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How to Implement Drone Identification Using Camera, Coordinates, and Orientation in React Native?

I’m developing a feature in a React Native application where I need to open the camera and point it towards drones flying in the air. The idea is to identify a specific drone by cross-referencing its ...
דניאל דהן's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to identify black border of photo and remove this border?

I need to detect black border in image. I tried to detect it using OpenCV, but the results were not good. Code here: import cv2 import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from skimage.filters ...
Huy Vo Quoc's user avatar
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How do i do in C# that if the user types not a number it writes invalid input and if its a number it continues? [duplicate]

I Am Making A Mini Game That Is Not Important But Here Is What I Got Rn That's What It Looks Lik If (Int.tryparse(userinput2, Out Idk What Out Means)) Like I Said I Tried This Method And I Don't Want ...
Bartosz Baszyński's user avatar
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Find a way to prevent or detect screen recording in my Android app

I'm building an app that broadcasts LIVE using AWS IVS. In order to respond to customer requests, screen recording must be prevented to a minimum. We want to limit screen recording within the device, ...
DS.Kang's user avatar
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Asking for the document of summerzing abnormal fault of magnetic sensors

im delved in a project that requires certain knowledge of magnetic sensors (magnetometers). The aspect im concerned is the summerization of abnormal/sudden FAULT result of the sensor (just the value, ...
Thỉnh Hữu's user avatar
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detect catalina.out log path from a running tomcat on non-Windows

I'm dealing with the following non-Windows OS types: Oracle Linux RedHat Linux Ubuntu Solaris Sparc Given, the fact that if Tomcat process is running, what is the best solution to find out the ...
Ashar's user avatar
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How to detect a pressed button using setInterval and without any event in javascript?

I want to get a pressed mouse or keyboard button from global object window or document when it's listening in setInterval. setInterval(function () { window.mouse.button. ...; window.keyboard....
Hexoprod's user avatar
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CRC32 checksum in Excel

Can anyone help me with my project. I need to create a crc32 checksum in excel. My project is to detect an error if the data of ph value is being edit. In excel there is to column which is ph value ...
Kendo Kenta's user avatar
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Union of intersected rotated boxes

My problem: I have photo of book converted to edges with many long and short polylines and I try find contour of book: make four polylines, outline of book. I am using boxes aligned to axis in my ...
Saku's user avatar
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Tensorflow Script doesn't detect my images

I am new to Tensorflow and tried to get a script going for detecting cups. I came up with the following script: import tensorflow as tf # Ordner mit den Bildern definieren becher_images_dir = "/...
hallleron's user avatar
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Detect a click on a specific x and y coordinates from an imageView

I have an image in my desktop and I have opened that image using Paint app and got specific location with x and y pixels for example: 374,207 px but when I add the image to my android app and use for ...
Fahad Alkamli's user avatar
-1 votes
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How can I detect if a nondirectional key has been pressed in a console application using an optional parameter in a method?

I have been tasked with adding an optional parameter to a method in a console app I am developing that can detect if any other key, other than the arrow keys on my pc number pad, has been pressed ...
Anthony's user avatar
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Is there any way to detect the event on input field, when it's disabled using angular?

I am trying to fetch any event event input field is disabled. <input [disabled]='disableTextbox' (click)="delectInput()"> This above is my input field. I am trying to fetch the event ...
Nikunj Chaklasiya's user avatar
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Emgu.CV.CvInvoke' threw an exception FaceDetectionAndRecognition

I have created an application in C# that, when triggered, opens the camera and detects a face, placing a square around it. When I run this application in debug mode, it works correctly. However, when ...
Moin Sarwar's user avatar
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2 answers

find rectangle with specific width and height

i was trying to find rectangles the size i choose. using the box width and box height in the code but i find all sorts of rectangle sizes. i have my test pattern image. to see it when you run the ...
Mark_us's user avatar
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osm2pgsql error: Cannot detect file format for 'postgres'. Try using -r

I am trying to import pbf file into postgis database using osm2pgsql. I can connect to database, but when i try to import the file: C:\osm2pgsql>osm2pgsql -s -a -d micronesia --flat-nodes C:\...
Sasa Stojkovic's user avatar
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How to fix my script to merge my two functions OR call them in specific order?

