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CodeMirror Editor with Editor.js: Enter Key Moves Cursor Outside of Editor

I'm integrating a CodeMirror editor within Editor.js, but I'm encountering an issue where pressing the **Enter** key causes the cursor to move outside of the CodeMirror editor and create a new block ...
Avinash A's user avatar
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How to get the coordinates of the mouse pointer inside a control

I have a TPopupMenu where one of the items should (after doing other stuff) select the item of the TChecklistBox (CategoryFilter) the mouse cursor is at. Currently I do this with the following code, ...
Wolfgang Bures's user avatar
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VSCode + Neovim Cursor Position Goes Off-Screen While Scrolling By Line (ctrl-e)

While using the VSCode Neovim plugin I've noticed a difference in how the cursor position is handled while vertically scrolling by line with ctrl+e. In stand-alone Neovim/Vim, as the window scrolls ...
Jonathan.Brink's user avatar
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Get cursor position relative to element, ignoring children

I'm trying to get the position of my cursor ignoring all other elements on my page (including those with event listeners of their own). I know you can get the position of the cursor like this: const ...
Hazrd's user avatar
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Set Cursor position to right after selection in word VBA

I have code that creates fields on a word document based on selection, but when it is done it has the field selected. I want to select the position right after the field. So if there is a FIELD_ ...
djblois's user avatar
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why Python win32api.GetCursorPos() compress coordinates 1.25 times

For a long time I could not understand why the coordinates that I receive from win32gui.GetCursorPos() and those that I send to the screenshot do not match, until I noticed that for some reason they ...
Micael's user avatar
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How to extract line number and char position inside NSTextView?

Building an app that displays a text editor it would be nice to communicate to the user the cursor position as line and offset. This is an example method doing this. /// Find row and column of cursor ...
Lego Esprit's user avatar
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Vim change & jump lists override behaviour

I'm new at vim, started to play with macroses, and founded not obvious override behaviour for jump/change lists. The main question - are there any stable ways to jump by changes/moves inside same line ...
Alexander Moiseev's user avatar
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How do I instantiate a Unity prefab at the mouse's position in C#?

I'm trying to instantiate my ballPrefab on click at the cursor's position. I know that Input.mousePosition only takes the x and y coordinates. However, my camera looks in the direction of x (global) (...
Leandra 's user avatar
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linux set Consol I tried to use this site but I couldn't, can you help me? this cod is running in windows system but i want to this code change linux. What ...
nwer's user avatar
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Hide the console cursor without affecting it's position ? Js/NodeJs

After some tests for hiding my console cursor. I've found those npm packages that implements functionnalities for hiding and showing back again the cursor. cli-cursor ansi-escapes Looking into ...
Darkosphere's user avatar
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Entry Cursor not appearing when set in button's clicked event handler Xamarin forms

I have an entry that's IsVisible property is set to false. Then I have a button that has a clicked event handler that sets the entry IsVisible to true and sets the focus and cursor position of the ...
SimCaz's user avatar
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How to get cursor position for TextField (Jetpack Compose)?

For a regular EditText, we can get the cursor position by calling the getSelectionStart() method. In Jetpack Compose this posibility is available for ClickableText, but apparently not for TextField or ...
San's user avatar
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How to get current cursor position in TextFormField (preferrably using TextEditingController)?

I am trying to implement the 'Tagging users in comments' feature similar to Instagram. Requirements: A list of users should be shown when a user types one or more characters after '@'. The term to be ...
Rohit Kokate's user avatar
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How to control behavior in Textarea with JavaScript

i am currently trying to design a Terminal in JavaScript. Unfortunately do i have an issue in tracking where something is getting included or deleted. Here a possible Solution (https://stackoverflow....
Karion White's user avatar
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How can I validate field input against a regex when pasting?

I want to validate an input field with regex (replacing all vowels). The input should always be matched against that regex, regardles if typed into or pasted into that field. I know how to deal with ...
toffler's user avatar
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js - marking bracket pair in input text box depending on cursor position

I'm working on a math project. Therefore I want to modify the 'input text'-Box. It should mark the bracket pair of the cursor i. e. the bracket positioned left and the one right from the cursor. I ...
philippII's user avatar
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Qt insert QGraphicsItem in scene on click position

I am designing an app to draw electrical circuit models and I need to insert elements on scene by clicking on a button and after on the scene. The way it should work is the following: I press the ...
Dani RedRain's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to set the cursor after a specific word in doc body in Google Docs through App Scripts?

