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Javascript event - detect clicked link

I am implementing an automated synchronous javascript sequencer. All events are correctly resolved synchronously, but there is a problem when I trigger an event that causes change of URL (for example ...
Marek Teuchner's user avatar
14 votes
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Detect if input was touched (tablet) or clicked (mouse)

We are developing a Web-App, which launches on Desktop and on tablets (iPad, Android or a surface). Now we are building our own keyboard for number inputs. When you set the focus on an input field ...'s user avatar
  • 5,161
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Use javascript to test if one function is clicked/triggered, then disable the another function.

I have function a: $(document).ready(function a(){ $('.c, .d').click(function() { $("f").each(function(i) { c=i+1 print c }); }); }); and I'...
simon110529's user avatar