I'm trying to use a script into a HTML (based on the solution suggested by "skara9" in this post and try to adapt it for my needs, but can't find how to do it, it doesn't work. The basic has ...
user avatar
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How to check / detect if user begun a new line in TextField / TextEditor?

I want to check in my TextEditor if the user pressed the "↵" (new line) button on the phones keyboard, so I can code, that on every new line the code automatically adds a "-" at ...
The_B3Ni's user avatar
-2 votes
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Windows OS compatibility for batch file needed [duplicate]

I want to make a Batch file program, that can is compatible with Windows 10 and later. Not with older Windows systems. Pseudocode: if Win10+ then [insert continued code here] else echo We're sorry, ...
Piotrek Sikorski's user avatar
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Checking most used colors in image [duplicate]

I want to know the list of most used colors in this picture: I tried the following code, but it takes too long: from PIL import Image colors = [] class Color: def __init__(self, m, c): ...
NajwiększyPolskiCrusher's user avatar
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Is there a way to detect the device when going on a website to change the content

I want to do the following, when somebody visits my website on the phone it should say "please visit from desktop" and when it gets visited by desktop its normal. How can I make the website ...
q2000 official's user avatar
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Detect drops of water using OpenCV

I am trying to detect drops inside the water, where at first I will detect the edges, but there are light spots in the image, which are also detected as drops. Noting that the drops are white ...
Rachid Ben abdelmalek's user avatar
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How to Detect Shapes in Images in Python using OpenCV?

I'm trying to read the shapes in the image and print them to my array, but I can't succeed. It doesn't form exactly correctly. import numpy as np import cv2 shapes=[] img = cv2.imread('objects.png') ...
yvz123's user avatar
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String match repeated letter and ignore other letters between the repetitions

I have a list of words. I want to count the words that have a certain letter repeatedly appears. I don't mind how many times the letter repeated appears, as long as it appears at least twice. I don't ...
Ditto's user avatar
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How to check if the string in one column is included in another column but 2 columns contain different rows?

I have 2 tables and each of them contains different number of rows and columns. Illustration: Table A: PID Region 123456 East 123457 South 123458 West 123459 East 123450 North Table B: Product ...
walkinglemon's user avatar
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Predressed key detection using Python

Can the ability to detect keys that have been pressed due to software, hardware, drivers, etc. be used as specific modules or implemented with Python? ex) import @@@ @@@.pressed_key() >>> [&...
fg0a9dasds's user avatar
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python keyboard does not recognize keys

I am trying to detect the keys being pressed in python with "keyboard" but apparently it does not recognize the keys. (I use python 3.11.0 with macOs ventura 13.0) my code import keyboard ...
Ale's user avatar
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3 answers

How to detect keypress in python using keyboard module?

I am making a program in python to detect what key is pressed and based on my keyboard it will make a decision. I want to implement it using keyboard module in python. I would do something like this, ...
Saif Bashar's user avatar
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scd slow changing demension how can i detect changes?

can i detect changes in my ODS tables before inserting it in dimension table in the DWH , i use sql and pentaho for data alimentation for information i use 4 tables to alimente my demension table ! ...
DRISSI EL Houcine's user avatar
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Check column data has spaces in it

Is there a way to check if values in column has spaces in it? asd <- data.frame(a = c("new ", "Old"), b = c("Cta", "df")) We have space in "a" ...
user11740857's user avatar
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How can I detect the amount and the perimeter of the circles from the picture?

There's a imput picture of 'lead frame' and i've already finished mid-blur,binarize,find the edge,dilation & erosion , labelling. Then,how can I detect the amount and the perimeter of the circles ...
Tommy225's user avatar
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How to know if images from a game window are matching with my images bank? ( Python )

In the game there are some "characters icons". They are always at the same position on the window, but I need my program to check all of them and return me information about them. So it ...
Mitri Chantilly's user avatar
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Mac: How to get the status of a status icon on the menu bar of screen?

