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How to install tweenjs rotation plugin using npm?

I am using tweenjs in my web app. I install all dependencies using npm. I import tweenjs using import * as TWEEN from '@tweenjs/tween.js'; Now I want to use the rotation plugin, but I can't figure ...
omega's user avatar
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Animated text effect with tweenjs

Please help me figure it out. There is a text animation effect on click on the screen, it is written in "tween.js". Does anyone know how to create such an effect on "tween.js"? ...
Trismer's user avatar
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Createjs tweens execute once per window session and never run until page refresh

I'm trying to run code that tweens a stage child at the end of every minigame. I have several minigames with different tweens. The idea is that when you complete some goal with said minigame, a tween ...
Fabian Bautista's user avatar
2 votes
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How to get Corners of Bounding Box in ThreeJS?

I have created Object3D and Added four cube geometry inside it and calculated the bounding box for Object3D which holds four cube objects and use BoxHelper to see if the bounding box is working it is ...
Yashwant Raut's user avatar
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Tween.js not chaining properly

I'm trying to use tween.js to chain some animations, however I find it is not working properly. var car={position:{x:100}}; var tween1 = new TWEEN.Tween(car.position) .to({x: 105}, 1000)....
omega's user avatar
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easelJS & adobe_animate blur filter not working

I'm trying to implement a blur filter in animateCC2019. I succeeded in creating the blur... But have trouble animating it. Here is what I put in animate CC, in the action panel at that time for that ...
Mikey Muss's user avatar
-1 votes
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THREE JS Morph Different Geometries

I'm using the EdgesGeometry to render my objects. Right now I'm looking for a way to morph Tetrahedron into Octahedron, Octahedron into Box, Box into Sphere and in the reverse sequence. Went through a ...
annaig hoinart's user avatar
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Parse shape movement from createjs tween?

I'm trying to pre-calculate the bounding boxes of objects in a createjs file. I have a simple recursive loop that loops over the tween. I'm having trouble understanding how the data is stored. My ...
Gibbz's user avatar
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ThreeJs/TweenJS add delay between tween with a for loop

currently working on a bin packing problem using Three.JS and Tween.JS I'm actually struggling using animation. I have a loop where I place a bunch of Plane Geometry stored in a variable in a canvas ...
LeleuK's user avatar
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TWEENJS strange yoyo threejs

After one success circle of animation, tweenjs gets me twitching, i wanna create infinity moving animation, from top, to bottom, but i have some bugs in my code I need help!
Solar system's user avatar
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Tween.js - Is it possible to tween a variable?

So I have been playing with three.js and tween.js and I am wondering if it is possible to tween a variable? What I've tried: 1) tween = new TWEEN.Tween(renderergl.toneMappingExposure).to( "0.001&...
user3112634's user avatar
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Animate Camera and OrbitControls to its default position in Three.js

I have a scene with Camera and OrbitControls in position. And I'm letting users to move around the scene and change camera view and OrbitControls position. Now I have a reset button which will reset ...
Angrej Kumar's user avatar
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2 answers

How to use Tween.js to scale a 3d object in Three.js

does anyone know how I could use tween.js library to smoothly scale objects in three.js? Like for instance if I had a 3d cube how could I make it shrink and then have it return back to its normal size ...
FestiveHydra235's user avatar
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TweenJs - rotate rectangle on click runs only once

I am trying to create simple animation on "click" event in JavaScript library called TweenJs (part of CreateJs suite), but it seems that animation updates the display only the first time when I click ...
user3475768's user avatar
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Attempted import error: 'update' is not exported from '@createjs/tweenjs' (imported as 'TWEEN')

I am trying to create an infinite loop for the animation using tween.js but it gives me this error related to TWEEN.update(time), I also tried TWEEN.default.update() but i get this Attempted import ...
Camille Basbous's user avatar
3 votes
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I would like to understand the use of the "reversed" property of TweenJS

I don't find any valid example for understand the use of "reversed" propertie in TweenJs. Could you send me a bit of code, explaining this issue? Thanks!!
Perxeo's user avatar
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Tweenjs scale with bounceOut and return

