {position:...
Fahim Parkar's user avatar
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Embedding youtube video doesn't work anymore in Mavericks

In my cocoa apps for OSX 10.6 and newer versions I've always used this code to embed a video from youtube: NSString *html = @"<center><iframe width=\"748\" height=\"461\" src=\"http://www....
Blue's user avatar
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My website loads slow because of too many embedded videos [closed]

My website loads slow because of too many embedded videos. I'm seen where there is an image (overtop of where the video is embedded) and you click it, at which point, the embedded video is loaded. ...
Cory's user avatar
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Masking/redirecting a video URL via PHP

I'm desperately (hours of research and no luck so far) trying to create a PHP page which can be used as a path for video embedding. I'm doing this so that I can give out a path to 3rd parties, that ...
joshd's user avatar
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Embed wmv video does not allows fullscreen button

I am trying to embed a wmv video in an html code. The file is playing normally, but I want the website's user, to be able to see the fullscreen button, in order to enter a fullscreen mode. However, ...
Jim Blum's user avatar
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Embadding video is not displaying after retrieving it from dataabse

i am saving embedding video code in database and retrieving it from database but it is not displaying video it is displaying just code in place of video. Video Link: <iframe src=""s-post-summary--meta">
Waqar ahmad's user avatar
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How do I get a embedded <object> code working?

I want to embed a video on my page, and this comes in a code, but when just simply paste this on my page, it won't work. I've done this before with iframes, and this works instantly. How do I get ...
M''''s user avatar
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2 votes
3 answers

How does facebook, google+ come up with video thumbnail when typed in url of youtube video?

I have a website where i want users to post the link to videos(from youtube and vimeo) and render a thumbnail related to the link typed in above. I want to generate iframe embed when typed a link I ...
zerocool's user avatar
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Kickstarter embedded videos not working on mobile

I am embedding kickstarter videos on my site -- they work fine in all desktop browsers, but do not appear to work in any of the mobile devices I've tested (galaxy S4, nexus tablet, iphone, ipad). I'm ...
Tyler's user avatar
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Embed Image into video - FFMPEG or JW player?

So I thought to embed the image as part of video content while converting the m4a to mp4. The output file has the image as video content and it plays as expected in VLC but when the same was streamed ...
Gopi's user avatar
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Videos not embedding for every user

We recently released a video service which is much social oriented, and facebook sharing is one of our key features. All our meta tags are ok, and debugging with the facebook debugger, I get no ...
Charleshaa's user avatar
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Getting DIVs to center based upon their parents DIVs?

I'm developing a website. I'm creating drop-down lists as menus for the website. I've created hidden divs that appear when you hover over the link in the top menu. However, I can not figure out how to ...
FrowningBrownie's user avatar
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On Firefox, my embedded Youtube videos don't display properly

I've embedded some YouTube videos in my fansite I'm developing. However, when you scroll through the webpage in Firefox, the divs and headers overlap the videos for some reason. Frankly, it just goes ...
FrowningBrownie's user avatar
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stopping embedded videos from playing once hidden

I have a slider that contains three frames. Each frame represents a play button for an embedded video behind it. When the user clicks the image, it is hidden and the embedded video is shown and starts ...
patricko's user avatar
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How to hide video before a thumbnail image is clicked

How do I make a video remain hidden until a thumbnail that opens a lightbox is clicked? Check at this page. (Disregard the video on top.) You can see an image with a link for opening video object in ...
rlab's user avatar
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4 answers

Preloading a youtube embed

I want to have an embedded chromeless youtube video preload its video WITHOUT playing when the page loads. Right now I'm using an awkward "play then quickly pause" script which causes small problems (...
zakdances's user avatar
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viewing video on my webpage

I have a link to an .mp4 video file that i must embed in my webpage. I've googled and not very successful. I've checked here and and w3c here. But i'm having trouble figuring this out. With both ...
Chris22's user avatar
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Embedding videos while hiding the source - is that possible at all?

Here is the code that I use to embed video from "YouTube" to my blog: <object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="460" height="390" data=";...
brilliant's user avatar
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How to get youtube embed code with CodeIgniter?

I need to give the possibility to embed youtube videos in a website I'm developing. The admin shoud be able to insert a youtube link in a form; the url will be stored in the database and then I have ...
Carlo's user avatar
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Video Embedding On Visual Basic

Hey I was wondering if it is possible to embed videos into a Visual Basic program and how I should do it. I'm pretty certain it is possible since you can import files and read them, and even play ...
rollingcodes's user avatar
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What is the Wordpress Add Video icon supposed to do?

I love Wordpress, and for the most part it is self-explanitory and easy to use. However, the "Add Video" icon on the edit post page seems to be almost completely useless. Add Video Button http://...
jeph perro's user avatar
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Sanitizing video embedding code in Rails. What's a good solution?

What's your preferred method of sanitizing embed code entered in a form? In other words, is there an easy way of ONLY allowing users to embed video from YouTube and Vimeo for example? Do you use the ...
66tree's user avatar
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2 answers

CSS Hide Youtube Video not working in IE

I have a youtube video like so... <object id="video_1" class="a_video ....... However the css for a_video: display:none; Isn't hiding it in IE. Anyone know how to hide embedded youtube videos ...
CafeHey's user avatar
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How do I embed a mp4 movie into my html?

I have a blog section on my site that has the TinyMce editor. I want to embed a video when I post a blog and it's just spitting out the code. I have added the <embed> tag on my output script. ...
Ralph The Mouf's user avatar
2 votes
5 answers

playing any video on a website (flash, divx, avi/wmv (m2ts/mts, mkv?))

How can I embed any type of video onto a webpage, youtube seems to be able to upload any type of video and I'd like to know if I can do that too without huge amounts of resources and money (the ...
Jonathan.'s user avatar
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Cannot Get'false' in SWFObject 2.2 to work as expected, as documented, or as it *should*

I am trying to do a very minimalistic sample of borderless video using swfobject and some cookie code that checks if a site visitor has been there before. The latter cookie code works, but basic ...
Cneg's user avatar
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Parse URLs of major video streaming sites and generate appropriate code for embedding

Posting a video on allows you to just paste the URL of the video on youtube, vimeo, whatever and tumblr automatically does the embedding for you. I assume that this would be nothing more ...
Markus's user avatar
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