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1 answer

Is there any way to detect the event on input field, when it's disabled using angular?

I am trying to fetch any event event input field is disabled. <input [disabled]='disableTextbox' (click)="delectInput()"> This above is my input field. I am trying to fetch the event ...
Nikunj Chaklasiya's user avatar
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1 answer

How to fix my script to merge my two functions OR call them in specific order?

I'm trying to use a script into a HTML (based on the solution suggested by "skara9" in this post and try to adapt it for my needs, but can't find how to do it, it doesn't work. The basic has ...
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2 votes
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How to detect App installed on device using getInstalledRelatedApps()

Am trying to use this script found here to detect if my app has been installed on a phone. If so, it should prompt them to open app, if not, it should prompt them to download app. I've followed the ...
Jay Smoke's user avatar
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2 answers

Javacript: How do you get the caret position and assign it to a variable?

So I'm attempting to create an if/else statement, where the console logs a statement if the enter key is pressed and if the caret has a certain position in an input field. What I can't figure out is ...
Thomas Stanley's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

How to detect how many times a visitor has visited a page [closed]

I'm trying to code a website that can detect if a user has visited a link again. I've tried to use cookies & sessions to detect but its worthless as soon as the client deletes his browser history! ...
Emily basss's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Detecting if a button has been pressed on the whole document

I want to detect if a button has been pressed on a document. That means I don't want to put in document.getElementById("ID").onclick for each button. In other words, i want to detect if ANY ...
TheTHINGYEE's user avatar
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How can I close window when the download is finished?

I am using a recent version of ANGULAR and all I want to achieve is to close the window when the download is finished. It is supposed to work like this: when the user clicks on a link it opens this ...
João Mauricio's user avatar
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1 answer

Detecting if User Exists on the Discord Client (Discord.js)

I have been trying to detect if a user exists on the Discord Client itself... I used this: var user_id; //on message and after assigning user_id if(client.users.cache.get(user_id) !== undefined) { //...
Rako Games's user avatar
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3 answers

Detection Chrome and Edge Chromium not working at my website

I followed the instructions mentioned in the topic How to detect Safari, Chrome, IE, Firefox and Opera browser?. This is my code: // Chrome 1 - 79 var isChrome = !! && (!!...
Sjoerd's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

Can I detect which javascipt functions do I trigger by clicking a button?

Is there any browser extension or any other way to detect which javascript functions do I trigger by pressing a button or a link? I know the basics of JS but I need to find which function is called by ...
Ezir cz's user avatar
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Draw multiple rectangles on canvas overlay over a video, every second according to coordinates stored within an array of objects

So I have a video upon which I must draw rectangles over multiple faces at the same time. Those rectangles must move according to the movement of those faces. I have an array which stores the info ...
Alex's user avatar
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1 answer

Javascript / jQuery: Detect when each individual image loads

I'm creating a loading bar for my website and I want to update the loading progress (%) with each image load. For testing purposes, I used console.log() (instead of updating my loading bar). I want ...
OverflowingStack's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Detect when loading AMP environment from javascript within an <amp-iframe>

I have a javascript file that is deployed across different websites and I would like to be able to detect from the javascript, those instances which are loading within the AMP environment. If I wasn'...
Oli C's user avatar
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1 answer

How to fire event on horizontal scroll?

I have a div inside my page which is horizontally scrollable. I am making a scroll indicator for this element in Javascript. When I try document.getElementsByClassName('flickity-viewport')[0]....
Isabelle's user avatar
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1 answer

How to make a ball bounce again on click, even while in midair?

