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Conditional rendering of multiple tables in Vue.js

I'm building a Vue.js application that requires conditional rendering of multiple tables based on certain conditions. I have a set of flags that determine which tables should be rendered, and I'm ...
Khan's user avatar
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Dynamic Form Fields Based on Selected Category in React Native

I am developing a React Native application where I need to create a form that displays different fields based on the user's selected category. I am using Formik for form handling and want to ...
Indra prashad Sharma's user avatar
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Safari 18 rendering bug - it doesn't hide element after removing from DOM

I try to hide element from DOM, using React conditional rendering {isShowConversationBlock && ( <div className={styles.conversationWrapper}> <ConversationBlock ...
CoonJS's user avatar
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How do I activate a hidden div via a select form that is useState? [closed]

Please understand I am just learning.... can someone help modify the code so that when the ‘yes’ option is selected, a hidden part of the form is shown to allow additional completion? I tried to do ...
Mateusz Rozbiewski's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to pass a component and state value in React to render conditional data based on user selection?

I am working on a React project where I have two components, UserRules (Component A) and UserEmail (Component B). I need to pass the value of a state variable selectedVoucherOption from Component A to ...
flash's user avatar
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React: why is my conditionally rendered component not being rendered even though condition is being satisfied?

In React, have a parent component which conditionally renders the Output component based on whether there is a selected thread: <div className="flex-grow overflow-y-auto p-4"> {...
nzt's user avatar
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Conditional Rendering of Controlled Components Giving a Blank Page When False

I've been working on my first React Project, a CV application where users can input their information and generate a CV. After the user submits the form, the form should disappear and the relevant ...
Aviral Mehrotra's user avatar
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conditional rendering in react + firebase [duplicate]

I want my code to conditionally render some pages after authentication but the current problem I am facing is they are rendering even without authentication. A user can access the pages without ...
Shareef's user avatar
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React: How to check if a component returns anything or not ( using Javascript )

I'm using my components as below and I want to check if one of inner components is returning anything or not to make style decisions based on that. <Grid xs={12} md={ Bar() ? 8 : 12 }> <Foo ...
Rocky's user avatar
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What is an intercepting route in Next.js?

After reading the official documentation, I still didn't understand Next.js intercepting routes. Given: My questions: When we navigate to /photo/id1, do both page.js files get rendered? When we ...
Chong Lip Phang's user avatar
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how to keep constant variable on react rendering

i've got stuck in react problems. I've create an online shop (front-end) website in react const products = [ { id: 1, name: "Oppo", price: 200, unit: 1, img: "oppo.jpg" }, { id:...
user25549839's user avatar
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React Navigation Material Top Tabs Navigator conditional rendering blank screen on iOS

I'm experiencing this issue with my Expo React Native app on iOS only where a blank screen is displayed after swapping the Login screen with the Main screen based on simple component state change, e.g....
nvbach91's user avatar
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React State Update Not Reflecting Immediately in Conditional Rendering

I am working on a React component where I need to select an item from a list and update the state with the selected item's ID. I then want to conditionally render the selected item. However, I am ...
Deivid Micael's user avatar
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Conditional rendering not working for flutter widgets

Inside the build method 👇🏽 Widget build(BuildContext context) { final provider = Provider.of<StateProvider>(context, listen: false); // Get the selected question details from the ...
Dumindu Jayasekara's user avatar
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Next.js conditional rendering on small screens

I'm using a custom hook to render different elements on the page based on the screen size. Hovewer during rendering there is a delay because of the useEffect hook. Elements that are rendered ...
ledmatrix's user avatar
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Unexpected behaviour when conditionally rendering the same input component with different defaultValue

NOTE: this question aims to understand why this code gives this behaviour, not what alternative code would give the desired one. I have a custom component to represent a particular form field, and I ...
Manuel Lera Ramírez's user avatar
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Render different pages on same route but for different subdomains in a single nextjs app

