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Assembler step-mode interrupt handler

I am writing a step-mode interrupt handler in x86 architecture assembler and can't figure out how to find and print out mov byte ptr [bx] and bx registers. So far i have this and in theory it should ...
Denver's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

How to loop to take an input and print an array of struct

I am quite confused on how to loop through an array of struct to take an input and store it, afterwards print all of the inputs from the struct. I have this code in which I manually access the index ...
Carl Angelo's user avatar
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Resident Program structure and logic

Using 8086 microprocesor and DOSBox. This resident program is done with those 2 commands: TASM.exe program.asm & TLINK.exe /t program.obj Why is it not working when I run another .exe which has to ...
slvdr510's user avatar
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Procedure for printing numbers doesn't work

I'm working with TASM (in DosBOX emulator). I'm a beginner and I don't know much yet. Below is my full code. The problem is that it prints out not just expected output (25 + 10 = 35 and 25 - 10 = 15) ...
Coder4Fun250's user avatar
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Rename of a file do not work in Assembler

I would like to rename a file, but there is no error and my assembler code do not rename the file from ww.txt to ww2.txt. Why? I made different tests with the @data handler or mov the ax into the dx ...
StackDos's user avatar
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How to read more that 10 characters in assembly?

So I wrote a program where it shows a position of numbers in a line for example if I write abc123 it prints 4 5 6. My problem is the program I have written doesn't read more than 10 characters and ...
raidija's user avatar
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1 answer

Accepting String and Displaying String in 8086 Assembly Programming

.model small .stack 100h .data address_req1 DB 10, 13, " Enter Shipping Address (Line 1): $" address_req2 DB 10, 13, " (Line 2): $&...
Dylan Khor's user avatar
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Change window title in DOSBOX

I'm working in an ASM file in VS Code and I'm using some extensions that let me run it. I want to change the title when the window pops out. The window name is DOSBOX 0,74-3, Cpu speed: .... instead ...
Eslyn19's user avatar
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8086 Assembly Language 2 digit integer printing

Why is 42 not printed out? The output is 0M instead of 42 TEST2 PROC mov arrCount[0], 42 mov al, arrCount[0] mov bx, 10 xor dx, dx div bx mov bl, al mov bh, ah ...
Dylan Khor's user avatar
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Asssembly code printing symbols instead of numbers

I am using masm/tasm combo in vs code to run this following code to print numbers from 0-9 each in a new line. .model small .stack 100h .data .code main proc mov cx, 10 ; Loop counter (10 ...
M.Hassaan's user avatar
2 votes
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Why does the code show only some white lines when you compiled it?

Betsy CamachoM's user avatar
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i get this error trying to jump to the end point [duplicate]

this the procedure for the esc press to exit i am trying to jump from this proc to the exit to stop game whenever esc is pressed. but it says that escpressed is out of range proc escpressed mov ah,1h ...
steven FM's user avatar
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Having trouble wih the mouse and outpot

I want to allow the user to click on his chosen submarine (which are already located:)) and then he clicks another time on the screen and the submarine appers there. For some reason no matter what i ...
ethan fridkin's user avatar
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binary division using TASM. Having hard time to get an accurate quotient when running it

This is the code, what do you think is something wrong on why it keeps producing incorrect quotient. divide proc ; Set cursor position for PROMPT_1 mov ah, 02h mov bh, 00h mov dh, 0Bh ;...
Nazh Eclan's user avatar
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Left Player's Paddle Keeps Moving After Key Release in TASM Assembly 8086 Pong Game

I'm working on an assembly language Pong game where the left player's paddle continues to move even after the key is released. The right player's paddle works fine, stopping when the key is not ...
ChickenRei's user avatar
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Comparing 3 numbers (every number is three-digit) in TASM 8086

mov ah, 09h lea dx, msg1 int 21h ; Read 1st number mov ah, 01h int 21h mov bh, al mov ah, 01h int 21h mov bl, al mov ax,bx and ax,0F0Fh aad ;0X0X --> 00XX mov bl,al ;1ST NUMBER ...
Deadly Kohol's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to shorten my code so it can meet command jumping length

I have this code that I'm trying to run but it tells me that it's too big of a jump. At first it said "Relative jump out of range by 0015h bytes" when the code was this: restart: mov ax, ...
yarden's user avatar
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Struggling with TEA Algorithm in Assembly 8086 TASM