I have a google docs created with App Script for which I am trying to place my cursor after a specific word in order to insert some content there. When I just insert the content it inserts it at the ...
Harvey's user avatar
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Can Geany give me the character location of the text cursor?

I'm on Mint, using Geany to program with a tool that will give me the line and column location of a code bug; but it won't go further than opening the file with Geany, I have to find it myself. That's ...
Michael Macha's user avatar
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3 answers

jQuery - Copy text and add it in the place where the cursor currently is

I'm trying to copy text and then trying to add it in the place where the cursor currently is. Basically i'm trying to add the text from the right hand side to the WordPress tinymce editor, where the ...
Thowzif Abdullah's user avatar
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Is there a way to get the mouse position within the terminal?

I am currently coding a node.js program relating to mouse coordinates. Is there a way to see the mouse position in the terminal in Node.JS? I've tried the ways beginning in \e but they only list the ...
RedYetiDev's user avatar
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D3 - Can't get popover to appear at cursor xy coordinate

I'm trying to get nodes to show an adjacent popover when clicked. Here's a codepen on where I'm at: I've gotten very close, the popover currently ...
SavanaPope's user avatar
4 votes
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Issue with ANSI cursor movement in goroutine

Background I'm trying to write a Go library for creating terminal task-lists, inspired by the Node library listr. My library, golist, prints the task list out in a background goroutine and updates the ...
A Poor's user avatar
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Xamarin Forms how to set the cursor and focus back to an Entry without triggering or disabling the keyboard?

I have a Xamarin.Forms application, I want my Entry field to re-focus or the Cursor position is set to zero without triggering the soft-keyboard after pressing Enter, I have a hardware scanner that ...
Shibit's user avatar
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How to keep the cursor's vertical position when page up/down in vim?

I want to keep my cursor's vertical position when page up (Ctl-U) or down (Ctl-D). This is particularly useful when I am in a long python function and want to figure out block structures by ...
Ying Xiong's user avatar
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Move text-cursor of QsciScintilla to the left or right in PyQt5

I was wondering what specific commands I can execute to move a text cursor in QsciScintilla to the left or right? I know for a QPlainTextEdit, you can execute the commands: self.textEdit.moveCursor(...
Benjamin Sloutsky's user avatar
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How to make a 8086 clear screen and then move the cursor to a newline to print out the next function

Because I tried mine, it does not work. It will end it immediately. mov ah,00 mov al,02 int 10h int 21h mov ah,02h mov bh,00 mov dx, 0000h int 10h ret
sherley's user avatar
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Python: Determine if terminal's cursor is in the start of the line

I notice an annoying occurrence when printing logs to the console during a tqdm-wrapped loop. In that case, the logs begin in the same line as the tqdm printouts right after them. I figure that I can ...
EZLearner's user avatar
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`MouseMove A_ScreenWidth, A_ScreenHeight` not working as expected

Quote from the documentation: A_ScreenWidth, A_ScreenHeight: The width and height of the primary monitor, in pixels (e.g. 1024 and 768). I expected MouseMove A_ScreenWidth, A_ScreenHeight to move ...
Wenfang Du's user avatar
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How to get the caret position in ContentEditable elements with respect to the innerText?

I am aware that there are a lot of existing questions about getting the caret position in ContentEditable elements. Almost all of those existing solutions provide the caret position with respect to ...
rugk's user avatar
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QML TextField will not position text based on cursorPosition

I have created a simple TextField with a long text therein. Every time I run the code the LAST part of the text fields shows. Since I set cursorPosition to 1, shouldn't the FIRST part of the text ...
TSG's user avatar
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Python Getting cursor position in WordApplication with win32

I would like to add some text after the current position of the cursor in an active word document. The code I need would have to be something like this: import win32com.client as win32 word = win32....
José Chamorro's user avatar
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How to print over text powershell

I'm trying to write a powershell script that implements a typing speed test. I'm looking to make it look something like this picture. So you print some text to the console, then print over it in a ...
Peter Kapteyn's user avatar
-1 votes
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Are there anyways to get the character that the console's cursor is on?