I have a nextjs 14 frontend app, a python fast api backend. I have app router implemented in the app. I want to create a different website on which is different from ...
moin bhokare's user avatar
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how to know if the app is on the not found page in nextjs 14 app router

I'm encountering difficulty determining if my Next.js application is on the 404 not-found page within the app router. I have a functioning 404 not-found page that displays when the URL doesn't match ...
Abdul Vahid's user avatar
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Input element is not displaying

In my React app, I am trying to create logic for how my input elements should be displayed. I used the window.innerWidth for different screen sizes, as is seen below: <div className='Trends'> ...
Anthony Onah's user avatar
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3 answers

Render React child component with conditional rendering and one general wrapping html element

I have a React component: const Options = () => { // Option logic if (isOptionOne) { return <OptionOne />; } if (isOptionTwo) { return <OptionTwo />; } if (...
meez's user avatar
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Re-rendering conditional buttons

This is for an interactive bible. In the following code I have buttons that are being conditionally rendered based upon the buttons I previously clicked. The code calls an API to retrieve the data. ...
Herbie's user avatar
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Media Viewer in React: Displaying Single and Multiple Images from Firebase Storage

Problem Description I have a list of media items retrieved from Firebase Storage categorized as usersingleMedia and usermultipleMedia. The media can be a single image, a single video, or a folder ...
Dilip Kumar's user avatar
-1 votes
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Is component duplication for responsive display in react a good idea?

I am trying to display a component called 'BillingInfo' on my checkoutpage in react . using tailwind css. <Checkout> //some complex layout //container 1 <div > /** other ...
Ranjeet Thorat's user avatar
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Showing the raw json data on refreshing the page

I have built a mern stack gmail clone and i have deployed the project and after the deployment when i open the link and login to my application and it logged me in very well and display the data ...
Jashan Arora's user avatar
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Conditional styling not working as intended

Creating tabs always works well in React and this is working when opening in a browser, but the 'tabActive' styling is not removed when another tab gets clicked. 'tabActive' styling is getting applied ...
DougFrancis's user avatar
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Javascript HTML conditional display table of rows looses table column alignment

Hello HTML/Javascript experts, I need to render large tables (few hundred rows at least) in a browser. In order to help navigating I want to turn on and off sub sets of the rows by check buttons in ...
stacky67's user avatar
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How conditionally add an HTML attribute to an element in Astro

I am using Astro and TypeScript. How do I add conditionally an HTML attribute rel="noreferrer" to an element in Astro? So when targetBlank = false it doesn't render rel attribute in the dom? ...
meez's user avatar
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Conditionally render images which are meant to serve as only background elements for body so they don't add height on pages with too little content

I have some NextJS image components to the RootLayout of a NextJS component and gave them negative z-indexes and positioned them absolutely as some content is dynamic and I wanted them to be placed in ...
Tamilore Simpson's user avatar
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jsx conditional rendering won't update on state change

I want to conditionally render jsx in my AuthForm component and i'm having trouble specifically with the 'isPasscodeEntry' scenario. My AuthForm component conditionally renders an input form based on ...
codereyes's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

How can i display only my Register component in my React app

I have been trying to display the register component of my react app which comprises of register forms. However, I have not been able to succeed and the youtube videos are confusing me more. ...
Anthony Onah's user avatar
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React , when you add class remove other ones

I got a total of 3 conditions. When I add the class possible-links-cont-star-btn with the x.feature condition I want to remove the all other classes element have. <Link key={i} onClick={() =>...
Cem's user avatar
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Issue with Conditional Rendering in React Custom Component

I'm facing an issue with conditional rendering in a custom component in my React application. I've been working on creating a custom component for conditional rendering that renders content only when ...
SANTHOSHKUMAR_S's user avatar
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Trying to display different value depending on other values in React

I have this conditional rendering {livematchcard.event.status_name != "Ολοκληρώθηκε" ? "Τελικό" : (livematchcard.event.sport_id == 4 ? ( ...
agrotis2231's user avatar
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Use both operators in conditional render React