I need to create a motion tween in code that scales up and back to the original size with a bounce effect. createjs.Tween.get(this.movieClip).wait(200).to({scaleX:1.10,scaleY:1.10}, 1000, createjs....
Richard Atkinson's user avatar
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applying css properties in image using CSS Plugin in Createjs

trying to change the css properties of an image using CSS Plugin in Createjs but i am not able to do so. Guys plz help var wheel = new createjs.Bitmap(preload_queue.getResult("bg")); stage....
Ankesh kumar Singh's user avatar
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Countdown animation circular - CreateJS / EaselJS / TweenJS

I am quite new with createJS - I want to achieve like a countdown timer animation: I stumbled upon this issue which have this fiddle - I want to achive something like this but I want to create an arc ...
I am L's user avatar
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How do I use /plugins/MotionGuidePlugin.js in CreateJS 2.0.0 modules?

I tried to add plugin using the below code import { Tween, Ease } from '@createjs/tweenjs'; import MotionGuidePlugin from '@createjs/tweenjs/src/plugins/MotionGuidePlugin'; const tween ...
Fumiya Tani's user avatar
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Scale Text from it's Center

I'm very new to Canvas and easeljs and I'm trying to get text to scale in from it's center. I'm able to center the text correctly on the Canvas, but I'm not sure how to handle the scaling in the Tween....
lithiumdesign's user avatar
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Rotate shape around the center without effecting its location

what I want to achieve here is create a shape in location x:0, y:0 and rotate the shape around its center without changing the regX and regY is there a way to do it in CreateJS , i want to have ...
zaPlayer's user avatar
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EaselJs and TweenJs: Change image of Bitmap in tweening

I'm trying to create an animation with a flask image. I want to pour the flask, then replace the flask with an empty one, and then return the flask to its original location. The code I have right now ...
i54cxy's user avatar
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Follow a path with tween.js

I'am building a board for a game, it's a trival pursuit like , and I'm in a dead end, after than the player throw the dice and he chose a case, his pions have to move forward , for exemple he is in ...
Kasper0915's user avatar
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Manual rotation in easeljs/tweenjs

I've been having problems with rotating an object manually. What I want is for when a person double clicks on the object, it rotates by 20 (either side, I'm not fussy) once. If they click again, it ...
Aoife McNeill's user avatar
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loop param not working as expected

I have a single clip on the stage with an instance name of testShape. In frame 1 I have the following code: createjs.Tween.get(this.testShape, {loop:true}).to({y:240}, 1000); When I run this it ...
popClingwrap's user avatar
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ThreeJS - How do I scale down intersected object on "mouseout"

I have n+1 hexshapes in a honeycomb grid. The objects are stacked close together. With this code: // Get intersected objects, a.k.a objects "hit" by mouse, a.k.a objects that are mouse-overed const ...
phun-ky's user avatar
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Tween.js repeat

In tween.js is there a built in way to know when the tween restarts? Or perhaps a way of knowing which # repeat you're currently on? var foo = {}// some object var bar = {}// some ...
Ryder Brooks's user avatar
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Tween JS causing loss of WebGL Context

I am using Tween.js to update a lissajous curve within a Three.js render cycle. This works for the most part, however, after approximately 70 iterations WebGL seems to crash along with the error: ...
Ryan Achten's user avatar
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TypeError: createjs.Ticker.removeEventListener(...) is undefined

I have following Code with the libraries easyjs and tweenjs. As it seems like after calling the function hsdissolve() it only has the tweenjs libraries included. Whole code: var canvas; var ...
Orion's user avatar
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TweenJS rotation smoothing bug

I found bug when using TweenJS today, problem when animating my tick-based response from server. I get position and rotation every 1/10 second (10 ticks per second) and I smoothing this ...
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tween.addEventListener is not a function when called for the second time

I have created a tween animation like this: var tweenLight = new createjs.Tween(mycolor,{loop:9}) .to({r:1},500) .to({r:0},500) .addEventListener('complete',function() { // code to be executed ...
Nicolás de Ory's user avatar
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Using Vue with Tween JS makes tween sometimes reset

I'm trying to animate a counter that I've made with Vue.js. The value is being animated by Tween.js and then formatted with Numeral js but I'm having an issue. I'd like to increment by a random ...
Djave's user avatar
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How to animate an EaselJS gradient using TweenJS?

