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selenium python code executes perfectly in geany but not in terminal - hence not in autostart

I am using a python script to communicate between various raspi devices and my server. I want to create a python backend that handles settings communicated to it by my server. So far this part works ...
Philipp Klaschka's user avatar
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Why is Shift-Ctrl-V bound to Quit Geany - Is it possible to change it?

In many editing environments Ctrl-C and Ctrl-V are bound to Copy/Paste. In bash Shift-Ctrl-C is bound to copy (marked portions of the terminal) to clipboard and Shift-Ctrl-V is bound to Paste to the ...
Adalbert Hanßen's user avatar
1 vote
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Geany Plugins are installed but not visible

I have installed (via chocolatey) geany-plugins on geany 2.0 on windows. The plugins are aparently installed but the list of available plugins in Tools->Plugin Manager does not reflect them: enter ...
Sina NAKHOSTIN's user avatar
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Create tree folded structure from comments in code

I look for plugin for Kate or Geany that can generate tree structure from code comments, the example is Anchors in VS code
georgtree's user avatar
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Linking header file still leads to undefined reference

I have three files: vector2d.h referencing my functions. vector2d.c defining my functions. test_vectors.c as the main file. test_vectors.c doesn't build because it returns an undefined reference error ...
sidvworld's user avatar
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Using regex (Geany) to remove duplicate strings

I have Geany and I assume it uses PCRE regex. I have a list of lines that looks something like this: Kurt Phoebe ColtKurt Phoebe Colt Lane AnselLane Ansel Taylor Retha EvansTaylor Retha Evans Hilary ...
Dave Brunker's user avatar
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How to add files or libraries for autocompletion to Geany? (Vulkan headers in my case)

I'm going through the process of learning Vulkan, and it's getting rather tedious sometimes to do some long and complicated names of fields and enums. I know VSCode can autocomplete just fine, so it ...
Francisco Ayrolo's user avatar
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Inconsistent usage of Geany colour schemes

I'm new to developing C/C++ projects on Linux (specifically Raspberry Pi). I find that Geany seems to do everything I need. I also installed the official Colour Schemes as specified on the GitHub ...
Inq's user avatar
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Raspberry Pi; use geany(.py) to create a new folder and address code to it?

Sorry if this is obvious; I'm new to Rpi and Linux in general. Im trying to create code for a timelapse camera such that when it turns on, it starts taking images and saves them to a folder. The part ...
Andrew Miller's user avatar
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For Geany on Windows 11, how can I create a "build and run" command?

In Geany, I need to build the program first and then run it. I was wondering if there is one button for build and run--as in codeblocks, for example--it would be nice. I've tried so many different ...
Usama Elareeny's user avatar
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When i try to run/compile a java file with Geany it spits out an error [duplicate]

i wanted to learn java, and for text editor i use geany, i wanted to run this code: public class Main { public static void main(String args[]) { System.out.print("Java!&...
Fenni's user avatar
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Automatically continue Markdown list in Geany?

I write a lot of lists. Like this one. Very long lists, in fact. But I hate having to manually type the * on each new line. Is there any way to get Geany to automatically produce the * when I break a ...
J. Mini's user avatar
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How can I make Geany's Markdown syntax highlighting agree with indented code blocks?

Write the following in Geany * Item 1 * My code block will go after this line break ```sql CREATE EVENT SESSION query_performance ON SERVER ADD EVENT sqlserver.sql_statement_completed( ```...
J. Mini's user avatar
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How to play a turtle graphics game using joystick on a raspberry pi?

I am trying to use a joystick as a controller for my snake game using a Raspberry Pi. The problem is that my analog signal reader is blocking the code for the game itself. When I load in the game the ...
Paul Huynh's user avatar
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Why does numpy module fail in genpy?

I did all the downloads, I checked, but I couldn't figure out why geany gave an error. Works in Pycharm, no module errorDownloads GenpyPycharm I installed numpy as a package from settings in pycharm. ...
Meko's user avatar
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GnuWin (GSL) on Windows and Geany

I want to use GSL on a Windows 11 system using Geany as IDE for coding in C. I installed GnuWin directly on the C-drive and added C:\GnuWin\bin in PATH, but still I cannot get Geany to compile. I'm no ...
Bert Beirinckx's user avatar
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Why the numbers are wrong, when I use range(1, 101) in Geany?