I need to make a game where a ball drops and cannot hit the floor, and you have to make it bounce again before it hits the ground, but I don't know how to make the ball jump when the mouse clicks! ...
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-1 votes
1 answer

Javascript event - detect clicked link

I am implementing an automated synchronous javascript sequencer. All events are correctly resolved synchronously, but there is a problem when I trigger an event that causes change of URL (for example ...
Marek Teuchner's user avatar
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4 answers

detect if specific html5 video is playing

I can't seem to get this to work. I am trying to detect if an specific html5 video with the id normalloop1 is playing. HTML: <video id="level1" autoplay controls="none" class="normal-video"> ...
Blobfist's user avatar
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2 answers

Detect If Variable Is A Pattern [duplicate]

I cannot figure out a way to detect if a variable is a regex. But I also need to figure out if it is an object so I cannot use the typeof(regex) === 'object' and rely on it since it may since the if ...
Peter's user avatar
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2 answers

js - how can I detect some old or unsupport broswers with pop up message?

I hope user don't use all IE, opera Mini, (plus China browsers) to browse my site. And Edge version large than 12, firefox large than 38.8, chrome large than 40, safari large than 9, opera large than ...
Samson's user avatar
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-3 votes
1 answer

How to detect non-system-variables in JavaScript?

How do I detect all children of 'window' that are defined by the user? I want to detect window.test, but I don't want to get window.Math. Is there a way to list those Variables?
M.P.'s user avatar
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1 answer

Detect and redirect to mobile site after a choice

I'd like to have a redirect on my joomla site to a mobile friendly html5 app. I've come up with this script: <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- if (screen.width <= 800) { ...
Joseph's user avatar
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Javascript: detect usage of Element.innerHTML and / or Element.outerHTML in IE8

Writing a sort of polyfill for legacy browsers, I need a way to detect usage of Element.innerHTML and / or Element.outerHTML in IE8. Something like this: var elem = document.getElementById('myElem')...
thednp's user avatar
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14 votes
2 answers

Detect if input was touched (tablet) or clicked (mouse)

We are developing a Web-App, which launches on Desktop and on tablets (iPad, Android or a surface). Now we are building our own keyboard for number inputs. When you set the focus on an input field ...'s user avatar
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1 vote
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Detect user webcam but use it later

My problem is : I just want to detect the webcam to know if I show the button "take a picture with your webcam" but i don't want to film the user if he doesn't click on this button. ( And I don't ...
ROCHEDY's user avatar
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createjs - end label animation detection

I have some tweens create with Adobe AnimateCC and, this animation have 3 labels: from console i can get it: elm.children[0].timeline._labels Object {animation_1: 0, animation_2: 31, ...
davthecoder's user avatar
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2 answers

Detect When Specific Tab Closes

I have a .php file running that is generating a downloadable file; when the .php file runs it opens a tab in the browser. Occasionally the .php file takes up to 15 seconds depending on the conditions ...
vector's user avatar
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1 answer

Code to detect webcam does not work on Chrome when running on server

I am using the Javascript code below to detect a webcam: navigator.getMedia = ( navigator.getUserMedia || navigator.webkitGetUserMedia || navigator.mozGetUserMedia || navigator....
Louis's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Javascript: check for ::after in element

I have a very simple element: How can I check if this element contains the ::after using Javascript? (I have the element using document.getElementsByTagName('h2')[0]) I don't know how the thing ...
ManIkWeet's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

How can I detect my computer specs and show it in the browser?

Is it possible to detect the computer specifications from the browser? For example to list the CPU, RAM, video hardware, etc in the browser that I'm using. I've heard that this is impossible do in ...
Juan Castillo's user avatar
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Javascript/jQuery: detect motion and direction

I want to do some tricky thing for a project: I have a Website which should react on how the smartphone is moved. When the Smartphone is dragged forward and backword it should scroll up and down - ...
blacksunshineCoding's user avatar
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2 answers

Jquery array of input IDs detect change

I have a question about detecting changes if inputs in array of input IDs. For example I have an array of input IDs: var arrayOfInputs = ['#firstname', '#lastname', '#email', '#phone']; My problem ...
Macas's user avatar
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27 votes
5 answers

Detect browser TLS compatibility

We have a SSL website where the host has recently disabled older SSL protocols like TLS 1.0 and below. Depending on the browser, the site visitor gets a blank page or a cryptic error message when they ...
Aamir's user avatar
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Run function after download begins Javascript