For a Chinese or Japanese user, we all need to input text other than English. Therefore we have an icon on the menu bar to show what is the current input mode. There are 2 or more icon faces for our ...
Charles Jie's user avatar
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I need to write java code that can monitor and detect network disconnection without pressing any button in apache netbeans

Presently I have followed some of the codes that had been solved here and I was able to detect network when I press my button to check. It works fine. When I disconnect from network, I click the ...
Solomon_CredenceVille's user avatar
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How to detect App installed on device using getInstalledRelatedApps()

Am trying to use this script found here to detect if my app has been installed on a phone. If so, it should prompt them to open app, if not, it should prompt them to download app. I've followed the ...
Jay Smoke's user avatar
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Javacript: How do you get the caret position and assign it to a variable?

So I'm attempting to create an if/else statement, where the console logs a statement if the enter key is pressed and if the caret has a certain position in an input field. What I can't figure out is ...
Thomas Stanley's user avatar
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How to select multiple rows containing a search strings in multiple columns and create a new column with the rows?

I am working on a dataframe containing text across multiple columns. I would like to identify cells containing a search string and copy the whole cell onto a new column. I know for sure that the ...
Bhargava Sai's user avatar
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Detecting an item in a package

I am not 12 years old, I am just practicing my Python and OpenCV skills. I have two images, one of the “Bundle” or so-called “package”, and another one of one “item”. I want to detect if the item is ...
lucacel's user avatar
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Flutter on browser, detect device

I am running a Flutter web only app. I need to know the device on which the browser is. How do I achieve this? Platform.isAndroid nor Platform.isIOS does not work in the browser, since it is not an ...
user3808307's user avatar
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Detect tap on empty area in List

How can I detect a tap on empty area in List ? I tried using List.onTapGesture {} which kind of works but it overrides the tap on the rows. I only want it to trigger for the empty area not occupied by ...
Peter Warbo's user avatar
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How can I search for the variation of a word without typing all variations ( in R)?

I need to check whether the variation of a word is in the text? How can I do that without typing everything out? For example, I need to search for the word 'broken', is there a way in r where it can ...
Ashti's user avatar
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Detect beep sound from Audio file using python

Detect beep sound from Audio file using python this code I found from somewhere but it is not giving the actual beep result means in the audio where beep is not there then also this code is showing ...
user18639391's user avatar
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Reading and detecting images, and save in folder

Firstly, I am simply reading images from the folder that contains different image formats. Secondly, the YOLO model detects the class, draws a rectangle and fills it with color only detected part, and ...
Khawar Islam's user avatar
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R how to detect first last name with different ID?

ID <- c(1,2,2,3,3,3,4,5) Firstname <- c("A","B","B","C","C","C","D","A") Lastname <- c("F","G&...
HSC's user avatar
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How could i improve my opencv program to detect only the crosswalk?

I would like to detect the pedestrian crossing in the image below, and fill it with red color, but the program detect other things too. Here is my code: import cv2 import numpy as np img = cv2.imread(...
user avatar
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Detect all Cameras and Mics in iOS 15+

Anyone know if it is possible to use AVCaptureDevice.DiscoverySession to detect any Camera or Mic connected without just going through each of the different types, checking for them, and appending ...
Dave Levy's user avatar
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Visual Basic 6 check if dll exists

I am in need of a little help, I'm trying to exit sub, if a test.dll is detected (test.dll is just an example), and if the dll does not exist, just continue to do the other things in the code. I'm ...
user2022's user avatar
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How do i detect an app that takes most are of the screen?

I am working on a script that would detect what app the user is currently looking at. That means if the app takes more than 80% of the screen and if it's "on top" of the screen print the ...
dheb's user avatar
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I'm working on react native app to detect all call state but

i'm using react-native-call-detection library ** but call connected and call dialing state work only in IOS please guide me how to detect it in android ** im new to react native please guide me how ...
WAQAS khattak's user avatar
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When drawing an arbitrary point in an image, how to find the coordinates of the two closest lines perpendicular to that point?

I draw an arbitrary point in this image. I want to find the coordinates of the two lines closest to this point. It should be a straight line when you connect one of the two points to any point. Like ...
Pupba's user avatar
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