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2 answers

Question about printing: displaying value reflecting change

I have some question about printing on C. Here is my code. while(1) { if(Button == 32) { break; } else { if(Button == 1) count += 1; if(...
K C's user avatar
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Difference between Active data position & Active presentation position

What is the key output difference between Active data position and Active presentation position defined separately in ECMA-48 in 4.2.5 and 4.2.6 ? I tried to move my cursor to a different coordinate ...
Noman's user avatar
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SetConsoleCursorPosition : Getting black rows in console upon use

Following my previous question about making a snake program more fluid, I went and tried ANSI escape sequences and console functions to put back the text cursor on the top left corner. I want to get ...
raiskader's user avatar
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Interference between the escape sequence to find cursor position and `stdin()` in raw mode

I am writing a shell emulator in C, and put the terminal in raw mode. To get the cursor position and move using termcaps when necessary, I printed the escape sequence \033[6n and parsed its return. ...
Lazare Rossillon's user avatar
5 votes
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GLFW Mouse event lag with window drag

I am trying to drag an undecorated window in GLFW but am encountering some event lag, even though I am using glfwWaitEvents() I have a cursor position callback, and a simple loop: // register a ...
Keyboard Princess's user avatar
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Disable all Emacs c-mode reformatting, insertion/refusal, cursor jumps

I want to keep all syntax highlighting, autocomplete, commands etc. of Emacs c-mode (and I'll add in company-mode or similar shortly) but I want to disable everything in c-mode which: Reformats other ...
El Zorko's user avatar
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ncurses mvaddch() cursor movement a possible bug?

Code: #include <ncurses.h> int main(int argc, char **argv) { initscr(); noecho(); cbreak(); mvprintw(0, 0, curses_version()); mvprintw(1, 0, "Hello World"); mvaddch(...
rootkea's user avatar
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how to position the cursor on the screen?

I'm new in programming and currently learning about arrays in C. I'm making a puzzle that contains 15 numbered square pieces mounted on a frame and one piece is empty.It allow the user to hit any of ...
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Cursor positioning in Terminal using C program

My program will open a file and print the contents in the terminal. As the file is large, the terminal goes two or more page. I'll have to slide up to the first line of the file to read from the ...
Gomathi's user avatar
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Why does XWarpPointer only work once (while in a loop)?

Why does XWarpPointer only work once? When I run: #include <stdio.h> #include <X11/Xlib.h> #include <X11/Xutil.h> #include <X11/Xatom.h> int main() { Display *dpy = ...
Crazy Chenz's user avatar
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10 votes
4 answers

Moving the cursor to the beginning of the current line

I want to print current time (by using printf) in same place, but i want to do it in infinite loop eg: while(1) {printf("Date and Time are %s", asctime(localtime(&current))); } So ...
JosiP's user avatar
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