When I use range(1, 101) in Geany, something strange happens. What's wrong? This is my code: for number in range(1, 101): print(number) This is what I got in Geany: 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 8 86 87 88 89 ...
flora's user avatar
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Are Project|Properties|Build and Build|Set Build Commands really different as the manual says?

In Geany, when I navigate to either Project|Properties|Build or Build|Set Build Commands I get the same dialog, even with the same dialog title, and if I modify one or the other they both change. ...
jcoppens's user avatar
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How to find geany any key in keyboard to continue?

I want to find any key in geany. I pressed some keys to continue. But I didn't find that key.
chamathsara Buddhini's user avatar
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Python Code on Raspberry Pi Stops after several hours but used to run for months

As the title says it is a Python script which used to run for weeks/months at a time but now suddenly stops working after several hours. There is no error message. There are no other indications that ...
Johan's user avatar
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Geany Message Window Cutoff from Screen

I have been using geany for a couple of days now. Today, I logged into my device, launched Geany and noticed the message window is about halfway cutoff. Thank you in advance! Does anyone have any ...
Brandon Payne's user avatar
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undefined reference to raspicam

i have faced some error in camera initialization in geany compiler g++ $(pkg-config opencv4 --cflags --libs) -o g++ $(pkg-config raspicam --cflags --libs) -o cameratest cameratest.cpp (in directory: /...
Talha Faraz's user avatar
-1 votes
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Geany Terminal has the characters spaced out for some reason

When I was playing around with terminal settings, my terminal started spacing out the characters a lot. I haven't played around with Geany settings other than that and I use it for C++. The computer I'...
TensorTorch's user avatar
-3 votes
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"./main: not found" (C++, RP 3/B, Geany IDE)

I'm attempting to write a simple program that calls a function written in a pair of Header and CPP files. I'm doing this on a Raspberry Pi 3 Model B, and the Geany IDE v1.37.1. Compile Command: g++ -...
Runsva's user avatar
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geany error "Program exited with code: 126"

I'm trying to program a simple hello world program using c++/geany on the raspberry pi. However, when I try to run it. The output terminal says "Program exited with code: 126". Can anyone ...
bc345's user avatar
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Writing code for main function in order to find sum of digits in a number

I need to write a short program that asks for positive integer, reads the number and then prints results of operations by both functions. I've already written both fuctions which look like this: def ...
koral ina's user avatar
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escaping issue with script that uses ssh via sshpass and runs nmap inside ssh server

Problem is, when using the sshpass command you need to use ‘ ‘ (apostrophes) in order to input the command. When I try to use nmap, I'm using hostname -I and awk. The awk ‘{print .. ‘ apostrophe ...
Koren's user avatar
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Configure the run command

I begin to use geany to play with rust under Windows 10. I would like to configure the "run command" to read stdin from a file (e.g. my_program < in.txt) I am only interest with "...
joel76's user avatar
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No module named 'irisreader' in Geany

I have installed irisreader module using : pip install irisreader When I run python3 in terminal and import irisreader, it is ok (no error). But, when I run python3 in Geany, there is message : No ...
mega saputra's user avatar
8 votes
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Regular Expression to Remove Line Breaks from Specific Lines

I have a text file with each paragraph on its own line. Some of the paragraphs got split at the start of a word. For example: Books are an effective way to communicate across time, both from the ...
Dave Brunker's user avatar
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how to add cout<<%cursor%<<endl;

I tried opening Tools-> configuration file -> snippets.conf and edited [c++] block #~ [C++] #~ cout=cout<<%cursor%<<endl; #~ if=if (%cursor%)%block_cursor% #~ else=else%block_cursor% ...
Chintu sharma's user avatar
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txt file rendered perfectly from pdf, opens with perfect alignment in text editor, can not load into dataframe

I can not figure out how generic text processors like Geany or the new default gnome Text Editor parse my text files. The column alignment is perfect. Using cat -nA sees the correct delimiters, but ...
depling's user avatar
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How do I run the PWM with wiringPi?? (Issue with pwmMode PWM)

I am trying to run a PWM programm in geany (C language with a Raspberry 4B). I can compile and build the program; however, when I run it the next erro appears: pinMode PWM: unable to do this when ...
emmanuel's user avatar
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How can I build the file in C++ with wiringPi?