I’m attempting to implement the TEA algorithm in assembly language (8086 TASM). However, I’m encountering difficulties in two areas String Input: I need assistance in implementing a mechanism to ...
ChickenRei's user avatar
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there is always an warning message and also when I type in the right student number it always show access denied

.model small .stack 64 .data .data username_buffer DB 20 DUP(?) ; Buffer to store the username prompt_username DB "Enter your username: $" msg_wrong_username DB "Wrong ...
Johnny Afable's user avatar
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The message (c:/ tasm/cin) apperas on screen when dont need to

start: mov ax, @data mov ds, ax mov ax, 13h ;Graphic mode int 10h ;Graphic mode jmp image1 image2: ; Back to text mode ;mov ah, 0 ;mov al, 2 ...
ethan fridkin's user avatar
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How to Print Strings in an Array Assembly TASM

I have an array, fruitNames db "Apple$", "Mango$", "Orange$", "Kiwi$", "Watermelon$". I want to print every fruit name and display them using loops. ...
SkyZon.'s user avatar
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Having troubles with creating sprites in tasm 8086

I want to create 5 submarine for the player and 5 to the computer (10 total) by using the sprites method. When i checked the DosBox for mistakes i saw that all of my sprites lines have the same error ...
ethan fridkin's user avatar
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Snake game, How to make the snake to not move in opposite directions?

I'm making the snake game and now doing the part where if you move up you can't move directly down and so on... I think I wrote the code well and it'll work but the jump points are too big and I tried ...
yarden's user avatar
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Do you have any idea on how to do calculator in 4 decimal places in Assembly Language Programming?

We are required to do a Calculator in Assembly Language Programming for our final output, but the problem is, it should be in 4 decimal places, and I could not accomplish that and I do not get the ...
D Ex's user avatar
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Centering Text in Assembly Language Programming

Do you have any idea on how I can center the text or string in Assembly Language Programming? Here's my source code: .model small .stack 100h .data ;********************************************** ...
D Ex's user avatar
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How can I fix my code in assembly language to enable me to input more than one digit and also to display the results accordingly?

.model small .stack 1000h .386 .data prompt db "Welcome to the Main Menu", 13, 10, "1. Adding 2 numbers", 13, 10, "2. Odd and Even", 13, 10, "3. Positive and ...
chy's user avatar
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Assembly 8086 TASM - TEA Algorithm - How to split 8-byte variable into two different variables of 4 bytes?

I want to write the TEA algorithm in assembly 8086 (TASM), and I am stuck in the first steps of splitting the plaintext (block) variable into 2 variables and the key into 4 variables (k1, k2, k3, k4). ...
ChickenRei's user avatar
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Loading several pictures in TASM 8086

IDEAL MODEL small STACK 100h p386 DATASEG filename1 db 'picture1.bmp',0 filename2 db 'instructions.bmp',0 filehandle1 dw ? filehandle2 dw ? Header1 db 54 dup (0) Header2 db 54 dup (0) Palette1 db 256*...
ethan fridkin's user avatar
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I tried to write a procedure that checks the number of times a letter (within an array) occurs in another array

I tried to create a “love calculator” by checking the number of times the letters T, R, U, E, L, O, V, and E (both lowercase and uppercase) are found in two names. I wrote it in a procedure so I could ...
mia herstein's user avatar
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running an imf file using dosbox in parallel to a game

i am making a game for a school project in 16 bit 8086 assembly(with TASM and tlink) and wanted to add music to my game via playing an imf file, but tasm has trouble including the imf file. so then i ...
Decoy2 Greenfield's user avatar
3 votes
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how to get rid of TASM warning Operand size conflict

When compiling the following assembly source file TASM 4.1 (tasm file.asm): ideal p386n model flat stack 100h ; Dummy, to pacify TASM. codeseg start: cmp bx, after-start after: db 66h, 81h, 0fbh dw ...
pts's user avatar
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Move string to end of file assembly

I need to move my message string to the end of program and the program need to output it correctly. How can I do that? .model small .stack 100h .data .code main: mov ax, @data mov ds, ax ...
agressive cat's user avatar
4 votes
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creating a 32-bit binary file with nonzero org with TASM+TLINK

I'm looking for the equivalent of the following assembly program with TASM, i.e. creating a 32-bit binary file with nonzero org. Here is how it works with NASM: ; $ nasm -O0 -f bin -o id.bin id.nasm ...
pts's user avatar
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I don't understand what's wrong with the code