Is it possible to detect download in the browser, and run a function when the download starts?
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Detect text add in textarea

I have a textarea in my page. I click on the button "select country " a div appearre and i select my country. Onclick my country is add in textarea EX : <textarea id="adresse_selection_relay" ...
Mike's user avatar
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2 answers

table input value unrecognised

i was trying to find the sum of the two input values entered to the table and display it on another field on the same table.. but unfortunately javascript shows undefined when i attempt to access the ...
rony's user avatar
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jQuery detect scroll on unscrollable element

I want to be able to detect $.scroll(); on unscrollable elements. Example of such element might be something with overflow:hidden; but specificly it's absolute div, width 100% height and width. I want ...
Naiixx's user avatar
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Is there a way to detect route changes with a resource?

I am utilizing an ember resources as part of my application routing. I use deactivate on most of my routes to detect when it is changing, but can't seem to get it to work in my controller or view ...
Anthony Ryan's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Detecting Touch Devices With Jquery

I've spent a fair bit of time on the web looking at the various ways of detecting a touch device, but this surprisingly complicated issue does not seem to have a definitive answer. Based on this ...
Stefan Morris's user avatar
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Detect Disconnect plugin from javascript

A disconnect plugin in chrome is blocking social network widgets. And it's good. But it makes the page look odd for the visitor. Is there a way one could detect a failed social network plugin loading ...
Maxim V. Pavlov's user avatar
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Detect system hardware in browser

Is there a way to detect system hardware trough the browser? I want to write a program where people can click a button and it scans the system hardware (CPU, GPU, etc). Is this possible? I tried ...
Sharpless512's user avatar
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How Do I Match All URL Variations (Relative Path)?

I need to modify a simple referrer URL JavaScript code to render content. Currently the script can only check a specific absolute URL, below is a sample of the code... if (document.referrer.indexOf('...
Joseph's user avatar
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How determine what web-page is opening using chm-file

How determine what web-page is opening using chm-file? I want to deny access to a web page using the any "normal" browser. Thank you.
Deed's user avatar
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Get element underneath another element?

Just wondering the best way to tackle this. Let's say I have a fixed navbar that sits exactly centered vertically. As I'm scrolling, I want to find out the element behind the nav bar. Lets say I ...
Shannon Hochkins's user avatar
2 votes
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how to detect scroll to bottom when page is scaled (resized)?

I detect scroll to bottom to load a new page (here a message): window.onscroll = function(ev) { if ((window.innerHeight + window.scrollY) >= document.height) { alert("scrolled to ...
MarsFotografo's user avatar
9 votes
4 answers

Selenium Webdriver is detectable

I read everywhere that it is not possible for websites to detect that a user is using a selenium webdriver... but why? For example the webdriver plugin in firefox adds an 'webdriver attribute' to the ...
Stevo's user avatar
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Use Jquery to detect IE, then redirect [duplicate]

I've been all over stackoverflow and google trying to find a solution to this. All other stackoverflow pages seem to be a bunch of snippets and people arguing over browser/feature detection. To start ...
mtechs's user avatar
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How to detect user's type language on javascript?

I want to detect user's type language on javascript. Is there any way to detect language? I mean:
Developer9621's user avatar
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Detect if App is launched from Add to Home icon

I am using Cubic to implement 'Add to home' functionality. What I want to know is how can I detect if my application is launched from the icon created by 'add to home' or from any browser. I want ...
Rishabh Shah's user avatar
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Equivalent mouse direction detection function in Javascript from jQuery

How this mouse direction detection would be converted to pure JavaScript? Question about my logic: Hold the first coordinates in a var and then repeatedly compare the current coordinates with ...
CRQ's user avatar
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Javascript if Iphone 5 or higher

Is there a way to tell if a user with iphone is using a 5 or higher version of the phone? The pixel ratio is the same on the 4 / 5 so I can't use that. I need to do this with JS because I have ...
Philip's user avatar
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