I am trying to run an example program from the wiringPi in C++ in Geany software(called blink.cpp) This is the code (I did not do it, I took it directly from the wiringPi exmples in order to see how ...
emmanuel's user avatar
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html page cant be opened in raspberry Pi

I'm making my first HTML page I have tried to do it on my computer and it loaded very fine, but when I do the same steps in my PI the HTML page won't load (i tried the simple HTML page provided by ...
tessa Brock's user avatar
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Geany snippets: change the outcome of %cursor%

I love Geany and I love Geany snippets. However I found an annoying little quirk: the result of "a=" e.g. <a href="%cursor%" target="%cursor%" class="%cursor%&...
bert's user avatar
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How to add the custom compile commands in VS Code?

I usually do competitive programming in Geany IDE and have the following custom compile command to compile C++ programs - g++ -std=c++17 -Wshadow -Wall -o "%e" "%f" -g -fsanitize=...
sushruta19's user avatar
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How i can debug and use Arduino on Geany Ide?

i use Debian 11. i need to debugging and write for Arduino on Geany Ide. Can you help me please? I have tried to install Arduino on Geany but it hasn't worked.I need to install also Geanypy but it ...
Matplayer2's user avatar
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how to force geany recognice custom filetypes and settings?

I am on linux ubuntu 20.04 geany version: geany 1.36 (built on 2020-03-22 with GTK 3.24.14, GLib 2.64.1) simplest test possible: at tools menu, edit the asm single line comment from ';' to '#' reload ...
Aquarius Power's user avatar
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Geany and Python 3. Sending text to terminal automatically adds indentation. Why?

I'm running python 3.19 (in ipython 8.1) with Geany (Manjaro XFCE), and when I send the following text to terminal (with keyboard shortcut): def myequation(x, B, a): y=np.exp(-B*x) return y I ...
sac's user avatar
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writing .Rmd files in Geany IDE

I've been using Geany under Linux to write R scripts for years. Now I want to use R Notebook and R Markdown. So, what should I do to make Geany recognize .Rmd files used by R? Is it possible? I did ...
Antonio's user avatar
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is there a way to run a .s file in geany (its not in the available selections)?

I noticed that the .s extension is not in the new file creation for Geany. How can assembly language run in Geany then? Please see image in the hyperlink below. Geany New File (does not have .s or ...
Sam's user avatar
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is there a way to generate a .o file for Geany?

I am getting the following error: clang: error: no such file or directory: 'Assignment_1.o' clang: error: no such file or directory: 'Assignment_1.o' clang: error: no input files Compilation failed. ...
Sam's user avatar
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How can i configure my Geany Text Editor like this below picture?

Geany with Cool Font & Theme In this picture above, i want to know which font & which theme is this ? I also want to configure my Geany Text Editor like above picture. I tried, ...
razaviimran's user avatar
2 votes
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Can Geany give me the character location of the text cursor?

I'm on Mint, using Geany to program with a tool that will give me the line and column location of a code bug; but it won't go further than opening the file with Geany, I have to find it myself. That's ...
Michael Macha's user avatar
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Got an issue with the graph unit in my Pascal program

I'm new to this forum. I'm here to ask you guys your help. I have an assignment where I have to code a game in Pascal, which is a brick breaker in my case. Though I stumbled upon a problem that I don'...
TheRealBilly's user avatar
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Undefined symbols for architecture x84_64

I'm a beginner with C++ and I'm currently trying to compile an easy program with Geany, but it doesn't recognize the type 'auto' because it's a C++11 extension, and then when execute the terminal ...
Queenie07's user avatar
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python import module in geany or thonny doesn't work, while it does on terminal

I'm pretty new to the python thing and have a hard time setting up my environment for development of a intel realsense application on a raspberry pi 4. Coming from Windows PC where everything works ...
joeCrow's user avatar
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How to connect signals to handle in gtk+-3.0 application, using glade ang geany ide's on arch linux system?

I tried to make simple application using glade and geany ide's but can't do nothing to connect signals set in glade to my handlers. I used this command to build: "Short" version: gcc -Wall -...
M.A.G.Gen.'s user avatar
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.exe file closing abruptly outside code editor

So I compiled and ran the following C program: #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> int main() { int **p,n,i,j,trace=0; printf("Enter the order of the square matrix\n")...
Martund's user avatar
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