I've copied a code from an assembly book and used an image I've converted from PNG to BMP, and called the file "doeshe.bmp" however, I don't see the picture. (I saved my picture in my TASM ...
mia herstein's user avatar
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Issue with Displaying Random Characters and Sound Playback Interruption in Assembly Code

IDEAL MODEL small stack 100h DATASEG freqs dw 165, 165, 196, 196, 220, 220, 196, 174, 165, 147, 147, 131, 131, 123, 123, 110, 110, 98, 98, 87, 87, 73, 73 times db 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 4, 2,...
benbo's user avatar
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Turbo Assembler (TASM) Undefined symbol error for extrn procedure

I am working on some Turbo Assembler which I was introduced to in my architecture class. The problem I am working on is using the extrn and include keywords to access a function/procedure from one ASM ...
Larry White's user avatar
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How to do a sorting algorithm

My teacher gave us an assignment to write source code that sorts numbers. The code is supposed to be made out of 2 procedures. Procedure 1 (Minimum) receives the address of the first element in a list ...
yarden's user avatar
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Why does the program crash at the line that moves the address of a string to BX?

I have this RPN calculator program in TASM that calculates an expression in the string data_stack: .model small .stack 100h .data data_stack db '3 4 +', 0 top equ 0 result db 0 .code ...
Muhab Joumaa's user avatar
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Why does this work in Turbo Debugger but not regularly

.586 IDEAL MODEL small STACK 100h jumps p186 DATASEG board dw 0ff00h,0ff00h,0ff00h,0ff00h,0ff00h,0ff00h,0ff00h,0ff00h,0ff00h,0ff00h,0ff00h,0ff00h,0ff00h,0ff00h,0ff00h,0ff00h,0ff00h,0ff00h,0ff00h,...
Niv Sorek's user avatar
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how to use mov ah, 0 int 16h so that the snake moves continuously

I'm making the snake game and ran into a problem. For now, I used int 21h, so it only moved when I pressed a key. Now I want it to move continuously so it isn't waiting for me to press a key but just ...
yarden's user avatar
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replacing values in an array and incrementing

I'm making the snake game and I ran into 2 problems. I can't understand how to do the replacement. When you move, in the DS you have the coordinates of the stars and each of them moves one spot to ...
yarden's user avatar
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Two infinity loops at the same time [duplicate]

recently I have been coding a game a wanted to make a 1v1 version but after adding the two-player I realized that when I make a player move (Infinty loop) the other player stops moving to let the loop ...
benbo's user avatar
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Adding Power Capability to this Simple Calculator

I've a simple calculator as below. I want to Add a Power Capability So that the calculator could Calculate the Power of 2 numbers which values are taken from User Input . Here Is the Code for 4 main ...
erfanyousefi's user avatar
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Collision detection in TASM asm

The algo im trying to implement is This is the code to get the Centers of Both the apple and the snake shr bx,1 mov [CenterSquare_X], bx ...
benbo's user avatar
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Implementing a collision algorithm in TASM

The algorithm was made by GB-ASM: You check the differences between 2 centers of 2 objects,and if the absolute value of the 2 differences are both smaller then the sam of their half widths, there is a ...
benbo's user avatar
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"Apple" not moving after colliding with it once

After first colliding with the apple it somtimes moves but after that u have no chance of getting it to move. this is checked using the check_collision function the compers both the x and y of the ...
benbo's user avatar
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Implementing a task deletion function in Assembly x86 tasm

I'm currently working on an Assembly x86 tasm language program for task management that allows adding and viewing tasks. However, I've been struggling to implement a function to delete a specific task....
Alexander's user avatar
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Printing a text triangle pattern using loops in TASM

in this exercise it asks to do the following. It's supposed to be run in dosbox and save the code in tasm. Activity: Write an assembly language program that will display the following output. Use ...
yukii cookie's user avatar
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Assembly Dosbox Calculator "Operand types do not match error"

hello guys I'm trying to kno if the test code given to me was correct or if I did not properly download my dosbox. the error says "Operand types do not match" This code was given to us by ...
Mark Anthony's user avatar
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How to Remove Leading Zeros from String? Convert int to fixed-width string with leading spaces instead of zeros

I'm very VERY new to Assembly language, and I would like to know how to remove the zeros in front of an integer string? This is the last thing I needed before completing it, and here is what our ...
dsadada's user avatar
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