Im making a game kind of like HOI4 and ive come to this problem of not knowing how to check bodered territories my first thought was to set the console's cursor position and then check around that to ...
Rasig Kosonmontri's user avatar
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Introduction to Emacs Lisp function example confusion

So I'm reading through the Emacs Lisp intro, and I come across this function used as an example for save-excursion: (message "We are %d characters into this buffer." (- (...
Solaire's user avatar
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how do I get the window cursor position

This successfully retrieves the screen coordinates but I would like it to display coordinates relative to a particular window that is being moused over: POINT p; if (GetCursorPos(&...
splitinfiinity's user avatar
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How to get Cursor position in Ckeditor html format

i am using ckeditor. i want to get last word when i press space and it will replace with a random word. i able able to get last word from the textarea and replace it with random word. but when i style ...
usman's user avatar
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In Qt5/PyQt5 how do I restore exact visible area and cursor position of QTextEdit?

This question has been asked before but only regarding the cursor position as it seems.. I've implemented some kind of auto-load-on-change text editor based on QTextEdit. Problem is: when I apply the ...
frans's user avatar
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C# How to set text in caret position of textbox [duplicate]

How can I set text in Caret Position (cursor position) of textbox by Click on button? I can set text end of textbox but I need to set some text in cursor location by clicking on some buttons like ...
Hadi Rajabi's user avatar
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Text aligment cursor problem in user Input field (WIX sites)

I'm creating my own site on the Wix platform, and I met one problem. When I'm setting up text alignment to the right side, after starting typing, the cursor moves to the left side of the text, but I ...
Faser's user avatar
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Having trouble making buttons input only into the input field that is active (or cursor blinking)

I have an application (built with HTML, CSS, and JS) with 3 input fields each of which accepts numbers (1 -9, and 0). I also have buttons 1 thru 9 (and 0, similar to calculator). Having trouble making ...
vusalhasanov's user avatar
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Not getting smooth cursor animation in react

I am using this react code for getting a custom cursor following the main cursor. animation is done using gsap and lerp function. But the animation is not seamless and the chrome performance monitor ...
Maharshi Patel's user avatar
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Avoid comment-line to move cursor to beginning of heading (ORGMODE)

Everytime I use "comment-line" in a elisp bunch of code, the cursor moves up. This is annoying. Is there a way to comment line by line in Elisp so that the cursor stays in the very same line?...
Emmanuel Goldstein's user avatar
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when I try to overflow the line size in text mode in assembly 8086 it overflows most of the text in the right place except for the last 3-chars

.Model small .stack 64 .data mesg db "What is your name? ",'$' .code Main PROC far mov ax,@data mov ds,ax ; clear the screen mov ax,0600h mov cx,0 mov dx,184FH int 10h ...
Michael Aziz's user avatar
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Link to a target iframe doesn't display until another area of the window is clicked

My site uses iframes. Frame A has a list of items for selection, when one is selected it shows details in Frame B. The link from frame A is like this: <a href="https://www dot mysite dot com/...
AliBaliKing's user avatar
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ArrayLists of various class types - generic method to find position of a key value in array

I have an Android app with multiple input forms with multiple drop downs. For these forms, the user can enter and exit the record multiple times before they commit the record. Hence if they chose ...
Tony's user avatar
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How to get cursor location within window in PyQt5/PySide2?

Questions and Briefing Hello. I am trying to fix a problem with my PyQt5 window which has a custom Title Bar. If you maximize the window and you hover over the title bar with the cursor and drag the ...
Kevin A.'s user avatar
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Python tkinter, how to enter text from a button where my cursor is located in a ScrolledText box?

The following code creates a ScrolledText box which the user can type into. They can also choose one of the buttons to enter a Spanish Language character. from functools import partial import ...
Dave Mathews's user avatar
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python GTK entry: cursor to the left when the entry is empty

I am using a Gtk.Entry and writing from left to right (xalign==0.0). When the entry is not empty, the cursor is to the right of the text (as expected): But when the entry is empty, the cursor is on ...
Noa Kirsh's user avatar

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