I've got a gradient like so: var graphic = new createjs.Graphics().beginLinearGradientFill( ["#000", "#fff", "#000"], [0, 0.5, 1], 0, 0, window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight ).drawRect(0, 0, ...
Zerium's user avatar
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Tween.js | My tween isn't updating even when I loop it

So, I'm creating a game in which I have a ship with a gun that shoots bullets. I want the gun of the ship to bounce back when I shoot so it looks like the gun actually shot the bullet. Everything is ...
Josiah Plett's user avatar
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How to create a fade in and fade out using CreateJS

im new to createJs and would like some help on something I got stuck on. What im trying to achieve is a fade in and fade out animation but I cant seem to get it right or even know if what im doing is ...
legoflust's user avatar
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Createjs. Line follow element fiddle

I created this jsfiddle. A line i connecting two elements, and I want the line to stay connected to both elements no matter where they go. I've sort of succeeded, but with one pretty obvious error. ...
John's user avatar
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Rotate by point (left down corner)

How do rotate by point in Bitmap? I need rotate hande by left down corner. tweenjs, easeljs THX.
Pitrsonek's user avatar
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TweenJS rect command "grow from center"

new to createjs here: Created this fiddle: example. I would like the rect to grow from the center and not from the top left corner. I couldn't find any help, I don't know what to search for. Code: ...
John's user avatar
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Tweenjs randomized values in repeating tween

Exploring Tweenjs. I just want to move some circles randomly around the stage. I understand that all tweening is "deterministic," meaning that it uses pre-calculated values for speed. So I have two ...
user3055135's user avatar
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Parallax Sliding long movieclip Animate CC and TweenJs

I'm creating a sliding movieclip in Animate CC. I have a movie clip that is 19200 pixels wide. How can I TweenJS the movieclip 1920 to the left when the right arrow is clicked and TweenJS the same ...
Dennis's user avatar
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How to delay Tween.js animation until a button is clicked? (three.js)

I want to make it so the tween animation for my camera only starts when an object is clicked. This object could be an object in my three.js scene, or simply a HTML button. Here is my code for the ...
qbuffer's user avatar
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Memory leak in CreateJS

I created a browser game with CreateJS. The problem I encountered is that when the game is open, it starts to eat more and more memory as time goes on. It does that even when I do nothing in the game -...
Royar's user avatar
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Add a fade out with CreateJS gang

Im looking for a way to set up a fade in and fade out with CreateJS.I'm completely new on CreateJS and I wish to create a little advertise of 2 differents layouts, each one with some little layouts ...
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Making Particle Explosion More Realistic in CreateJS

My goal is to create a semi-realistic particle effect, which basically will look like a confetti explosion. The issues I'm having currently: Easing - I've tried multiple different easing effects, ...
DRB's user avatar
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Create JS MotionGuide Invalid Path

I am trying to sequence together a series of points for a createjs Tween within Adobe Animate. The idea is for the 'player' object to follow a predetermined set of points, but the player can move ...
iAmSam's user avatar
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TweenJS animation not working

I am working on a tool to perform sequence of animations by updating an object array. This array would have all the parameters to customize animation as per varied requirements. This tool is being ...
James Shaji's user avatar
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TweenJS multiple tweens on multiple targets

I am using Tweenjs and have the following issue; I have set up a createJS “container” which has a graphic inside of it called “myimage” The idea is to tween myimage inside the container to a new x ...
Paul's user avatar
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Tween js in Three js

I would like to ask some questions about tween js in three js. Here is the coding where the particles are formed as the image below: Image 1 var scene; var renderer; var container var stats; var ...
yukiko ying's user avatar
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Multiple Tweens on One Element

I have a bar that slowly shrinks down via a tween. I'd like to have two buttons controlling the direction of this bar, so that if I hit 'Up' the bar will start climbing back up to it's original form ...
wendelflakes's user avatar