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How to detect App installed on device using getInstalledRelatedApps()

Am trying to use this script found here to detect if my app has been installed on a phone. If so, it should prompt them to open app, if not, it should prompt them to download app. I've followed the ...
Jay Smoke's user avatar
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How could write a web page that detect unkown javasscriptinterface object webview of android device?

I want Write a web page for service to Android device. before every thing i want to check is there any javasscriptinterface object used in the WebView or not... if there is any detect that. i am ...
danzo's user avatar
  • 21
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Detecting phone shakes

I am developing shake detecting on Android and I can not deal with one issue - rotating the phone. My algorithm detects shakes properly, but it reacts to rotates also. It looks like this: //for ...
tomwesolowski's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Cross Browser Flash Detection in Javascript - chrome on Android

I've tried out the solutions proposed here: Cross Browser Flash Detection in Javascript but they do not seem to work in Chrome v29.0.1547 on Android v4.1.2 I'm using the code in Drupal, hence I had ...
MMT's user avatar
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5 votes
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How can I detect if an app is installed on an android device from within a web page

Here is the situation: I have a web page that needs to check through JavaScript if my app is already installed on the android device it is currently running on. If the app is installed the page will ...
N.G.'s user avatar
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