I am trying to create a condition in order to render an error message in a React App. This is my code {channel.length > 0 || sport.length > 0 && ref.current == true && <Error ...
agrotis2231's user avatar
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React derived state. Whats wrong with this code

Coming from angular, i would like to know what's wrong with this code. I've been told that i should use useMemo (for the fitlering part) and useRef (to store products). I know how to do that, but i ...
stackoverflower's user avatar
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Conditionally render an image or a video in React

so I have a form to let the user upload an image OR a video. Both fields have a default image. I've tried different approaches to render whatever the user uploaded (image or video), but nothing has ...
Sara Bojorge's user avatar
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Conditional Rendering on BottomTab Navigator not working

So what i am trying to do is that I am doing conditional rendering of my AccountStack and AuthStack on my AccountTab, now my AuthStack contains screens Welcome, Login and Otp and after entering the ...
Faiz Khan's user avatar
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The component in Nextjs flashes in conditional rendering

I want a component to render based on token is available or not - similar to the jwt localstorage authentication. The issue i found that whenever I refresh the page when the token is available still ...
eternalyogi's user avatar
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What is wrong with this React conditional rendering expression?

I had the below Reactjs snippet in our UI, which works fine now. <Select label="Send To" labelId="send-to-label" ...
user21996911's user avatar
-4 votes
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"JSX element 'div' has no corresponding closing tag." [closed]

I got an error message when I tried to run the code: "JSX element 'div' has no corresponding closing tag." I was trying to learn conditional loading message. return ( <div className=&...
Sruthi VS's user avatar
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I am not getting data from api after refreshing the web page in next.js

I am working on a project, where I am using conditional rendering. I am not sure what the cause but I am not getting data from api after refreshing the page. Image of the page on first load Image ...
Shivam Dubey's user avatar
3 votes
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React: How to use conditional render and react-hooks to update another component's state?

I'm new to React. I'm trying to create a Login/Register Screen. I have three components called Login, Register and SlidingCard. I render these componenets on other jsx file called Screen. In ...
Görkem Tandoğan's user avatar
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How to change my react webpage according to the button I am pressing on a static webpage?

I am basically creating an online game .I have set up an Express server which till now served static webpages . Now , I have static webpage which has two buttons 'Create Game' and 'Join Game'. Now, ...
Metronome's user avatar
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What's the proper way to render a single element of an array in Svelte?

I have an array of nodes, which in my case are objects that have some data, including an id. I only want to display the active node, which is found by comparing the node ID with the active node ID. I ...
Zach Saucier's user avatar
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VueJS Conditional rendering with v-show and json

I'm building a portfolio with VueJs and would display projects with selected tags. Here is my code: <script lang="ts"> import projectsData from "../projects.json" export ...
Saantuu's user avatar
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Conditional render of super index with react

I'm having a hard time trying to achieve this approach: I have to add a super index number only in some list items depending on their ID. What I is when product with id 198940 and 20084 both exist ...
danipereiracodes's user avatar
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Why is react-nestable rendering [object Object] instead of expected JSX?

I am trying to render custom JSX snippets based on the objects stored in an array in using react nestable. But instead of the JSX snippet, [object Object] gets rendered on the screen. Here is my code /...
Siddhartha Sahu's user avatar
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Can i render a react context this way?

Currently I have a context to return the verification status of a given user. This context is wrapping all the App. I have one UnAuthStatusProvider: const UnAuthStatusProvider:FC = ({ children }) =>...
João Freitas's user avatar
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Cannot render third react component using conditional rendering

import React, { useState } from 'react' const LoginPage = () => { const [isLogin, setIsLogin] = useState(true); const [isSignUp, setIsSignUp] = useState(true); const [isAdmin, ...
Kittu Kittu's user avatar
1 vote
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Is there a possible way to have conditional rendering inside of flatlist in react native?

In the below flatlist the values of event.Tr1C2 may come as undefined in response I would like to display the whole text component only if the value is not undefined and would like to hide the ...
Tony Smith's user avatar

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