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React State Update Not Reflecting Immediately in Conditional Rendering

I am working on a React component where I need to select an item from a list and update the state with the selected item's ID. I then want to conditionally render the selected item. However, I am ...
Deivid Micael's user avatar
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2 answers

React derived state. Whats wrong with this code

Coming from angular, i would like to know what's wrong with this code. I've been told that i should use useMemo (for the fitlering part) and useRef (to store products). I know how to do that, but i ...
stackoverflower's user avatar
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Conditional Rendering on BottomTab Navigator not working

So what i am trying to do is that I am doing conditional rendering of my AccountStack and AuthStack on my AccountTab, now my AuthStack contains screens Welcome, Login and Otp and after entering the ...
Faiz Khan's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

React: How to use conditional render and react-hooks to update another component's state?

I'm new to React. I'm trying to create a Login/Register Screen. I have three components called Login, Register and SlidingCard. I render these componenets on other jsx file called Screen. In ...
Görkem Tandoğan's user avatar
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Why error message doesn't conditionally render?

username state const [username, setUsername] = useState({ name: "", isValid: true, error_message: "start with a letter \n allowed characters: a-z A-Z 0-9 - and _ "...
rigan's user avatar
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How to conditionally render a Login OR a Dashboard based on a user Redux state?

This is my code: // Components import Dashboard from './Dashboard'; import Login from './Authentication/Login'; import { Route } from "react-router-dom"; // Redux import { useSelector, ...
Nikhil Bhave's user avatar
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useState() for conditional styles

I am new to react and working on a project and was wondering how to change the theme of a single Footer component conditionally. Attached are the two themes I am trying to render. Here is the code I ...
Kade's user avatar
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I cant make a navigation bar to change its background only on main(/) content in REACT

I have a Header component like this const [small, setSmall] = useState(false) console.log(window.location.pathname) console.log(window.location.pathname === '/') useEffect(() => ...
Y U K I M U R A's user avatar
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React component appears and disappears instantly in conditional rendering

For following scenario : When user don't have admin access, else case is rendering and disappearing instantly after it. I can see blank page only after it. How to resolve this scenario ? function ...
Akshay phalphale's user avatar
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How do I use like & unlike functionality on every element while using map to render those elements?

I have social media posts stored in firebase and each post has a like button. I am using map() function to render those posts but I have declared a single state for like button using useState(). When ...
Gurudatt Puranik's user avatar
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Conditional rendering in <td> for respective row when a button in that row is clicked

I want to implement a functionality where I can render the values of array and when I click on update for a particular record, conditional rendering should happen for some td's. I have implemented ...
Shrutika Dorugade's user avatar
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Conditional rendering with useEffect / useState, why is there a delay in the DOM when switching components?

Intro / Context I am trying to build an application using React that allows for image or video display based on a chosen menu item. I am currently using Advanced Custom Fields within WordPress to ...
Kevin's user avatar
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How to conditionally render a component in react.js?

I am new to React and for my first project I'm trying to build an expense-tracker, by Traversy Media on YT. I've thought to expand project a little bit by adding a date component to it. My current ...
 अंशुल's user avatar
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How to add if condition inside of useState in React

I want to add if condition inside of use state. So here is my code example: const [buttonName, setButtonName] = useState('Connect Wallet'); const changeButtonName = () => { localStorage....
breking bed's user avatar
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Is there any alternative way to call a react hook conditionally?

Using react hooks inside any function of condition is invalid. Neither can I do conditional rendering for a hook. Is there any way to use a hook with emplement condition? Please share code
Sanaullah's user avatar
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How can I conditionally render this component based on whether or not there is data in localstorage?

I want MyList to render whatever is in localStorage (works great), however when there is nothing in local storage and I render the component, it renders empty. I would like to have a placeholder there ...
JLB's user avatar
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component not rendering after setState in React.js

I'm trying to render a component conditionally based on a particular state. The code below is inside of a mapping on another file. I have a setState const of open and whenever a user clicks the '...
Claude M's user avatar
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How to test a component that renders conditional display?

I try to test a functional component which use useSelector hook to get data from state and renders according to the state. I wrote a test for that component. It seems logical to me and it works. But I'...
nagehan's user avatar
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Conditional rendering with every Update in text of search-field in a Todo List App

I have a react To Do list and i display an array of components when the app is first loaded and whenever a user types in some string in search field i wish to make an regex comparison and ...
JJY9's user avatar
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How to hide element when device keyboard active using hooks?

I wanted to convert a hide element when keyboard active HOC I found to the newer react-native version using hooks (useEffect), the original solution using the older react lifecycle hooks looks like ...
Brian Var's user avatar
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React.js: How to return the previous state value when cancel is clicked in a input field that changes the state [duplicate]

The parent component passes every prop, state and function, to the child component. Child component has no state or function of its own. Multiple of the same child component are rendered depending on ...
forest's user avatar
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Conditional rendering with AND logical operator always returns true in React

I am doing a project where I want to close a dialog after the login is done in a async-await arrow function, for that I call the login function in a button and wait for the return (true if login its ...
juan angel trujillo jimenez's user avatar
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Re-Render Conditional Rendered Components in React

I have a component that takes some input and then when I submit that input on click, the submit-on-click function will set a useState hook to true ( setBoolInput(true) ), then in my App.js file, will ...
dramadom's user avatar
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Argument of type 'unknown' is not assignable to parameter of type 'SetStateAction<string>'

I've got a useState variable that's grabbing the value from a select input, and conditionally rendering a text component based on that. i.e, if they select other in the select input, a text input for ...
roninMo's user avatar
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conditional rendering not acting uniformly in reactjs?

I have used conditional rendering in the past but for some reason, it's working on one element here but not on another although they are both using the same JSON phrasing and the same type of ...
lukeet's user avatar
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Conditional Rendering,use-timeout Invalid hook call React

When check is true I want to display Next button.I get errors like unexpected token,invalid hook call. Please help me.Thanks in advance. import React from "react"; import useTimeout from "use-timeout"...
mamadgi aishwarya's user avatar
1 vote
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State update doesn't trigger rerender in conditional rendering component

My component roughly looks like this: import useCustomHook from "./hooks"; const Test = () => { const [data, setData] = useCustomHook("example-key", {ready: false}); return ( data....
Peter Lu's user avatar
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22 votes
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React JS: How to animate conditionally rendered components?

Example is a functional component in which I am rendering a div conditionally. I want this div to fade-in when rendered conditionally and fade-out vice versa. For that, I have maintained two local ...
Vinay Sharma's user avatar
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How to write a test for conditional rendering component depended on useState hook in React?

I'm trying to write a test for my functional component, but don't understand how to mock isRoomsLoaded to be true, so I could properly test my UI. How and what do I need to mock? import React, { ...
Simeon Johns's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

React-Hook conditional rendering (no error, but don't work)

I have have no error in my code. But my condition, finally don't work. const togglePeronsHandler = () => { const doesShow = personsState.showPersons; personsState.showPersons = !doesShow;...
Reuno92's user avatar
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